Assholes making trouble in Oregon

What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
Their plan is to stay there until Harney County is able to stand on their own. Which they are taking steps to do:

"...on Friday evening, an unelected "committee of safety" of locals inspired by Revolutionary War rhetoric took on the militants' cause and began organizing around the idea of wresting control of public land from the federal government."

Oregon standoff: Unsolicited help flocks to Burns to 'assist' law enforcement

Of course, the 100 residents who gathered and stated their desire to have the feds ousted are given next to no air time.
The one they're begging for.

I don't agree with Bundy's approach, but his goal is to highlight the Obama regimes' war on ranchers, which is part of the greater war on food by the democrats.

No one but the MSNBC hosts want a gunfight.
The greatest factor in food cost increases began long ago with ethanol subsidies that gave feed corn a higher value as a fuel supplement. Cattle grazed on public lands, especially the ones being disputed on the poorest quality grasslands on arid desert land have little impact on the overall food prices.
Er..the grass is high quality, dumbass.
The one they're begging for.

I don't agree with Bundy's approach, but his goal is to highlight the Obama regimes' war on ranchers, which is part of the greater war on food by the democrats.

No one but the MSNBC hosts want a gunfight.
The greatest factor in food cost increases began long ago with ethanol subsidies that gave feed corn a higher value as a fuel supplement. Cattle grazed on public lands, especially the ones being disputed on the poorest quality grasslands on arid desert land have little impact on the overall food prices.
Er..the grass is high quality, dumbass.


The occupiers are glib in calling themselves "patriots." Real patriots would honor and test the systems of government for reform, avoid local intrusion – and, well, never celebrate themselves as patriots.

In Harney County, may the anarchy die of its own cluelessness: Editorial
What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
The locals are not backing them and the feds are not at a crossroads. Both the locals and the feds are keeping the crisis is perspective and steering away from violence or an attitude that immediate action must be taken. It is the middle of winter and the Wildlife Refuge complex is closed for the winter. There is no rush to remove the trespassers and a strategy of waiting out the situation is preferred by both locals and feds.
The one they're begging for.

I don't agree with Bundy's approach, but his goal is to highlight the Obama regimes' war on ranchers, which is part of the greater war on food by the democrats.

No one but the MSNBC hosts want a gunfight.
The greatest factor in food cost increases began long ago with ethanol subsidies that gave feed corn a higher value as a fuel supplement. Cattle grazed on public lands, especially the ones being disputed on the poorest quality grasslands on arid desert land have little impact on the overall food prices.
Er..the grass is high quality, dumbass.
That is not how grazing land is judged, dumbass. It does not matter how high the nutritional quality grass is if it takes large amounts of acreage to feed one cow. Plus, I did not specify a particular region or area. I spoke of disputed lands in general.
What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
The locals are not backing them and the feds are not at a crossroads. Both the locals and the feds are keeping the crisis is perspective and steering away from violence or an attitude that immediate action must be taken. It is the middle of winter and the Wildlife Refuge complex is closed for the winter. There is no rush to remove the trespassers and a strategy of waiting out the situation is preferred by both locals and feds.
there you go, nothing.
The one they're begging for.

I don't agree with Bundy's approach, but his goal is to highlight the Obama regimes' war on ranchers, which is part of the greater war on food by the democrats.

No one but the MSNBC hosts want a gunfight.
The greatest factor in food cost increases began long ago with ethanol subsidies that gave feed corn a higher value as a fuel supplement. Cattle grazed on public lands, especially the ones being disputed on the poorest quality grasslands on arid desert land have little impact on the overall food prices.
Er..the grass is high quality, dumbass.


The occupiers are glib in calling themselves "patriots." Real patriots would honor and test the systems of government for reform, avoid local intrusion – and, well, never celebrate themselves as patriots.

In Harney County, may the anarchy die of its own cluelessness: Editorial

Please. As if an anti-American pig such as yourself would know.
The one they're begging for.

I don't agree with Bundy's approach, but his goal is to highlight the Obama regimes' war on ranchers, which is part of the greater war on food by the democrats.

No one but the MSNBC hosts want a gunfight.
The greatest factor in food cost increases began long ago with ethanol subsidies that gave feed corn a higher value as a fuel supplement. Cattle grazed on public lands, especially the ones being disputed on the poorest quality grasslands on arid desert land have little impact on the overall food prices.
Er..the grass is high quality, dumbass.


The occupiers are glib in calling themselves "patriots." Real patriots would honor and test the systems of government for reform, avoid local intrusion – and, well, never celebrate themselves as patriots.

In Harney County, may the anarchy die of its own cluelessness: Editorial

Please. As if an anti-American pig such as yourself would know.

They've made themselves look like the idiots they are. Their only supporters are the fringe of right wing loons, like yourself.

At least they're good for cheap entertainment. ;)
OK. Let's follow what would happen if the loonies get their demands. So, the Federal government cedes the lands to the states. Then the state government has a bad budget year and decides that the lands are nothing but a financial drain, and sells them off. Are the ranchers going to buy them? No way, they simply do not have the money. So who does? The Saudis, Chinese, and Japanese. Now the land that the ranchers previously grazed their cattle on is in private ownership, and they have to pay over 10 times as much per head to graze their cows on that land. That is the present ratio of private grazing fees compared to federal grazing fees.

Now everyone has the right to hunt on the government land open to hunting, provided they have the tags. Once that land is in private ownership, you will see most of it as fee hunting only. And the best of it will be reserved for 'hunting clubs' whose membership is from foreign nations. Same for fishing. We already have hundreds of square miles of private land tied up this way in Oregon.

This is what the Bundy's and people like Kosher are working for.
This pretty much says it all....


George Washington would not side with the West's sagebrush rebels
The ranchers, most of them, do not have enough land to run a successful ranching operation without the cheap federal grazing. When the land passed to private ownership, their financial base would be gone, and the people that bought up those lands would then be able to pick up these ranches for pennies on the dollar. Oh yes, Kosher is really looking out for the interests of the Eastern Oregon Ranchers. I bet that she, like the Bundy's, is a parasite living off the rest of us that pay taxes. Remember, Ammon Bundy has this very large outstanding loan from the federal government, that he has no intention of paying back. And who is financing these fellows? Even those of us making good wages don't take this kind of time off without financial repercussions. And there is a bunch of them out there. Where are they getting their money?
What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
Their plan is to stay there until Harney County is able to stand on their own. Which they are taking steps to do:

"...on Friday evening, an unelected "committee of safety" of locals inspired by Revolutionary War rhetoric took on the militants' cause and began organizing around the idea of wresting control of public land from the federal government."

Oregon standoff: Unsolicited help flocks to Burns to 'assist' law enforcement

Of course, the 100 residents who gathered and stated their desire to have the feds ousted are given next to no air time.
That is too bad. Every one of them should be given 30 minutes to state their beliefs and why they are supporting the Bundy's. Not only that, it should be put on Youtube. I am absolutely sure they would make a lasting impression. Kind of like the fake Marine. LOL
What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
Their plan is to stay there until Harney County is able to stand on their own. Which they are taking steps to do:

"...on Friday evening, an unelected "committee of safety" of locals inspired by Revolutionary War rhetoric took on the militants' cause and began organizing around the idea of wresting control of public land from the federal government."

Oregon standoff: Unsolicited help flocks to Burns to 'assist' law enforcement

Of course, the 100 residents who gathered and stated their desire to have the feds ousted are given next to no air time.
That is too bad. Every one of them should be given 30 minutes to state their beliefs and why they are supporting the Bundy's. Not only that, it should be put on Youtube. I am absolutely sure they would make a lasting impression. Kind of like the fake Marine. LOL

Turn it into a reality show...the revenue generated can go to National Parks.
Over 80% of Oregon BLM lands are dedicated to cattle grazing
What were the terrorists planning when they brought guns to an alleged protest?

What "terrorists?"

You're deranged, filled with bloodlust and bile.

Bringing guns and dressing up as soldiers. calling yourselves a militia and threatening to fight, kill and die for their protest cause is what made these protesters terrorist and invited a gunfight.

They are a militia. I think their approach is wrong, but their position is right. Obama is waging war on the food supply, ranchers are caught in the cross-fire of the administration dedicated to making food too expensive for people to afford.
if what they are doing is unconstitutional, then the feds should go in and take them out. The funny thing is the locals are using them for their position and back them, and with that, the feds are at a crossroads. I think the militia folks would need some lawyers to move forward, not sure their plan though. As does no one.
The locals are not backing them and the feds are not at a crossroads. Both the locals and the feds are keeping the crisis is perspective and steering away from violence or an attitude that immediate action must be taken. It is the middle of winter and the Wildlife Refuge complex is closed for the winter. There is no rush to remove the trespassers and a strategy of waiting out the situation is preferred by both locals and feds.
there you go, nothing.
This thread is full of links to support my thread. They include statements from the local mayor, sheriff, Governor of Oregon, a town hall meeting with a show of hands vote asking the militia to leave, and numerous local news editorials and opinion articles.
It is you side that lacks backup for your claims. No matter how often those links are posted you just ignore them.
Here is one from Oregon State University confirming that over 80% of BLM lands in Oregon are dedicated and leased for cattle grazing, leaving only 20% to be used for other purposes. Yet the ranchers want more. They have 80% but want more, and now they want other lands like wildlife refuges.
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Can't you answer or are you just being a lying libturd?

That's rich coming from the guy who won't answer my question despite me answering yours TWICE now.

What do the ranchers stand to gain if the land is turned over to the state?
I just posted an interesting piece from the Oregon State University. A huge amount of the leases is given out to the smallest percentage of the state's largest ranches. Who would have thought that the biggest most profitable ranches get the most land and the smallest least profitable ones get the least?
Can't you answer or are you just being a lying libturd?

That's rich coming from the guy who won't answer my question despite me answering yours TWICE now.

What do the ranchers stand to gain if the land is turned over to the state?
they get rid of the feds.

seems simple to me, and yet you can't figure that out.

what does the fed get out of keeping ownership of the land over the state?
Can't you answer or are you just being a lying libturd?

That's rich coming from the guy who won't answer my question despite me answering yours TWICE now.

What do the ranchers stand to gain if the land is turned over to the state?
I just posted an interesting piece from the Oregon State University. A huge amount of the leases is given out to the smallest percentage of the state's largest ranches. Who would have thought that the biggest most profitable ranches get the most land and the smallest least profitable ones get the least?
That is the present system. However, even the big ranchers are dependent on the largess of the Federal Government, and would go under if they were forced to pay the present private grazing fees. And if the present government land were converted to private holdings, these ranches would soon be part of the holdings.

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