At least 71 shot, 9 fatally

No. Those are the solutions. Plus, most of the guns in those cities are coming from Florida, Georgia and South Carolina gun manufacturers. Perhaps they need a wall.

It's like you did to them crack in the 80's. Remember that? Well today it's uneducated whites in particular who are dying of economic despair. Did you know that? They attribute it to the lack of economic opportunities after Bush sent all their jobs to China and Mexico in the 2000's. Now they don't make enough money and they're acting like wiggers.

Fentenyal is coming from Mexico... do we need
It also makes for 1 shooting for every 37,500 residents so statistically no different than 1 shooting in most cities and larger towns across the nation during the same weekend.
Excuse maker
DC not sainthood but no where near Chicago nor are most
No outrage in the media. They don't care anymore as long as democrats stay in power.
The El Paso mass shooter's manifesto echos Trump's rhetoric.

the 21-year-old alleged shooter, is a fan of President Donald Trump and his policies. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a “Twitter account bearing the suspect’s name contains liked tweets that include a ‘BuildTheWall’ hashtag, a photo using guns to spell out ‘Trump,’” and more.

Incredibly, the nation woke up to more grim news on Sunday, with reports that a man suited up in body armor and bearing a rifle with high-capacity magazines had carried out a rampage in Dayton, Ohio, killing at least nine people and injuring 26.

The manifesto declares the imminent attack “a response to the Hispanic invasion,” accuses Democrats of “pandering to the Hispanic voting bloc,” rails against “traitors,” and condemns “race mixing” and “interracial unions.” “Yet another reason to send them back,” it says.

Sound familiar?

condemned Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and Syrian refugees as “snakes”; accused his critics of treason on at least two dozen occasions; and told four elected women of color to “go back” to the “crime infested places from which they came.” (It is worth noting that Crusius, in his alleged manifesto, claims his views “predate” and are unrelated to Trump but then goes on to attack “fake news.”)

Black Lives (only) Matter (when Democrats find their deaths politically useful)!!!
Just because you don't give a shit doesn't mean nobody does.

There are government and communit efforts to combat this.

What have YOU done, besides dance on their graves to score a point?

And by the way, that makes you worse than any of the peope you are criticizing.
So... statistically,... 91 people shot over a weekend do not matter.
It matters to them and their loved ones, but otherwise it is not that much of an outlying number of shootings (though it is 71, not 91). Last year, the average per week was about 55 1/3 so it is a little high from that angle, but for the year, they would need about 2800 more people shot to match last year's numbers. Murders are actually trending down in Chicago (not that other crimes are following suit).

We had a murder within the last couple weeks here. Statistically that would probably be comparably worse to Chicago's per 100K rate since our local population is a little over 40K. I am sure there were other comparisons since it was an in the projects shooting but their 9 dead would be 1 per 296K whiles ours was 1/42K. Roughly, our last week number would statistically be comparable to Chicago's this week number.
Black Lives (only) Matter (when Democrats find their deaths politically useful)!!!
Seems like only cons/whites get to use stand your ground. Kyle Rittenhouse got to carry a gun around a BLM protest. When a dem did it, some con shot him and was found guilty. Then TX gov pardoned.

Must be open season on liberals.
It also makes for 1 shooting for every 37,500 residents so statistically no different than 1 shooting in most cities and larger towns across the nation during the same weekend.
Why not stretch the area to the entire country and milk it out even more?
How about being honest and consider the locales instead? That would not jibe with your rationalizing. A few weekends in Chicago dwarf the Vegas shooting.
Ironically enough, slavery was the last time black lives mattered.
More make pretend that Black Lives Matter signs meant something when in fact Everyone already knew that and lived like that. BLM enriched its founders.
Black Lives Matter very little to many blacks and maybe 1 in 50,000 white cops
Focus in the latter to avoid dealing with the former and you have Lib 101
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More make pretend that Black Lives Matter signs meant something when in fact Everyone already knew that and lived like that. BLM enriched its founders.
Black Lives Matter very little to many blacks and maybe 1 in 50,000 white
Ficus in the latter to avoid dealing with the former and you have Lib 101
Bullshit. For years blacks have been pulled over and harrassed just for DWB
CHICAGO (WLS) -- The shooting victims from over the weekend range in age from 13 to 57, representing various parts of the city, and the violence has some seeking new solutions.
South Lawndale residents met with police on Monday following a staggering number of weekend shootings.
At least 71 people were shot, nine of them killed, across the city from Friday evening to Monday morning, police said.

Why didn’t this make the MSM evening news last night?
Why wont this be on the MSM evening news tonight?

The media is quick to tell us all about a ‘mass shooting’ where 4 people are shot but no one killed, but the mass shootings that go on in major cities every weekend get nothing.

Doesn't fit the narrative, I suppose.
Can't be. Chicago has strict gun control laws. If the lefty media didn't report it, it didn't happen. Just don't tell the families it didn't happen.
hire a mom with 2 kids and pay her enough to raise them right by herself?

Where is the Father? Why have 2 kids you can't pay for? SSDD

Are you going to open a business with full-blown daycare and pay $100K for someone capable to enter data or mop floors? You won't last long you dumb OX.

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