Assholes making trouble in Oregon

The new flag of the Y'all Qaeda YeeHawdists...

I have been reading the posts and I did acknowledge you were right about the interstates. think the states own them simply because of the word "state"? Do you know what the word "inter" means?

And state schools are ONLY federally funded if they use Title 1 or Free and Reduced Lunch funds.

Now tell us about State Lands vs Federal Lands.
what is it you'd like to know that you can't look up on the internet?
It's more fun to hear it from you. So...tell us the pros and cons of state land vs federal land.
It seems to bother you, so you have the floor let's hear about it.

Seriously...what would the ranchers gain if the land is turned over to the state?
What do the Feds lose?
Anybody answer yet?
That's odd, Salvador Hernandez doesn't actually link or identify a source. More fake 'facts' being generated by social justice lunatics.
Any charges yet?
Republican Presidential candidates are asking the assholes to stand down while the Mommy of the leader is sending out e-mails begging for supplies like coffee creamer, cigarettes, warm socks and sleeping bags.
So there you have it. The protesters are supported by the locals. Lunatic lefties keep posting the same unsourced lies over and over, and have finally devolved into ad hominem attacks (desperate and also untrue but meh lol). Ill continue to post facts as I come across them.
Any charges yet?
Republican Presidential candidates are asking the assholes to stand down while the Mommy of the leader is sending out e-mails begging for supplies like coffee creamer, cigarettes, warm socks and sleeping bags.
Unsourced nonsense generated by the statist propaganda machine, and spread by armchair ignorami..
Who's Allie?
You can ask the poster currently known as "Koshergirl". That is not her first name here. She's "tried" to reinvent herself. Didn't work.
yep. That's not her first username here and she whines when people remind her of it. Same w/ 007
She went into a major funk when they got rid of the rep system....she kept using neg rep as what she perceived to be a weapon.
good heavens still wallowing in self pity over the fact that you couldn't accumulate rep, years after the're still universally reviled as the liar you are, bode. The past is in the past...let it go, commander Pete.
whatever you have to tell yourself allie
Hey can you explain what that has to do with the op?
Hey by the way vacant, abandon are either the definition of occupied? Libturds?

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