At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
It would come as no surprise if the shooter turned out to be a rightwing loon ‘attacking’ the ‘evil liberal media.’
If so they deserve it.
See how well groomed trumpanzees are?
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .
They will kill this guy if he claims that...………...

That is true, the far-right will kill him to keep it quiet.
The left and the right, matters not to the deep state

You might be right if the DEEP STATE existed.
reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.
I assume you’re referring to Maxine Waters. She never called for violence against conservatives.

But Donald called for violence against protesters at his rallies — even offering to pay legal fees of supporters who committed violent acts against protesters — and his supporters delivered.

But you don’t want to talk about that, do you?
If you are stupid enough to believe that harassing people at their homes and in restaurants and other locations won't lead to violence then I'll just leave you to your fantasy.
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
It would come as no surprise if the shooter turned out to be a rightwing loon ‘attacking’ the ‘evil liberal media.’
If so they deserve it.
See how well groomed trumpanzees are?
NO I don't.
If it is as timmy says, the left has started it all. Too bad if it is because reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.

However, as this poster says:

We don't know what happened yet but that doesn't stop timmy, a regressive liberal hater, from fanning the flames of incitement.

Cause righties never do that !!!!

For example : taking what waters said and translating that into “violence in the streets”.
That's what she did. No one believes your twisted lies so sit down and shut up. Why don't you wait until we hear what happened if we ever do? Most likely it's some lib wacko wanting to stir up more violence toward Trump and conservatives.

She did not ! Go ahead and quote her.

But hey. You want to read that into her statement then you can read “shoot up newspapers “ into what trump says .

Well, to be fair, Trump DID call the media a threat to national security and also said that they were traitors.
He was spot on a too. They are traitors, they are guilty of spreading lies and misinformation and calling for attacks on conservatives.
Supports the shooting up of newspapers like a loyal trumpanzee.
reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.
I assume you’re referring to Maxine Waters. She never called for violence against conservatives.

But Donald called for violence against protesters at his rallies — even offering to pay legal fees of supporters who committed violent acts against protesters — and his supporters delivered.

But you don’t want to talk about that, do you?
If you are stupid enough to believe that harassing people at their homes and in restaurants and other locations won't lead to violence then I'll just leave you to your fantasy.
So, you don’t want to talk about Donald LITERALLY telling his supporters to PHYSICALLY attack protesters.

Why am I not surprised that you’re a partisan coward?
Everyone needs to just simmer down. Scrubbing social media sites takes time. But rest assured it’ll be done soon enough. Then; and only then Mother Media will be along to tell you what you’re supposed to believe happened. Some of you are so impatient...
Early reports hint...

Of course they do... and by golly that's enough to convince you...

Couldn't be a domestic issue... couldn't be a local pissed off about a story about his business... nope, has to be motivated by Trump...

Trump is a lousy human being in general (though I imagine if you're family he treats you right), but why not wait until the police provide the motive after they interview the POS? Why embrace the rumor and innuendo? Oh, that's right... because it fits your shitty political narrative.
You mean motivated by Maxine Waters ordering people to kill Trump supporters
She said that? it.

She never said to kill anyone. That is just more hyperbole stirred up by Trump and his supporters. She did call for harassment, yes, but she never called for anyone to be harmed or killed.

Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials - CNNPolitics

Here is what Waters actually said.................................

"Let's make sure we show up wherever we have to show up. And if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. We've got to get the children connected to their parents," Waters said at the Wilshire Federal Building, according to video of the event.
"We don't know what damage has been done to these children. All that we know is they're in cages. They're in prisons. They're in jails. I don't care what they call it, that's where they are and Mr. President, we will see you every day, every hour of the day, everywhere that we are to let you know you cannot get away with this," she added.
Waters appeared on MSNBC later in the day to double down on her remarks, saying she has "no sympathy" for members of the Trump administration.
"The people are going to turn on them. They're going to protest. They're going to absolutely harass them until they decide that they're going to tell the President, 'No, I can't hang with you.'"
CNN reached out to Waters' office on Monday morning and did not immediately receive a response.

But, here is Trump's tweet, and Trump is the one that originally said Waters was calling for harm to his followers. And, his followers have just ramped up the rhetoric even more...................................

Trump misconstrued Waters' comments when he weighed in Monday afternoon.
"Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!"
Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 25, 2018

Waters, however, did not call for physical harm to the officials or harassment against Trump's supporters.
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
It would come as no surprise if the shooter turned out to be a rightwing loon ‘attacking’ the ‘evil liberal media.’
If so they deserve it.
See how well groomed trumpanzees are?
Miketx is a piece of shit to be sure.

What evidence do you have to blame the Congresswomen for this mass attack. Nothing in the link you posted suggested anything on the motive or on the shooter.

Your comment goes beyond hyperbole, and is in the realm of a damn lie!

Live updates: Shooting at Capital Gazette in Maryland - CNN

Since it is an attack on a MSM Newspaper, one must first ask themselves is this the work of someone who wanted to impress Trump, and kill what he was told were people who sold fake news.
Keep on stirring up the hatred.
maybe the shooter was a Democrat who wolfed down 2 pounds of pop rocks and diet coke and just completely lost it?
He's probably an overtly disturbed person who the police were aware of and did dip squat about.

Oh horsehocky; that only turns out to be true 100% of the time.
reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.
I assume you’re referring to Maxine Waters. She never called for violence against conservatives.

But Donald called for violence against protesters at his rallies — even offering to pay legal fees of supporters who committed violent acts against protesters — and his supporters delivered.

But you don’t want to talk about that, do you?
If you are stupid enough to believe that harassing people at their homes and in restaurants and other locations won't lead to violence then I'll just leave you to your fantasy.
Trumpanzees aren't fans of all that judging people by the content of their character thing.
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
It would come as no surprise if the shooter turned out to be a rightwing loon ‘attacking’ the ‘evil liberal media.’
If so they deserve it.
See how well groomed trumpanzees are?
Miketx is a piece of shit to be sure.
You are a peanut in that shit.
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
I just read that Hannity sez Obama and Maxine Waters inspired the incident. This incident is NOT funny, but his response sure is. All I can think of is Sean as Wile E Coyote adding a drop of water to a mote and up springs this huge headline blaming the two he named. Sure glad they got this shooter alive. At least we can learn a time.

He should be blaming Trump . Trump vilifies the press every day .

If you are going to say Maxine encourages violence , they you have to say Trump does the same .

I blame you for every shooting in the last 5 years. Your type spanks it at your keyboard over pictures of shot people.
Guy walks into anapolis paper and starts blasting people . Early reports hint he might be an anti media but . Which is the mantra of Trump and the right .

Gunman shoots into Maryland newsroom, kills at least five
It would come as no surprise if the shooter turned out to be a rightwing loon ‘attacking’ the ‘evil liberal media.’

But so far it has only been the libtards you canonize. Your hero’s.

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