Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause

Funny you think government buildings are owned by the citizens

Funny you think they aren't.

Try to walk into a post office in the middle of the night to get your mail

You'll be slapped with a charge of felony trespass then you can explain to the judge that you own the post office and have the right to enter it whenever you want
My Post Office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Homeless people seeking shelter are not a problem in my town so the doors are not locked. I often go into the Post Office when the cashier counter is closed to check the PO Box or drop mail in the mail slots. They even have a stamp vending machine.
Don't you love it when a RW analogy blows up in their face......happens a lot.
So, all the RWNJ jumped to their feet and became all happy/clappy when Der Trumpenfuhrer said he would kill the families of MUSLIM TERRORISTS, when will the Facist Donnie demand the murder of families of TERRORISTS IN OREGON?
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.
Ammon Bundy...because dammit sometimes you feel like a nut..........
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.
There really is no comparison between those two situations. You are attempting a lame and childish defense of claiming that because others are guilty of wrongdoing of some sort, the lawbreaking in Oregon is somehow justified. You are claiming your side should be forgiven and obtain permission to do something wrong because some other people did something wrong. It really doesn't matter what those occupy folks did when they had their protest. It is not related to this one in Oregon.
A DOJ link? Are you kidding us? I guess you believe anything this Admin. tells you.........for example, if you like your doctor, than you can keep your doctor...............:laugh2:.

The Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the case are based in Oregon.

The particular voice that demanded it be dragged into the ninth circus was a demented Obama appointee who has since been retired to the funny farm, after she approached a Mexican drug cartel member to kill a fellow bar member (that she had, incidentally, also been stalking).

Do you have a link to support your claim? So far you have not provided any link that I requested.
Oregon's top federal prosecutor traveled from commune to the corner office
UNBELIEVABLE Update - Oregon "Bundy Militia" Standoff - The U.S. Attorney At The Heart of The Hammond Family Problem...

So? The prosecutor is just doing her job. I see no problem there.
You asked me to link her lunacy, which I did. I'm glad you have no problem with nutjob stalkers.
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.

Visitors from the area who have been to visit say the refuge buildings are sparkling clean and look better than they've ever seen them, lol.
Some, even many will survive if they learn to adjust and adapt, but not on cheap leased federal lands.

Does this help or harm consumers? In fact this is a regressive attack (so common of the left) on the price of food. Once again democrats are making it more difficult for the poorest families to put meat on the table.

Our government is hostile to the citizenry.

Face it, most of these old ranches have been dependent on cheap leased lands from the taxpayers. Each year that property becomes more and more valuable for other purposes and less valuable for cattle ranching.

And that leased land keeps beef prices low so that the poor in America can enjoy a protein rich diet. Those who eat red meat, especially in early childhood grow taller, stronger, and develop a higher IQ than those who do not.

The democrats are dedicated to putting an end to this; let the proles eat beans.
Some, even many will survive if they learn to adjust and adapt, but not on cheap leased federal lands.

Does this help or harm consumers? In fact this is a regressive attack (so common of the left) on the price of food. Once again democrats are making it more difficult for the poorest families to put meat on the table.

Our government is hostile to the citizenry.

Face it, most of these old ranches have been dependent on cheap leased lands from the taxpayers. Each year that property becomes more and more valuable for other purposes and less valuable for cattle ranching.

And that leased land keeps beef prices low so that the poor in America can enjoy a protein rich diet. Those who eat red meat, especially in early childhood grow taller, stronger, and develop a higher IQ than those who do not.

The democrats are dedicated to putting an end to this; let the proles eat beans.
We send our logs to CHINA and JAPAN to be processed, and we buy meat from fucking MEXICO. It's asinine.
You're obviously confused. The Hammonds were charged, tried and convicted.

Sentenced, completed their sentence and released.

Under the laws of the old republic, that is where it stops, unless a new crime with a new trial occurs.

Sure they are. Especially when the cases are still being appealed. See Pollard V. US. Pollard was released on parole. And the appeals court found that the lower court released him in error. So back to prison Pollard went.

In the Hammond case, the appeals court found that the lower court hadn't applied statutory mandatory minimums when they should have, and that the Hammonds were released in error. So, just like Pollard, back to prison the Hammonds went.

Remember, and I can't stress this point enough: you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I understand that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, and say what you think will help your party, rather than anything intelligent, but "parole" is an alternate form of serving a sentence. A Parolee is technically still incarcerated, you ignorant ditz. The Hammond's were not on parole, probation, or any other government oversight. They completed the legally mandated sentence of the presiding judge.

The federal government is engaging in terrorism and kidnapping, there is no legal justification for their acts.
they weren't legally sentenced and they did not complete their legal sentence.

why do you support judicial activism?
Anti-Constitution dopes claiming to be "protecting" the Constitution have criminally taken over possession of property owned by the citizens of America. The property they have taken over and are attempting to steal for redistribution under their misinterpretation is in fact, every American citizen's birthright ownership as stipulated and written into the Constitution by the founding fathers.

Property Clause Article lV Section 3 Clause 2

"The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States or of any particular state."

The founders recognized territories and wrote the ownership and control of those territories into the Constitution. The various states other than the first 13 colonies were territories before they became states. They became states understanding and accepting that unclaimed lands within their borders would remain the property of the United States. The new States did not have resources to protect or care for those lands. They were dependent on protection from US Military forces, Marshalls and courts and the creation of infrastructures and maintenance by federal funds and agencies.

The property currently being held in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon were a part of Oregon Territory and when Oregon became a state remained US property by virtue of its unclaimed ownership. Portions not acquired by Treaty with Paiute native Americans (in reality, all of it) or direct cash payments to privately owned ranches after Treaties were made with the Paiutes have been the public property of the United State since these various methods of acquiring the property.!/articles/4/essays/126/property-clause
Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.
Let us know when the government sends dozens and dozens of armed SWAT teams to Oregon.

And how do we know the women in the Oregon "compound" are safe? Maybe as long as they make sandwiches and get the beer?
Maybe the longer this lasts, the more the locals are supporting them?

Earlier in the week, groups like the Three Percenters Club Oregon and the Oath Keepers posted statements condemning the decision to occupy the refuge center in Oregon after a demonstration protesting the federal jail sentence facing two local ranchers, Dwight and Steven Hammond. While members of those groups were involved in organizing the protest that preceded the occupation of the refuge, they decried occupiers' tactics in the immediate aftermath and claimed they were unaware of the plans to make a stand at the refuge.

But now, while they still say it was not a part of the original plan to take over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, they agree with the occupiers’ message and even appreciate the attention the siege is bringing to the grievances they have against the federal government
you're going to pretend those militia nutballs are representative of the general population?
Have to laugh at the typical double standard from progressives on this kind of thing.............

Last year in Baltimore, you have whole sections of a city taken over by VIOLENT protestors.

Response from progressives??


They are always just fine with protestors as long as they are protesting shit they believe in!!!

Didn't hear anyone from the left say the Occupoopers need to get off public property.
More selective outrage.
Sorry, I did not know they were armed and took over a federal facility. It has been my understanding that many of them were arrested and many had their possessions confiscated and destroyed when they refused to tear down their tents erected in city parks.
Then you're just ignorant.
I am ignorant of the people you are comparing the armed thugs to having taken over government facilities while armed with semi-automatic weapons or any weapon at all. Perhaps you could provide a link that would enlighten me?
Let me know when the Oregon group rapes, murders, arson, assaults and destroys public and private property like the Occupoopers did.

Visitors from the area who have been to visit say the refuge buildings are sparkling clean and look better than they've ever seen them, lol. mean people are still allowed in and out for bird watching? Interesting...I thought the area was barracaded.

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