Astrology - What's your sign?

Which Sign are you?

  • Aries

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Taurus

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Gemini

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Cancer

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Leo

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Virgo

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Libra

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • Scorpio

    Votes: 9 12.9%
  • Saggitarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Capricorn

    Votes: 10 14.3%
  • Aquarius

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Pisces

    Votes: 6 8.6%

  • Total voters
I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)

Yeah, all Virgoans say that.


i dont set much store in what sigh is "compatible" with other signs either.....

I don't either. I don't set much store in any of it; it's entertainment, that's all. I don't like to tell people what sign I am because it then causes them to have preconceived notions about what kind of person I am, and that's very wrong to me. We should assess and understand people as individuals, not as astrological signs. As far as compatibility, I have never found it to be true for me with friends and partners that I am more compatible with some signs than others. Essentially: it's all a bunch of hooey! :p :D

Yes, it is probably good to point something out about astrological signs. You are not a sign and neither am I. Our birthdates identify a certain sign in the zodiac but it has nothing to do with who we are or who we are destined to become. I am not bound to any predictions made about an astrological sign over who I am and would never read "my horoscope" to find out the future.

I am so careful about it that if a newspaper is opened to the horoscope page I won't look at it. Dabbling in the occult may seem harmless but it is very dangerous. Reading your horoscope and using it as a tool of divination is no different from using a ouija board or buying a book by a medium that has had curses spoken over it which come upon the reader / purchaser later. Its a common practice by occultists. Tricky folks. You're completely open to a transference of spirits when you read a book by a medium, an occultist on astrology, etc. Very unwise. I would strongly advise against it.

It isn't harmless entertainment although I see nothing wrong with Sarah's experiment as it proves what you and others have found. It doesn't add up. I'm not a conflicted person yet I am a person who doesn't panic and can stay calm when people around me are totally losing it. ( has happened many times in my life ) Do I attribute that to the stars or to the one who created them? I think its a no brainer. :eusa_angel: It was a very interesting experiment! It is going to be a beautiful day today! I can tell already! - Jeri

Have an awesome day you guys!


What you just said about pagan science is nothing more than organized religion indocrination. The powers that be, or were actually, back in the Middle Ages, did everything they could to win converts over to their side.

Just like the Old Testament prophets there are people that can "see." And is it not in the Book of Genesis that God said he put signs in the sky? Not much point in that if no one's going to read them.

"Dabbling in the occult" is an overworked talking point used to incite fear. Studying the natural arts is pretty safe as long as a more experienced person is at hand.

Demonic possession is a bullshit story.
... And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)

They don't have any effect, none at all. They're no more than traffic signs. Just as the Dead End sign didn't cause the road to close off up ahead, the stars don't create the situations they're describing to us.
I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)


I'm a mental health clinician, and I am very familiar with the Myers-Briggs. Astrology is similar....just much, much, more detailed (and accurate) imho. It is a tool like Myers-Briggs.....nothing more. It is not is not religious....although it definitely contains strong elements of the golden rule found in just about every major religion.

I respect your point of view. Some people think Myers-Briggs is bogus (it is interesting that Carl Jung's archetypes are largely based on astrology, of which he was a major proponent...which in turn is the foundation of Myers-Briggs).

I happen to think Myers-Briggs is a useful tool. So is astrology. But if the tool of astrology is not useful to you, or you think it is bogus, I personally have no problem with that. To me, it is a matter of personal preference and what is meaningful to you. :)

I don't use Myers-Briggs per se just because for me it is far too sterile and clinical and tediously academic. I use my own adaptation of the Kiesey/Bates version with some additional components thrown in. But after years with working with those concepts, I KNOW they aren't bogus and do definitely have their beneficial aspects so long as they are not presented as values rather than traits.

I have more knowledge of astrology concepts than probably the average bear and probably far less than you do. But I just don't buy that the placement of the stars, moons, planets etc. determines who and what I am or determines what kind of day/month/year I'm going to have. Nor do I have a problem with those who do. :)
I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)


I'm a mental health clinician, and I am very familiar with the Myers-Briggs. Astrology is similar....just much, much, more detailed (and accurate) imho. It is a tool like Myers-Briggs.....nothing more. It is not is not religious....although it definitely contains strong elements of the golden rule found in just about every major religion.

I respect your point of view. Some people think Myers-Briggs is bogus (it is interesting that Carl Jung's archetypes are largely based on astrology, of which he was a major proponent...which in turn is the foundation of Myers-Briggs).

I happen to think Myers-Briggs is a useful tool. So is astrology. But if the tool of astrology is not useful to you, or you think it is bogus, I personally have no problem with that. To me, it is a matter of personal preference and what is meaningful to you. :)

I don't use Myers-Briggs per se just because for me it is far too sterile and clinical and tediously academic. I use my own adaptation of the Kiesey/Bates version with some additional components thrown in. But after years with working with those concepts, I KNOW they aren't bogus and do definitely have their beneficial aspects so long as they are not presented as values rather than traits.

I have more knowledge of astrology concepts than probably the average bear and probably far less than you do. But I just don't buy that the placement of the stars, moons, planets etc. determines who and what I am or determines what kind of day/month/year I'm going to have. Nor do I have a problem with those who do. :)

They don't "determine". That's a misconception. All they portend is a tendency, the climate if you will. It's kind of like looking up and seeing clouds and wind, and concluding that it might rain.

It might, or it might not. It's an indication. Astrology is far subtler than it's commonly given credit for.
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I don't really put any faith in astrology and for me its primary usefulness is to raise consciousness of who we are and how we react or respond so differently to things than other people do. It helps us focus and think about that, and perhaps generate a bit of tolerance and understanding that different people are different in such things.

For reasons more complicated than anybody wants to know here, I was cursed/blessed with training in Myers/Briggs type temperament typing--you know, providing and interpreting the tests that determine if we are extraverted or introverted, whether we are guided by our heads or our hearts, that sort of thing. And as such I became something of a semi-expert in conflict management to help warring boards of directors, churches and such understand why they were unable to reach an agreement on this or that--why others seemed so stiff necked and rigid in their opinions etc.--and how to get around that.

I think studying something like astrology can indeed help us develop those kinds of insights and be sensitive to the value in the other's differences as well as our own.

And while I do believe we all are born with inate temperament traits, and those can make some things easier or more difficult for us, I don't believe for a minute they determine who and what we are. And I don't want to believe that the placement of the stars, moons, planets, etc. has any effect on who and what I am, however, as I pretty much jealously guard that as my own prerogative. :)


I'm a mental health clinician, and I am very familiar with the Myers-Briggs. Astrology is similar....just much, much, more detailed (and accurate) imho. It is a tool like Myers-Briggs.....nothing more. It is not is not religious....although it definitely contains strong elements of the golden rule found in just about every major religion.

I respect your point of view. Some people think Myers-Briggs is bogus (it is interesting that Carl Jung's archetypes are largely based on astrology, of which he was a major proponent...which in turn is the foundation of Myers-Briggs).

I happen to think Myers-Briggs is a useful tool. So is astrology. But if the tool of astrology is not useful to you, or you think it is bogus, I personally have no problem with that. To me, it is a matter of personal preference and what is meaningful to you. :)

I don't use Myers-Briggs per se just because for me it is far too sterile and clinical and tediously academic. I use my own adaptation of the Kiesey/Bates version with some additional components thrown in. But after years with working with those concepts, I KNOW they aren't bogus and do definitely have their beneficial aspects so long as they are not presented as values rather than traits.

I have more knowledge of astrology concepts than probably the average bear and probably far less than you do. But I just don't buy that the placement of the stars, moons, planets etc. determines who and what I am or determines what kind of day/month/year I'm going to have. Nor do I have a problem with those who do. :)

Thanks for your response back. It sounds like we respect each others positions and can agree to disagree in a civil way. Kinda novel here at USMB. :) Much respect....and thanks again for your response.
I like astrology, it's fun whether real or not.

I just want to know what placements I need to win a lot of money :lol:

That's what I want to know too. All I know is it has something to do with Jupiter. :)
Astrology and taste in music:

Aries - Ariens are all about right now this minute, so whatever they listened to this morning was sooo last month. New music gets released every Tuesday, by Wednesday afternoon the Aries listener is bored with all the day-old stuff.

Taurus - Strictly Top 40. Regardless of the genre, the Taurus fan only cares about the artists and song that get the most airplay.

Gemini - Musically, Geminis get stuck at that place in time when they were at their social peak. Fortunately, most weren't peaking during the disco era. Geminis, like everyone else, can have several peaks in their lives, so they don't usually fall too far behind the times.

Cancer - The Cancer fan listens to whatever the person closest to him/her likes. Cancers get very attached to one best friend/favorite relative, let's hope it's one that doesn't like boy bands.

Leo - They're Leos, they like solo artists, many of whom are also Leos. Go through their album collection, you'll see solo albums galore, from big-name artists: the individual Rat Pack members, Mick Jagger, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Lady GaGa,...

Virgo - Virgos have the best album collections. They'll listen to anything. Then they'll analyze it, run it through some lab tests, do some scans, and ultimately determine (correctly) if it's a good song or not. Not that it matters, most Virgos have some real stinkers in their collections just for the lulz.

Libra - Libras like this, no, wait, they like that, actually they like both of them, they can't make up their minds which one - oh look, here's another, should they get it too?

Scorpio - It's all about romance. Not big puffy pink glitter hearts romance, more like daydreams and escapist paperbacks and science fiction. They like songs that will take them out of the everyday world.

Sagittarius - Old school. VERY old school. It's no coincidence that Sag guitarist Keith Richards adored Depression-era Mississippi blues. Today's young Sagittarians are rediscovering the early 1970s.

Capricorn - These guys LOVE second-banana acts. Capricorns are the ones that put Blue Oyster Cult on the map and raised Aerosmith from opening act to headliner. It's almost a certainty that Capricorns are responsible for every household in America having a copy of Frampton Comes Alive

Aquarius - Having a party? Call in your nearest Aquarian to work out a playlist. They have a remarkable knack for picking just the right background music for any occasion.

Pisces - Romantic again, escapist again, but in the case of Pisces the song MUST have a happy ending.
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Astrology and taste in music:

Aries - Ariens are all about right now this minute, so whatever they listened to this morning was sooo last month. New music gets released every Tuesday, by Wednesday afternoon the Aries listener is bored with all the day-old stuff.

Taurus - Strictly Top 40. Regardless of the genre, the Taurus fan only cares about the artists and song that get the most airplay.

Gemini - Musically, Geminis get stuck at that place in time when they were at their social peak. Fortunately, most weren't peaking during the disco era. Geminis, like everyone else, can have several peaks in their lives, so they don't usually fall too far behind the times.

Cancer - The Cancer fan listens to whatever the person closest to him/her likes. Cancers get very attached to one best friend/favorite relative, let's hope it's one that doesn't like boy bands.

Leo - They're Leos, they like solo artists, many of whom are also Leos. Go through their album collection, you'll see solo albums galore, from big-name artists: the individual Rat Pack members, Mick Jagger, Madonna, Michael Jackson, Lady GaGa,...

Virgo - Virgos have the best album collections. They'll listen to anything. Then they'll analyze it, run it through some lab tests, do some scans, and ultimately determine (correctly) if it's a good song or not. Not that it matters, most Virgos have some real stinkers in their collections just for the lulz.

Libra - Libras like this, no, wait, they like that, actually they like both of them, they can't make up their minds which one - oh look, here's another, should they get it too?

Scorpio - It's all about romance. Not big puffy pink glitter hearts romance, more like daydreams and escapist paperbacks and science fiction. They like songs that will take them out of the everyday world.

Sagittarius - Old school. VERY old school. It's no coincidence that Sag guitarist Keith Richards adored Depression-era Mississippi blues. Today's young Sagittarians are rediscovering the early 1970s.

Capricorn - These guys LOVE second-banana acts. Capricorns are the ones that put Blue Oyster Cult on the map and raised Aerosmith from opening act to headliner. It's almost a certainty that Capricorns are responsible for every household in America having a copy of Frampton Comes Alive

Aquarius - Having a party? Call in your nearest Aquarian to work out a playlist. They have a remarkable knack for picking just the right background music for any occasion.

Pisces - Romantic again, escapist again, but in the case of Pisces the song MUST have a happy ending.

Scorpios: does that include classical music? :)
Astrology and taste in music:

Capricorn - These guys LOVE second-banana acts. Capricorns are the ones that put Blue Oyster Cult on the map and raised Aerosmith from opening act to headliner. It's almost a certainty that Capricorns are responsible for every household in America having a copy of Frampton Comes Alive

I can assure you, that's three artists I would never touch with a ten-foot tonearm. Ever.

Interesting list -- the entries that come closest to me would be Virgo and Aquarius - two signs that are completely absent in my chart. More accurate would be to take the Taurus one (also non-present) and turn it inside out to its opposite; I'm easily bored with the mundane and deliberately seek out the unusual. That leaves the three listed under Capricorn firmly behind.

An observation of my own about Taurus though: it seems to spawn an unusually high number of natural musicians. Stevie Wonder for instance. Jack Bruce. Steve Winwood. Billy Joel. Not to mention, Tchaikowsiy, Prokoviev, Mahler, Sullivan...
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