At least 6 dead, 9 injured in Sacramento shooting rampage

Gawddamned radical Christian white supremacist Trump-supporting Republican-voting Second Amendment NRA motherfuckers!

I knew it!!!

im suprised there is still so many of them the way the shoot the shit out of each other.
The ghetto drug industry requires the pipeline to stay filled with angry young men. There is always a new crop of angry young Black kids. It will never end because neither political party nor do most of the people in this country give a shit. But it is a cancer that affects all of us.

told you it was black on black crime. dowtown sac is the hood . its terrible.
Do we know what this worthless POS thug was shooting with, how many shooters involved, the motive or what caused it to break out if spontaneous?
Do we know what this worthless POS thug was shooting with, how many shooters involved, the motive or what caused it to break out if spontaneous?

Apparently they were on their way to the public range to sight in their guns, but the range was closed because the Sheriff's Department was holding their yearly qualification.

So they just decided to go shoot some people instead.

What do you think? :laughing0301:
Why does this keep happening in places run by people like you?

When will you start demanding better?

Here's some interesting stats. You'll notice Florida is higher than new York.

It is not unique to democrat states. Youve been fed that bullshit all your life and have your attention drawn to it by the right wing media.

Its interesting you suggest something should be done but you never lifted a fi ger when Trump was there when violence exploded because he was a racist.
How convenient.
That would solve the problem, alright, if they would just pack his but full and kick his ass.
well wre are in nba finalls. whose ever teams whens ther basketball season the fans lit that city . there doing that every tiome we have big spotys game, basketball baseball or football. they use he games to go blm nuts . sad.
well wre are in nba finalls. whose ever teams whens ther basketball season the fans lit that city . there doing that every tiome we have big spotys game, basketball baseball or football. they use he games to go blm nuts . sad.
You make me want to do like 1srelluc and post that 1998 Chris Rock Youtube video again.

When the story broke, a lot of people were wondering about the, uh, background of the victims and perps.

I had to find out by reading my favorite source for American crime, which is England's Daily Mail website. This morning, it showed photographs of the victims.

Poor Sacramento.

Once upon a time, it was a nice quiet tree-lined city.

There is nothing more to say.

And there is nothing to do but to weep for what has happened to so many American cities.
The ghetto drug industry requires the pipeline to stay filled with angry young men. There is always a new crop of angry young Black kids. It will never end because neither political party nor do most of the people in this country give a shit. But it is a cancer that affects all of us.
It's a national embarrassment. We should be pouring money into schools and even boarding schools. Time to start saving future generations from the culture of failure.
No one is disputing your rights. I'm suggesting you don't have a use for most of the guns you have.
Guns lying everywhere and thats how ratbags get them.
You don't care about innocent people unnecessarily dying. So long as your ego isn't affected.
The country is saturated with excess guns and this us what happens. But oh no. Let's not admit there's a problem. Go to the great default 2nd where it says I'm allowed to have them.
Have no use for them but they make you feel tough.
Can't walk anywhere without carrying but its the home of the brave. Fucking wimps.
With your open border and such, you have forced too many dark people on us…we have to be armed, we have to protect ourselves from you savage Democrats.
Bring a Bill to the floor banning all dark Democrats from possessing a gun and your problem is solved.
Live by the sword, die by the sword…
That pesky truth hurts donut?

told you it was black on black crime. dowtown sac is the hood . its terrible.
And the racist right can’t wait to exploit this tragedy to advance their agenda of hate.

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