Astrology - What's your sign?

Which Sign are you?

  • Aries

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Taurus

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Leo

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Libra

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Saggitarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Capricorn

    Votes: 10 14.3%
  • Aquarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Pisces

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
We're just waiting for the perfect moment, eschewing other less than perfect moments.

I get along pretty good with scorpio's I am not sure what signs get on my nerves.

But I think the rising sign and moon signs have a lot to do with compatibility.

Drifter I know you said you were someone kind of famous. I think I have a good idea. My guess is first name Brad.....last name Pitt? Come on...tell me if I'm close. :)

I may have embellished :lol:
Ah....see...didn't know that. You're starting to fit my air sign theory. :) Also....Grand Cross in cardinal're going be one pushy guy, right? If you do not see a clear course of action and cannot push forward on an important matter to're going to be a very unhappy camper. The heavy cardinal thing I view like a circling shark. They never stop.

"Gotta give moving....gotta keep moving." :)

:eusa_clap: Very good, I didn't say the Cross was cardinal (but it is) so well sussed.

No, that doesn't make for 'pushy' --- it makes for energy. A lot of energies working both with and against each other, just waiting for a channel. I'm way too Libran to be pushy. :D

Ah...bullshit. :) Librans are some of the most pushy people I know....they just push with real good social skills and usually some charm. But still....they push to get what they want. So do Aries folks, Capricorns, and Cancers. All of them push.

Scorpions, Taurus, even Leo....we can wait until the time is right. Scorpios can wait for fucking years if we have to. Not so with with the cardinal folks. A grand cross with you might mean misdirected almost guarantees it....but you're still pushing. Always. :)

Actually, directing my own energy is my prerogative, not yours. Interesting to see who the dictators are though.

And I guess I neglected to tell you the other strong force in my chart, which is .... ♏

I have no idea how I relate with other signs, and don't put much stock in it. My whole life I thought my sign was Aquarius...then as an adult, I looked at a chart that listed me as a Capricorn. Apparently 1/20 is considered to be on the cusp, and the description in the link is pretty much spot on.

Were You Born on a Cusp? -

Yeah, you're a cuspoid (he said with biting incisiveness). I had a love-of-my-life girlfriend born right around there (day before) and if I called her a Cap there would be no sex for at least fifteen minutes so I shut up.

:lol: Yeah, don't call me a Capricorn...I don't care what some stinkin' chart says.:D

Yeah, not to sound like a joke but.. that's what she said. And she was the sexiest woman I've ever met so I didn't make an issue of it.

But if I had, I coulda explained to her why she's so sexy.... :eusa_whistle:
I don't know about all that astotology stuff, butt this is my sign;

I am a Pisces...don't think anyone has ever called me a "sea of tranquility" though. :lol:

Really? I've always heard that. Conflicted but calm and cool.

Well, it is true that when chaos hits I am usually the calm one trying to figure out what to do instead of running in circles. I virtually never panic. Even a couple times when I was in life-threatening situations. In 1989 when a tornado went about 2 miles from our home - my wife wanted to kill me if we lived...I was in the front yard watching it go by. I was not afraid...fascinated, but not afraid.
So I guess I am the calm one...but conflicted?

That is me to a T, IamwhatIsee.. I do not feel fear in life threatening situations either. My husband says I come to life! I bloom! Whereas other people would be headed to safety? It's the last thought on my mind. I know for a fact that I do not feel fear like other people feel fear. I believe I was born that way for a reason. It's part of my destiny.

Thanks for sharing your story.
I am a Libra. Wife was born Nov 13 not sure what her sign is.

She's a scorpio.

:eusa_eh: That's scary! How'd you do that?

It was easy. My birthday is November 14th. Prince Charles' too, though he is older than I. He and I are just alike (NOT!). My best relationship was with another scorpio, born one week before me on November 7th, the same year. He is nothing like what astrology says a scorpio is supposed to be like: pretty much the opposite.
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There was some discussion in another thread about who is what sign and how certain people connect with others in the astrological realm.

They were talking about me, I'm a Pisces and supposedly my best connection is with Scorpio. I have been with Scorpians in the past and the relationship was fiery but we both wanted to control the other person so it didn't work out.

What's your sign and who have you had the best relationships with. Not necessarily romantic but that and other friendships as well. I notice there are people here that I gravitate toward even though I don't know anyone in real life.

I am Taurus....and I'm not supposed to be romantically involved with Aquarius...and guess husband is Aquarius, and we get along just fine....:)

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D
I am Taurus....and I'm not supposed to be romantically involved with Aquarius...and guess husband is Aquarius, and we get along just fine....:)

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

i is entertainment only.
I am Taurus....and I'm not supposed to be romantically involved with Aquarius...and guess husband is Aquarius, and we get along just fine....:)

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

I kinda agree with that statement. Especially since the OP said she wanted to know who leans left or right. Like, as if that has anything to do with what month one is born???

i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

I kinda agree with that statement. Especially since the OP said she wanted to know who leans left or right. Like, as if that has anything to do with what month one is born???

I doubt it. We scorpions tend to be very dominant, but seem to be spread evenly across ideolodies and creeds. I bet that's probably the same for the other signs, assuming I even believe in them. :)

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