Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Rube English isn't real English.

You questioned that they were armed, did you not? They ARE armed. Are you okay with armed seditionists taking over Federal Buildings, yes or no?

Comrade, is voting against Lord Obama in the past an act of "sedition?"

Will your god order a drone strike?
Ah...still a one trick pony with your strawman arguments, eh? Only way you can make a "point", eh?
Why is it that you keep making up imaginary scenarios/positions for others in your head and then ask others to explain them?
Stupid ass. This is not about Waco, this is about a bunch of outsiders that are not wanted and are causing trouble.

Infidels who fail to bow to the living god you worship.

So can you get Reno out their to kill them and their families?

they think they can come in with their arsenal, and bully the whole community, and the US Government, as well. They need to spend major time in the iron bar hotel.

I thought you wanted to slaughter them all? These are white people. Isn't it the policy of the democratic - socialist party that whites should be killed on sight? Remember, white lives don't matter.
And he's lying. The locals don't mind them there. The locals are thrilled that FINALLY their situation is getting some attention.

That is incorrect. Do you have a LINK to support your claim? Even the Hanmond family reject these assholes.

Oregon ranchers reject Cliven Bundy family occupation
On their lawyers advice, of course.
The locals have showed up and voted in public by raising hands and voice vote telling the Bundy's and militia to leave.
The Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2
Before there was BLM, National Forest, National Parks, National Monuments, Wildlife Preserves and whatever, we just called our property territory.

You know better than to try and pull that with me.

Territory is an area which is not withing the boundaries of a state. All of the land in question is within states.

So let us look at the Constitutuion;

{The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.}

Now this says that Congress can regulate property belonging to the United States, but that isn't the question asked. I will again ask by what Constitutional Authority does the federal government own 92% of land in the Western States? The right of kings? All is property of the king and the peasants are but tenants?
The concept of random people taking over and occupying taxpayer and citizen owned lands granted by the founders in the constitution has been rejected and always will be.
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.

Visitors from the area who have been to visit say the refuge buildings are sparkling clean and look better than they've ever seen them, lol.
And they weren't that way before the terrorists AKA- deadbeats arrived on the scene?
As long as they clean up after themselves and pay for any damage, I don't think they should be overly punished. Fine 'em for trespass and be done with it. The building wasn't being used for anything at the time, if I heard correctly, so it isn't disrupting anything but school, and that was a questionable decision, imo. The fact that they don't seem to be attracting a lot of supporters will probably make them think twice about beginning the Revolution in another venue next month.
Oh no! The libtards cant pass up a good crisis!
Have to laugh at the typical double standard from progressives on this kind of thing.............

Last year in Baltimore, you have whole sections of a city taken over by VIOLENT protestors.

Response from progressives??


They are always just fine with protestors as long as they are protesting shit they believe in!!!


And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere? And land grabs by the feds...which is ALWAYS BAD if it happens to Indians, but now is suddently a GOOD thing for the Indians? Many of whom OWN PROPERTY that will be subject, yet again, to federal seizure. That's what generations of booze, diabetes and inbreeding will do for you. Get a fucking clue.
Some, even many will survive if they learn to adjust and adapt, but not on cheap leased federal lands.

Does this help or harm consumers? In fact this is a regressive attack (so common of the left) on the price of food. Once again democrats are making it more difficult for the poorest families to put meat on the table.

Our government is hostile to the citizenry.

Face it, most of these old ranches have been dependent on cheap leased lands from the taxpayers. Each year that property becomes more and more valuable for other purposes and less valuable for cattle ranching.

And that leased land keeps beef prices low so that the poor in America can enjoy a protein rich diet. Those who eat red meat, especially in early childhood grow taller, stronger, and develop a higher IQ than those who do not.

The democrats are dedicated to putting an end to this; let the proles eat beans.
We send our logs to CHINA and JAPAN to be processed, and we buy meat from fucking MEXICO. It's asinine.
I lived in Japan. They are the bulwark against the Ruskies & Chinamen.. They need all the help we can give them
The Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2
Before there was BLM, National Forest, National Parks, National Monuments, Wildlife Preserves and whatever, we just called our property territory.

You know better than to try and pull that with me.

Territory is an area which is not withing the boundaries of a state. All of the land in question is within states.

So let us look at the Constitutuion;

{The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.}

Now this says that Congress can regulate property belonging to the United States, but that isn't the question asked. I will again ask by what Constitutional Authority does the federal government own 92% of land in the Western States? The right of kings? All is property of the king and the peasants are but tenants?
I gave you the Article, section and clause. There is nothing in your response that give a shred of evidence that unoccupied or unowned properties in territories are rescinded and transferred when a territory becomes a state.
And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere? And land grabs by the feds...which is ALWAYS BAD if it happens to Indians, but now is suddently a GOOD thing for the Indians? Many of whom OWN PROPERTY that will be subject, yet again, to federal seizure. That's what generations of booze, diabetes and inbreeding will do for you. Get a fucking clue.
The Repubs are the cheerleaders of mandatory sentencing. :eusa_eh: :laugh: They support the prison industrial complex wholeheartedly. Don't you read anything in the news/current events for the last 10 or so years?
Have to laugh at the typical double standard from progressives on this kind of thing.............

Last year in Baltimore, you have whole sections of a city taken over by VIOLENT protestors.

Response from progressives??


They are always just fine with protestors as long as they are protesting shit they believe in!!!


And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere? And land grabs by the feds...which is ALWAYS BAD if it happens to Indians, but now is suddently a GOOD thing for the Indians? Many of whom OWN PROPERTY that will be subject, yet again, to federal seizure. That's what generations of booze, diabetes and inbreeding will do for you. Get a fucking clue.
Are you saying that the Federal Government didn't PAY for the land? Funny, because the link you provided us two days ago stated very clearly that the land was PURCHASED by the Federal Government. What is wrong with that? Tell us.
And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere? And land grabs by the feds...which is ALWAYS BAD if it happens to Indians, but now is suddently a GOOD thing for the Indians? Many of whom OWN PROPERTY that will be subject, yet again, to federal seizure. That's what generations of booze, diabetes and inbreeding will do for you. Get a fucking clue.
The Repubs are the cheerleaders of mandatory sentencing. :eusa_eh: :laugh: They support the prison industrial complex wholeheartedly. Don't you read anything in the news/current events for the last 10 or so years?

That is absolutely correct........speak to any corrections officer about the stress and frustration seeing violent criminals coming into the system and going right back out only to be in again and again!!! The statement by the bozo above just shows one what we are dealing with here........indeed, a mental disorder!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Nobody involved in Baltimore last summer has been indicted. Next tiem it blows, I say we send in DOTCOM to quell the disturbances!!:coffee: Drop his ass right in the hot zone and see how he makes out!!:deal: ( don't forget your Nerf gun s0n!!)
The Repubs are the cheerleaders of mandatory sentencing. :eusa_eh: :laugh: They support the prison industrial complex wholeheartedly. Don't you read anything in the news/current events for the last 10 or so years?
Lol, as if no Dhimmicrats supported it?

Who the hell do you think you are lying to, punk?
Have to laugh at the typical double standard from progressives on this kind of thing.............

Last year in Baltimore, you have whole sections of a city taken over by VIOLENT protestors.

Response from progressives??


They are always just fine with protestors as long as they are protesting shit they believe in!!!


And at the bottom of this...MANDATORY SENTENCING, which everybody agrees is idiotic..does ANYBODY approve of mandatory sentencing? Anywhere? And land grabs by the feds...which is ALWAYS BAD if it happens to Indians, but now is suddently a GOOD thing for the Indians? Many of whom OWN PROPERTY that will be subject, yet again, to federal seizure. That's what generations of booze, diabetes and inbreeding will do for you. Get a fucking clue.
Are you saying that the Federal Government didn't PAY for the land? Funny, because the link you provided us two days ago stated very clearly that the land was PURCHASED by the Federal Government. What is wrong with that? Tell us.
There you go trying to obscure and confuse the issue again.

There is privately owned land that will soon be the subject of federal seizure/buy outs due to making the ranches economically impossible to support themselves.

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