At best, racist....?

I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.

Says the professional Jew hater.

Okay, you got me:rolleyes::rolleyes:

So, not being fooled equals hate. Sorry to disappoint you, but some of us non-Jews are just as clever as you, believe it or not.

I like to set my sights a little higher than that.
I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.

The Vatican does not claim to anything but a theocracy.
I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.
Honda Chat Forums
For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.
I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.

The Vatican does not claim to anything but a theocracy.
Precisely, the Vatican IS a religious state, and Muslims can't govern and nobody says a word.
Israel IS a nation for the Jews, and Muslim CAN govern now that's racist? of course its Israel!
I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.
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What has Iran done that is "crazy". Have they attacked any country in the last 100-200 years? Just wondering where you get this idea that Iran has done anything "crazy".
I certainly wish the good Muslim can tell us why Muslims and others left Iran in droves when those crazy Ayatollahs came into power. Maybe you already have a beard so you don't have to bother growing one to also go with these "True Torah Jews" when they visit their crazy friends in Iran.
I'm kinda lost in all the posts here, anyway I never said people can't live in the Jewish state - but those choosing to live must obey the law.
As much as the Vatican is a religious state for Christians so does Israel for the Jews.
Simple as that, see the video.

I'm with you Daniyel....

There are so many BS posts now that I really can't see what is going here....

There is one poster here who is way out of his depth and really should not be posting anything here.... I really can't believe that they are old enough to be on this forum and they certainly haven't acquired the reading skills necessary to pass any real comment....

However, I am sure their mom will take their iPad away soon and tuck them up in bed!

So, the Vatican, it comes down to semantics.... In theory it could be considered a 'religious state' however, the Vatican, in my opinion, has a 'special' status. Just because I consider it a 'special' status does NOT mean that I support the Vatican.... But with something like 550 citizens of which about 75% are clergy, in my mind, it kind of makes it a monastery NOT a state!

Also, the 'comparison' is, well, it's not on an equal footing is it really.... Vatican City, home of the pope... In the middle of a Roman Catholic country... Hardly going to be too many protests about it is there?
For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
And your diatribe addresses the OP in what way?
For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
And your diatribe addresses the OP in what way?

In pretty much the same way the post I am responding to does Tex, as well as your posts...

So, how about a bit of balance here...

What do Doggies ex PhD laden wife and colleagues have to do with the OP? NOTHING...

So, go ahead Tex...

"And your diatribe blah blah blah....."
This is a really bad move on Israel's part. It's just going to stoke the religious tensions in the area that are already at a boiling point. We have the Palestinian leaders promoting the conspiracy theory that the Jews are going to prevent their access to holy sites and then you have Israel doing this.

Not good. Really bad timing.

And the idea that you can have a Democratic society that is also "inspired" by religious law? That does not sound viable. I can't think of a single example of a religious democracy that has been successful and juswt and equitable to all citizens. Once you mix religion into it - true democratic values are cast aside when it comes to the rights of other religions. Governments need to be secular to be truly democratic.

What nonsense.

Again, you say those things because it sounds wrong to you, but you don't explain why and don't take to mind that the law is supposed to change nothing, and it only bothers people from political parties that hate Netanyahu.

I don't like him either, but the poor attampt to cause a political crisis by his rivals is revolting, in the lack of a better word.

No laws "change nothing".

JERUSALEM Israel leader vows to pass nationality law World

But elements of the proposal have raised concerns. Among the proposals are making Jewish law a source of legislative inspiration and delisting Arabic as an official language.

"That will endanger really the very sensitive relationship between the Jewish majority and the Arab minority inside Israel," said Ibrahim Sarsour, an Arab lawmaker.

A parliamentary vote scheduled for Wednesday was postponed for a week to allow time for a compromise proposal.

The centrist members of Netanyahu's coalition, Hatnuah and Yesh Atid, have vowed to oppose the measure in its current form. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, leader of Hatnuah, warned that the bill's passage could topple Netanyahu's coalition and force early elections.

Debate over the nationality law comes amid soaring tensions between Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs, who make up about 20 percent of the population of 8 million.
Israel Approves New Controversial Nationality Bill News teleSUR

Opponents say the new bill will further discriminate against Israel's minority populations and cause a stronger rift between Israelis and Palestinians.

The Israeli cabinet approved a controversial new bill on Sunday that will officially enshrine into law Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people, undermining the rights of minorities in the country.
Opponents of the bill, including cabinet ministers and rights groups, have called the bill racist as it defines “national rights” as being for Jews only. Currently, Christians and Muslims make up about 20 percent of Israel's population.

The bill will recognize Israel's Jewish character above all others and institutionalize Jewish law, using it as an inspiration for legislation. It will also de-list Arabic as a second official language.

According to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, everyone would have equal civil rights, however, “there are national rights only for the Jewish people - a flag, anthem, the right of every Jew to immigrate to Israel and other national symbols.”

The bill titled “Israel, the Nation-State of the Jewish People,” was passed 14-6, while cabinet members who opposed it called it extreme, and effaces the democratic nature of the state.

It also undermines the possibility of a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine, at a time when relations between the two sides have been increasingly tense.

Zahava Gal-On – chairwoman of Meretz, a secular party that advocates for a two-state solution – said that Netanyahu and his right-wing coalition partners are committing a “crime against Israeli democracy, and will be responsible for one of the blackest stains on Israeli law.”

According to Netanyahu, the bill is necessary because too many people have been challenging the notion of Israel as a Jewish state.
“There are many who are challenging Israel’s character as the national state of the Jewish people. The Palestinians refuse to recognize this and there is also opposition from within,” he said.

“Neither do I understand those who are calling for two states for two peoples but who also oppose anchoring this in law. They are pleased to recognize a Palestinian national state but strongly oppose a Jewish national state.”

A Palestinian is a Palestinian national state and Palestinians comprise Muslims, Christians, Jews though the Jews are now Israeli. It's not a Muslim national state. It's not a Christian national state.

Israel was an Israeli national state - with a pluralistic population dominated by Jewish religion and ethinicity. It recognizes itself as a Jewish state. Why do they need a law enshrining one religion like this? I think it's going to further inflame an already bad situation.
Well, I thought this would be an interesting debate.

However, there are one or two commentators who lack the basic skills to be involved in a debate such as this…

Reading being one of them… A fairly elementary skill that should be learned from a young age and then honed through to adulthood…

So, rather than responding to every stupid, misquoted, misunderstood comment I will make one response…

Many have overlooked a very simple thing, at WORST, my OP is simply an opinion… At BEST, it is an open question for debate…

FACT – Neither an opinion nor a question can be a lie…

In my signature, yes, there is a flag that clearly states “free Palestine”… I want a “free Palestine” this does NOT mean that I want a Judenfrei Palesine! I used to have a “Free Nelson Mandela” t-shirt… What do you think THAT meant? Judenfrei Nelson Mandela?

I believe that I am the ONLY contributor to this OP that has stated that I don’t want EITHER side to become a ‘racist’ or ‘fascist’ state… There is not one person here who is able to look at the bigger picture; you only see hate and prejudice… Yes, that’s every poster here on the OP.

I am one of only a very small handful of people on this particular forum, I can only think of one other, who, inspite of having strong views one way or the other, denounces violence, denounces terrorism of both Hamas AND Israel.

Lipush, if you are who you say you are then you are the future of Israel, the future for the peace process… I admire your stance for Israel, your support for Israel. I for one am glad that you are on this forum. I hope that you are able to consider others views, others opinions and at least think about them, rather than just absorbing the propaganda that is no doubt ‘forced’ upon you. I value your comments.

Daniyel, you too are the future of Israel, over recent weeks/months your comments have become less ‘militant’, oh you still fly the Israeli flag, but your comments in posts have become, IMHO, considered comments…

Teddyearp, we found common ground, no we don’t see eye to eye on everything but we have found common ground. That common ground is PEACE… Yes, we come from it from different angles but we both recognise that peace is the ONLY way forward.

Coyote, well, your succinct comments are enough.

For the rest of the name calling, belligerent Hamas supporters, the holier than thou, righteous Zionists…

You are the BIGGEST problem within the region, what you say, who you support, what you ‘believe’ to be right(?) will achieve nothing more than more bloodshed and a heavy load on the servers that run this forum.

I have many ‘conspiracy’ theories, some of which, I fear, may come true…

It’s not a good situation for ANYONE in the ME… It certainly does not need, funny comments, jokes or cartoons… Go be a stand up comic or work for Private Eye (satirical paper in the UK).

It doesn’t belong on a forum that is dealing with peoples lives!
Well, it is true that the article is an opinion piece and therefore could be slanted one way or another, however the opinions in it are in the news as well. On the face of just going by the article itself, well anyone would want to say that this is probably not a good idea for Israel and especially now.

But that is the only conclusion that the article leaves you to have. It does not quote the actual text of the bill/law which some of the others have asked for, which you cannot or have not provided.

I too, would like to know the actual text of the law to see for myself if in fact the claims are true. But deeper than that I have little understanding of the Political system in Israel; I mean they have like what, 30 political parties? And many of them get elected to seats in the Knesset.
For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
And your diatribe addresses the OP in what way?

In pretty much the same way the post I am responding to does Tex, as well as your posts...

So, how about a bit of balance here...

What do Doggies ex PhD laden wife and colleagues have to do with the OP? NOTHING...

So, go ahead Tex...

"And your diatribe blah blah blah....."
So tell us -- are we really supposed to believe that you have a PhD even though you had to utilize some hate site about some crazy Jews that the anti-Semites on these message boards love? I found it amusing that even an anti-Semitic Muslim woman from India kept bringing up these True Torah Jews all the time. One would think that her madrassa taught her all about these True Torah Jews. Why not tell us the percentage of these crazy Jews in comparison to all the Jews as a whole? On a forum or message board, anyone can claim to be whatever they want to be. However, it is up to the readers to take it as the truth or not to what a poster claims. Meanwhile, keep growing your beard. These crazy Jews would really like you to go along with them next time when they visit the equally crazy leaders in Iran.. Now can we have some more blah, blah, blah from you gleaned from some hate sites

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