At least 2 Republican DAs want to prosecute Biden

americans certainly do, even the one suspected of terrorism

extrajudicial killings of citizens is common among leftist tyrants though

No they do not. Killing terrorists has nothing to do with any tyrants. Republicans are right wing tyrants.
The irony is your ignorance. Trump gave false information to the state of NY where his corporation is domiciled. He is subject to the laws of NY.
What Fat Al has is a state misdemeanor violation that the statute of limitations had ran out 2 years ago.
What his big secret is, is a supposed fed violation which he has no authority over.
Don't be so ignorant.
The Trump SCOTUS is going to protect Trump? The support for expanding the courts will go through the wall.
Intolerant lawless Dem trash will be destroyed never to hold power again. I'll dance on the grave of the Dem party after it implodes.

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