At News Conference, Reporters Skip Past Gun Control and Face Instant Criticism


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
At News Conference, Reporters Skip Past Gun Control and Face Instant Criticism​


Evan Vucci/Associated Press President Obama, joined by the vice president, spoke with reporters on Wednesday afternoon.

3:34 p.m. | Updated The harshest judges of those in news media are often others in the news media, and, with the benefit of Twitter, that intrajournalistic watchdog role can be performed simultaneously with the journalism being criticized.

Case in point was the White House news conference on Wednesday afternoon, when President Obama made a forceful announcement in response to the massacre of children last week in Newtown, Conn. He said he was directing Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to lead an effort “to come up with a set of concrete proposals” about dealing with gun violence that he would submit to Congress no later than January.

“We are going to need to work on making access to mental health care as easy as access to a gun,” Mr. Obama said. “We’re going to need to look more closely at a culture that all too often glorifies guns and violence.”

His words, after five days of extensive news coverage and national debate, were intensely focused on gun violence. He addressed no other topics. Yet judging by the questions that followed his address, most of the members of the Washington press corps had other things on their minds.

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At News Conference, Reporters Skip Past Gun Control and Face Instant Criticism -
So Maobamas Pravda affiliates are upset because someone didn't carry the dear leaders water. Oh the horror.
How much longer are the media toadies going to be willing to immolate themselves? :lol:
Bullshit. Nine questions were asked of the President during that press conference. Three were about guns and Newtown. The other six were about the fiscal cliff negotiations.

Remarks by the President in a Press Conference | The White House

Whadda ya want? That Newtown be the SOLE topic of discussion? Haven't y'all over there on the Nutter right been complaining about how the "MSM" is focusing on it too much? Now, they're not talking about it ENOUGH?

You people just kill me. Your duplicity is criminal.
Bullshit. Nine questions were asked of the President during that press conference. Three were about guns and Newtown. The other six were about the fiscal cliff negotiations.

Remarks by the President in a Press Conference | The White House

Whadda ya want? That Newtown be the SOLE topic of discussion? Haven't y'all over there on the Nutter right been complaining about how the "MSM" is focusing on it too much? Now, they're not talking about it ENOUGH?

You people just kill me. Your duplicity is criminal.

Damn you act like we wrote the critical tweets, hell I don't even have a twitter account. The leftist media was the ones bitching about some one not towing the party line.

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