Assholes making trouble in Oregon

landowners from crossing their property in order to get to their own tracts, that are checkerboarded within BLM land.

They are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly arrested and made to serve prison terms

We agree. The feds are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly, arrested and thrown in prison.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
The buildings are shuttered and locked for the winter, and most of the rest of the year as well. They're not being used, nor are they used for the purpose for which they were allegedly built in the first place, which was to serve the public.

Now they're serving the public. Awesome.
no, they aren't
I think we've found the explanation for the snack shortage...


landowners from crossing their property in order to get to their own tracts, that are checkerboarded within BLM land.

They are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly arrested and made to serve prison terms

We agree. The feds are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly, arrested and thrown in prison.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.

They are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly arrested and made to serve prison terms

We agree. The feds are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly, arrested and thrown in prison.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.
You provide make stuff up. It's what you do, Allie.
Oregon: Harney County United! facebook page is full of post after post after post of locals saying the Bundys aren't the ones who scare them. It's the law and the feds working together in that neck of the woods who are the cretins. Always has been.
We agree. The feds are law breaking wack jobs that need to be confronted very firmly, arrested and thrown in prison.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.
You provide make stuff up. It's what you do, Allie.
I've provided more than all the rest of you retards combined. It's all in the thread already. I'm not posting the same things over and over because you're too fucking stupid to read.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.
You provide make stuff up. It's what you do, Allie.
I've provided more than all the rest of you retards combined. It's all in the thread already. I'm not posting the same things over and over because you're too fucking stupid to read.
No you haven't. You provide opinion only....or just make stuff up whole cloth. It's what you do, Allie.
Militants Claim They'll Announce Exit Plan Friday

Residents of Harney County attended a community meeting Monday night to discuss the occupation. A majority of the people at that meeting again asked the armed group to leave the refuge immediately.
Speaking at the community meeting, Harney County Judge Steve Grasty said he wants to bill one of the militant leaders, Ammon Bundy, for everything the occupation has cost.
Grasty said last week’s school closure and county staff time associated with the refuge occupation cost between $60,000-$75,000 per day. That’s not including the costs of more than 30 sheriffs’ deputies from other counties working in Harney County.

“I’d like to send Mr. Bundy a bill for the entire cost—everything I can identify,” Grasty said. “If for no other reason than to let the world know how expensive this was for taxpayers and this nation.”
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.
You provide make stuff up. It's what you do, Allie.
I've provided more than all the rest of you retards combined. It's all in the thread already. I'm not posting the same things over and over because you're too fucking stupid to read.
Now you've just gotten silly, Allie.
no the weirdos that are illegally occupying Federal property are law breaking loons who need to be confronted , arrested, given a trial , given prison sentences and ordered to pay damages and fines...........
Wrong again. The BLM has burned, slaughtered, destroyed, and stolen property for a hundred and more years. Time for them to go. They destroy habitat and the economy. Adios, fuckers.
Talk on your part. Where is the evidence?
Per usual, you ask for something that has already been provided multiple times, because you are too fucking stupid and lazy to read, or because you want to waste time. Either way, read the thread.
You provide make stuff up. It's what you do, Allie.
I've provided more than all the rest of you retards combined. It's all in the thread already. I'm not posting the same things over and over because you're too fucking stupid to read.


Prove it.

You always come up with stuff as though its fact and then refuse to back it up with even one link.

But hey, here's a pic of

[Choose one}

___ You
___ TemplarKormac
___ Judicial review

[I'd like to see them try that on some unoccupied buildings on a military base. Would be fun.

But this WASN'T a military base. It's a bird sanctuary in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that is occupied for maybe a couple of weeks out of the year. THAT is the point.
No one said it was a military base...but they are both federal property. Apparently I had to connect the dots for Don Quixote.

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