AT - After Trump

Doesn't matter. He can be in Robocop armor being controlled by AI. And the majority of voters will give him another term.

There is NO Republican that stands out and will be able to beat him.

And you may thank none other than Donald John Trump for that.
He's made the entire party into a merry band of his own talking heads.
But who wins the GOP nomination how and why?
So with trump's indictment perhaps we should talk about the GOP after Trump.

For the sake of discussion let's assume, for whatever reason, on dec 1, 2023 Trump is no longer running for President. What happens next in the GOP?

This is not about Trump and attempts to discuss him will be reported

Traditionally, in the GOP, Mike Pence would be the most likely successor. But...ewww. Even the GOP doesn't like him.

The Scotts

And what happens during the primaries? Do the losers claim voter fraud and challenge the results in court? Perhaps delaying the nomination past the general?
Do the losing GOP candidates resort to violence because they feel they've been cheated?

Absent Trump who would win the GOP nomination?
How much actual support would they have from within the GOP base?

I'd like to have a serious discussion so please refrain from Democrats, Trump (except as an endorser), LBGTQ+, Ukraine, and religion.
Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part. But I am looking at a Biden v. Trump general election. Too many Republicans in the field and they are only diluting the anti-Trump vote in the party. Which is really pretty small. This weekend the North Carolina Republican party censured Thom Tillis for having the audacity to work across the aisle and actually accomplish something. On immigration no less, and LBTQ rights, which was his real sin.

But I am hopeful enough to believe that a Trump v. Biden election will result in neither one of them winning. Because I know this much, if they are the two party nominees a third party is entering the race with vengeance, and the framework to actually achieve victory.

It is the "No Labels" movement. And we can bitch about the media, and the bias, and the echo chambers. But nothing screams about the agenda of the media more than the virtual silence on the No Labels movement. I am just going to lay it out there, if you know of this movement you listen to NPR.

And just a little side note. I mean the VP of the company has taken a shine to me as we say in the South. She is all up in my shit, enough to make my superiors uncomfortable but it is kind of funny. I am handling it gracefully. But in a discussion of increasing profits she makes me an offer. I meet goal, and anything over that, she personally donates to charity in my name. So I light up, I mean the old brain runs the numbers and hell, I could pull a Trump and pay no income taxes.

But then, she trips me up. "What charity?", she asks. "NPR", I blurt out. Hell, they are doing their damn monthly fundraiser. Silence, and we begin to move on when my direct supervisor replies, "That is National Public Radio", in an awkward attempt to break that silence. In that moment the VP and I fully bond. "I know", she icily replied. I feel out laughing. the look on her face.

But here is the thing, what transpired in that moment was the recognition, and respect, for a political opponent. One who thinks differently. That is the No Labels movement. What the "press" hasn't told you is that movement was a big part of the Inflation Reduction Act and the avoidance of a debt crisis. I mean it is like it is "top secret", Congress members are working across the aisle and getting things done. Who would have thunk it?

Pat McCrory, he enters the ring full third party. Honestly, I have been a steadfast opponent of his for more than a decade. But he can build coalitions. He can get things done. And dammit, ain't it time that is what this nation starts doing? "Git er done". And I ain't talking about banning books, targeting transgender, or oppossing "woke". I am talking about bringing America back. Hell, not making her "Great Again". Bringing her ass BACK. To the top of the world, in respect, in infant mortality, in living standards, in per capita GDP.

We are the world's number one energy producer. Time to swing that $)#% around. The world's most educated workforce, growing. Seize the day. It ain't going to happen fighting each other, pissing away millions of dollars chasing unicorns in partisan investigations. Stop it the hell already. Do your flippin job, and news--it ain't raising funds to get re-elected. Or courting social media zealots with stupid tweets.

Third party, No Labels, the Republican party is gone, toast, scrap heap of history, with the big stinkin turd "Donald Trump" the icing on top, residing at Butner, with a poor secret service agent in the cell next door. And the Democrat party, drowning, with a razor thin majority in the House and Senate, no real Speaker of the House, and this new, "middle" movement, across party lines achieves power in both the Senate and House. Then, and only then, do we move forward.
But who wins the GOP nomination how and why?
Trump does. Sorry, but that's reality. Being indicted, arrested, and arraigned will not keep him out of the race.
He will continue to run and he will be the nominee. He will raise more funding, draw more followers, hold more pep rallies, and use social media to destroy his opponents.
Only DeSantis can take him. But Ron doesn't have what it takes..right now, anyway.

The second ANY Republican challenger talks smack about Trump on the campaign trail, their chances of even competing in this race...are done and over with.
Chris Christie has already done it. And his chance are now somewhere near my great grandmother's chance...which are Zero. :)
Do you think DeSantis can win the nomination?
the republican candidates are weak and scared to stand up to Trump.
They are all scared of Trump, because they if they stand up to him, they will be "primaried" like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger guy. Republican politicians only care about their jobs and power and would not risk losing them.

All the weak GOP candidates bent the knee and conceded to Trump when they signaled Trump did nothing wrong when he illegally stole top secret documents, then lied about possessing them, then tried to hide them.
They have no chance.
So with trump's indictment perhaps we should talk about the GOP after Trump.

For the sake of discussion let's assume, for whatever reason, on dec 1, 2023 Trump is no longer running for President. What happens next in the GOP?

This is not about Trump and attempts to discuss him will be reported

Traditionally, in the GOP, Mike Pence would be the most likely successor. But...ewww. Even the GOP doesn't like him.

The Scotts

And what happens during the primaries? Do the losers claim voter fraud and challenge the results in court? Perhaps delaying the nomination past the general?
Do the losing GOP candidates resort to violence because they feel they've been cheated?

Absent Trump who would win the GOP nomination?
How much actual support would they have from within the GOP base?

I'd like to have a serious discussion so please refrain from Democrats, Trump (except as an endorser), LBGTQ+, Ukraine, and religion.

We will write in Donald J. Trump
The republicans have nothing at all besides wacko DeSantis, who ruined his chances with his war on personal freedoms

The GOP is in steady decline. It started with the failed GW Bush presidency, wars, and economic blow up, and took a turn for the worst with the Jan 6th Insurrection and stealing of highly classified documents

I agree with you. Meatball Ron is too busy playing King. He's blown it badly. He'll be lucky to remain as Governor.

Haley blew it when she jumped on the Rump Train. With Rump going away, one way or another, those that kissed his ring (the one on his ass) are going to be dead, dead, dead in the water.

I have been following Paul Ryan who has NEVER been a MAGAt. He's a Bonafide Fiscal Conservative.
Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part. But I am looking at a Biden v. Trump general election. Too many Republicans in the field and they are only diluting the anti-Trump vote in the party. Which is really pretty small. This weekend the North Carolina Republican party censured Thom Tillis for having the audacity to work across the aisle and actually accomplish something. On immigration no less, and LBTQ rights, which was his real sin.

But I am hopeful enough to believe that a Trump v. Biden election will result in neither one of them winning. Because I know this much, if they are the two party nominees a third party is entering the race with vengeance, and the framework to actually achieve victory.

It is the "No Labels" movement. And we can bitch about the media, and the bias, and the echo chambers. But nothing screams about the agenda of the media more than the virtual silence on the No Labels movement. I am just going to lay it out there, if you know of this movement you listen to NPR.

And just a little side note. I mean the VP of the company has taken a shine to me as we say in the South. She is all up in my shit, enough to make my superiors uncomfortable but it is kind of funny. I am handling it gracefully. But in a discussion of increasing profits she makes me an offer. I meet goal, and anything over that, she personally donates to charity in my name. So I light up, I mean the old brain runs the numbers and hell, I could pull a Trump and pay no income taxes.

But then, she trips me up. "What charity?", she asks. "NPR", I blurt out. Hell, they are doing their damn monthly fundraiser. Silence, and we begin to move on when my direct supervisor replies, "That is National Public Radio", in an awkward attempt to break that silence. In that moment the VP and I fully bond. "I know", she icily replied. I feel out laughing. the look on her face.

But here is the thing, what transpired in that moment was the recognition, and respect, for a political opponent. One who thinks differently. That is the No Labels movement. What the "press" hasn't told you is that movement was a big part of the Inflation Reduction Act and the avoidance of a debt crisis. I mean it is like it is "top secret", Congress members are working across the aisle and getting things done. Who would have thunk it?

Pat McCrory, he enters the ring full third party. Honestly, I have been a steadfast opponent of his for more than a decade. But he can build coalitions. He can get things done. And dammit, ain't it time that is what this nation starts doing? "Git er done". And I ain't talking about banning books, targeting transgender, or oppossing "woke". I am talking about bringing America back. Hell, not making her "Great Again". Bringing her ass BACK. To the top of the world, in respect, in infant mortality, in living standards, in per capita GDP.

We are the world's number one energy producer. Time to swing that $)#% around. The world's most educated workforce, growing. Seize the day. It ain't going to happen fighting each other, pissing away millions of dollars chasing unicorns in partisan investigations. Stop it the hell already. Do your flippin job, and news--it ain't raising funds to get re-elected. Or courting social media zealots with stupid tweets.

Third party, No Labels, the Republican party is gone, toast, scrap heap of history, with the big stinkin turd "Donald Trump" the icing on top, residing at Butner, with a poor secret service agent in the cell next door. And the Democrat party, drowning, with a razor thin majority in the House and Senate, no real Speaker of the House, and this new, "middle" movement, across party lines achieves power in both the Senate and House. Then, and only then, do we move forward.
Third party of any significance guarantees a Republican win.
If that is your goal then you should be honest and say so.
Ron DeSantis is the only Republican that has a chance to beat Joe Biden in a head to head match. However, he has not demonstrated that he can handle the spotlight of running for President.
Beyond that, the future of the party is clouded. They've gone for so long being the lapdogs of You-Know-Who, they've lost their identity entirely. There's no one that really stands out.
And that person will have the unenviable task of trying to distance themselves from the previous head of the party.
DeSantis is Trump Lite. He models himself after Trump. He licks Trump's shoes. He made an ad of himself reading Trump's book to his kid as a bedtime story.

He's a hollow man.
the republican candidates are weak and scared to stand up to Trump.
They are all scared of Trump, because they if they stand up to him, they will be "primaried" like Liz Cheney and Adam Kissinger guy. Republican politicians only care about their jobs and power and would not risk losing them.

All the weak GOP candidates bent the knee and conceded to Trump when they signaled Trump did nothing wrong when he illegally stole top secret documents, then lied about possessing them, then tried to hide them.
They have no chance.
But in this scenario, there is no Trump.
So what happens within the GOP?
We will write in Donald J. Trump

Or otherwise unavailable.
They find someone else willing to repeat the same grievances. Nothing changes except the aggrieved continue to be a smaller slice of the electorate, so diminishing returns.
So if we divide the GOP into the Trump, McConnell, and Cheney wings, yeah, I know, three wings, anyhow, who do you think will emerge from the individual groups to take the nomination?

Personally, I have no idea which is why I ask the question.
DeSantis seems yo carry weight but outside the deepest red states his actions in Florida are not popular and he's not a good campaigner.
Asa Hutchinson is a possibility. Deeply Conservative, well spoken, good campaigner but lacks the hateful attitude the GOP seems to crave in their leaders.
Beyond that, everyone else, I think, is running for 2028.
So if we divide the GOP into the Trump, McConnell, and Cheney wings, yeah, I know, three wings, anyhow, who do you think will emerge from the individual groups to take the nomination?

You see, this is where you are confused... You actually think there's a "Cheney Wing" to start with. And there really isn't a McConnel Wing.

The Republicans are a coalition of different interest groups. Those being.

The Evangelical, religious zealots
The Gun fetishist ammosexual wing.
The Libertarian Children
The business/corporate WIng that really runs everything.

For years, the last group manipulated the other three groups by playing on their racial, religious and sexual fears. Trump kind of upended that by replacing the various dogwhistles with bullhorns.

Personally, I have no idea which is why I ask the question.
DeSantis seems yo carry weight but outside the deepest red states his actions in Florida are not popular and he's not a good campaigner.
Asa Hutchinson is a possibility. Deeply Conservative, well spoken, good campaigner but lacks the hateful attitude the GOP seems to crave in their leaders.
Beyond that, everyone else, I think, is running for 2028.

Well, I'll agree you have no idea.

DeSantis seemed to have a moment in the sun because he was the only bright spot in a disappointing midterm where the GOP didn't win all the races they were convinced they were going to win. If he were on the national ticket, he'd probably carry all the states Trump carried in 2020, but not much beyond that. (Unless the economy really goes south next year.)

The real problem with any of these people is that if they win the nomination in 2024, Trump will run as a third party candidate and Biden wins again.

The big X factor is whether Trump wins or loses in 2024. If he loses, the GOP might do the soul searching that you can't win by just appealing to the worst people. If he wins, they will keep doing that.
Guy drops dead tomorrow
Guy panics and flees to Russia
Guy just decides he doesn't want to do it anymore.

There are many reasonable paths to the scenario.

He is very healthy.
Not going to Russia.
He loves the USA too much to back out now.

No path.

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