Assholes making trouble in Oregon

According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.

Why did the feds set those fires?
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.

Eyewitnesses with an agenda similar to yours. There were hundreds of firefighters on the scene fighting that fire for days. The region was given evacuation warnings. Those ranchers said their cattle were burned out on the range. Why were they out there at all with wildfires in the area? The ranchers should have rounded them up sooner. Firefighters do their best to save property but aren't always successful. To say that any firefighter deliberately destroyed property is not only dishonest but straight up crazy.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
Ya gotta remember, in koshergrl's case, it's nutters of a feather, chock together.
George Washington would not side with the West's sagebrush rebels

The armed militants who have taken over a national wildlife refuge in southeast Oregon need to study their country’s earliest history. They justify their actions with a bogus interpretation of American law rooted in ideas born in the Reconstruction-era South that essentially denies the authority of the federal government to do much of anything. These misguided sagebrush rebels need to learn that the issue of the central government’s power was largely settled back when George Washington was president.

In order to help pay off the big national and state debts incurred during the American Revolution, Washington’s treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, proposed a tax on whiskey and other distilled spirits that Congress approved in 1790. The reaction to the tax out on the Western frontier — which, in those days, was Kentucky and western Pennsylvania — was negative and violent. Militias were formed, tax collectors were tarred and feathered, supporters of the tax were driven out of communities and armed confrontations ended with property destroyed and people killed.

This insurrection came to be known as the Whiskey Rebellion and it did not die down until Washington sent in a federalized militia force numbering close to 13,000 men.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
A lie that was rejected by the judge in the trial.
George Washington would not side with the West's sagebrush rebels

The armed militants who have taken over a national wildlife refuge in southeast Oregon need to study their country’s earliest history. They justify their actions with a bogus interpretation of American law rooted in ideas born in the Reconstruction-era South that essentially denies the authority of the federal government to do much of anything. These misguided sagebrush rebels need to learn that the issue of the central government’s power was largely settled back when George Washington was president.

In order to help pay off the big national and state debts incurred during the American Revolution, Washington’s treasury secretary, Alexander Hamilton, proposed a tax on whiskey and other distilled spirits that Congress approved in 1790. The reaction to the tax out on the Western frontier — which, in those days, was Kentucky and western Pennsylvania — was negative and violent. Militias were formed, tax collectors were tarred and feathered, supporters of the tax were driven out of communities and armed confrontations ended with property destroyed and people killed.

This insurrection came to be known as the Whiskey Rebellion and it did not die down until Washington sent in a federalized militia force numbering close to 13,000 men.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
A lie that was rejected by the judge in the trial.
They were convicted in a Court of Law twice for arson, something that speaks for itself....
and the families of game agents
They haven't threatened a soul. Most of the game agents are locals, as they have said repeatedly, and they don't have an issue with them. As they have said repeatedly.
Almost all of the militia and antagonist are not local, they are outsiders who don't care about our employees being local.
Kosher is a lying little bitch. Sheriff West's wife has had the tires on her car slashed. There have been threats against the life of Sheriff West. And the locos have repeatedly stated their intent to kill anyone that tries to remove them from the Game Refuge. These are terrorists, following the very definition of terrorism, and they need to be handled in that manner. Those that survive should spend the rest of their live in jail.

They were never about the Hammond's, they were seeking something to hang their hat on, so they could pursue their perverse agenda. Time for them to be taken out of that Refuge, in whatever manner it takes.
Me and a group of armed patriots with bongs and pipes are on our way to Mississippi to occupy the Government marijuana farms and grow house ....Free the Weed...its like sagebrush but way better....

Feds Increase Cannabis Production At Mississippi Farm

Most people don’t know that the federal government grows and supplies medical cannabis to four patients enrolled in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug program. The program had more patients when it started in the 1970-s, but there are four patients grandfathered into the program that still receive medical cannabis to this day. The cannabis is grown at the University of Mississippi. Considering the federal government’s official position is that cannabis has no medical value, the existence of such a program is a slap in the face to science, logic, and compassion.

Recently the United States government boosted production at the facility. Per Marijuana Business Daily:
Researchers there are hoping to produce 30,000 new plants, which will be used primarily for medical marijuana research. One researcher at the facility is pursuing a study of cannabidiol.
The increase comes after the DEA approved plans to boost the government’s annual production of marijuana from 21 kilograms to 650 kilograms, which equates to about 1,433 pounds.
Me and a group of armed patriots with bongs and pipes are on our way to Mississippi to occupy the Government marijuana farms and grow house ....Free the Weed...its like sagebrush but way better....

Feds Increase Cannabis Production At Mississippi Farm

Most people don’t know that the federal government grows and supplies medical cannabis to four patients enrolled in the Compassionate Investigational New Drug program. The program had more patients when it started in the 1970-s, but there are four patients grandfathered into the program that still receive medical cannabis to this day. The cannabis is grown at the University of Mississippi. Considering the federal government’s official position is that cannabis has no medical value, the existence of such a program is a slap in the face to science, logic, and compassion.

Recently the United States government boosted production at the facility. Per Marijuana Business Daily:
Researchers there are hoping to produce 30,000 new plants, which will be used primarily for medical marijuana research. One researcher at the facility is pursuing a study of cannabidiol.
The increase comes after the DEA approved plans to boost the government’s annual production of marijuana from 21 kilograms to 650 kilograms, which equates to about 1,433 pounds.
The takeover of such a facility would create an epic call for snacks, the likes of which would make the Malheur Refuge folks begging for snacks look pitiful and trivial.
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
Here is what witnesses said:

The Many Hypocrisies of the Oregon Standoff

The 2001 fire, a jury found, was set to conceal the illegal slaughter of deer on Bureau of Land Management property. Here is the government account of this incident:
Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out ‘Strike Anywhere’ matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to ‘light up the whole country on fire.’ One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.”
A lie that was rejected by the judge in the trial.
That's why they were convicted, right?

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