At best, racist....?

Why don't you support America instead of Israel. You are one traitorous piece of shit. We are a Christian country Hoss, we believe in Jesus Christ, the Jews don't.
Why don't you support America instead of Israel. You are one traitorous piece of shit. We are a Christian country Hoss, we believe in Jesus Christ, the Jews don't.
I thought in this country there was freedom of religion and that there was no official religion here. That is why you see Christians, Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. walking our streets freely and are able to pray in their own houses of worship to whomever they wish which is quite unlike Muslim countries. If you think otherwise, perhaps you should go back to your roots in some Muslim country, Mr. S. where you can help them try to destroy the Infidels like me. Meanwhile, I hope you are not getting rid of your beard so that you, too, can join those "True Torah Jews" on the plane ride to Iran.
The only people committing genocide in this conflict are the Jews. They are systematically murdering thousands of non-Jews on a bi-yearly basis, children included.

I would contribute some funds quite gladly to the first person who can develop a program that can filter out the psychotics from internet discussion groups.

Well...there goes you.
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!

You support Abbas, you support ethnic cleasing, since he supports that, too. Or is that you're unaware for whom you're rooting for?

You want Israel free? could have fooled me! it's only the PLO flag I see in your signature, pal...

And again, how come it's "racist" that the Jews also want self definition, but when "Palestine" wants it, it's ok?

Where does he support "ethnic cleansing"? Or is this another attept to claim that "no Israeli's" equals "no Jews"? (hint - you guys go on about how Israel is plurastic and includes Muslims and Christians).

And second. Nothing wrong with Jews wanting self-definition. As long as it's not at the expense of others who want the same. And so far, that's te way it seems to be with those trying to say that the Palestinians aren't real people or don't deserve self definition. Why can't BOTH have it?
So, Israel approves legislation that defines the nation state for Jewish people... Creating a two tier state with the lower tier being deprived of their rights.

Israeli cabinet approves legislation defining nation-state of Jewish people World news The Guardian

Reading the article above I cannot help but think of the Third Reich and their philosophy on the Aryan race being superior to all other races. The declaration of the "Master Race" and the persecution of those who did not meet that criteria, the suppression of those who tried to oppose...

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

If you read through the above wikipedia link there are many similarities to the current right wing regime in Israel.

Am I calling Israel Nazi? No, of course not...

Racist? Well, that is clear by the latest bill... Fascist? Debatable... This latest move certainly leans towards fascism...

One could argue that fascism is almost a 'necessary' evil toward nationhood...

But does fascism really have a place in the world today?

So your signature says "free Palestine", and you support the self definition of Judenfrei Palestine, but when Jews want self definition, it's suddenly "Racist" and "fascist".

Go figure.

Where does it say I support a Judenfrei Palestine?

I would hardly write something that I don't believe in!

Yes, I want a free Palestine... In the same way I want a free Israel...

What I don't want is EITHER to be 'racist'!

You support Abbas, you support ethnic cleasing, since he supports that, too. Or is that you're unaware for whom you're rooting for?

You want Israel free? could have fooled me! it's only the PLO flag I see in your signature, pal...

And again, how come it's "racist" that the Jews also want self definition, but when "Palestine" wants it, it's ok?

Where does he support "ethnic cleansing"? Or is this another attept to claim that "no Israeli's" equals "no Jews"? (hint - you guys go on about how Israel is plurastic and includes Muslims and Christians).

And second. Nothing wrong with Jews wanting self-definition. As long as it's not at the expense of others who want the same. And so far, that's te way it seems to be with those trying to say that the Palestinians aren't real people or don't deserve self definition. Why can't BOTH have it?
I Hope this put the self-determination doubts to rest,

The Palestinians demand two things yet denying all requests.
1.Define Israel as a democratic state just like the UK, which is why they insist not to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
2.Establish ANOTHER state for the Palestinians, the state of Palestine.
Additionally we have the explosive barrels that simply say no Jews and no Israel - everyone must die and we'll establish a Palestinian state in - Palestine.

Israel established to be a Jewish state which means they can forget about making Israel pure democratic state - and now bound by law because of radical leftist and - Palestinian-loyalty members in the Knesset.
The two state solution - establishing a Palestinian state - in our tiny Israel assuming we find where and how - but the Palestinian state is already located in Gaza, and led by - explosive barrels..while in the West Bank we have another Palestinians fighting for the leftovers of every piece - Enjoying Israel, Establish their own state, and Kill Jews.

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For a supposedly educated person, you are showing us that you don't mind running to hate sites for your info. These "True Torah Jews" are some of the favorite Jews on the hate sites. Grow a beard,Humanity , and you can go with them next time they visit the crazies in Iran.

My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
And your diatribe addresses the OP in what way?

In pretty much the same way the post I am responding to does Tex, as well as your posts...

So, how about a bit of balance here...

What do Doggies ex PhD laden wife and colleagues have to do with the OP? NOTHING...

So, go ahead Tex...

"And your diatribe blah blah blah....."
So tell us -- are we really supposed to believe that you have a PhD even though you had to utilize some hate site about some crazy Jews that the anti-Semites on these message boards love? I found it amusing that even an anti-Semitic Muslim woman from India kept bringing up these True Torah Jews all the time. One would think that her madrassa taught her all about these True Torah Jews. Why not tell us the percentage of these crazy Jews in comparison to all the Jews as a whole? On a forum or message board, anyone can claim to be whatever they want to be. However, it is up to the readers to take it as the truth or not to what a poster claims. Meanwhile, keep growing your beard. These crazy Jews would really like you to go along with them next time when they visit the equally crazy leaders in Iran.. Now can we have some more blah, blah, blah from you gleaned from some hate sites

At the very top of the website you will see a statement that defines the website...

"The State of Israel DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism"

In the 'Mission' statement it says... "True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel""

Now, why do you consider that these Jews are "crazy"?
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

Well, 'The Chosen People' doesn't seem to mean just 'to receive the Torah' does it?
It also means to keep access to the 'right' god exclusive from those bad folk who were not chosen. And to measure that by parentage. Which is all very racist, isn't it?

However, only some, maybe few people actually believe that religiousity nonsense. And if it is only keeping the god exclusive, hey, no worries.

The trouble is, Israel uses it to "keep Israel pure".
Now that is a big problem. It is completely at odds with the freedoms of man, and the equality of race, as understood by international bodies and enlightened countries. I suppose Phoney would call it "Customary International Law" or something. ;)

And of course you have evidence of these wild fanciful claims from a non partisan source
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.

You are easily fooled by your religion into believing that you will rule the world, a pity that your world will be desolate and uninhabitable because your moon god was not infallible. He did not know about any lands outside of those his prophet knew about. Just as he did not know were semen was produced, and told the Islamic world that it came from the spine.
My ex wife has a P.H.D. as do many of her colleagues, and not a single one of them would ever utilize a hate site like this, designed as they are for those with IQs between 70 and 90.

It's a bit cute how this boy tries to claim he has one. The proof, however, is in the pudding.

Didn't make it to Stanford AND an ex wife AND she has a PhD...

Oh Doggie...

Life must be such a failure for you...

YOU are the one who was bleating on about Stanford, YOU challenged me, remember....?

Now, well, now you end up on the backfoot and bleeding...

Suck it up big boy and get over it....
And your diatribe addresses the OP in what way?

In pretty much the same way the post I am responding to does Tex, as well as your posts...

So, how about a bit of balance here...

What do Doggies ex PhD laden wife and colleagues have to do with the OP? NOTHING...

So, go ahead Tex...

"And your diatribe blah blah blah....."
So tell us -- are we really supposed to believe that you have a PhD even though you had to utilize some hate site about some crazy Jews that the anti-Semites on these message boards love? I found it amusing that even an anti-Semitic Muslim woman from India kept bringing up these True Torah Jews all the time. One would think that her madrassa taught her all about these True Torah Jews. Why not tell us the percentage of these crazy Jews in comparison to all the Jews as a whole? On a forum or message board, anyone can claim to be whatever they want to be. However, it is up to the readers to take it as the truth or not to what a poster claims. Meanwhile, keep growing your beard. These crazy Jews would really like you to go along with them next time when they visit the equally crazy leaders in Iran.. Now can we have some more blah, blah, blah from you gleaned from some hate sites

At the very top of the website you will see a statement that defines the website...

"The State of Israel DOES NOT represent Jews or Judaism"

In the 'Mission' statement it says... "True Torah Jews is dedicated to informing the world and in particular the American public and politicians that not all Jews support the ideology of the Zionist state called "Israel""

Now, why do you consider that these Jews are "crazy"?

|For the same reason that ISIS is deemed crazy, and have you read their full charter yet. It goes on to say that the messiah will come back and wipe out all the muslims , rebuild Jerusalem and build a stairway to heaven that only the righteous will be allowed to use to ascend to heaven. Sounds a bit like the Branch Davidians or the Moonies and they are considered crazies by just about everyone
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.
You are easily fooled by your religion into believing that you will rule the world, a pity that your world will be desolate and uninhabitable because your moon god was not infallible. He did not know about any lands outside of those his prophet knew about. Just as he did not know were semen was produced, and told the Islamic world that it came from the spine.

And your god is infallible Phooney?
How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live in the PA?
There's your answer as to who is racist.
How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live in the PA?
There's your answer as to who is racist.

You ask two questions, unrelated to the OP and call that an answer?

Do you know the answers?

And further, related to the OP, have you found the actual text of this law/bill yet for all of us to peruse? This has been asked for and is still not forthcoming. Here in the US they can say what they want as an opinion about a bill; I prefer to read at least part of the test myself.
Jews never said anything about "Master Race".

God, do you lie through all your arguments? sounding like Nazis with prejudice, you claim we're the racist ones.

Zionists imply it continually though, in every law and action that shows they believe their people to have greater worth than other people.

Jews have the expression "God's Chosen People" of course, which sounds similar to 'Master Race' until you realise he chose them as victims of Zealots, Nazis and Zionists.

The Jews were chosen to recieve the Torah, that's the Jewish belief, but conveniently translated wrongfully by anti-semites and fact-twisters.

I'll bet that even if I bother to fix you now, you'd still repeat this nonsense at least once a week, that's what you guys do

You can fool some of us non-Jews, but not all of us.
You are easily fooled by your religion into believing that you will rule the world, a pity that your world will be desolate and uninhabitable because your moon god was not infallible. He did not know about any lands outside of those his prophet knew about. Just as he did not know were semen was produced, and told the Islamic world that it came from the spine.

And your god is infallible Phooney?

Did I say that, NO. But the muslims believe that their puny little moon god is infallible even though he made glaringly obvious mistakes that were common knowledge at the time.
How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live in the PA?
There's your answer as to who is racist.

The answer to both questions is none. Only Israeli citizens live in Israel, and no Jews are allowed to live in the P.A. once it is handed to the arab muslims on a plate. But if yu mean arab muslims that 20% or so of Israeli citizens are arab muslim showing that it is indeed the P.A. that is RACIST.
How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live in the PA?
There's your answer as to who is racist.

You ask two questions, unrelated to the OP and call that an answer?
Answer the questions, you clarify the issue.
I didnt have to pick on the PA either. How many Jews live in Saudi Arabia? How many Jews live in Iraq? How many Jews live in Jordan? How many in Syria? All those places had thriving Jewish communities, as recently as the 1950s.
How many Palestinians live in Israel?
How many Jews live in the PA?
There's your answer as to who is racist.

How many Palestinians live in Israel? If you mean non-Jews either Christian or Muslim about 20% of the total population.

How many Jews live in the PA? About 20% of the population. 400 thousand in the West Bank and 300 Thousand in East Jerusalem.

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