At last, Obama reveals the truth about Benghazi attacks in an interview

Back it up then. I'm still waiting for some actual quotes rather than some regurgitated paraphrased nonsense that bounced of the walls and into the ears of the echo-chambermaids.

And I'm still waiting for an explanation for why help wasn't sent. Instead you're giving us "echo-chambermaids" nonsense. You might as well run up a white flag that announces in bold letters "I DON'T HAVE A CREDIBLE RESPONSE TO THAT!!!!"

Help was sent to the Consulate from the Annex within 25 minutes of the attack being reported.

That help was provided by people on the ground in Benghazi who disobeyed orders NOT to go to the Consulate. Why you think repeating that over and over again somehow proves that help was sent by anyone outside of Libya baffles me.
Back it up then. I'm still waiting for some actual quotes rather than some regurgitated paraphrased nonsense that bounced of the walls and into the ears of the echo-chambermaids.

I will ask again and you will divert again.....

The report confirmed that the military did not have enough time to go in and help those under attack.

But the report had the advantage of knowing when the attack ended.

How did the administration know, at the time of the attack, how long it would last.

Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

That's the "story" that the Obama Administration put out but don't you find it telling that weeks later that we STILL didn't have sufficient DOD assets in Libya to secure the Consulate so that the FBI could investigate on site? Is it your contention that the Commander In Chief gave an order that the military simply ignored...or is it your contention that the United States military doesn't have the capability to secure one of our embassies for weeks after an attack?

One wonders why Obama didn't call someone on the carpet and ask why that didn't take place? It would appear he was too busy getting everyone's story straight before Susan Rice, Hillary, Jay Carney, Leon Panetta and he all did their dog and pony shows.
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The obvious answer to that is...why would you want to secure a site so that an investigation could begin that would prove to be highly embarrassing for your Administration?
Back it up then. I'm still waiting for some actual quotes rather than some regurgitated paraphrased nonsense that bounced of the walls and into the ears of the echo-chambermaids.

I will ask again and you will divert again.....

The report confirmed that the military did not have enough time to go in and help those under attack.

But the report had the advantage of knowing when the attack ended.

How did the administration know, at the time of the attack, how long it would last.

Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

I suggest you read the entire article you posted the link to.

It again raises the question...

How did the administration know, at the time of the attacks, that there was not enough time for military support to arrive at the location?

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...

So how did the administration know that there was not enough time to get there?

Please answer this time. Don't divert...

Thank you.
I will ask again and you will divert again.....

The report confirmed that the military did not have enough time to go in and help those under attack.

But the report had the advantage of knowing when the attack ended.

How did the administration know, at the time of the attack, how long it would last.

Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

I suggest you read the entire article you posted the link to.

It again raises the question...

How did the administration know, at the time of the attacks, that there was not enough time for military support to arrive at the location?

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...

So how did the administration know that there was not enough time to get there?

Please answer this time. Don't divert...

Thank you.

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...
Que, I'll bite. Where's cnn say that?
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

That's already been debunked by the CIA.
The Senate has been in Democrat control since 2008

Have to correct that; The Democrats have been in control of the U.S. Senate since 2007.
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Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

I suggest you read the entire article you posted the link to.

It again raises the question...

How did the administration know, at the time of the attacks, that there was not enough time for military support to arrive at the location?

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...

So how did the administration know that there was not enough time to get there?

Please answer this time. Don't divert...

Thank you.

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...
Que, I'll bite. Where's cnn say that?

Seriously, is this it?

But orders to prepare had been given, the defense secretary testified.

Panetta said a Marine security team platoon stationed in Spain was ordered to prepare for deployment while another platoon prepped to head to the embassy in Tripoli. A Special Operations force, then training in Central Europe, was told to prepare to deploy to a staging base in Southern Europe, and another Special Ops force, based in the United States, was told to prepare to move there, too.

I mean I gave this story a pass months ago. But is this what the right has?
And I'm still waiting for an explanation for why help wasn't sent. Instead you're giving us "echo-chambermaids" nonsense. You might as well run up a white flag that announces in bold letters "I DON'T HAVE A CREDIBLE RESPONSE TO THAT!!!!"

Help was sent to the Consulate from the Annex within 25 minutes of the attack being reported.

That help was provided by people on the ground in Benghazi who disobeyed orders NOT to go to the Consulate. Why you think repeating that over and over again somehow proves that help was sent by anyone outside of Libya baffles me.

More nonsense from the echo-chamber. When Woods heard of the attack at 9:40 he requested to go and help them. He was told by his CIA superior to wait. The superiors reason was he didn't want his men to rush into an ambush and he wanted more hardware and Libyan fighters with his men. That why Woods was made to wait until 10:03 before advancing on the Consulate. At this point the President had not yet been briefed by Panetta.
None of the Libtards are explaining how a video in California caused the whole Benghazi debacle.
I will ask again and you will divert again.....

The report confirmed that the military did not have enough time to go in and help those under attack.

But the report had the advantage of knowing when the attack ended.

How did the administration know, at the time of the attack, how long it would last.

Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?

Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

I suggest you read the entire article you posted the link to.

It again raises the question...

How did the administration know, at the time of the attacks, that there was not enough time for military support to arrive at the location?

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...

So how did the administration know that there was not enough time to get there?

Please answer this time. Don't divert...

Thank you.

Your continued accusation of diverting is disingenuous. Your last question was "Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?". Did I not answer that question?

My guess is that by the time the Rapid Response teams were ready The CIA already had a plan to evacuate all personal out of Benghazi. But since most of that CIA stuff is classified only those privy to the Classified briefings know for sure. And they're not talking.

From the same link

"Dempsey said he could not have gotten troops on the ground within 13 to 15 hours.

Panetta was firm throughout his testimony that there were no "undue delays" in decision making and there was no denial of support from Washington or from the military combatant commanders when the attack happened.

"Quite the contrary: The safe evacuation of all U.S. government personnel from Benghazi 12 hours after the initial attack" and transfer to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany "was the result of exceptional U.S. government coordination.""
Help was sent to the Consulate from the Annex within 25 minutes of the attack being reported.

That help was provided by people on the ground in Benghazi who disobeyed orders NOT to go to the Consulate. Why you think repeating that over and over again somehow proves that help was sent by anyone outside of Libya baffles me.

More nonsense from the echo-chamber. When Woods heard of the attack at 9:40 he requested to go and help them. He was told by his CIA superior to wait. The superiors reason was he didn't want his men to rush into an ambush and he wanted more hardware and Libyan fighters with his men. That why Woods was made to wait until 10:03 before advancing on the Consulate. At this point the President had not yet been briefed by Panetta.

Ironic that you keep using the term echo chamber when all you've done so far is repeat the same failed talking point over and over.
Obama ordered that the Defense Department respond to the attack with "all available DOD assets" and try to protect U.S. personnel, Panetta said.

Panetta, Dempsey defend U.S. response to Benghazi attack -

Are you asking why the President didn't micro-manage the tactical decisions? Seems to me he left those decision up to the commanders he gave the order to. And rightly so, they are suppose to be non-partisan.

I suggest you read the entire article you posted the link to.

It again raises the question...

How did the administration know, at the time of the attacks, that there was not enough time for military support to arrive at the location?

It specifically states they were ready to move, but did not get the order from the WH to do it was determined that there was not enough time to get there...

So how did the administration know that there was not enough time to get there?

Please answer this time. Don't divert...

Thank you.

Your continued accusation of diverting is disingenuous. Your last question was "Why did the president NOT give the order to get the ball rolling with military support?". Did I not answer that question?

My guess is that by the time the Rapid Response teams were ready The CIA already had a plan to evacuate all personal out of Benghazi. But since most of that CIA stuff is classified only those privy to the Classified briefings know for sure. And they're not talking.

From the same link

"Dempsey said he could not have gotten troops on the ground within 13 to 15 hours.

Panetta was firm throughout his testimony that there were no "undue delays" in decision making and there was no denial of support from Washington or from the military combatant commanders when the attack happened.

"Quite the contrary: The safe evacuation of all U.S. government personnel from Benghazi 12 hours after the initial attack" and transfer to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany "was the result of exceptional U.S. government coordination.""

So our Ambassador is missing...but troops aren't deployed to Libya because the concern is how to evacuate personnel out of Libya? Did you REALLY just make that contention? Seriously, get more absurd the more you try to rationalize Obama Administration actions in regards to Benghazi.

You still haven't explained why two weeks later we STILL couldn't secure our Consulate in Libya so that the FBI could investigate on site. If one were suspicious of the Obama Administration's priorities (eye-roll) one might think that they were in no hurry at all for an investigation to begin...especially one that would prove that their contention that the attack was prompted by a protest over the YouTube video was totally bogus.
None of the Libtards are explaining how a video in California caused the whole Benghazi debacle.

It wasn't a Video, the Echo-Chamber now says Obama is blaming it all on Faux News.

Keep up! :eusa_whistle:

Obama is blaming Fox News for the scandal not going away. Since they were the only major news group actually investigating what happened instead of simply buying the bullshit that Obama, Clinton and the rest were shoveling at a high rate of speed, Obama is unhappy with Fox. Gee, sucks when you can't get every news outlet to buy the propaganda that you're putting out there...doesn't it!
We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

The Republicans didn't do jack shit by themselves. It's already been proven that cuts had no effect on the security in Benghazi, which was supposed to be provided by Libya. We could have removed people or left the current security in place.

There is NO WAY threats were not known, as they had been made public in the months prior to 9/11. Even family members worried about their loved ones in Benghazi before the attack. I can't believe anyone is so damn stupid that they believe the State Dept said, "Sorry, you'll have to deal with terrorists on your own because we can't afford to help you." That would have to be the way it went for the budget cuts to used as an excuse and even the least sophisticated liberal must understand how lame that is.

The cuts don't explain why the threat was ignored, why stand down orders were issued or why a lie was told to protect the radical Muslims behind it.

And the reason that security was supposed to be provided by Libya? Could it be security budget cuts?

Could it be that Obama was too busy campaigning?

In response to many warnings from the intelligence community and others, the CIA hardened its security at the CIA Annex located a mile or two from the State Department’s facility, but the State Department, inexplicably, did nothing.

We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.
And the reason that security was supposed to be provided by Libya? Could it be security budget cuts?

No. We knew the threat was real and an attack likely imminent, yet did nothing. One idiot said they didn't want to offend Libya by taking over security.

Also, we removed security just before the attack, which made no sense in light of public threats and attacks leading up to the 9/11 attack.

Writing was on the wall and if anyone in the Obama administration read it, they didn't give a shit.

Cheapest way would have been to get our people out of there. I still believe the general who claimed this was all set up and the embassy people were going to be kidnapped and traded for the Blind Sheik. Something went wrong.

The lies about the filmmaker were just so reporters wouldn't snoop into why our people were still there and why we didn't do anything before or during the attack. Obama and Hillary tried to convince people that the attack was spontaneous in hopes it people wouldn't hold them responsible for not looking after our people. The excuses for why we didn't intervene kept changing and it was all bullshit. Obama was reportedly asleep so he would be ready for a campaign fundraiser. Either Hillary and Jarret protected Obama and didn't bother waking him with news of what was happening or Obama knew and was okay with what the radical Muslims were doing. If they weren't approving of the attack, they would have done something to stop it.
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We already know the reason. The Republican Senate reduced the security budget $360M, which is the reason CIA operatives were killed in the attack.

The Republicans didn't do jack shit by themselves. It's already been proven that cuts had no effect on the security in Benghazi, which was supposed to be provided by Libya. We could have removed people or left the current security in place.

There is NO WAY threats were not known, as they had been made public in the months prior to 9/11. Even family members worried about their loved ones in Benghazi before the attack. I can't believe anyone is so damn stupid that they believe the State Dept said, "Sorry, you'll have to deal with terrorists on your own because we can't afford to help you." That would have to be the way it went for the budget cuts to used as an excuse and even the least sophisticated liberal must understand how lame that is.

The cuts don't explain why the threat was ignored, why stand down orders were issued or why a lie was told to protect the radical Muslims behind it.

And the reason that security was supposed to be provided by Libya? Could it be security budget cuts?
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