At best, racist....?

America and Israel are different. Just because Israel has westen characteristic aspect, it doesn't mean anything American should be found in Israel.

I agree. I'm just explaining where my perspective comes from. Every country has the right to govern itself as it's people see's fit. I don't dispute that. I just think this new law is a bad idea given Israel's minorities and peculiar divisions of citizenship.

I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

Lipush - I applaud your honesty... I applaud your beliefs...

There are a lot of IF's about this new bill... After all only a limited number have seen it, know the full extent of the bill and it is NOT in the interests of Netanyahu for it to become public until it's law!

One has to consider the thoughts and views of those, who have knowledge of the bill, within the cabinet, who have expressed grave concern over it...

The scant details of this bill that ARE in the public domain are, worrying.

I'm with you on this one... IF there is NO change in the rights of the minorities in Israel, regardless of religion, colour or creed then fine...

The question has to be, if the bill changes NOTHING then why have it? Why not keep the status quo?

My concern is that it's just a step on the downward ladder into something that will, ultimately, become a monster that cannot be controlled.

Provided that the bill does not go against the Israel Declaration of Independence, which I fear it will, then, again, I see little point in the bill.

Tzipi Livni voting to close a 'free newspaper' is highly undemocratic... I am unclear on what grounds that decision was taken... However, Israel Today is a right leaning newspaper that has little time for center or left of center politics.

I hope that you are right Lipush... I too hope that there is no real change to the minorities within Israel...
You know something folks? We can 'armchair quarterback' this law from the other side of the world; or various parts of the world, until the cows come home.

The facts still remain. The OP of this thread is based upon an opinion piece article, for one, and two as one of the residents of Israel and any decent Internet search will tell you, it has not been finalized nor passed by the full Knesset.

And for me, the most important part is where is the text of this bill for us to read it without opinions for ourselves?

Anyone? Humanity, I and others have asked you if you could post the text. Where is it? Maybe Lipush or Daniyel can find it and either post the link so we can translate it ourselves or something. Because without the full actual text, all we are doing is 'armchair quarterbacking' this debate to death.
You know something folks? We can 'armchair quarterback' this law from the other side of the world; or various parts of the world, until the cows come home.

The facts still remain. The OP of this thread is based upon an opinion piece article, for one, and two as one of the residents of Israel and any decent Internet search will tell you, it has not been finalized nor passed by the full Knesset.

And for me, the most important part is where is the text of this bill for us to read it without opinions for ourselves?

Anyone? Humanity, I and others have asked you if you could post the text. Where is it? Maybe Lipush or Daniyel can find it and either post the link so we can translate it ourselves or something. Because without the full actual text, all we are doing is 'armchair quarterbacking' this debate to death.

Read my post above Teddy...
You know something folks? We can 'armchair quarterback' this law from the other side of the world; or various parts of the world, until the cows come home.

The facts still remain. The OP of this thread is based upon an opinion piece article, for one, and two as one of the residents of Israel and any decent Internet search will tell you, it has not been finalized nor passed by the full Knesset.

And for me, the most important part is where is the text of this bill for us to read it without opinions for ourselves?

Anyone? Humanity, I and others have asked you if you could post the text. Where is it? Maybe Lipush or Daniyel can find it and either post the link so we can translate it ourselves or something. Because without the full actual text, all we are doing is 'armchair quarterbacking' this debate to death.

I am unfamiliar with the phrase "armchair quarterbacking" sorry, so I will have to pass no comment on that.

It's unlikely that any bill passed by the cabinet will come into public domain until after the Knesset plenum has voted.

Suffice to say, there are plenty of comments from cabinet members, Netanyahu and the international community to allow me to form an opinion on the likely implications of the bill and to ask pertinent questions that concern my opinion.

This is debating a law before it is passed.... I would rather debate before a possible catastrophe than afterward.
I am unfamiliar with the phrase "armchair quarterbacking" sorry, so I will have to pass no comment on that.

It's unlikely that any bill passed by the cabinet will come into public domain until after the Knesset plenum has voted.

Suffice to say, there are plenty of comments from cabinet members, Netanyahu and the international community to allow me to form an opinion on the likely implications of the bill and to ask pertinent questions that concern my opinion.

This is debating a law before it is passed.... I would rather debate before a possible catastrophe than afterward.

For me, or at least in the context in which I meant it, "armchair quarterbacking" is the same as a 'back seat driver'; meaning that we are making judgements upon something while we are removed from the action or those directly affected.

It may well be that we will not be able to see the full text of the bill before the Knesset plenum has passed it (and we both know that there will be many changes before that happens). I would like to see it sooner, but even still, trying to have a knowledgeable debate on it from afar and based upon the opinions of others is still like trying to drive the car for others from the back seat.

i disagree wholly with basing my opinion of this bill on the opinions of others posted on the 'net so far.

I do not live there. Neither do you. Let's just stay in the back seat where we belong for now and see what really happens.

Or hey, we could just go like this: "fuck you you Islamonphobicnazterroristsupporterassholefucker" lol like everyone else wants.
America and Israel are different. Just because Israel has westen characteristic aspect, it doesn't mean anything American should be found in Israel.

I agree. I'm just explaining where my perspective comes from. Every country has the right to govern itself as it's people see's fit. I don't dispute that. I just think this new law is a bad idea given Israel's minorities and peculiar divisions of citizenship.

I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

I saw something about that - but what does it mean exactly?

They voted to close the newspaper "Israel HaYom," it was/is newspaper that is viewed as rightist, suiting the views of the Prime minister, in Israel some call it the "Bibiton", because it is sponsered directly by the Prime Minister, belongs to Sheldon Edelson.

It is also the only currently newspaper that is free no charge, while others- Yediot, Ma'ariv, and Ha'aretz, are to be paid for. For years, it was easy to get your hand on the newspapers, because they were delievered free in public places, and is one of the only high-published newspapers that is viewed as rightist.

Anyhow, they voted to make it "pay-per-view", and many criticized it. First, the parties that point out non-stop how expensive is that, living in Israel, vote to pay for free newspapers, it makes you raise an eyebrow. Second, those same parties cry about how Israel should be first thing first a democracy, but then go shutting mouths of the right, also questionable.

And last, it's a bummer, I liked the word puzzles, now I won't get those anymore...
I am unfamiliar with the phrase "armchair quarterbacking" sorry, so I will have to pass no comment on that.

It's unlikely that any bill passed by the cabinet will come into public domain until after the Knesset plenum has voted.

Suffice to say, there are plenty of comments from cabinet members, Netanyahu and the international community to allow me to form an opinion on the likely implications of the bill and to ask pertinent questions that concern my opinion.

This is debating a law before it is passed.... I would rather debate before a possible catastrophe than afterward.

For me, or at least in the context in which I meant it, "armchair quarterbacking" is the same as a 'back seat driver'; meaning that we are making judgements upon something while we are removed from the action or those directly affected.

It may well be that we will not be able to see the full text of the bill before the Knesset plenum has passed it (and we both know that there will be many changes before that happens). I would like to see it sooner, but even still, trying to have a knowledgeable debate on it from afar and based upon the opinions of others is still like trying to drive the car for others from the back seat.

i disagree wholly with basing my opinion of this bill on the opinions of others posted on the 'net so far.

I do not live there. Neither do you. Let's just stay in the back seat where we belong for now and see what really happens.

Or hey, we could just go like this: "fuck you you Islamonphobicnazterroristsupporterassholefucker" lol like everyone else wants.

"armchair quarterbacking" will now be my new 'backseat driver'!

You are correct, it's an observation, an opinion of the bill based upon not only commentary of those who have been involved with the bill but also history. My posting a link to the article referencing the bill and the Nazi Germany wikipedia is in now way to suggest that Israel is the same as Nazi Germany, rather to show similarities with how Nazi Germany 'worked' the people, 'worked' to take total control, total power of Germany, making others 2nd class citizens and by declaring the Aryan race the "master race'.

If, as is being suggested by some commentators, the bill is "symbolic" and will have NO effect on the minorities in Israel then ok. The question has to be asked then why have the bill in the first place... Well, unfortunately that comes down the the right wing party, down to Netanyahu, and their need to ensure that the 'hatred' continues.

Of course, as I understand it, the bill was amended before being put forward to the cabinet, and is possibly going to be amended further before being passed. So, as you say, let's see what happens... But I would rather debate the 'undebatable' BEFORE the 'undebatable' becomes written in stone!

Oh and yes... "fuck you you Zionaphobiczionnazisupporterassholefucker"... Have a good day :laugh2:
Based on that opinion we come to the conclusion the one providing the opinion is definitely against the state of Israel and feel free to argue with that but remember they still live in Israel and enjoy Israel while writing this article, so basically the debate is about hypothetical opinion, shall I continue?
Based on that opinion we come to the conclusion the one providing the opinion is definitely against the state of Israel and feel free to argue with that but remember they still live in Israel and enjoy Israel while writing this article, so basically the debate is about hypothetical opinion, shall I continue?

Yes Daniyel, please continue.
Based on that opinion we come to the conclusion the one providing the opinion is definitely against the state of Israel and feel free to argue with that but remember they still live in Israel and enjoy Israel while writing this article, so basically the debate is about hypothetical opinion, shall I continue?

Your conclusion is slightly skewed...

One doesn't have to agree with everything one's government stands for.

Because there are opinions within Israel against the bill doesn't mean that those who have this opinion are against the state of Israel...

If we blindly followed what our respective governments put forward we would be in a whole lot of trouble!
Based on that opinion we come to the conclusion the one providing the opinion is definitely against the state of Israel and feel free to argue with that but remember they still live in Israel and enjoy Israel while writing this article, so basically the debate is about hypothetical opinion, shall I continue?

Yes Daniyel, please continue.
Since you gave me the stage - I also would like to point that the credibility of hypocrites opinion in any debate equals nothing, but this is no coincidence some agree with hypocrites because hypocrites fit well with hypocrites mostly, when both forming a temporarily alliance of agreement in which both interests benefit - until the moment the interests tackle one another, which is why this whole thread is ridiculously useless, and so does your opinion - to us, the honest people.
I'm pretty much done here, thank you for reading.
Based on that opinion we come to the conclusion the one providing the opinion is definitely against the state of Israel and feel free to argue with that but remember they still live in Israel and enjoy Israel while writing this article, so basically the debate is about hypothetical opinion, shall I continue?

Yes Daniyel, please continue.
Since you gave me the stage - I also would like to point that the credibility of hypocrites opinion in any debate equals nothing, but this is no coincidence some agree with hypocrites because hypocrites fit well with hypocrites mostly, when both forming a temporarily alliance of agreement in which both interests benefit - until the moment the interests tackle one another, which is why this whole thread is ridiculously useless, and so does your opinion - to us, the honest people.
I'm pretty much done here, thank you for reading.

Thank you Daniyel...

I neither see myself as a hypocrite nor having a "useless" opinion...

As I have stated, my opinion is my own and as valid as the next mans...

I would rather have an opinion than not, no matter what the circumstances or situation...

If you are happy to follow Netanyahu and his right wing policies, blindly, without question, that of course is your choice... I believe that others would rather question policies before having to live with the fallout!
A question:

Is a democracy where the leader is the only one who gets a vote, a democracy, or a dictatorship?
America and Israel are different. Just because Israel has westen characteristic aspect, it doesn't mean anything American should be found in Israel.

I agree. I'm just explaining where my perspective comes from. Every country has the right to govern itself as it's people see's fit. I don't dispute that. I just think this new law is a bad idea given Israel's minorities and peculiar divisions of citizenship.

I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

I saw something about that - but what does it mean exactly?

They voted to close the newspaper "Israel HaYom," it was/is newspaper that is viewed as rightist, suiting the views of the Prime minister, in Israel some call it the "Bibiton", because it is sponsered directly by the Prime Minister, belongs to Sheldon Edelson.

It is also the only currently newspaper that is free no charge, while others- Yediot, Ma'ariv, and Ha'aretz, are to be paid for. For years, it was easy to get your hand on the newspapers, because they were delievered free in public places, and is one of the only high-published newspapers that is viewed as rightist.

Anyhow, they voted to make it "pay-per-view", and many criticized it. First, the parties that point out non-stop how expensive is that, living in Israel, vote to pay for free newspapers, it makes you raise an eyebrow. Second, those same parties cry about how Israel should be first thing first a democracy, but then go shutting mouths of the right, also questionable.

And last, it's a bummer, I liked the word puzzles, now I won't get those anymore...

I'm confused - aren't newspapers independent entities able to make their own financing decisions? We have a variety of paid for and free papers, for example - all kinds and the government has no influence on them in regards to cost or content. Left or right or middle of the road or whacko - there's something for everyone.
America and Israel are different. Just because Israel has westen characteristic aspect, it doesn't mean anything American should be found in Israel.

I agree. I'm just explaining where my perspective comes from. Every country has the right to govern itself as it's people see's fit. I don't dispute that. I just think this new law is a bad idea given Israel's minorities and peculiar divisions of citizenship.

I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

I saw something about that - but what does it mean exactly?

They voted to close the newspaper "Israel HaYom," it was/is newspaper that is viewed as rightist, suiting the views of the Prime minister, in Israel some call it the "Bibiton", because it is sponsered directly by the Prime Minister, belongs to Sheldon Edelson.

It is also the only currently newspaper that is free no charge, while others- Yediot, Ma'ariv, and Ha'aretz, are to be paid for. For years, it was easy to get your hand on the newspapers, because they were delievered free in public places, and is one of the only high-published newspapers that is viewed as rightist.

Anyhow, they voted to make it "pay-per-view", and many criticized it. First, the parties that point out non-stop how expensive is that, living in Israel, vote to pay for free newspapers, it makes you raise an eyebrow. Second, those same parties cry about how Israel should be first thing first a democracy, but then go shutting mouths of the right, also questionable.

And last, it's a bummer, I liked the word puzzles, now I won't get those anymore...

I'm confused - aren't newspapers independent entities able to make their own financing decisions? We have a variety of paid for and free papers, for example - all kinds and the government has no influence on them in regards to cost or content. Left or right or middle of the road or whacko - there's something for everyone.

I'm not sure whatever the reason is, I just know that Netanyahu used to up till now "sponsor" the newspaper, and it was given free no charge in every public place. Now it won't happen, because the Knesset objects it being free, it has nothing to do with the newspaper's ability to stand independent or not.
The PA doesn't actually rule anywhere. The number of Jews living in the Occupied Territories is as was stated. 400 thousand in the West Bank and 300 thousand in East Jerusalem.
You just contradicted your earlier post that theWest Bank was part of the PA.
You are also wrong. The PA controls part of the WB and all of Gaza.

Hamas is in Gaza and does not have any sovereignty as they do not control the land borders, territorial sea or air space. PA does not rule anything. The Occupied Territories are under martial law, by definition they are not ruled by a civil administration.

Not according to the elected leaders who state that gaza is under their full control, down to the borders with Israel and Egypt. They show they have control of their airspace when they fire rockets at Israel and Egypt, and they show they have control over their territorial sea when the send out fishing boats to catch fish.

The P.A. is corrupt, ineffective and a farce which is why the UN refuse to recognise them as a nation and just keep them as observers.
I agree. I'm just explaining where my perspective comes from. Every country has the right to govern itself as it's people see's fit. I don't dispute that. I just think this new law is a bad idea given Israel's minorities and peculiar divisions of citizenship.

I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

I saw something about that - but what does it mean exactly?

They voted to close the newspaper "Israel HaYom," it was/is newspaper that is viewed as rightist, suiting the views of the Prime minister, in Israel some call it the "Bibiton", because it is sponsered directly by the Prime Minister, belongs to Sheldon Edelson.

It is also the only currently newspaper that is free no charge, while others- Yediot, Ma'ariv, and Ha'aretz, are to be paid for. For years, it was easy to get your hand on the newspapers, because they were delievered free in public places, and is one of the only high-published newspapers that is viewed as rightist.

Anyhow, they voted to make it "pay-per-view", and many criticized it. First, the parties that point out non-stop how expensive is that, living in Israel, vote to pay for free newspapers, it makes you raise an eyebrow. Second, those same parties cry about how Israel should be first thing first a democracy, but then go shutting mouths of the right, also questionable.

And last, it's a bummer, I liked the word puzzles, now I won't get those anymore...

I'm confused - aren't newspapers independent entities able to make their own financing decisions? We have a variety of paid for and free papers, for example - all kinds and the government has no influence on them in regards to cost or content. Left or right or middle of the road or whacko - there's something for everyone.

I'm not sure whatever the reason is, I just know that Netanyahu used to up till now "sponsor" the newspaper, and it was given free no charge in every public place. Now it won't happen, because the Knesset objects it being free, it has nothing to do with the newspaper's ability to stand independent or not.

I am totally against banning the 'Free Press'....

This, however, is a concern... "Netanyahu used to up till now "sponsor" the newspaper"

A prime minister of ANY country "sponsoring" a newspaper doesn't make it "Free Press"...

It becomes "State Press"... And, to be honest, it matters little how much "sponsorship" the prime minister gives, it's still "State Press"
The PA doesn't actually rule anywhere. The number of Jews living in the Occupied Territories is as was stated. 400 thousand in the West Bank and 300 thousand in East Jerusalem.
You just contradicted your earlier post that theWest Bank was part of the PA.
You are also wrong. The PA controls part of the WB and all of Gaza.

Hamas is in Gaza and does not have any sovereignty as they do not control the land borders, territorial sea or air space. PA does not rule anything. The Occupied Territories are under martial law, by definition they are not ruled by a civil administration.

They show they have control of their airspace when they fire rockets at Israel and Egypt, and they show they have control over their territorial sea when the send out fishing boats to catch fish.

With every passing moon you become dumber Phoney...

Of all of your most recent posts THIS one has to be your biggest FAIL :clap2:

I salute you Phoney for your constant source entertainment.... :woohoo:
I disagree. It doesn't go against the constitutional law of Human freedom, life and dignity. It must go hand in hand with the previous basic law. If it went against it, of course I would agree it's awful. But honestly, if the social rights of Israeli minority can be kept, the objection will be purely out of populist and shallow reasons.

Which is exactly the case in here. Because who goes against that? Livni and Hetzog, both almost didn't cross the threashold of the voters' election, both dreaming of being the next PM. It's laughable. I didn't vote Netanyahu, I think he's bad for us, but it pisses me off the nonstopping attempt to cause a political crisis just to bring him down. It's horrible for the people of Israel, who voted fairly for who they wanted.

And it even more laughable that Tzipi Livni talked about democracy, when two weeks ago she voted for closing a free newspaper, "Israel Today". Isn't closing a newspaper out of political reasons, the core of anti-democracy? What's up with THAT crap?

I saw something about that - but what does it mean exactly?

They voted to close the newspaper "Israel HaYom," it was/is newspaper that is viewed as rightist, suiting the views of the Prime minister, in Israel some call it the "Bibiton", because it is sponsered directly by the Prime Minister, belongs to Sheldon Edelson.

It is also the only currently newspaper that is free no charge, while others- Yediot, Ma'ariv, and Ha'aretz, are to be paid for. For years, it was easy to get your hand on the newspapers, because they were delievered free in public places, and is one of the only high-published newspapers that is viewed as rightist.

Anyhow, they voted to make it "pay-per-view", and many criticized it. First, the parties that point out non-stop how expensive is that, living in Israel, vote to pay for free newspapers, it makes you raise an eyebrow. Second, those same parties cry about how Israel should be first thing first a democracy, but then go shutting mouths of the right, also questionable.

And last, it's a bummer, I liked the word puzzles, now I won't get those anymore...

I'm confused - aren't newspapers independent entities able to make their own financing decisions? We have a variety of paid for and free papers, for example - all kinds and the government has no influence on them in regards to cost or content. Left or right or middle of the road or whacko - there's something for everyone.

I'm not sure whatever the reason is, I just know that Netanyahu used to up till now "sponsor" the newspaper, and it was given free no charge in every public place. Now it won't happen, because the Knesset objects it being free, it has nothing to do with the newspaper's ability to stand independent or not.

I am totally against banning the 'Free Press'....

This, however, is a concern... "Netanyahu used to up till now "sponsor" the newspaper"

A prime minister of ANY country "sponsoring" a newspaper doesn't make it "Free Press"...

It becomes "State Press"... And, to be honest, it matters little how much "sponsorship" the prime minister gives, it's still "State Press"

I see your point. However, it still doesn't mean the public cannot relate to the "state press". And it still doesn't mean free speech isn't abused here. And those who abuse that free speech are also the ones who cry about Netanyahu going against democracy.

I see double standards here.

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