Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Tell em to go play cowboys and indians.
It would be very easy to take out Bundy and his crew. They are in a wide open area perfect for snipers to pick them off one by one. Fact is, none of their opponents want violence or believes it is necessary.
Tell em to go play cowboys and indians.
It would be very easy to take out Bundy and his crew. They are in a wide open area perfect for snipers to pick them off one by one. Fact is, none of their opponents want violence or believes it is necessary.
It was a goddamn joke. I should have included a disclaimer for you.
Sorry, jokes and sarcasm don't always get recognized in print. Perhaps I responded to quickly.
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Dude do you ever do your research before trashing people with your uncivilized attitude? I put this link for you so you do not embarrassed yourself.

Eastern Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson Resentenced to Five Years in Prison

EUGENE, Ore. – Dwight Lincoln Hammond, Jr., 73, and his son, Steven Dwight Hammond, 46, both residents of Diamond, Oregon in Harney County, were sentenced to five years in prison by Chief U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken for arsons they committed on federal lands.

A jury sitting in Pendleton, Oregon found the Hammonds guilty of the arsons after a two-week trial in June 2012. The trial involved allegations that the Hammonds, owners of Hammond Ranches, Inc., ignited a series of fires on lands managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM), on which the Hammonds had grazing rights leased to them for their cattle operation.

The jury convicted both of the Hammonds of using fire to destroy federal property for a 2001 arson known as the Hardie-Hammond Fire, located in the Steens Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area. Witnesses at trial, including a relative of the Hammonds, testified the arson occurred shortly after Steven Hammond and his hunting party illegally slaughtered several deer on BLM property. Jurors were told that Steven Hammond handed out “Strike Anywhere” matches with instructions that they be lit and dropped on the ground because they were going to “light up the whole country on fire.” One witness testified that he barely escaped the eight to ten foot high flames caused by the arson. The fire consumed 139 acres of public land and destroyed all evidence of the game violations. After committing the arson, Steven Hammond called the BLM office in Burns, Oregon and claimed the fire was started on Hammond property to burn off invasive species and had inadvertently burned onto public lands. Dwight and Steven Hammond told one of their relatives to keep his mouth shut and that nobody needed to know about the fire.

The jury also convicted Steven Hammond of using fire to destroy federal property regarding a 2006 arson known as the Krumbo Butte Fire located in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge and Steen Mountain Cooperative Management and Protection Area. An August lightning storm started numerous fires and a burn ban was in effect while BLM firefighters fought those fires. Despite the ban, without permission or notification to BLM, Steven Hammond started several “back fires” in an attempt save the ranch’s winter feed. The fires burned onto public land and were seen by BLM firefighters camped nearby. The firefighters took steps to ensure their safety and reported the arsons.

Eastern Oregon Ranchers Convicted of Arson Resentenced to Five Years in Prison | USAO-OR | Department of Justice

A DOJ link? Are you kidding us? I guess you believe anything this Admin. tells you.........for example, if you like your doctor, than you can keep your doctor...............:laugh2:.

The Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the case are based in Oregon.

The particular voice that demanded it be dragged into the ninth circus was a demented Obama appointee who has since been retired to the funny farm, after she approached a Mexican drug cartel member to kill a fellow bar member (that she had, incidentally, also been stalking).

Do you have a link to support your claim? So far you have not provided any link that I requested.
Oregon's top federal prosecutor traveled from commune to the corner office
UNBELIEVABLE Update - Oregon "Bundy Militia" Standoff - The U.S. Attorney At The Heart of The Hammond Family Problem...

So? The prosecutor is just doing her job. I see no problem there.
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause

Funny you think government buildings are owned by the citizens

Funny you think they aren't.

Try to walk into a post office in the middle of the night to get your mail

You'll be slapped with a charge of felony trespass then you can explain to the judge that you own the post office and have the right to enter it whenever you want
I don't recall when it was that liberals/lefties became such Fascist ? and they've build up so much hate for their own fellow countrymen and women. it's damn ugly though
all this over a gawddam BUILDING
It's so awful what they are doing to those poor people, isn't it?

Um....what exactly are they doing to them besides laughing at them, Staphanie?

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