Assholes making trouble in Oregon

And just so you know...I come by all the material I've posted via the people who live there. Including the huffpo piece.
No you haven't posted "multiple videos", Allie.
Yes, I have. I've posted at least three videos in the last day alone of locals speaking out against federal tyranny and in support of the bundys. To packed houses and the cheers and whoops of locals.
"...a little rebellion now and then is a good thing..." [but not if it involves "The Negro"]
--Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1787.
No you haven't posted "multiple videos", Allie.
Yes, I have. I've posted at least three videos in the last day alone of locals speaking out against federal tyranny and in support of the bundys. To packed houses and the cheers and whoops of locals.
The locals must hate deadbeats as much as I do.

The Decline of the Bundy Rebellion
At a community meeting Monday night in the town of Burns, residents vented their frustrations with the militia led by Ammon and Ryan Bundy, which has occupied the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. “Our community does not want you here,” Mayor Craig LaFollette said. “Leave peacefully and soon.” Teenagers spoke of their fear of leaving home. One resident, Dave Brown was blunter: “There's enough crazies in this county to throw your ass out.”
Bundy and his buddy can't hold up in there forever. And the best part of this is... When it's all over, they will be going either to jail or to the morgue.
They will have the bill to pay that the sheriff & mayor drew-up.
Militia occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

By late 2015, the Hammond case had attracted the attention of members of the family of Cliven Bundy, including sons Ammon and Ryan. The Bundys publicized the situation via social media, drawing interest from militia groups outside Oregon who sought to publicly endorse the Hammonds to draw attention to unrelated issues.[29][40] The Hammonds rejected the offers of assistance with Hammond attorney W. Alan Schroeder writing that "neither Ammon Bundy nor anyone within his group/organization speak for the Hammond family."[3]When later asked about the occupation, Susan Hammond, the wife of Dwight Hammond, was dismissive and said, "I don't really know the purpose of the guys who are out there."[41]

Harney County sheriff David Ward agreed to meet with the militia members who requested the sheriff's office protect the Hammonds from being taken into custody by federal authorities. Though Ward said he sympathized with the Hammonds' plight, he declined the militias' request. Ward said that he subsequently received death threats by email.[29]
Huh ?
Oregon Militiamen Appear To Be Preparing To Put Local Officials On 'Trial
Yeah, the mayor, the sheriff and one weirdo judge who has had land issues with the locals want them to go. Or at least, they did. Haven't heard from the mayor and the judge recently.

The ones I have heard from..the people who live and own land there, say that the Bundys are fine and the Hammonds are the best people in the world. They hate the feds, and they hate progressive douchebags.

But there are a lot of progressive douchebags willing to lie, cheat, whatever they have to to get their hands on things that aren't theirs. The Oregonian and PBS have long been recognized progressive mouthpieces.

In the whole county there are 7000 people. They are an oppressed minority, and look who piles on...the so-called heroes of minorities everywhere.

But they aren't.

According to the Oregonian, self-proclaimed U.S. Superior Court Judge Bruce Doucette (not a real judge) arrived in Harney County Tuesday and is readying militiamen for a big old trial.

Oregon Militiamen Appear To Be Preparing To Put Local Officials On 'Trial'

Thankfully appellant Judge Judy can overturn any ruling he makes. As can Judge Dredd and Judge Rienhold.
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Yeah, the mayor, the sheriff and one weirdo judge who has had land issues with the locals want them to go. Or at least, they did. Haven't heard from the mayor and the judge recently.

The spoke a week ago. How much more recent do you want?

The majority of folks at the town meeting asked them to leave. The Governor has asked them to leave. The owners of the land have asked them to leave. The Hammonds say they have nothing to do with them. The Mayor has asked them to leave. The Sheriff has asked them to leave.

With none of the 'militia' being locals. But out of state carpetbaggers.

And demonstrating the lie of their 'local control' horseshit, the 'militia' have told the locals people, the local sheriff, the local mayor, even the governor of the state to go fuck themselves. And brought in their OWN judge (not a judge, fyi) to 'try' the locals.

With the 'judge' they've called in also not a local.

It appears that when the militia says 'local control', they mean only themselves, with 'local' being whatever county they choose to invade. These guys are wiping their ass with their own rhetoric.
Oh, and its gets better:

There are continual reports of law enforcement officers and community members being followed home; of people sitting in cars outside their homes, observing their movements and those of their families; and of people following them and their families as they move around the community," Ward said on Monday.

"While not direct physical threats, these activities are clearly designed to try to intimidate," he said.

Some of the armed protesters have been able to leave and return from the refuge center during the occupation.

Oregon protesters harassing police, sheriff says -

Now, contrast the rights reaction to this with the panty shitting hysterics of ONE black panther party member who stood out in front of a polling station, intimidating people. Which FOX ran with for 4 YEARS.

But white male militia thugs following cops and their families.....and not a peep.
Yeah, the mayor, the sheriff and one weirdo judge who has had land issues with the locals want them to go. Or at least, they did. Haven't heard from the mayor and the judge recently.

The ones I have heard from..the people who live and own land there, say that the Bundys are fine and the Hammonds are the best people in the world. They hate the feds, and they hate progressive douchebags.

But there are a lot of progressive douchebags willing to lie, cheat, whatever they have to to get their hands on things that aren't theirs. The Oregonian and PBS have long been recognized progressive mouthpieces.

In the whole county there are 7000 people. They are an oppressed minority, and look who piles on...the so-called heroes of minorities everywhere.

But they aren't.
Cool story, Allie.
Oh, and its gets better:

There are continual reports of law enforcement officers and community members being followed home; of people sitting in cars outside their homes, observing their movements and those of their families; and of people following them and their families as they move around the community," Ward said on Monday.

"While not direct physical threats, these activities are clearly designed to try to intimidate," he said.

Some of the armed protesters have been able to leave and return from the refuge center during the occupation.

Oregon protesters harassing police, sheriff says -

Now, contrast the rights reaction to this with the panty shitting hysterics of ONE black panther party member who stood out in front of a polling station, intimidating people. Which FOX ran with for 4 YEARS.

But white male militia thugs following cops and their families.....and not a peep.
Actually, it was two NBP members...and they STILL whine about how frightening it was. And they didn't have guns...can you imagine the fainting spells on the RW if they'd open carried?

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