At best, racist....?

No explanations necessary.

So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!
Israel is a Jewish state - THE Jewish state;
Once its a Jewish state run by Jewish administration to maintain core of the state as Jewish state we can call that a free state, because this is what Israel established for - otherwise it won't be Israel, and this is the part where liberalism fail imho.

It never was a state or a Jewish state.Learn your history,you know it but will never admit to it, never was Israel tribes and the north and south united.
More and more I am becoming anti Jewish, they have run the US with their think tanks from day one , did 911, and many other false flags in different countries blaming it on others, and continue to run our government. They are doing the same in every country, look how they made Palestine their own . I often wonder what makes keeps our congressmen, men who are not all Zionist from speaking up, is it that a Monica Lewinsky will show up, another 911 attack of some sort will happen, what kind of hold do they have over us?
Ill answer you both.
I Don't know if you watched the video I posted above but you might want to take a look.
The term 'racist' doesn't really qualify - but you're correct it does share similarities so I'll try putting it other way;
Think about the Smiths - a family owning a house next door, does it belong to the Smiths? Yes.
Does it run by the Smiths? Yes.
Does the Smiths can do(basically) what they like in their house? Yes.
Does the Smiths can dictate their normals and behavior in their house? Yes.
Taking one of these out would define the Smiths as free family? No.
Does it mean the Smiths are Rasmiths?
You are correct racism referred to ethnicity but - in the scale of a state its called Nationality which is the modern term for the groups gathered for whatever interest they had in the past and expanded - the Nazi term refer to nationality which is the first thing popping to our head - but you can also state the Americans are Nationalists (sharing the American vision) while the Jewish vision is established over the same ideology - a state for their national interest - just like the Vatican - based over religion-(racial-remember the definition of Jew?) - Israel is established to serve as a Jewish state for Jews to be free and do whatsoever on their mind-that's freedom.
A state for the Jews with no relation to the views (interests) of the Jews won't be a state for the Jews.

You lost your rights years ago to the land.
More and more I am becoming anti Jewish, they have run the US with their think tanks from day one , did 911, and many other false flags in different countries blaming it on others, and continue to run our government. They are doing the same in every country, look how they made Palestine their own . I often wonder what makes keeps our congressmen, men who are not all Zionist from speaking up, is it that a Monica Lewinsky will show up, another 911 attack of some sort will happen, what kind of hold do they have over us?

I warn you not to be.
Zionism is anti-Jewish, in trying to hide behind Judaism to conduct its crimes. Judaism may appear to be the same thing, but that is an illusion, shattered by all the Jewish people who oppose Israel.

People who support Israel may be Jewish, may even seem to be mostly Jewish - but it is a fallacy to say:
Persons A, B, C & D are Jewish: Persons A, B & D support Zionism. Zionism is bad. Therefore Judaism is bad.
THAT above is basically bad thinking.

Zionism knows that many (Germans and Americans esp) think two wrongs make a right, so because Jews had been victims, then Judaism deserves to be the victimizer for a bit.
THAT above is basically bad thinking.

Zionists however try to use those pieces of bad thinking to place Judaism as a "Human Shield" between themselves and critics.
Don't swallow it.
If you do, by being anti Jewish you fit in with the Zionists and their agenda. You would become a tool of Zionism.

Oppose Zionism, whether the person is Jewish, Christian, Muslim or atheist.
Be especially nice to religious non-wacko's, or tolerant of them at least, because they are the greatest allies against Zionist madness.
More and more I am becoming anti Jewish, they have run the US with their think tanks from day one , did 911, and many other false flags in different countries blaming it on others, and continue to run our government. They are doing the same in every country, look how they made Palestine their own . I often wonder what makes keeps our congressmen, men who are not all Zionist from speaking up, is it that a Monica Lewinsky will show up, another 911 attack of some sort will happen, what kind of hold do they have over us?

I warn you not to be.
Zionism is anti-Jewish, in trying to hide behind Judaism to conduct its crimes. Judaism may appear to be the same thing, but that is an illusion, shattered by all the Jewish people who oppose Israel.

People who support Israel may be Jewish, may even seem to be mostly Jewish - but it is a fallacy to say:
Persons A, B, C & D are Jewish: Persons A, B & D support Zionism. Zionism is bad. Therefore Judaism is bad.
THAT above is basically bad thinking.

Zionism knows that many (Germans and Americans esp) think two wrongs make a right, so because Jews had been victims, then Judaism deserves to be the victimizer for a bit.
THAT above is basically bad thinking.

Zionists however try to use those pieces of bad thinking to place Judaism as a "Human Shield" between themselves and critics.
Don't swallow it.
If you do, by being anti Jewish you fit in with the Zionists and their agenda. You would become a tool of Zionism.

Oppose Zionism, whether the person is Jewish, Christian, Muslim or atheist.
Be especially nice to religious non-wacko's, or tolerant of them at least, because they are the greatest allies against Zionist madness.

Your right anti Zionism. (we still have never figured out if jew is religion or race) but Zionism is political so its ok to be anti Zionist.
Its a religion.
All the rest is farcical misdirection.

And of course the parentage tests are merely another iteration of Nazi-style looking-for-the-Jewish-gene.

If a Jewish person becomes a Muslim, he is a Muslim. If you want to argue anything else, you would be mad.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?
Who's we?? You and a bunch of other deluded pro Palestinians?

The only Nazis I see are Palestinians who like Hitler and the Nazis, scream for genocide against the Jews.
How about the Hamas charter, which is similar to Hitlers final solution ?
Let's see -- who, exactly, did the Nazis hate with such passion that they exterminated 6 million of them?

and who, exactly, is targeting that same target here?

The actual Nazis employed a brand of turnspeak agitprop where they intentionally accused others of doing what they were actually doing so as to try to confuse useful idiots.

and who, exactly, is trying that same stunt here?

Inhumanity can try to claim he has a p.h.d or lie about anything else he wishes, but intelligent people see through the ruse.
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!
Palestinians had a home in Jordan, and shit their nest.

NOBODY wants them.

Most of all, fellow Arabs don't want them.

You figure out why.

You tell us why you racist piece of crap.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?
Who's we?? You and a bunch of other deluded pro Palestinians?

The only Nazis I see are Palestinians who like Hitler and the Nazis, scream for genocide against the Jews.
How about the Hamas charter, which is similar to Hitlers final solution ?

The only people committing genocide in this conflict are the Jews. They are systematically murdering thousands of non-Jews on a bi-yearly basis, children included.
What Orwellian values the site filth represents.

Wanting to express the same sense of self-determination as afforded any other people = "racist"

Persecuting a small ethnic minority with outrageous levels of hate = virtue.
The only people committing genocide in this conflict are the Jews. They are systematically murdering thousands of non-Jews on a bi-yearly basis, children included.

I would contribute some funds quite gladly to the first person who can develop a program that can filter out the psychotics from internet discussion groups.
Let's see -- who, exactly, did the Nazis hate with such passion that they exterminated 6 million of them?

and who, exactly, is targeting that same target here?

The actual Nazis employed a brand of turnspeak agitprop where they intentionally accused others of doing what they were actually doing so as to try to confuse useful idiots.

and who, exactly, is trying that same stunt here?

Inhumanity can try to claim he has a p.h.d or lie about anything else he wishes, but intelligent people see through the ruse.

Here's an interesting article about the Zionists and their role in the holocaust...

You will find that the Zionists are not only liars, they are completely without morals and care nothing for Jews!

"These treacherous Zionist leaders betrayed their own flesh and blood. Zionism was never an option for Jewish salvation. Quite the opposite, it was a formula for human beings to be used as pawns for the power trip of several desperadoes. A perfidy! A betrayal beyond description!"


My PhD is simply a mark of study, my intelligence comes from lifes experiences!
What Orwellian values the site filth represents.

Wanting to express the same sense of self-determination as afforded any other people = "racist"

Persecuting a small ethnic minority with outrageous levels of hate = virtue.

Orwellian values?

If you cannot see what this bill represents which is far more dangerous than "self determination" then I am more than happy to make a contribution to buy you a pair of glasses that are not blue and white tinted with crossed triangles on them!

People really do need to start waking up and looking at the bigger picture.
What if Italy or Spain, for example, declared that laws would have to be inspired by Catholic law, that minorities could be jailed for having "national aspirations", or that there are certain national rights are reserved for Catholics only. Or, what if Italy and Spain made immigration for Catholics easier than for Protestants, Jews or others? Do you think Jews/Protestants might not have a problem with that?
This is a really bad move on Israel's part. It's just going to stoke the religious tensions in the area that are already at a boiling point. We have the Palestinian leaders promoting the conspiracy theory that the Jews are going to prevent their access to holy sites and then you have Israel doing this.

Not good. Really bad timing.

And the idea that you can have a Democratic society that is also "inspired" by religious law? That does not sound viable. I can't think of a single example of a religious democracy that has been successful and juswt and equitable to all citizens. Once you mix religion into it - true democratic values are cast aside when it comes to the rights of other religions. Governments need to be secular to be truly democratic.
Let's see -- who, exactly, did the Nazis hate with such passion that they exterminated 6 million of them?

and who, exactly, is targeting that same target here?

The actual Nazis employed a brand of turnspeak agitprop where they intentionally accused others of doing what they were actually doing so as to try to confuse useful idiots.

and who, exactly, is trying that same stunt here?

Inhumanity can try to claim he has a p.h.d or lie about anything else he wishes, but intelligent people see through the ruse.

Here's an interesting article about the Zionists and their role in the holocaust...

You will find that the Zionists are not only liars, they are completely without morals and care nothing for Jews!

"These treacherous Zionist leaders betrayed their own flesh and blood. Zionism was never an option for Jewish salvation. Quite the opposite, it was a formula for human beings to be used as pawns for the power trip of several desperadoes. A perfidy! A betrayal beyond description!"


My PhD is simply a mark of study, my intelligence comes from lifes experiences!

For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.
What has Iran done that is "crazy". Have they attacked any country in the last 100-200 years? Just wondering where you get this idea that Iran has done anything "crazy".
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

I'm quoting your Hero, Mahmoud Abbas, precious

Abbas Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!

You support Abbas, you support ethnic cleasing, since he supports that, too. Or is that you're unaware for whom you're rooting for?

You want Israel free? could have fooled me! it's only the PLO flag I see in your signature, pal...

And again, how come it's "racist" that the Jews also want self definition, but when "Palestine" wants it, it's ok?

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