Assholes making trouble in Oregon


Bundy militia standoff escalates when another heavily-armed group arrives to provide ‘security’

There may be more drama afoot at the Bundy militia standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

In a moment of irony, a new group of armed miltiamen has arrived at the standoff in Harney County, Oregon, and the ones that have been there since last Saturday say their presence is unwanted.

The Oregonian reports that the Pacific Patriot Network has sent armed “security” — some of whom are carrying semi-automatic rifles — to the standoff on Saturday. But an attorney mediating the dispute between Ammon Bundy and federal officials said Bundy wants them to leave.

“We don’t need that. We don’t want it and we’re asking you to leave,” Todd MacFarlane, an attorney mediating the dispute on behalf of the Bundys, told reporters Saturday.

In a press conference Saturday morning, a representative from the Bundy group said they are looking to de-escalate the situation.

Locals in the area of the standoff have, in turn, condemned the Bundy takeover. Residents have expressed fear at the presence of armed militia and asked the outsiders to leave.

MacFarlane said members of the original occupation are “alarmed” by the new arrivals.

Sheesh, send in a few cases of Jack Daniels, wait a few hours, then go in and collect the whole bunch of them.
The Bundy group advised them they don't need the perimeter. They have their one mounted Irrigon guy who holds the flag and welcomes locals when they come to bring supplies and signs and food and such.
Load up a forest service fire fighting tanker with essence of skunk, and douse the lot of these idiots. Natural odor for them.
Oh brother. You've thrown in with bode, I'd say if you had any credibility at all before, you lost it. The fake naval commander and the fake rural Oregonian are quite a team, lol ok.
Occupied Oregon wildlife refuge known for listening to ranchers

The plan also has earned the respect of the cattleman whose herd grazed on refuge pasture this past week. He is Fred Otley, a fourth-generation rancher whose 93-year-old mother, Mary Otley, is still agile enough to run the swather that cuts grasses in refuge fields.

Over the years, Fred Otley has had plenty of conflicts with federal land managers. But the current refuge leadership appears to have earned his respect, even as some disagreements still persist about management of federal lands that provide his cattle vital fall and winter feed.

“To me, what is important is that the refuge has really listened and taken a more collaborative approach,” Otley said. “Automatically, that helps build better relations with the community.”

The efforts to develop the 2013 refuge plan have had ripple effects. They helped lay the groundwork for another cooperative program to protect sage grouse that started in Harney County, home to Malheur, and is credited with helping convince the Interior Department last September to not list the grouse under the Endangered Species Act.

The program enlists ranchers to take steps on their private land to protect the bird, such as by removing weeds or uprooting junipers that offered perches for predators — moves that can also improve pastures.

“We started saying what’s good for the bird is good for the herd,” said Tom Sharp, a Harney County rancher who helped launch the cooperative effort that grew to encompass 53 ranches and 320,000 acres

Kosher and too many others completely lying about what is going on down there.
Occupied Oregon wildlife refuge known for listening to ranchers

The plan also has earned the respect of the cattleman whose herd grazed on refuge pasture this past week. He is Fred Otley, a fourth-generation rancher whose 93-year-old mother, Mary Otley, is still agile enough to run the swather that cuts grasses in refuge fields.

Over the years, Fred Otley has had plenty of conflicts with federal land managers. But the current refuge leadership appears to have earned his respect, even as some disagreements still persist about management of federal lands that provide his cattle vital fall and winter feed.

“To me, what is important is that the refuge has really listened and taken a more collaborative approach,” Otley said. “Automatically, that helps build better relations with the community.”

The efforts to develop the 2013 refuge plan have had ripple effects. They helped lay the groundwork for another cooperative program to protect sage grouse that started in Harney County, home to Malheur, and is credited with helping convince the Interior Department last September to not list the grouse under the Endangered Species Act.

The program enlists ranchers to take steps on their private land to protect the bird, such as by removing weeds or uprooting junipers that offered perches for predators — moves that can also improve pastures.

“We started saying what’s good for the bird is good for the herd,” said Tom Sharp, a Harney County rancher who helped launch the cooperative effort that grew to encompass 53 ranches and 320,000 acres

Kosher and too many others completely lying about what is going on down there.
Lol you should call in Lakota to support you, then you'll have a fake token native, too. Commute the sentences of Dwight Lincoln Hammond Jr and Steven Dwight Hammond, both of Harney County Oregon. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
Hell, I would like to see the Hammond's sentence commuted to time served. But that is no longer the issue. The issue now is the armed takeover of a Federal property. That is what is front and center on all the news. The Bundy's have effetively shoved the Hammond's justified issue with the silly sentence under the terrorism law to the back burner, and substituted their idiocy.

And you have gone right along with the Bundy's.
Hell, I would like to see the Hammond's sentence commuted to time served. But that is no longer the issue. The issue now is the armed takeover of a Federal property. That is what is front and center on all the news. The Bundy's have effetively shoved the Hammond's justified issue with the silly sentence under the terrorism law to the back burner, and substituted their idiocy.

And you have gone right along with the Bundy's.
Every Harney county resident interviewed, including the Hammonds, say they are thankful for the attention being brought to the situation.
The march down main street brought attention to that issue. The occupation of the Refuge and demands that is be dismantled, took attention away from the plight of the Hammond's. Now we have more idiots showing up and seeking an armed confrontation with the government. All the government, County, State, and Federal. How long before one of the loopy bastards shoots a local rancher or a County law enforcement officer?
The march down main street brought attention to that issue. The occupation of the Refuge and demands that is be dismantled, took attention away from the plight of the Hammond's. Now we have more idiots showing up and seeking an armed confrontation with the government. All the government, County, State, and Federal. How long before one of the loopy bastards shoots a local rancher or a County law enforcement officer?
Nope. Every individuals interviewed says they are thankful for the attention the BUNDYS have brought. Obviously, as they crafted the new sign.
I've not heard of that "libturd bible"....can you link to it for us, please?
Only if you share it with the class. Post that puppy up for everyone to see. are the one that stated there was a "libturd bible". Surely you were not lying. Because that would wrong.

Um, that doesn't even make sense considering what you claimed about there being some "libturd bible". :lol: Are you sure you didn't get confused and were thinking of some wingnut bible?

It IS amusing, tho, to see how far you had to go back for that.

It's where it started why not go back there? Out of control libturds started right there.

I love your evidence. :lol:

Bundy militia standoff escalates when another heavily-armed group arrives to provide ‘security’

There may be more drama afoot at the Bundy militia standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

In a moment of irony, a new group of armed miltiamen has arrived at the standoff in Harney County, Oregon, and the ones that have been there since last Saturday say their presence is unwanted.

The Oregonian reports that the Pacific Patriot Network has sent armed “security” — some of whom are carrying semi-automatic rifles — to the standoff on Saturday. But an attorney mediating the dispute between Ammon Bundy and federal officials said Bundy wants them to leave.

“We don’t need that. We don’t want it and we’re asking you to leave,” Todd MacFarlane, an attorney mediating the dispute on behalf of the Bundys, told reporters Saturday.

In a press conference Saturday morning, a representative from the Bundy group said they are looking to de-escalate the situation.

Locals in the area of the standoff have, in turn, condemned the Bundy takeover. Residents have expressed fear at the presence of armed militia and asked the outsiders to leave.

MacFarlane said members of the original occupation are “alarmed” by the new arrivals.

Sheesh, send in a few cases of Jack Daniels, wait a few hours, then go in and collect the whole bunch of them.
Read: " We don't want to share the limelight with them."
Load up a forest service fire fighting tanker with essence of skunk, and douse the lot of these idiots. Natural odor for them.
Oh brother. You've thrown in with bode, I'd say if you had any credibility at all before, you lost it. The fake naval commander and the fake rural Oregonian are quite a team, lol ok.
I do have a question for you, Allie...why haven't any of the GOP Presidential candidates chimed in on this yet?
Occupied Oregon wildlife refuge known for listening to ranchers

The plan also has earned the respect of the cattleman whose herd grazed on refuge pasture this past week. He is Fred Otley, a fourth-generation rancher whose 93-year-old mother, Mary Otley, is still agile enough to run the swather that cuts grasses in refuge fields.

Over the years, Fred Otley has had plenty of conflicts with federal land managers. But the current refuge leadership appears to have earned his respect, even as some disagreements still persist about management of federal lands that provide his cattle vital fall and winter feed.

“To me, what is important is that the refuge has really listened and taken a more collaborative approach,” Otley said. “Automatically, that helps build better relations with the community.”

The efforts to develop the 2013 refuge plan have had ripple effects. They helped lay the groundwork for another cooperative program to protect sage grouse that started in Harney County, home to Malheur, and is credited with helping convince the Interior Department last September to not list the grouse under the Endangered Species Act.

The program enlists ranchers to take steps on their private land to protect the bird, such as by removing weeds or uprooting junipers that offered perches for predators — moves that can also improve pastures.

“We started saying what’s good for the bird is good for the herd,” said Tom Sharp, a Harney County rancher who helped launch the cooperative effort that grew to encompass 53 ranches and 320,000 acres

Kosher and too many others completely lying about what is going on down there.
Lol you should call in Lakota to support you, then you'll have a fake token native, too. Commute the sentences of Dwight Lincoln Hammond Jr and Steven Dwight Hammond, both of Harney County Oregon. | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government
They aren't gonna get commuted now with all the illegal attention. Too bad.
Load up a forest service fire fighting tanker with essence of skunk, and douse the lot of these idiots. Natural odor for them.
Oh brother. You've thrown in with bode, I'd say if you had any credibility at all before, you lost it. The fake naval commander and the fake rural Oregonian are quite a team, lol ok.
I do have a question for you, Allie...why haven't any of the GOP Presidential candidates chimed in on this yet?

Why should they, there are so many MORE IMPORTANT THINGS
Hell, I would like to see the Hammond's sentence commuted to time served. But that is no longer the issue. The issue now is the armed takeover of a Federal property. That is what is front and center on all the news. The Bundy's have effetively shoved the Hammond's justified issue with the silly sentence under the terrorism law to the back burner, and substituted their idiocy.

And you have gone right along with the Bundy's.
Every Harney county resident interviewed, including the Hammonds, say they are thankful for the attention being brought to the situation.
I love how you make stuff up.
The person you were addressing made those photoshops? Link to that, Please.

Yes indeed you certainly are severely retarded.

Shepard Fairey-designed Obama portrait on cover of upcoming Rolling Stone

Intellect of a rotting corpse, the wit of a golfball - that's our Bode. :thup:

Forget it.
You will not change their minds.
They are defending the Government and can't see the tyranny, just like the people who defended and was loyal to the Crown during the Revolutionary War.
Try and stick to the issue. Some radical elements with a weird interpretation of the Constitution in regards to public ownership of property are trying to promote that weird interpretation with an armed takeover of a public facility. If we wanted to let loose of the properties they covet we could start selling off sections of our land and make billions of dollars, even trillions of dollars. Can you imagine the funds we could raise by selling off the lakeside and riverside lots we own all over the west. Far more than we would ever get leasing it out for grazing land for cattle.

Having the State manage the refuge rather than the Feds is not going private.
It will still be managed by the Government.

Except the state doesn't own the land.

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