Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Tell us your expertise in lighting back fires since you are so brilliant. Where do you light it? What about the wind? You know...the wind driving a wildfire in a set direction. You think your EXPERTISE will tell you where to place that backfire? :lmao: It amazes me how suddenly all of you who denigrate high education are suddenly so knowledgable on pretty much everywhere. :lmao:

Lol there you go lying again.

I never claimed to be an expert at lighting fires, Nazi
So you really know nothing about such things....and yet here you were starting off poo-pooing the seriousness by calling it "just a grass fire". Maybe next time, you will actually THINK before saying the stupid things you do. will keep on being stupid. That's what we like about you.
So you really know nothing about such things....and yet here you were starting off poo-pooing the seriousness by calling it "just a grass fire". Maybe next time, you will actually THINK before saying the stupid things you do. will keep on being stupid. That's what we like about you.
You have to be one of the most idiotic people I have seen on these boards.

No, I am not an expert, but people who live in these areas and whose families have ranched in these areas for years ARE EXPERTS, get it?
Oh well....a post. Must be true. :lol:
I gave the link, idiot.

That is far more documentation than you typically give.
Ah...having read the opinion piece. Well......I know that in JimboWorld Opinion = Facts, right?

Lol, you are too stupid to breath.

The article has links to many facts and gives the Hammonds side of the story, you know the thing you Stalinist jack boots are supposed to give people before shooting them?
So...where was the permission to light those backfires, Allie? You'd think that would be something that would come up in their defense.
So while a fire is approaching your property, you think that civilians have to file for a waiver first? No, they call the fire department then do the back fire.

You are a fucking idiot.
Hey, just a grass fire, Jimbo:
Maybe those homeowners would have been better off just lighting back fires, the hell with firefighters being in the area, eh?

I did not propose such a thing, you lying jack ass.
You sure did, Genius boy.

Why even bother to deal with this uncivilized human being.
So...where was the permission to light those backfires, Allie? You'd think that would be something that would come up in their defense.
So while a fire is approaching your property, you think that civilians have to file for a waiver first? No, they call the fire department then do the back fire.

You are a fucking idiot.
Hey, just a grass fire, Jimbo:
Maybe those homeowners would have been better off just lighting back fires, the hell with firefighters being in the area, eh?

I did not propose such a thing, you lying jack ass.
You sure did, Genius boy.
No I did not you lying fuck
I can see by your silly angry fit that I have struck a nerve. Tell us more about how it was just a grass fire.
So...where was the permission to light those backfires, Allie? You'd think that would be something that would come up in their defense.
So while a fire is approaching your property, you think that civilians have to file for a waiver first? No, they call the fire department then do the back fire.

You are a fucking idiot.
Hey, just a grass fire, Jimbo:
Maybe those homeowners would have been better off just lighting back fires, the hell with firefighters being in the area, eh?

I did not propose such a thing, you lying jack ass.
You sure did, Genius boy.

Why even bother to deal with this uncivilized human being.
He's entertaining in a "make fun of the idiot boy" kind of way.

This is as much fun as the thread in which he confused anyone who didn't believe in the Judeo-Christian god as being an Atheist. Millions if not Billions of Hindus, Buddhist, and Pagans are surprised to hear that. :lol:
Are you somehow so mentally challenged that you can't link the OPINION piece yourself?
Are you too stupid to follow links?
Of course I am....if you had paid attention I have already commented on the link in the link you provided. Of course, the question is.....why do you have to provide a link with an imbedded link? Why not just jump right to the National Review link? Duh.
The Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the case are based in Oregon.

The particular voice that demanded it be dragged into the ninth circus was a demented Obama appointee who has since been retired to the funny farm, after she approached a Mexican drug cartel member to kill a fellow bar member (that she had, incidentally, also been stalking).

Do you have a link to support your claim? So far you have not provided any link that I requested.
Oregon's top federal prosecutor traveled from commune to the corner office
UNBELIEVABLE Update - Oregon "Bundy Militia" Standoff - The U.S. Attorney At The Heart of The Hammond Family Problem...

So? The prosecutor is just doing her job. I see no problem there.
You asked me to link her lunacy, which I did. I'm glad you have no problem with nutjob stalkers.

And you still do not provide a link.

Mainly because you cannot find one.
Oh? It was just a grass burn? You want to go with that? Sure?
It obviously was or you would make plain what you think it really was, idiot.
Well, let's look at the Facts, shall we?

'We Are Going to Light Up the Whole Country on Fire': The Arson That Led to the Oregon Militia Standoff | VICE News

Know what a "wildfire" is? Know what fast moving 8-10 foot high flames look like? Think it's ok to commit arson to cover up another crime? Think it's ok to commit arson and endanger firefighters already in the area?
Yawn, lol. Backfires are COMMON. The BLM and the property owners in that area are in a collaborative relationship...they help each other fight fires. BACKFIRES are a common and widely used method for controlling fires, and that is exactly what the Hammonds employed. Their backfire destroyed about 140 acres of scrub. The BLM is famous for torching tracts that destroy tens of thousands of acres, and destroy equipment, property, and livestock. This is nothing.
is arson to cover up poaching a common practice?
Are you somehow so mentally challenged that you can't link the OPINION piece yourself?
Are you too stupid to follow links?
Of course I am....if you had paid attention I have already commented on the link in the link you provided. Of course, the question is.....why do you have to provide a link with an imbedded link? Why not just jump right to the National Review link? Duh.
Because it also gives a BUNCH OF OTHER LINKS, stupid fuck
Are you somehow so mentally challenged that you can't link the OPINION piece yourself?
Are you too stupid to follow links?
Of course I am....if you had paid attention I have already commented on the link in the link you provided. Of course, the question is.....why do you have to provide a link with an imbedded link? Why not just jump right to the National Review link? Duh.
Because it also gives a BUNCH OF OTHER LINKS, stupid fuck

To a bunch of other Neo-Clown sites! LOL!

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