At least 4 folks dead, 6 injured in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Maryland

LOL in your demented mind I am a liberal...……………………….

Take your pills

And by the way, YES is matters if he took orders from Adolf Waters

Hey Rosy, how's about we wait and find out from the police what his motivation was. If it was because of Waters, feel free to bitch about her and the Dems. But, because we don't know yet, could you please refrain from speculation? All that does is cause more division on the board.

You'd think that people on here could act like adults rather than kids on the playground blaming one group for something.

Nothing the police say is going to be real. They won't even admit what his name is, or say anything other than he used a long gun.

What the f.uck is a long gun, a revolutionary war musket? They know his name, and the gun he used at a minimum, why would anyone listen to their further BS
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.

Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

So you created a thread about liberals blaming Trump for the shooting (though I haven't seen this to any large degree at all) before any motive has been established and then you post a tweet implying the shooting is a false flag.

Make up your mind, are you going to bemoan jumping to conclusions or are you just going to be doing the jumping yourself?

Fucking Alex Jones wannabe assholes.




Hypocrite says what?
Nothing the police say is going to be real. They won't even admit what his name is, or say anything other than he used a long gun.

What the f.uck is a long gun, a revolutionary war musket? They know his name, and the gun he used at a minimum, why would anyone listen to their further BS
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.
OK, and which police dept in the USA can't determine the make and model of any gun thus has to refer to it as a long gun?
Its a general term. Most likely they dont want to be specific.

Do you accept that we do not have the right to know?

If the weapon was an AR-15 we would know
I would only be concerned if it was an AR-15. Its typically the gun of choice for nutcases. Because of this of course the media would make sure it was revealed if they knew themselves.
Yawn so if someone points a shotgun at your family you are OK with that...…………….

Because only AR-15's kill
The Agenda's we're strong, and the left isn't giving up what they felt they had created over the years no matter what. It is showing everyday now.

These shootings have to be investigated to the max, made transparent, and gotten to the bottom of. Let the chips fall where they may.

The rehtoric has gotten out of control, and people need to simmer their aces down.
Hey Rosy, how's about we wait and find out from the police what his motivation was. If it was because of Waters, feel free to bitch about her and the Dems. But, because we don't know yet, could you please refrain from speculation? All that does is cause more division on the board.

You'd think that people on here could act like adults rather than kids on the playground blaming one group for something.

Nothing the police say is going to be real. They won't even admit what his name is, or say anything other than he used a long gun.

What the f.uck is a long gun, a revolutionary war musket? They know his name, and the gun he used at a minimum, why would anyone listen to their further BS
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.

Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
That is true, the far-right will kill him to keep it quiet.
The left and the right, matters not to the deep state
It's amazing how much the deep state bothers the members of the deep state who MUST brand every person who mentions the deep state a conspiracy theorist.

Funny how I said ten years ago that the government was recording phone calls, as Edward Snowden proved.

But he is not really in Moscow either right?

Yawning at the deep state


Formerly called the Illuminati and or the skulls...……………

The Deep State

Yup I watched the 3rd Godfather movie as well. You realize it was fiction right?
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.
OK, and which police dept in the USA can't determine the make and model of any gun thus has to refer to it as a long gun?
Its a general term. Most likely they dont want to be specific.

Do you accept that we do not have the right to know?

If the weapon was an AR-15 we would know
I would only be concerned if it was an AR-15. Its typically the gun of choice for nutcases. Because of this of course the media would make sure it was revealed if they knew themselves.
Yawn so if someone points a shotgun at your family you are OK with that...…………….

Because only AR-15's kill
My name isnt Yawn and why do you think I would be ok with someone pointing a shotgun at my family?
Nothing the police say is going to be real. They won't even admit what his name is, or say anything other than he used a long gun.

What the f.uck is a long gun, a revolutionary war musket? They know his name, and the gun he used at a minimum, why would anyone listen to their further BS
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.

Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
The left and the right, matters not to the deep state
It's amazing how much the deep state bothers the members of the deep state who MUST brand every person who mentions the deep state a conspiracy theorist.

Funny how I said ten years ago that the government was recording phone calls, as Edward Snowden proved.

But he is not really in Moscow either right?

Yawning at the deep state


Formerly called the Illuminati and or the skulls...……………

The Deep State

Yup I watched the 3rd Godfather movie as well. You realize it was fiction right?

Never watched the entire movie, any of them, seen bits and pieces, they bore me because I know too many morons that think they are real actually
A long gun is a rifle or shotgun.

Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
They still haven't said why the Vegas shooter shot
reasonable people don't call for violence in the streets again conservatives.
I assume you’re referring to Maxine Waters. She never called for violence against conservatives.

But Donald called for violence against protesters at his rallies — even offering to pay legal fees of supporters who committed violent acts against protesters — and his supporters delivered.

But you don’t want to talk about that, do you?
Big difference in addressing/responding to those who come purposely to create chaos, disrupt, and even resort to violence in the form of assault if need be, than to initiate it first....... The left initiates the bullcrap then Trump responds..... It is that the left tells people to go and do those very things that are being responded to by the conservatives now..... The Demon-crats/radical lefties have been doing it all along. Who do you think stirred up the mobs ?? Sure wasn't conservatives.

Trump is just responding and not initiating, just remember that.

Nope. It has to be a republican sitting in a dark room making sure crazy people have guns, ammo and a crazyass good reason to go shoot some folks! Whatever happened to a sick person being a sick person? When did it become a presidents fault? How many shooting happened under Bammer, were they his fault? Does Bill Clinton need to be responsible for Columbine or any other of he shootings that happened under his term?
Huh ?? It's not the presidents fault. Did I say that ?? Nope.
Oh Gawd......

Where do these people come from?:popcorn:

I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
They still haven't said why the Vegas shooter shot
Thats probably because he is dead and the cops typically view people that can talk to the dead as a last resort.
OK, and which police dept in the USA can't determine the make and model of any gun thus has to refer to it as a long gun?
Its a general term. Most likely they dont want to be specific.

Do you accept that we do not have the right to know?

If the weapon was an AR-15 we would know
I would only be concerned if it was an AR-15. Its typically the gun of choice for nutcases. Because of this of course the media would make sure it was revealed if they knew themselves.
Yawn so if someone points a shotgun at your family you are OK with that...…………….

Because only AR-15's kill
My name isnt Yawn and why do you think I would be ok with someone pointing a shotgun at my family?
You are the moron that said you are only concerned with AR-15's, I just pointed out how retarded you are
I want to know the ID of the cops or DA that can't tell the difference between the two
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
They still haven't said why the Vegas shooter shot
Thats probably because he is dead and the cops typically view people that can talk to the dead as a last resort.
Is that why the cops use psychics?
Why was my thread about the shooting merged and moved ? It was about politics!

This is the perfect place to ask questions about the actions of moderators, Timmy, don't let anyone tell you it isn't. The Mods welcome the questioning of their actions on the open forum. They hate it when people PM them questions... in fact, I think there is a rule specifically forbidding the questioning of their actions in a PM...
It takes time to put together a sellable story that has a little something for everyone, and jacks up ratings. Burying any online info that contains spoilers, or contradicts the narrative takes time too. Dammit people will you quit being so impatient?

You mean links to ISIS Waters
Who’ll ever know...? The suspense, and unknown is what keeps the folks coming back.
They still haven't said why the Vegas shooter shot
Thats probably because he is dead and the cops typically view people that can talk to the dead as a last resort.
Is that why the cops use psychics?
Show me one cop that goes to a psychic for anything other than as a last resort. I'll wait.
No...he is white and he is crazy....sounds like a typical shooter to me....
yeah jim, no doubt that was carefully thought out, a newspaper and not a school, a shotgun and not an assault rifle, no I.D. no fingerprints, no cooperation...I'm sure you are familiar with all of that
DAMN! Why can't a person of color shoot up something. It would give the Alt Right a real platform.
lol...another full throttle think it through first post I see:abgg2q.jpg:...alt right isn't the one that needs a platform jim, and "a person of color" not only did shoot up something but did it in the same area from the trunk of his car and he did it for months, if you stopped watching the fake news you would have certainly known this and would not be getting embarrassed by it now.
Last edited:
Why was my thread about the shooting merged and moved ? It was about politics!

This is the perfect place to ask questions about the actions of moderators, Timmy, don't let anyone tell you it isn't. The Mods welcome the questioning of their actions on the open forum. They hate it when people PM them questions... in fact, I think there is a rule specifically forbidding the questioning of their actions in a PM...
Link was in the Mod squad

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