At Least Five Basic Questions Democrat Guests Will Never Answer On Fox News Shows

Feb 13, 2011

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented?
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ?
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel)
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving?
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).
and one of the most overused answers has been,,,,well Bush did the same thing too? isn't that what children say to their mommys when they are fighting,,,,But mommy! Johnny started it !!! waaa,,,or,,,,but Mommy, susie did the same thing too,,,so how come she doesn't get a spanking ,,,waaa,!! waaa!!!
Liberals;bunch of children who want everything handed to them,,or else they cry like babies.

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented?
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ?
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel)
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving?
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).

Am I reading between the lines....or are you suggesting that Obama hasn't been a good President???
and here's another question that Sean Hannity asked a guest, and of course,the liberal lady refused to answer, I think it was in the fall of 2010, he asks, Can You Give Me A Date When Obama Will Stop Blaming Bush For All Of His Problems? A GREAT QUESTION,,,and sure enough, she didn't answer...just sat there like a deer in healights(being she was blaming bush for the economic hardship nearly two years into the Obama administration),,,,,and sure enough, they are still blaming Bush!

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented?
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ?
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel)
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving?
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).

Am I reading between the lines....or are you suggesting that Obama hasn't been a good President???

I thought Nancy Pelosi was President and Obama was the shoe shine boy.
and when it comes to Alan Colmes, talking to him is the equivalent of having a conversation with a turkey. He makes up answers that Hannity and O'Reilly can only laugh at. If O'Reilly askes Colmes why Obama hasn't created any jobs, Colmes referrs back to George Bush, or claim that the job data is a big lie. God, does he really think all 5 Million viewers take him seriously? I can't wait for Colmes to explain the never ending 9+% unemployment come October. {maybe it will be Sarah Palins fault?)

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented?
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ?
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel)
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving?
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).

Am I reading between the lines....or are you suggesting that Obama hasn't been a good President???

No reading between the lines needed to see this is a hit piece. #5 proves it. That's a conclusion, NOT a question!!!

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented? I'll post this despite the fact that I was/am against Obamacare' mandate.Research has shown that the effect of Obamacare on premiums is less than 2%. Workers' health insurance costs for 2011 include higher premiums and co-payments
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ? US businesses are sitting on trillions of dollars of capital and are realizing record profits. They are hiring overseas where labor is cheaper. Maybe if the US lowered the minimum wage to 25 cents an hour we wouldn't have such high unemployment. Clear the Fog, Bring on the Jobs - BusinessWeek
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel) GWB couldn't"t.didn't do much either to stop Iran from getting nuclear capabilities either and "W" rattled his saber much more than Obama. basically, both Obama and Bush used the sanctions approach as their main tool. Both presidents have failed to halt Iran's nuclear program.
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving? They'd be lying if the answered the question. No one is hiring despite the fact that companies and shareholders are paying record low taxes.
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners? Didn't Obama sign the $42 billion Small Business Jobs Act?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).

Fox News, like MSNBC, asks softball questions of their ideological friendly guests and asks the really tough questions to their ideological unfriendly guests. Why people bother to watch either network blows me away. I think people who watch either Fox News or MSNBC are basically brain-dead.
Things are getting worse, I am gonna keep a close watch on PMS-NBC to see if they ever bring up the issue of the stagnant economy rather than trying to convince us that Bachmann,Romney & Perry are just too dumb to be President (Obama is the dumbest President ever, and yet he got elected)
I am still waiting for the list of all 57 States,Locations and their capitols from President Corpsman Obama.

Us "More Intelligent&Well Informed" conservatives see this every night on O'Reilly,Hannity & Greta. It has become beyong irritating when their Democratic/Liberal commentator's and guests are off into left field when asked a simple question. Today for example,a Fox News Anchor asked a Democratic Pollster, Who Do The Democrats Fear The Most?, she wouldn't say. Isn't that Part Of Being A Democratic Pollster? Derrrrh!
anyway, here are at least five questions we will never receive a straight answer from liberals on at least Fox News.

1) Can you explain why the cost of health-care has risen between 20-25% since Obama-Care was implemented?
2) With Trillions of dollars put into the economy since 2009, how come we lost 3 million jobs and unemployment is 9.1% ?
3) Why can't Obama do anything about the Iranian/Israeli crisis(regarding the nukes being built to be sent to destroy Israel)
4) Can you give us any indicator's that the economy is improving?
5) Why does Obama hate Small Business Owners?

But On MSNBC, Oh, they go right to George Bush!!! As our economy keeps tanking,they always refer back to Bush. (what a bunch of cowards !!!!).

1. Can you explain why the cost of health care rose 39% the year before Romneycare was voted on?
2. You'll have to ask the Republicans that one.
2.4 million jobs lost from 2001-2008
3. Israel has the best air force our money can buy. They could do something. Of course, after the Obama administration released a virus that just about ruined Iran's nuclear industry, it may be a few years before Iran is actually a problem.
4. 15 months of Job Growth?
5. The question here is "Why do Republicans hate the Middle Class" and crawl for big business and ignore small business?

Wow, I like this game. It's fun to win.
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I don't recall ever having a hard time finding work during the Bush era, Liberals always try to make it sound as if we were in a recession for 8 years,,,,,all hell broke loose in the final months of the Bush years, and we all know that the housing market caused it. Bush never went on national TV and told low income americans to go buy a $250,000 home, did he?
At Least Five Basic Questions Democrat Guests Will Never Answer On Fox News Shows.

Why would serious democratic politicians address policy issues during entertainment programming?
At Least Five Basic Questions Democrat Guests Will Never Answer On Fox News Shows.

Why would serious democratic politicians address policy issues during entertainment programming?

And not even very good entertainment. Sponge Bob Square Pants murders Bill O'Reilly for all the hooting and hollering Bill does about his ratings.
I don't recall ever having a hard time finding work during the Bush era, Liberals always try to make it sound as if we were in a recession for 8 years,,,,,all hell broke loose in the final months of the Bush years, and we all know that the housing market caused it. Bush never went on national TV and told low income americans to go buy a $250,000 home, did he?

It takes years of bad policy to bring down an economy this big. It doesn't happen overnight.

At least you admit it was during the Bush Administration. Most right wingers believe it was Obama that signed the bank bailout.
and all the Democrat guests on Hannity have been trying to convince us that the economy is improving/and/or will kick in by 2011/2012. I remember Bob Beckel who once told Sean, The Economy is gonna come roaring back !!!! and I think this was about 8/9 months ago? Bob Beckel is one of the few Liberals I actually like listening to, but I can't tolerate those Gay ones like Steve McMahon who talks like a 1/2 man 1/2 Elmo and never gives a straight answer. And when backed into a corner, he has to mention Bush. It never ends ! WELL WHEN BUSH WAS PRESIDENT,,,etc,,,etc.
and sure enough last night on Hannity, Sean asked one of his Butthead liberal guests why Democrats are bashing Bachmann almost to the extreme that Palin received,yet when Hillary was running, the Left didn't treat her as if she was Palin or Bachmann, the birdbrain wouldn't give a straight answer. God I can't till the fall when all polls show regardless of who wins & any ticket combination has a steady 55/45 lead over President Mickey Mouse.

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