Astrology - What's your sign?

Which Sign are you?

  • Aries

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Taurus

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Leo

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Libra

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Saggitarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Capricorn

    Votes: 10 14.3%
  • Aquarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Pisces

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
Mornin Everyone,

I'm here working today but will be around. Pick your poison and have a wonderful day!

I am Taurus....and I'm not supposed to be romantically involved with Aquarius...and guess husband is Aquarius, and we get along just fine....:)

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

Yes, it is probably good to point something out about astrological signs. You are not a sign and neither am I. Our birthdates identify a certain sign in the zodiac but it has nothing to do with who we are or who we are destined to become. I am not bound to any predictions made about an astrological sign over who I am and would never read "my horoscope" to find out the future.

I am so careful about it that if a newspaper is opened to the horoscope page I won't look at it. Dabbling in the occult may seem harmless but it is very dangerous. Reading your horoscope and using it as a tool of divination is no different from using a ouija board or buying a book by a medium that has had curses spoken over it which come upon the reader / purchaser later. Its a common practice by occultists. Tricky folks. You're completely open to a transference of spirits when you read a book by a medium, an occultist on astrology, etc. Very unwise. I would strongly advise against it.

It isn't harmless entertainment although I see nothing wrong with Sarah's experiment as it proves what you and others have found. It doesn't add up. I'm not a conflicted person yet I am a person who doesn't panic and can stay calm when people around me are totally losing it. ( has happened many times in my life ) Do I attribute that to the stars or to the one who created them? I think its a no brainer. :eusa_angel: It was a very interesting experiment! It is going to be a beautiful day today! I can tell already! - Jeri

Have an awesome day you guys!
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Thanks, Jeri. I knew some felt this way around here, I don't but every opinion is relevant here.

I believe more people posting here are skeptical than not. I love all of the informed responses, it was surprising really at how much people know about Astrology.

In creating this thread, I hoped we could explore it anyway.
Thanks, Jeri. I knew some felt this way around here, I don't but every opinion is relevant here.

I believe more people posting here are skeptical than not. I love all of the informed responses, it was surprising really at how much people know about Astrology.

In creating this thread, I hoped we could explore it anyway.

It's a fun thread. Nothing wrong with it. I'm just not one who takes it seriously. :)
I'm a Capricorn and get along with everyone, until they give me a reason not to. When that happens, they better get off my damn mountain or I'll head-butt their ass off of it.

***I've studied astrology quite a bit - eastern vs western methods, horary, birth charts, etc. I've done research papers on it in college classes as well. There's more to astrology than people think.
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I'm a Capricorn and get along with everyone, until they give me a reason not to. When that happens, they better get off my damn mountain or I'll head-butt their ass off of it.

***I've studied astrology quite a bit - eastern vs western methods, horary, birth charts, etc. I've done research papers on it in college classes as well. There's more to astrology than people think.


:) Thanks Cutie! I hope you'll stop by now and then to set us straight in that case.
I'm a Capricorn and get along with everyone, until they give me a reason not to. When that happens, they better get off my damn mountain or I'll head-butt their ass off of it.

***I've studied astrology quite a bit - eastern vs western methods, horary, birth charts, etc. I've done research papers on it in college classes as well. There's more to astrology than people think.

:clap2: My sediments exactly.
I'm a Capricorn and get along with everyone, until they give me a reason not to. When that happens, they better get off my damn mountain or I'll head-butt their ass off of it.

***I've studied astrology quite a bit - eastern vs western methods, horary, birth charts, etc. I've done research papers on it in college classes as well. There's more to astrology than people think.

I've studied it for years as well, and agree with your comments. Doesn't mean I consider it a religion, but it has definitely helped guide me in understanding others and navigating the world. I am fine if some folks don't like it or think it's bogus. To each his own....:)

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

Yes, it is probably good to point something out about astrological signs. You are not a sign and neither am I. Our birthdates identify a certain sign in the zodiac but it has nothing to do with who we are or who we are destined to become. I am not bound to any predictions made about an astrological sign over who I am and would never read "my horoscope" to find out the future.

I am so careful about it that if a newspaper is opened to the horoscope page I won't look at it. Dabbling in the occult may seem harmless but it is very dangerous. Reading your horoscope and using it as a tool of divination is no different from using a ouija board or buying a book by a medium that has had curses spoken over it which come upon the reader / purchaser later. Its a common practice by occultists. Tricky folks. You're completely open to a transference of spirits when you read a book by a medium, an occultist on astrology, etc. Very unwise. I would strongly advise against it.

It isn't harmless entertainment although I see nothing wrong with Sarah's experiment as it proves what you and others have found. It doesn't add up. I'm not a conflicted person yet I am a person who doesn't panic and can stay calm when people around me are totally losing it. ( has happened many times in my life ) Do I attribute that to the stars or to the one who created them? I think its a no brainer. :eusa_angel: It was a very interesting experiment! It is going to be a beautiful day today! I can tell already! - Jeri

Have an awesome day you guys!

C'mon, of course it's harmless. It's not about "divination" at all, that's a paved-over distortion to sell newspapers. It's just a marker of what the Universe looked like at a particular moment, and what that seems to mean from empirical observation.

Clearly no one is a constellation, and clearly there are infinitely more than 12 types of people, which is why the entire chart is considered along with its own interrelationships.

Still, all of that only at best describes an inclination, not even that but let's say a tendency, to occupy a particular set of energy character traits. In the real world we are heavily shaped by where and how we grow up, who our parents are, who our peers and mentors are, that kindly person you met at the age of four who sits in your subconscious and then you meet somebody years later who subconsciously reminds you of that person, after which you're inclined to be attracted to them... a million things.

What these charts tell us is what is at the bottom of our natures. How we handle those tendencies is entirely up to us.
I'm a Capricorn and get along with everyone, until they give me a reason not to. When that happens, they better get off my damn mountain or I'll head-butt their ass off of it.

***I've studied astrology quite a bit - eastern vs western methods, horary, birth charts, etc. I've done research papers on it in college classes as well. There's more to astrology than people think.

I've studied it for years as well, and agree with your comments. Doesn't mean I consider it a religion, but it has definitely helped guide me in understanding others and navigating the world. I am fine if some folks don't like it or think it's bogus. To each his own....:)

Exactly! It's a very useful tool when looked at through the right 'window', so to speak.
For those of you religiously inclined.....

The Star of Bethlehem "fortold" the birth of Christ. The Bible called the three wise men "Magi." They were astrologers. Just saying....
For those of you religiously inclined.....

The Star of Bethlehem "fortold" the birth of Christ. The Bible called the three wise men "Magi." They were astrologers. Just saying....

That whole entire story of the birth and life of Christ along with people from all over travelling to see, is so interesting.
I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)
How Your Ruling Planet Defines You

You might be familiar with how your Sun sign influences who you are, but how well do you know the qualities of your ruling planet? Astrology was developed based on the influences of the seven original planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Read on to find out which planet rules your sign and how you can best utilize its powerful energy.

How Your Ruling Planet Defines You -
April 04, 2014

Cosmic Calendar

Today is not nearly as intense and uncomfortable as any of the last three days, but it is also no pushover and cake walk. The celestial bodies are still messing around and acting uncouth as Mercury forms a contra-parallel with Uranus (2:41AM), Venus forms a frictional, 45-degree tie with Pluto (4:41AM), Mercury makes an off-kilter, 150-degree connection with Pallas (9:27AM) while Mercury makes the same kind of 150-degree connection with Vesta (5:13PM).

Mercury, Pallas, and Vesta are in cahoots — creating what is known as a Finger of God or Yod triangle in the heavens. These kinds of geometric formations always carry a certain amount of unknown energy — although the realms of communication, transportation, and health appear to be involved in the equation. Because Pallas and Vesta are in the mix, problem-solving — especially related to investment planning and safety-security measures — may be uneven or extra difficult.

A supportive, 60-degree sextile from the Moon in Gemini to the Sun in Aries (8:58AM) — along with a research-activating, 72-degree contact between Mercury and Pluto (4:58PM) — are the universe’s way of trying to be Mr. Nice Guy for a change of pace. It is to your advantage to look ahead to this weekend when Venus will enter the sign of its exaltation, Pisces, on Saturday while the Moon cozies up to high-minded, King of the Gods Jupiter in their monthly rendezvous on Sunday. [Note to readers: All times are calculated for Pacific Daylight Time. Be sure to adjust all times according to your own local time so the alignments noted above will be exact for your location.]

Cosmic Calendar -

I can pretty much understand this but if the astrologers want to jump in and interpret, I'd appreciate an understanding of the technical terms. Also, they have these everyday, do you think it's something that I should post or do you guys know of something better?
I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)


I'm a mental health clinician, and I am very familiar with the Myers-Briggs. Astrology is similar....just much, much, more detailed (and accurate) imho. It is a tool like Myers-Briggs.....nothing more. It is not is not religious....although it definitely contains strong elements of the golden rule found in just about every major religion.

I respect your point of view. Some people think Myers-Briggs is bogus (it is interesting that Carl Jung's archetypes are largely based on astrology, of which he was a major proponent...which in turn is the foundation of Myers-Briggs).

I happen to think Myers-Briggs is a useful tool. So is astrology. But if the tool of astrology is not useful to you, or you think it is bogus, I personally have no problem with that. To me, it is a matter of personal preference and what is meaningful to you. :)
I think it's more like an experiment, to see if any patterns emerge.

Monkeys are very good at pattern recognition. But sometimes we see patterns that don't exist. That is where conspiracies come from! :eek:


I tried to get the poll changed to public but it wasn't possible. That would have given us an indication of astrological signs and whether people in that particular sign leaned right or left.

So I just kept the poll anyway to see whether any particular sign was more prevelant on the board. The poll isn't all that useful anymore but I'm hoping more people click on their signs.

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