Assholes making trouble in Oregon

No where does it say that they only work in the headquarters a couple of weeks a year. You made that up.

Even logically, your claims are gibberish. With 18 full time employees, why would ALL of them leave the office at the exact same time? Especially when they also had many volunteers. Remember, the entire reserve s only 292 square miles. With it breaking down to 16 square miles per full time employee. Or roughly 4 by 4 miles each.

Why would that mandate they visit the office only 'a few weeks a year'? That makes no sense. Nor have you presented anything that backs your fairy tale.

Try again. This time without you making shit up.

They've posted videos of the inside of the government buildings...they are rat infested and disgusting.

She knows, she's desperately grasping at straws to try and keep the Soros script alive.

The Audubon people are the ones who use the building the most, which is why it wasn't locked. They run the little museum, not the BLM.

It's US Fish and Wildlife...

Anyway, the buildings were a mess.
Funny, seems like we were told they were in great shape and being kept that way by the trespassers. Where are these videos that show them to be a mess and rat infested?
No, we weren't told any such thing, liar. We were told by the locals that they had never seen it so clean.

But what they found when they went in was rat shit, dead rodents, and stuff that was chewed up.

And where are the videos, Kosher?
[I'd like to see them try that on some unoccupied buildings on a military base. Would be fun.

But this WASN'T a military base. It's a bird sanctuary in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that is occupied for maybe a couple of weeks out of the year. THAT is the point.

Visitor Center
The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Benson Memorial Museum
The museum is open from sunrise to sunset each day of the week. It contains historic taxidermy mounts of many of the birds that may be viewed in the wilds of the refuge, as well as interpretive exhibits. The museum offers an opportunity to see elusive birds up close and personal. The museum is dedicated to the memory of George Benson, the first full-time employee at the refuge.

The Refuge is open each day from sunrise to sunset.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

You can't expect Quixote to actually know what the fuck he's talking about.

After all, these hapless fools are literally making this shit up as they go along.

My favorite was JC's insistence that if they aren't in the building for 24 hours....its abandoned. And thus can't hold any records.
[I'd like to see them try that on some unoccupied buildings on a military base. Would be fun.

But this WASN'T a military base. It's a bird sanctuary in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that is occupied for maybe a couple of weeks out of the year. THAT is the point.

Visitor Center
The Visitor Center includes The Friends of Malheur Nature Shop, an information desk, views of wildlife using Marshall Pond and an expansive view of Malheur Lake. It is open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 to 4:00 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00.

Benson Memorial Museum
The museum is open from sunrise to sunset each day of the week. It contains historic taxidermy mounts of many of the birds that may be viewed in the wilds of the refuge, as well as interpretive exhibits. The museum offers an opportunity to see elusive birds up close and personal. The museum is dedicated to the memory of George Benson, the first full-time employee at the refuge.

The Refuge is open each day from sunrise to sunset.

Plan Your Visit - Malheur - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

You can't expect Quixote to actually know what the fuck he's talking about.

After all, these hapless fools are literally making this shit up as they go along.

My favorite was JC's insistence that if they aren't in the building for 24 hours....its abandoned. And thus can't hold any records.

That JC cat is straight up looney tunes and
Unmitigated2OOL is, well, just that.
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That place is an American Treasure. According to this source, it gets 65,000 visitors a year. Pretty good for an isolated place in the middle of nowhere. The historical buildings currently under the control of uninvited trespassers were built during the Great Depression by the CCC, the Civilian Conservation Corp. The George Benson Museum, part of the complex houses among other things, 200 mounted birds that represent birds that migrate and or live on the preserve.
#VanillaISIS Want to make sure I got it. Did armed white guys take over public property demanding free stuff?
I am starting to wonder if some of these folks sat back and applauded how the .gov handled Ruby ridge and Waco. Thrilled over the spilling of blood. Cheered the .gov on. Saddened that the .gov did not escalate the same way at the Bundy ranch, and other not so publicized events since. I really think that some of you folks like to see the .gov go and kill our own.

Most of them did. An FBI assassin murdering a woman as she held an infant is exactly the kind of world the left dreams of.

The basic premise of the left is that your life belongs to the state, thus the state can do anything they like with or to you.
Putz.... the FBI was run under a rightie president when that woman was shot. WTF is wrong with you?
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Really, because you just said they were on youtube.

Why did your story just change. And why can't you show us anything you're claiming?

Your arguments are always exquisitely sourced and utterly irrefutable......until we actually ask to see your evidence. Then we get excuses why you can't back your claims.
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.
OK, some of us have access to facebook. Where are they on face book?
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

That video is an absolute misrepresentation of the truth. Not surprising that you presented it as something else.

It was firefighters lighting backfires in an attempt to SAVE property. The entire region was given warnings to evacuate days earlier. There was no deliberate acts done against anyone.

Wildfire near Frenchglen, Oregon hammered by aerial assault
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.

Why did the feds set those fires?
Here we go. I found this on youtube. The first 2 minutes is of some guys talking on the porch. Go ahead to about 2:05 and take a walk inside the "rat-infested" building Koshergirl is maybe talking about.
Kosher.......oh, KO-sher.

Where are those mythic 'youtube videos' you told us about. But have never managed to actually produce?

I've produced multiple videos.

But here's another:

Video at the link:
BLM burns land unsupervised: Burn ranchers home and cattle alive

And where, pray tell, are the youtube videos that show that the Malheur NWR's buildings are filtthy and rat infested?

Because its snowing in Oregon. And the videos you've produced are in the summer time.
The walk through of the rat infested buildings are on facebook.

Not that it matters. That video that I put there shows the fires around private property, houses and animals that the feds set in JULY. That is why the locals hate them.

Why did the feds set those fires?
According to the story, for the same reason the Hammonds did...according to eyewitnesses, they deliberately targeted property owners, lit it up, then didn't stay to tend them.
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That standoff has turned into a Piute vs Rancher fight in Oregon. Let both of them hear the bees buzz and both will change their simple minds.
edit: it is the bullet you don't hear that kills you
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