Assholes making trouble in Oregon

...... abandoned building in the middle of nowhere?
I see you're relying on make believe characters to express what you aren't capable of expressing yourself.
Cartoons next up?
Aw c'mon, Grampa. We can all use a laugh. Thanks Tyrone.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things
Hey by the way vacant, abandon are either the definition of occupied? Libturds?
It is a visited center...closed for the holidays I believe. Would a school closed the holidays be called abandoned? Vacant?
if it isn't occupied, of course. What is your issue with it anyway, they didn't have a conflict with anyone, and are using a visitor center? I don't get your problem with them. Are you jealous or something that you didn't think of it first? You are showing little to no logic.
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I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
These locos took over a Federal Installation with guns. They have stated that they will kill anyone that tries to oust them. And they took women and children in with them. Believing, correctly, that the rest of us care more for their children than they do. They are the ultimate cowards using those women and children for shields.

I think Teddy's little cowboy had is too small for his yuuuge head, therefore cutting off the blood circulation.

Q: What kind of morons take their women and children to a standoff?

A: These dullards who are looking for 15 minutes of fame, by taking over a Turd Sanctuary, with the goal getting free money by way of donations. They are low-life moochers.
I just want to know why the electricity is still on for these freeloading Yeehawdists.

And this proves exactly how much you are doing your own research on this situation. Nope. Just keep on lapping up the dog food that you are being fed and keep your head in the sand. Don't forget to stay up on facebook and the latest american idol either.

I think that's pretty much what the YeeHawdists are spending their time on all day....posting on facebook, instead of working for a living, they're begging for snacks.
they most likely have hired help to help them make money. They are the profit makers in the area for the most part.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things
But they did do it, and they are doing it now. They have brought children to a gun fight, or at least, a potential gunfight. Those women and children are being used as shields. It is amazing how the terrorist supporters will twist and distort reality.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
These locos took over a Federal Installation with guns. They have stated that they will kill anyone that tries to oust them. And they took women and children in with them. Believing, correctly, that the rest of us care more for their children than they do. They are the ultimate cowards using those women and children for shields.

I think Teddy's little cowboy had is too small for his yuuuge head, therefore cutting off the blood circulation.

Q: What kind of morons take their women and children to a standoff?

A: These dullards who are looking for 15 minutes of fame, by taking over a Turd Sanctuary, with the goal getting free money by way of donations. They are low-life moochers.
what standoff?

Do you libturds just make shit up everyday for fun? I see you hate logic.
It would help. At the very least, they would make sure the fodder was kept down, reducing the intensity and destruction of wildfires.

I don't know. Jerry Brown has vowed to drive the farmers out of California. Oregon is almost as far left as California. I'm not sure the state would be any more in favor of affordable food than Obama is. The goal is to make food too costly for people to buy directly, ensuring that the masses are dependant on the rulers in Washington to get a meal.
Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things
But they did do it, and they are doing it now. They have brought children to a gun fight, or at least, a potential gunfight. Those women and children are being used as shields. It is amazing how the terrorist supporters will twist and distort reality.
If true, they brought children to a bird refuge gift shop. And the kids come and go, along with the "occupiers" and the townspeople.

No matter how badly you want them and their kids dead, it isn't going to happen.

BTW, the school sent a sixth grade reporter to interview Bundy for the school paper, too. Do you want to shoot up the school as well? You might get to kill kids there for real, if you do.
Here you are, an outsider, telling lies about the whole situation. Many of us in Portland have roots in that area. We know the people, and their problems. We also know that it is our taxes that maintain their roads and schools, as well as other infrastructure. And we approve of that, because of what the area provides us.

The reason that the BLM controls that land is what happened when it was open range. Big areas were overgrazed to the point of destruction. Logan Valley was a prime example. My grandfather and his brothers were ranchers in Easter Oregon. I have cousins that are still ranching north of Harney County.

The armed takeover of the Game Refuge is completely wrong, has nothing at all to do with the Hammond's plight, and everything to do with the wingnut conspriracies. Time to end that occupation, and give these miscreants a long stay in the iron bar hotel.

Open grazing keeps beef prices low. One of the major goals of you of the left is to make food impossible for the proles, so that they only way to eat is from the scraps given by our federal overlords.

Closing off grazing rights is intended to sharply increase meat prices, which is what it has done since Obama took office.

This is just more of the democrats war on food.
Has the unoccupied building been beheaded by the terrorists or are they still holding it hostage? Do you suppose they're keeping it fed? I can't believe Obama hasn't sent in a rescue team of Seals.
Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things
But they did do it, and they are doing it now. They have brought children to a gun fight, or at least, a potential gunfight. Those women and children are being used as shields. It is amazing how the terrorist supporters will twist and distort reality.
They brought children to a bird refuge gift shop. And the kids come and go, along with the "occupiers" and the townspeople.

No matter how badly you want them and their kids dead, it isn't going to happen.
You prove my point about twisting and distorting. Those idiots brought their kids to a potential firefight. That is a plain fact.
Here you are, an outsider, telling lies about the whole situation. Many of us in Portland have roots in that area. We know the people, and their problems. We also know that it is our taxes that maintain their roads and schools, as well as other infrastructure. And we approve of that, because of what the area provides us.

The reason that the BLM controls that land is what happened when it was open range. Big areas were overgrazed to the point of destruction. Logan Valley was a prime example. My grandfather and his brothers were ranchers in Easter Oregon. I have cousins that are still ranching north of Harney County.

The armed takeover of the Game Refuge is completely wrong, has nothing at all to do with the Hammond's plight, and everything to do with the wingnut conspriracies. Time to end that occupation, and give these miscreants a long stay in the iron bar hotel.

Open grazing keeps beef prices low. One of the major goals of you of the left is to make food impossible for the proles, so that they only way to eat is from the scraps given by our federal overlords.

Closing off grazing rights is intended to sharply increase meat prices, which is what it has done since Obama took office.

This is just more of the democrats war on food.
It's also a tactic used to force self sufficient people who are armed and can subsist without outside assistance, into the cities.
Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
Thinking about it and actually doing it are two different things
But they did do it, and they are doing it now. They have brought children to a gun fight, or at least, a potential gunfight. Those women and children are being used as shields. It is amazing how the terrorist supporters will twist and distort reality.
They brought children to a bird refuge gift shop. And the kids come and go, along with the "occupiers" and the townspeople.

No matter how badly you want them and their kids dead, it isn't going to happen.
You prove my point about twisting and distorting. Those idiots brought their kids to a potential firefight. That is a plain fact.
they did? Where is the fire fight?

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