Assuming Amy Barrett Is Next.What False Accusations Will The Left Come Up With.

:cow: :flirtysmile4: :hyper: This is something some of us must be thinking about, we have to look at the odds of "Ruthy" not making it to 2020. So lets say she just can not go on, and has to resign. We all know that Amy should be first on the list, if not, maybe another woman.
So lets say this happens, Trump chooses a woman. Then what? Anyone wanna guess what outlandish accusations will come flying out of left field?
:boobies: :CryingCow: :cul2:

That she kissed Ginsberg and she liked it.
Dems will never let Ruthie die...
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Coat hanger abortions seem to get these idiot liberals riled up.

Racist is always good.
I think he may get two more shots at the Supreme Court. Trump doesn’t play by old senile Republican rules so he may place two more men there.
But any way you look at it the Supreme Court is going to continue to move right...back towards Constitutionalism.
Is this what that old Kenyan folk saying “elections have consequences “ means?
Her Christian faith automatically disqualifies her, separation of church and state, etc.
Religious affiliation
Barrett is a practicing Roman Catholic.[13] The New York Times reported that Barrett was a member of a small, tightly knit Charismatic Christian group called People of Praise.[13] Barrett is affiliated with Faculty for Life, a pro-life group at the University of Notre Dame. In 2015, Barrett signed a joint letter to Catholic bishops which affirmed the Church's teachings including "the value of human life from conception to natural death," and that family and marriage are "founded on the indissoluble commitment of a man and a woman".[42][43]

Durbin, Democrats reveal their bigotry in questioning of judicial nominee from Notre Dame
Durbin, Democrats reveal their bigotry in questioning of judicial nominee from Notre Dame

". . . Would Democratic senators dare ask such questions of a Muslim or a Jew? No. Their own party would condemn them as would every newspaper editorial board in the country.

The brains of Feinstein and Durbin could not possibly conceive of such a question to someone who wasn't Christian, lest they burn themselves upon their own secular stake.

But a Christian, a Roman Catholic? Hey, that's different, isn't it?

There is no angry push by establishment media to condemn what was done to Barrett. The establishment pack hasn't hounded other Democrats to demand a clear denunciation. Instead, a few weak defenses were thrown up, essentially blaming Barrett for making public statements about reconciling faith and public life.

And like the questions in the Senate, they reveal themselves. It is by the sound of their defensive mewing that you know them.

The Constitution is clear that religious faith may not be used to prevent an American from holding office. But there is another faith now, a strident faith, that of the left and anyone who stands in its way is to be marked. . . . "
Great thread folks. LMAO

Oh and if they go after Barrett she will eat them alive.
Once Kavanaugh is confirmed and the Republicans keep the Senate, I think Ruthie will retire.
She was holding on dreaming of a liberal court with a majority of liberal female justices.
Hillary didn't deliver.
She is still hanging on hoping the minority can block Kavenaugh and take back the Senate to keep Kennedy's seat open until 2020.
That would give the liberal justices a fighting chance at 4-4.
Not going to happen.
The sad thing is, while this is all in fun, we know very well that, should Trump get to replace a raging liberal justice, they will be out in force, pulling every dirty trick known, inventing more, and justifying everything they do.
:cow: :flirtysmile4: :hyper: This is something some of us must be thinking about, we have to look at the odds of "Ruthy" not making it to 2020. So lets say she just can not go on, and has to resign. We all know that Amy should be first on the list, if not, maybe another woman.
So lets say this happens, Trump chooses a woman. Then what? Anyone wanna guess what outlandish accusations will come flying out of left field?
:boobies: :CryingCow: :cul2:

Likely, they will go for personal destruction to get her to just drop out....they will accuse her of affairs, tax cheating,and they might even accuse her of sexual harassment........there is nothing off the table if she is the replacement for that nut job, ginsburg....
The sad thing is, while this is all in fun, we know very well that, should Trump get to replace a raging liberal justice, they will be out in force, pulling every dirty trick known, inventing more, and justifying everything they do.

And the next step will be violence...they are moving that way more and more......
The sad thing is, while this is all in fun, we know very well that, should Trump get to replace a raging liberal justice, they will be out in force, pulling every dirty trick known, inventing more, and justifying everything they do.

And the next step will be violence...they are moving that way more and more......

I would not be surprised if the next Trump nominee was attacked physically and the usual suspects on here would celebrate. I hope I'm surprised.
The sad thing is, while this is all in fun, we know very well that, should Trump get to replace a raging liberal justice, they will be out in force, pulling every dirty trick known, inventing more, and justifying everything they do.

And the next step will be violence...they are moving that way more and more......

I would not be surprised if the next Trump nominee was attacked physically and the usual suspects on here would celebrate. I hope I'm surprised.

I learned not to be surprised by anything the democrats do.....they will do anything to get power...

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