Assholes making trouble in Oregon

Read somewhere that unless they go on the property to the buildings to shut it off, they would also be shutting it off for some nearby ranchers' homes and they don't want to risk being shot or make life uncomfortable for the nearby ranchers.

Sort of truth. There is no way the power company can isolate the refuge itself, so they would have to go down there and physically cut the power lines to the refuge causing damage to local grid.
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Read somewhere that unless they go on the property to the buildings to shut it off, they would also be shutting it off for some nearby ranchers' homes and they don't want to risk being shot or make life uncomfortable for the nearby ranchers.

Sort of truth. There is no 'isolation' for the refuge itself, so they would have to go down there and physically cut power lines causing damage to cut the power off to only the refuge.
This has been explained fifteen different times. Irrelevant nonsense is all they have.
Republican Presidential candidates are asking the assholes to stand down while the Mommy of the leader is sending out e-mails begging for supplies like coffee creamer, cigarettes, warm socks and sleeping bags.
Unsourced nonsense generated by the statist propaganda machine, and spread by armchair ignorami..
I don't make unsourced statements like that when I post. I read it in a Seattle paper, this one;
which is in turn Unsourced. Progressive tool.
The source is the Associated Press, known as AP, they are recognised as one of the most objective and reliable sources in the world.
Lol having written stories picked up by the ap I know who they are, lol. The fact is, there's no source for the information itself. The AP is the source of the story...but not the information. Or maybe it is lol. Another great 'sources say' moment brought to you by the enemedia.
What about this source, is it any good.
So folks, as I have posted many times here, this thread is more a slug fest of personal attacks than anything remotely attempting to post some truths.

I have to wonder, do the folks in Portland think that their meat just magically appears under cellophane in their local Safeway, or Trader Joe's? Do you prefer that your beef is raised in a cage? Now that's a good question with the PETA folks. Or are the ones against these folks actually vegans?

But what I would really like to do is implore you to look beyond what the .gov media is showing you. There are many videos surfacing on YouTube lately showing many of the Harney County and Burns, Oregon town hall meetings that the .gov media has NOT published. Yes, they are long and it will take quite an investment of your time to try to get some ACTUAL truth out of this situation, something that I doubt many of you will do, since you prefer the slop that the .gov media feeds you instead.

But if you are really interested in the truth here, I again implore you to take a look at them, here's a couple. The first is from Jan 1, BEFORE the rally, the second is from a few weeks before. The rest can be viewed on YouTube from the links that will show on the sidebar. Look, Watch and learn for yourself, PLEASE? And again, I realize that they are very very long, but we all owe it to ourselves to take the time . . . .

I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group
Hey by the way vacant, abandon are either the definition of occupied? Libturds?
It is a visited center...closed for the holidays I believe. Would a school closed the holidays be called abandoned? Vacant?
They lock it up during the winter, and most of the rest of the year. There are buildings like them allover...beautiful structures built at taxpayer expense to serve the taxpayers, supposedly...then locked up and jealously guarded by the feds.
I just want to know why the electricity is still on for these freeloading Yeehawdists.

And this proves exactly how much you are doing your own research on this situation. Nope. Just keep on lapping up the dog food that you are being fed and keep your head in the sand. Don't forget to stay up on facebook and the latest american idol either.

I think that's pretty much what the YeeHawdists are spending their time on all day....posting on facebook, instead of working for a living, they're begging for snacks.
I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group
Big deal, it's a fight over a woman.
Hey by the way vacant, abandon are either the definition of occupied? Libturds?
It is a visited center...closed for the holidays I believe. Would a school closed the holidays be called abandoned? Vacant?
They lock it up during the winter, and most of the rest of the year. There are buildings like them allover...beautiful structures built at taxpayer expense to serve the taxpayers, supposedly...then locked up and jealously guarded by the feds.
If you knew that area, you'd know why. But you keep pretending you do.....and reveal that you know nothing.
The outsiders went home at the insider's request.

The outsiders wanted the women and children out so they could stage a Ruby Ridge or whatever.

I hear they're hiding behind their women and children now.

Prove it.

Here you go.

Meyer told the Oregonian he went to the compound to get a friend, but the friend decided to stay. Meyer then tried to get women and children in the compound to leave, but was stopped by militia members.

Oregon militia members give Tucsonans a harsh welcome


BURNS -- Violence broke out at the Bundy compound Wednesday night between its militant occupants and members of an outside group whose leader says he wants to get women and children out of the compound.

At Bundy encampment, outsider says militants 'attacked' his group
Big deal, it's a fight over a woman.

Obviously you are drunk, and no doubt on the Lords day. The fight was not over one particular woman.
Read the comments

Oh yeah, the comments. We all know how truthful those are.

You are a genuine dope. If you had not figured out the article was satire, you would have learned it quickly from the comments section. The thread is full of legitimate links to numerous news sources and include many videos. I posted the satire because a couple of posters whined about my not giving links. When I posted links they complained about the validity of the links. When I pointed out they were from well known news sources, they complained that well-known sources were not good enough. Now someone who can't recognize satire in jumping in to expand the dopey know it all factor. Thanks for playing.
Hey by the way vacant, abandon are either the definition of occupied? Libturds?
It is a visited center...closed for the holidays I believe. Would a school closed the holidays be called abandoned? Vacant?
They lock it up during the winter, and most of the rest of the year. There are buildings like them allover...beautiful structures built at taxpayer expense to serve the taxpayers, supposedly...then locked up and jealously guarded by the feds.
If you knew that area, you'd know why. But you keep pretending you do.....and reveal that you know nothing.
I just told you why, shortbus.

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