Assholes making trouble in Oregon

God made the World and rested.

God made man and rested.

God man woman and neither God nor man have rested ever since.

Of course body parts cause problems.
It seems to bother you, so you have the floor let's hear about it.

Seriously...what would the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to the state?
What do the Feds lose?
Anybody answer yet?

Yes I did...and asked you, again, what the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to the state. The Feds lose a wildlife preserve and a bunch of land they lease to ranchers dirt cheap.

I answered your question, how about you answer mine? What do the ranchers gain if the state, rather than the feds, own that land?
The feds cannot own land outside ports and forts. So try again. They own nothing.

Pathetic dodge. Why won't anyone answer this simple question? What do the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to state control?
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
Carla is right, and Teddy is a clown for arguing about what he does not know or won't admit. The militia were forced to leave by the Hammonds, because the militia wanted the women and children to leave so an "armageddon" could be staged. That was very smart by the Hammonds. No one should die now if this is handled right.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.

It is an accepted Bundy tactic.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group
Big deal, it's a fight over a woman.

Obviously you are drunk, and no doubt on the Lords day. The fight was not over one particular woman.
Er..yes, it was. The aggressor, the freak who got his nose poked, is a personal acquaintance of Bundy who has a thing for the female author who is at the refuge with him. He's a Dumbass, like you.
So Jake, instead of providing some proof to back Carla's claim, you resort to name calling and conjecture. Gotcha.
Gotcha. You were told the truth of what was going on. You don't believe because simply you don't want to. You, like koshergrl and others, are merely
The outsiders went home at the insider's request.

The outsiders wanted the women and children out so they could stage a Ruby Ridge or whatever.


Actually, the "outsiders"..i.e., the three percenters from Idaho, weren't there because of the woman at all. They were there to provide a perimeter to prevent sneak tactics by the feds.

And the Bundys sent them home because they felt they would escalate the situation and hamper the ongoing discussion and movement on and off the refuge.

Thus proving they have no aspirations of violence.

The jackass who showed up and instigated a fight was a single person (he might have had a friend with him)..he wasn't with the three percenters, he was just an acquaintance who showed up to make trouble for Bundy, personally.

In other words, fake once again proves he's a know-nothing lefty agitator.
Pathetic dodge. Why won't anyone answer this simple question? What do the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to state control?

Obama told the nation, "if you like your food, you can keep your food."

But as with everything Obama says, he is lying.

The increases since June 2009 are: Beef and veal: +35.2%, Pork: +27%, Fish and seafood: +20.1%, Eggs: +33.1%, Dairy: +16.1%, Fresh Fruits: +13.8%.

At the same time, Average Hourly Earnings have increased by 10.1%.

Food Prices Are Soaring And Washington Doesn't Care

Obama and the left in general are waging war on food production, no one is worse in the attacks on agriculture than Comrade General Brown in the Peoples Republic. But Obama is at war to make food unattainable to the middle and lower classes, particularly protein rich foods like meat. One of the ways that Obama has accomplished his goal of sharp increases in meat prices is by denying federal grazing rights that have been in place since the 1850's. The situation in Oregon is a reaction to this war on food by the Obamanation and his minions.

I don't know that turning the land over to the state would help, but a president not at war against the American people sure would.
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Anyone rescue the vacant building yet?
There for a while I thought the Oregonian reporters might storm the Harney County Resource Center, as the locals have renamed the refuge. But they couldn't get the locals to protect them...
No, the locals did not rename it that. The locos that have occupied the Malhuer Game Refuge did.
Once again, I posted the facts, and koshergrl shows her ignorance.

The outsiders wanted a firefight with the feds and were ordered out by the Hammonds.

koshergrl continues to

Pathetic dodge. Why won't anyone answer this simple question? What do the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to state control?

Obama told the nation, "if you like your food, you can keep your food."

But as with everything Obama says, he is lying.

The increases since June 2009 are: Beef and veal: +35.2%, Pork: +27%, Fish and seafood: +20.1%, Eggs: +33.1%, Dairy: +16.1%, Fresh Fruits: +13.8%.

At the same time, Average Hourly Earnings have increased by 10.1%.

Food Prices Are Soaring And Washington Doesn't Care

Obama and the left in general are waging war on food production, no one is worse in the attacks on agriculture than Comrade General Brown in the Peoples Republic. But Obama is at war to food unattainable to the middle and lower classes, particularly protein rich foods like meat. One of the ways that Obama has accomplished his goal of sharp increases in meat prices is by denying federal grazing rights that have been in place since the 1850's. The situation in Oregon is a reaction to this war on food by the Obamanation and his minions.

I don't know that turning the land over to the state would help, but a president not at war against the American people sure would.

It would help. At the very least, they would make sure the fodder was kept down, reducing the intensity and destruction of wildfires.
So folks, as I have posted many times here, this thread is more a slug fest of personal attacks than anything remotely attempting to post some truths.

I have to wonder, do the folks in Portland think that their meat just magically appears under cellophane in their local Safeway, or Trader Joe's? Do you prefer that your beef is raised in a cage? Now that's a good question with the PETA folks. Or are the ones against these folks actually vegans?

But what I would really like to do is implore you to look beyond what the .gov media is showing you. There are many videos surfacing on YouTube lately showing many of the Harney County and Burns, Oregon town hall meetings that the .gov media has NOT published. Yes, they are long and it will take quite an investment of your time to try to get some ACTUAL truth out of this situation, something that I doubt many of you will do, since you prefer the slop that the .gov media feeds you instead.

But if you are really interested in the truth here, I again implore you to take a look at them, here's a couple. The first is from Jan 1, BEFORE the rally, the second is from a few weeks before. The rest can be viewed on YouTube from the links that will show on the sidebar. Look, Watch and learn for yourself, PLEASE? And again, I realize that they are very very long, but we all owe it to ourselves to take the time . . . .

Here you are, an outsider, telling lies about the whole situation. Many of us in Portland have roots in that area. We know the people, and their problems. We also know that it is our taxes that maintain their roads and schools, as well as other infrastructure. And we approve of that, because of what the area provides us.

The reason that the BLM controls that land is what happened when it was open range. Big areas were overgrazed to the point of destruction. Logan Valley was a prime example. My grandfather and his brothers were ranchers in Easter Oregon. I have cousins that are still ranching north of Harney County.

The armed takeover of the Game Refuge is completely wrong, has nothing at all to do with the Hammond's plight, and everything to do with the wingnut conspriracies. Time to end that occupation, and give these miscreants a long stay in the iron bar hotel.
So folks, as I have posted many times here, this thread is more a slug fest of personal attacks than anything remotely attempting to post some truths.

I have to wonder, do the folks in Portland think that their meat just magically appears under cellophane in their local Safeway, or Trader Joe's? Do you prefer that your beef is raised in a cage? Now that's a good question with the PETA folks. Or are the ones against these folks actually vegans?

But what I would really like to do is implore you to look beyond what the .gov media is showing you. There are many videos surfacing on YouTube lately showing many of the Harney County and Burns, Oregon town hall meetings that the .gov media has NOT published. Yes, they are long and it will take quite an investment of your time to try to get some ACTUAL truth out of this situation, something that I doubt many of you will do, since you prefer the slop that the .gov media feeds you instead.

But if you are really interested in the truth here, I again implore you to take a look at them, here's a couple. The first is from Jan 1, BEFORE the rally, the second is from a few weeks before. The rest can be viewed on YouTube from the links that will show on the sidebar. Look, Watch and learn for yourself, PLEASE? And again, I realize that they are very very long, but we all owe it to ourselves to take the time . . . .

Here you are, an outsider, telling lies about the whole situation. Many of us in Portland have roots in that area. We know the people, and their problems. We also know that it is our taxes that maintain their roads and schools, as well as other infrastructure. And we approve of that, because of what the area provides us.

The reason that the BLM controls that land is what happened when it was open range. Big areas were overgrazed to the point of destruction. Logan Valley was a prime example. My grandfather and his brothers were ranchers in Easter Oregon. I have cousins that are still ranching north of Harney County.

The armed takeover of the Game Refuge is completely wrong, has nothing at all to do with the Hammond's plight, and everything to do with the wingnut conspriracies. Time to end that occupation, and give these miscreants a long stay in the iron bar hotel.

^^^OR is a commie outsider. He doesn't have roots there, and he doesn't speak for any of the people from there. He's a liar.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
These locos took over a Federal Installation with guns. They have stated that they will kill anyone that tries to oust them. And they took women and children in with them. Believing, correctly, that the rest of us care more for their children than they do. They are the ultimate cowards using those women and children for shields.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group

Neither of those articles prove your point. Tell me exactly where they actually 'hid behind their women and children'.
These locos took over a Federal Installation with guns. They have stated that they will kill anyone that tries to oust them. And they took women and children in with them. Believing, correctly, that the rest of us care more for their children than they do. They are the ultimate cowards using those women and children for shields.


But...they aren't as big a coward as you, commie. Stop lying.

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