At best, racist....?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

I'm quoting your Hero, Mahmoud Abbas, precious

Abbas Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

No you are not.
You are being dishonest Lipush.

He said "Israeli-free".
All your attempts to make that "Judenfrei" are just a little sad, and needy of you.

Be Jewish in his vision, no problem. Just be Palestinians Jewish. As some have already chosen to be.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

I'm quoting your Hero, Mahmoud Abbas, precious

Abbas Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

No you are not.
You are being dishonest Lipush.

He said "Israeli-free".
All your attempts to make that "Judenfrei" are just a little sad, and needy of you.

Be Jewish in his vision, no problem. Just be Palestinians Jewish. As some have already chosen to be.

What on earth is "Israeli free?" Will he prevent Israeli Arabs from living in Palestine? as "Palestinians" in Judea and Samaria? We both know he wouldn't.

He would, in case those were Jews.

That makes his demand Judenrein.

So no, I'm not wrong. I just see betweeen the lines.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

I'm quoting your Hero, Mahmoud Abbas, precious

Abbas Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

No you are not.
You are being dishonest Lipush.

He said "Israeli-free".
All your attempts to make that "Judenfrei" are just a little sad, and needy of you.

Be Jewish in his vision, no problem. Just be Palestinians Jewish. As some have already chosen to be.

What on earth is "Israeli free?" Will he prevent Israeli Arabs from living in Palestine? as "Palestinians" in Judea and Samaria? We both know he wouldn't.

He would, in case those were Jews.

That makes his demand Judenrein.

So no, I'm not wrong. I just see betweeen the lines.

No, you just make things up.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

I'm quoting your Hero, Mahmoud Abbas, precious

Abbas Palestine will be Judenrein - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

No you are not.
You are being dishonest Lipush.

He said "Israeli-free".
All your attempts to make that "Judenfrei" are just a little sad, and needy of you.

Be Jewish in his vision, no problem. Just be Palestinians Jewish. As some have already chosen to be.

What on earth is "Israeli free?" Will he prevent Israeli Arabs from living in Palestine? as "Palestinians" in Judea and Samaria? We both know he wouldn't.

He would, in case those were Jews.

That makes his demand Judenrein.

So no, I'm not wrong. I just see betweeen the lines.

No, you just make things up.
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

Going back to the rediculous populism, I'd be glad if you give me one factual example to why is this law racist.

And not a rediculous propagandonist explanation.
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!
Israel is a Jewish state - THE Jewish state;
Once its a Jewish state run by Jewish administration to maintain core of the state as Jewish state we can call that a free state, because this is what Israel established for - otherwise it won't be Israel, and this is the part where liberalism fail imho.

Can you not see why this is unacceptable?

Passing laws that, overnight, make some citizens superior to others is plain fascism, no matter how you dress it up!

This then simply leads to the persecution of the 'lower class citizens'...

Jews declaring themselves as the "Master Race"...

Well, we all know where that leads!

Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.
More and more I am becoming anti Jewish, they have run the US with their think tanks from day one , did 911, and many other false flags in different countries blaming it on others, and continue to run our government. They are doing the same in every country, look how they made Palestine their own . I often wonder what makes keeps our congressmen, men who are not all Zionist from speaking up, is it that a Monica Lewinsky will show up, another 911 attack of some sort will happen, what kind of hold do they have over us?
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do
This is a really bad move on Israel's part. It's just going to stoke the religious tensions in the area that are already at a boiling point. We have the Palestinian leaders promoting the conspiracy theory that the Jews are going to prevent their access to holy sites and then you have Israel doing this.

Not good. Really bad timing.

And the idea that you can have a Democratic society that is also "inspired" by religious law? That does not sound viable. I can't think of a single example of a religious democracy that has been successful and juswt and equitable to all citizens. Once you mix religion into it - true democratic values are cast aside when it comes to the rights of other religions. Governments need to be secular to be truly democratic.

What nonsense.

Again, you say those things because it sounds wrong to you, but you don't explain why and don't take to mind that the law is supposed to change nothing, and it only bothers people from political parties that hate Netanyahu.

I don't like him either, but the poor attampt to cause a political crisis by his rivals is revolting, in the lack of a better word.
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Why do you call for a Judenfrei Palestine Lipush?
We know ZIonism is the sister of Nazism, but isn't your request just a bit too obvious?

Time for you to produce the evidence to back up your claims or retract unreservedly and admit that you are making false claims to demonise the Jews and Israel.

It is the ISLAMONAZI JEW HATERS that want a Judenfrei Palestine, it is written into their charter
So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!
Israel is a Jewish state - THE Jewish state;
Once its a Jewish state run by Jewish administration to maintain core of the state as Jewish state we can call that a free state, because this is what Israel established for - otherwise it won't be Israel, and this is the part where liberalism fail imho.

Can you not see why this is unacceptable?

Passing laws that, overnight, make some citizens superior to others is plain fascism, no matter how you dress it up!

This then simply leads to the persecution of the 'lower class citizens'...

Jews declaring themselves as the "Master Race"...

Well, we all know where that leads!

Were in the laws does it say that some citizens will be superior to others, spell it out and show those words.

How many Jews are already "lower class citizens" in the eyes of the state, while non jews are "upper class citizens"

Were does it say in the proposed law that the Jews are the "master race"

There you go 3 BLATANT LIES by you that show you are the RACIST and FASCIST no matter how much you try and bluster your way out of it.

About 20% of the population are non Jews... They will no longer have the same status as Jews.

I don't know Phoney, how many Jews are already "lower class citizens" with non Jews "upper class citizens"? You tell me!

It doesn't say anywhere in the proposed law that Jews are the "master race". You will see that my reference to "master race" is in reference to Nazi Germany.

So Phoney, just WHERE are the LIES again?

Wgere does it say that in the proposed legislation, that is just your take on the matter and is not a fact. So making your claim an outright lie

I would say about the same number as there are arab muslim upper class citizens. As above just your take on the situation and not a fact making it another outright lie.

So you admit that you are not only LYING but also comparing chalk with cheese in the process. Your words as posted " Jews declaring themselves as the "Master Race"..." So I ask who says that the Jews are the master race apart from ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS and WHITE SUPREMNACISTS like yourself.
Ill answer you both.
I Don't know if you watched the video I posted above but you might want to take a look.
The term 'racist' doesn't really qualify - but you're correct it does share similarities so I'll try putting it other way;
Think about the Smiths - a family owning a house next door, does it belong to the Smiths? Yes.
Does it run by the Smiths? Yes.
Does the Smiths can do(basically) what they like in their house? Yes.
Does the Smiths can dictate their normals and behavior in their house? Yes.
Taking one of these out would define the Smiths as free family? No.
Does it mean the Smiths are Rasmiths?
You are correct racism referred to ethnicity but - in the scale of a state its called Nationality which is the modern term for the groups gathered for whatever interest they had in the past and expanded - the Nazi term refer to nationality which is the first thing popping to our head - but you can also state the Americans are Nationalists (sharing the American vision) while the Jewish vision is established over the same ideology - a state for their national interest - just like the Vatican - based over religion-(racial-remember the definition of Jew?) - Israel is established to serve as a Jewish state for Jews to be free and do whatsoever on their mind-that's freedom.
A state for the Jews with no relation to the views (interests) of the Jews won't be a state for the Jews.


There is one fairly obvious flaw in your analogy... The Smith family lives there alone...

You are obviously wanting to take the 'nationalism' route rather than 'racism' or 'fascism'...

I am sure Nazi Germany had the same thoughts.... I do not make a comparison between Nazi Germany and Israel...

Whichever word you want to choose for what is happening still doesn't make it right.

Make your mind up as you have just said that you did make the comparison between Nazi Germany and Israel.

Your own words in answer to me

"It doesn't say anywhere in the proposed law that Jews are the "master race". You will see that my reference to "master race" is in reference to Nazi Germany."
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

How many more times are you going to post your LIES when you have been shown that your claims are false. Under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW the state of Israel is seen as THE JEWISH NATION and that is all that they are trying to highlight.
Is it any different to the many i8slamic states that are the real NAZI states and FASCIST regimes steeped on RACISM. So why don't you try condemning them for a change.

Ok Phoney.... You have got your chance now....

Show me where I LIED in my post...

Were apart from in your fantasy world does the legislation say anything about a two tier state and that the lower tier will be deprived of their rights. Or words to that effect.

Where does it say that the Jews will be superior to everyone else, where is the term Master race used to define Jews outside of your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC fantasy world.

Where is the racism in the proposed legislation that was not already present in the declaration of independence, and why aren't you condemning the Palestinians much more obvious racism when they evicted by force all the Jews in gaza and the west bank in 1949.

There you go YOUR LIES for all to see, were you placed words out of context to produce a different meaning in your post. Just another of your fabrications and anti Jew propaganda rants.

An excerpt or two taken from the link I posted as you obviously have not read it...

Opponents, including some cabinet ministers, said the new legislation defined reserved “national rights” for Jews only and not for its minorities, and rights groups condemned it as racist.

The bill, which is intended to become part of Israel’s basic laws, would recognise Israel’s Jewish character, institutionalise Jewish law as an inspiration for legislation and delist Arabic as a second official language.

According to many critics, the new wording would weaken the wording of Israel’s declaration of independence, which states that the new state would “be based on the principles of liberty, justice and freedom expressed by the prophets of Israel [and] affirm complete social and political equality for all its citizens, regardless of religion, race or gender”

Netanyahu appeared to confirm that there would be differential rights for Israeli Jews and other minorities. He said that while all could enjoy equal civil rights, “there are national rights only for the Jewish people - a flag, anthem, the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel and other national symbols.”

Of course, I could always post the WHOLE thing for you to read... You will find that the link in the OP will take you to the complete article.

And of course you did not understand the part that spells out just what the new law would actually mean for everyone who is an Israeli.

“there are national rights only for the Jewish people - a flag, anthem, the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel and other national symbols.”

In other words the right to salute the Jewish flag and fly it, the right to sing the National Anthem, the right already enshrined in CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW for every Jew to become an Israeli. It would make defilement of the Jewish flag a crime, as it would also make mocking the National Anthem a crime. Now is that any different to American Nationalism ?
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

Well, 'The Chosen People' doesn't seem to mean just 'to receive the Torah' does it?
It also means to keep access to the 'right' god exclusive from those bad folk who were not chosen. And to measure that by parentage. Which is all very racist, isn't it?

However, only some, maybe few people actually believe that religiousity nonsense. And if it is only keeping the god exclusive, hey, no worries.

The trouble is, Israel uses it to "keep Israel pure".
Now that is a big problem. It is completely at odds with the freedoms of man, and the equality of race, as understood by international bodies and enlightened countries. I suppose Phoney would call it "Customary International Law" or something. ;)
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

until you complain about the dozen muslim countries and the jews tossed out of them, i'm really not interested in your rant. and neither is anyone else who isn't an anti-semite
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.

Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.

Says the professional Jew hater.

Okay, you got me:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.

Says the professional Jew hater.

Okay, you got me:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, not being fooled equals hate. Sorry to disappoint you, but some of us non-Jews are just as clever as you, believe it or not.
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

How many more times are you going to post your LIES when you have been shown that your claims are false. Under CUSTOMARY INTERNATIONAL LAW the state of Israel is seen as THE JEWISH NATION and that is all that they are trying to highlight.
Is it any different to the many i8slamic states that are the real NAZI states and FASCIST regimes steeped on RACISM. So why don't you try condemning them for a change.

Ok Phoney.... You have got your chance now....

Show me where I LIED in my post...

Were apart from in your fantasy world does the legislation say anything about a two tier state and that the lower tier will be deprived of their rights. Or words to that effect.

Where does it say that the Jews will be superior to everyone else, where is the term Master race used to define Jews outside of your NAZI ANTI SEMITIC fantasy world.

Where is the racism in the proposed legislation that was not already present in the declaration of independence, and why aren't you condemning the Palestinians much more obvious racism when they evicted by force all the Jews in gaza and the west bank in 1949.

There you go YOUR LIES for all to see, were you placed words out of context to produce a different meaning in your post. Just another of your fabrications and anti Jew propaganda rants.

An excerpt or two taken from the link I posted as you obviously have not read it...

Opponents, including some cabinet ministers, said the new legislation defined reserved “national rights” for Jews only and not for its minorities, and rights groups condemned it as racist.

The bill, which is intended to become part of Israel’s basic laws, would recognise Israel’s Jewish character, institutionalise Jewish law as an inspiration for legislation and delist Arabic as a second official language.

According to many critics, the new wording would weaken the wording of Israel’s declaration of independence, which states that the new state would “be based on the principles of liberty, justice and freedom expressed by the prophets of Israel [and] affirm complete social and political equality for all its citizens, regardless of religion, race or gender”

Netanyahu appeared to confirm that there would be differential rights for Israeli Jews and other minorities. He said that while all could enjoy equal civil rights, “there are national rights only for the Jewish people - a flag, anthem, the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel and other national symbols.”

Of course, I could always post the WHOLE thing for you to read... You will find that the link in the OP will take you to the complete article.
Other then opinion by the same tainted sources you have nothing that says any of what you claimed. You can not cite nor source any such claim by the Israeli government nor Government sources. You have indeed lied when you claimed they are fact.

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