CDZ Assume the Worst About the Ds, Best Response for Trump

which is the best political response by Trump to get his platform passed

  • let the trial go forward and risk making martyrs of these crooks

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Ask the house to impeach

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Pardon and mention that treason is one of the possible charges

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Take as a given that Hillary, Bill and Obama at best barely skirted the definition of treason on the One Uranium deal and an independent Counsel has proof of that.

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Pardon would in my opinion would do the most long term damage to the Ds because it takes away the chance to clear their names.
Not sure where I fall on this one, yet. Haven't had time to really dive into the latest revelations. Not sure who would be impeached though. None of them are in office, so it would be mostly symbolic, if even possible (not sure on the legalities of it).

That said, from what little information I have, I would certainly go with the pardon option at this point. It puts this thing to bed, at least outside of conspiracy theory, and limits the damage to our nation (much like when Nixon was pardoned by Ford). This certainly is not analogous to Watergate, as this is far beyond ordering a break-in, again from what I know. What good would come out of prosecuting? Putting a few people in jail, for crimes they have no way of committing again? Would it send a message? Sure, but at what cost? Is the message worth the damage to our "prestige"? I cannot answer any of these. Food for thought though, and things to be considered IMHO.
Not sure where I fall on this one, yet. Haven't had time to really dive into the latest revelations. Not sure who would be impeached though. None of them are in office, so it would be mostly symbolic, if even possible (not sure on the legalities of it).

That said, from what little information I have, I would certainly go with the pardon option at this point. It puts this thing to bed, at least outside of conspiracy theory, and limits the damage to our nation (much like when Nixon was pardoned by Ford). This certainly is not analogous to Watergate, as this is far beyond ordering a break-in, again from what I know. What good would come out of prosecuting? Putting a few people in jail, for crimes they have no way of committing again? Would it send a message? Sure, but at what cost? Is the message worth the damage to our "prestige"? I cannot answer any of these. Food for thought though, and things to be considered IMHO.
former Cabinet secretaries and presidents are supposedly grandfathered in for impeachment because of imperial trading companies and the common law or so I heard from eco-prof.
Take as a given that Hillary, Bill and Obama at best barely skirted the definition of treason on the One Uranium deal and an independent Counsel has proof of that.

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IF we are talking about One Uranium and it turns out to be a legit thing Trump has to be careful.

- I firmly believe in letting prosecution take its course. If Reagan is guilty of training the Taliban or supporting terrorists in Central America string him up for it. If Obama allowed a controlling stake in some company to be sold off do whatever is allowed under law to Obama.

- This is dangerous for Trump in light of his own problems. Meaning how can Trump have so many Friends of Putin fan club members working for him and ridicule Obama for being a Friend of Putin. My attention span is different than most folks but Hypocrisy REALLY annoys me.

- Can he still ask the house to impeach Hillary or Obama? Or are we talking about impeaching Trump? Donald would have to be an idiot to have signed memos or whatever incriminating himself in his latest scandal so maybe he could call the House's bluff if getting a couple dozen Trump insiders strung up as Friends of Putin fan boys is a victory these days.
Impeachment is one of many spankings, Censure is more rare (Only used against Jackson) and the house can make up or dig up punishments from the last 800 years and from any other country that uses the common law.

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