...at the expense of his friends, Obama wins on TPP


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There's little doubt that the TPP is one of the last nails in this country's industrial-belt's coffin.
Among the many provisions within the TPP the issue of "patent protection" is a double-edged sword. It seems fair that a patent should be respected and that compensation to the patent owner should be honored.....and that would be true except in one particular area; an area that because of the TTP will cost lives not only here but throughout the planet while making a few individuals ultra rich.....That area is the drug manufacturing industry.

In most developing countries, drugs are far cheaper than in the United States. This is especially the case in India. The country has a world-class generic industry that produces high-quality drugs that typically sell for a small fraction of the price in the United States. For example, the generic version of the Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi can be purchased in India for less than $1,000 a treatment. The patent protected version sells in the United States for $84,000. The TPP Drug Patents and President Clinton Dean Baker

For the "legacy" that he may gain (infamy, really) shame on Obama for embracing lobbyists and forsaking his friends and previous partners.
There's little doubt that the TPP is one of the last nails in this country's industrial-belt's coffin.
Among the many provisions within the TPP the issue of "patent protection" is a double-edged sword. It seems fair that a patent should be respected and that compensation to the patent owner should be honored.....and that would be true except in one particular area; an area that because of the TTP will cost lives not only here but throughout the planet while making a few individuals ultra rich.....That area is the drug manufacturing industry.

In most developing countries, drugs are far cheaper than in the United States. This is especially the case in India. The country has a world-class generic industry that produces high-quality drugs that typically sell for a small fraction of the price in the United States. For example, the generic version of the Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi can be purchased in India for less than $1,000 a treatment. The patent protected version sells in the United States for $84,000. The TPP Drug Patents and President Clinton Dean Baker

For the "legacy" that he may gain (infamy, really) shame on Obama for embracing lobbyists and forsaking his friends and previous partners.
Wake up!

Since he took office, he has been all about enriching the oligarchy, just like his predecessor.

...glad to see you finally see the truth, too bad it took 7 years.
Since he took office, he has been all about enriching the oligarchy, just like his predecessor.

...glad to see you finally see the truth, too bad it took 7 years.

I'm objective and level-minded enough to be a critic of my own party; but, rest assured, I am also not one who "throws the baby out with the bath water".... There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Since he took office, he has been all about enriching the oligarchy, just like his predecessor.

...glad to see you finally see the truth, too bad it took 7 years.

I'm objective and level-minded enough to be a critic of my own party; but, rest assured, I am also not one who "throws the baby out with the bath water".... There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
oh brother...you are blind.

Congress is in his back pocket, particularly the establishment Rs. The TPP is just another example of this. Stop watching the lib media...it makes you stupid.

BO has done great damage to the nation. Almost everything he has done has been harmful to all but the .01% who own him...again just like his predecessor.
There's little doubt that the TPP is one of the last nails in this country's industrial-belt's coffin.
Among the many provisions within the TPP the issue of "patent protection" is a double-edged sword. It seems fair that a patent should be respected and that compensation to the patent owner should be honored.....and that would be true except in one particular area; an area that because of the TTP will cost lives not only here but throughout the planet while making a few individuals ultra rich.....That area is the drug manufacturing industry.

In most developing countries, drugs are far cheaper than in the United States. This is especially the case in India. The country has a world-class generic industry that produces high-quality drugs that typically sell for a small fraction of the price in the United States. For example, the generic version of the Hepatitis C drug Sovaldi can be purchased in India for less than $1,000 a treatment. The patent protected version sells in the United States for $84,000. The TPP Drug Patents and President Clinton Dean Baker

For the "legacy" that he may gain (infamy, really) shame on Obama for embracing lobbyists and forsaking his friends and previous partners.
You seem shocked. It's not like obie hasn't been like this since day one. Are you finally coming to grips with what a piece of shit this guy has been all along?
This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
Amazing some people are only now realizing Obama is your typical politician.
This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
You too???

You think the Rs who are solely responsible....apparently you aren't paying attention or are just another partisan D. Big Ears and many Ds are for TPP. Do you really believe the next Congress, even if controlled by Ds will overturn TPP? If so, you are either a dreamer or crazy.

What will it take for Americans realize both parties are owned by the oligarchy?
This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
You too???

You think the Rs who are solely responsible....apparently you aren't paying attention or are just another partisan D. Big Ears and many Ds are for TPP. Do you really believe the next Congress, even if controlled by Ds will overturn TPP? If so, you are either a dreamer or crazy.

What will it take for Americans realize both parties are owned by the oligarchy?

No I know both parties are to blame, but the Republicans have been Obama's mortal enemy on EVERYTHING for six years, so I know that for them to all of a sudden be united as his best buddy this deal HAS to be bad for American workers. Even worse than was first thought.

Yes both parties need to be voted en masse out of Congress and we vote in all new people. I'm tired of these very few people ignoring what the other 300 million of us actually want to happen!! Just so they can hand billions more over to the already wealthy.

I'm tired of it.
This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
You too???

You think the Rs who are solely responsible....apparently you aren't paying attention or are just another partisan D. Big Ears and many Ds are for TPP. Do you really believe the next Congress, even if controlled by Ds will overturn TPP? If so, you are either a dreamer or crazy.

What will it take for Americans realize both parties are owned by the oligarchy?

No I know both parties are to blame, but the Republicans have been Obama's mortal enemy on EVERYTHING for six years, so I know that for them to all of a sudden be united as his best buddy this deal HAS to be bad for American workers. Even worse than was first thought.

Yes both parties need to be voted en masse out of Congress and we vote in all new people. I'm tired of these very few people ignoring what the other 300 million of us actually want to happen!! Just so they can hand billions more over to the already wealthy.

I'm tired of it.
More left media brainwashing.

The Rs have NOT BEEN BO'S MORTAL ENEMY for six years...that is a talking point straight from the DNC and clearly WRONG.

BO has gotten his agenda through Congress with much R support. But you keep believing the lies because it fits your lib/D viewpoint.
Since he took office, he has been all about enriching the oligarchy, just like his predecessor.

...glad to see you finally see the truth, too bad it took 7 years.

I'm objective and level-minded enough to be a critic of my own party; but, rest assured, I am also not one who "throws the baby out with the bath water".... There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Obama's only accomplishment was killing Bin Laden.

Everything else he's done is still in the courts being decided weather or not it's even legal. His proudest moment of his administration signing into law Obamacare, had to be passed behind a veil of lies just to get enough votes. This is why the full effects have been delayed for so many years. If the true purpose and effects were known today, you'd be making up excuses for it right now....instead of doing it after the next election.

Maybe some day you'll face the truth about this man. He is rotten to the core. He'll sell you and everyone else out for a few headlines. He has no loyalty to anyone. He's willing to sell this country down the tubes to it's enemies. That is how much he despises America. Nothing good can come from someone who harbors so much hatred.
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There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Besides allowing fags to serve in the military and homo marriage.......what else has he accomplished? ...... :cool:
Obama doesn't have friends, just useful idiots, as all he cares about is his family, his speeches, and his personal fortune. In other words, he is like all the other politicians.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
Now that is one funny and clearly uninformed post, but I suppose you have no clue why.

Cling to your D party and silly beliefs that Fox News lies, but the lib news you accept does not.

I have to laugh or otherwise I would cry.
There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Besides allowing fags to serve in the military and homo marriage.......what else has he accomplished? ...... :cool:
Playing for time so Iran can get nuclear weapons? Millions of job losses soon thanks to 'trade deals'? Death of America's financial regulations? End to all food safety and health standards? No internet freedom? Obama is working hard to build 1984.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
You haven't read the budget committee projections, as after 2016-2017 the budget deficit is meant to significantly increase. What you view as a success, in reality is a short term economic blip.
Throughout my long life, I've had to vote for whom I perceive to be the "lesser of the evils"......Obama has been one of those choices.

The open (and now, legal) bribery of politicians MUST stop.....Term limits MUST be enacted.......and 3rd (or more) party candidates MUST be supported,

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