...at the expense of his friends, Obama wins on TPP

This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
You too???

You think the Rs who are solely responsible....apparently you aren't paying attention or are just another partisan D. Big Ears and many Ds are for TPP. Do you really believe the next Congress, even if controlled by Ds will overturn TPP? If so, you are either a dreamer or crazy.

What will it take for Americans realize both parties are owned by the oligarchy?

No I know both parties are to blame, but the Republicans have been Obama's mortal enemy on EVERYTHING for six years, so I know that for them to all of a sudden be united as his best buddy this deal HAS to be bad for American workers. Even worse than was first thought.

Yes both parties need to be voted en masse out of Congress and we vote in all new people. I'm tired of these very few people ignoring what the other 300 million of us actually want to happen!! Just so they can hand billions more over to the already wealthy.

I'm tired of it.
More left media brainwashing.

The Rs have NOT BEEN BO'S MORTAL ENEMY for six years...that is a talking point straight from the DNC and clearly WRONG.

BO has gotten his agenda through Congress with much R support. But you keep believing the lies because it fits your lib/D viewpoint.

Only someone who is married to the GOP would post such a fantasy, but then we also have Dems who do the same thing.
This is why I have such a problem with blind partisans.
A few regurgitated textbook terms?......no

So you are going to get back to actually talking about the current state of US trade and the impact free trade agreements like TPP have on it or are you going to just deflect and run away from the argument?

I undoubtedly cant keep up with the bullshit as well as an economist, but the proof is in the pudding....IF the state of trade is as bad as you say it is...it got there under the same kind of trade deals being promoted as TPP. History has shown not only the inadequacy of past trade deals but the inadequacy of the Washington establishment that gives them to us....that Washington is broken...and under special interest influence at the expense of the average citizen and the nation as a whole is pretty much a given.

I am going to leave Economist, your "profession" has proven its uselessness.....

and Im not going to waste my time arguing with deceptive numbers and your pseudo-scientific BS.

History has shown trade deals work and where trade breaks down and is the most disruptive to both peace and prosperity is when protectionist and mercantile practices are used. Trade deals like TPP are instrumental in improving trade relationships between nations so that they benefit everyone. Nations like China can get along for awhile by manipulating their currency but in the long run it leads to economic stagnation and often times armed conflict.

The science of economics is hard and a lot of people don't understand it. If you don't understand it then maybe the fault is with you and not the field of research.

economics is a pseudo-science, as proven to the world in 2008.......it is useful I suppose to offer arguments in chat rooms in support of mercantile practices.....while pretending to be against them...( or perhaps convinced itself )

once read part of an economics textbook by two Asians....refuting Ricardo......Seems we have lost out in negotiations with the Japanese before........I think they got our number.

history has shown the opposite of what you say.....your worries about China show that to be true. Now run along and study some supply and demand graphs.
economics is a pseudo-science, as proven to the world in 2008.......it is useful I suppose to offer arguments in chat rooms in support of mercantile practices.....while pretending to be against them...( or perhaps convinced itself )

once read part of an economics textbook by two Asians....refuting Ricardo......Seems we have lost out in negotiations with the Japanese before........I think they got our number.

history has shown the opposite of what you say.....your worries about China show that to be true. Now run along and study some supply and demand graphs.

2008 was a fair example of economic theory coming to fruition. It is hilarious to think that you are under the impression that economics was proven wrong when the exact opposite was true. This is just a demonstration of ignorance, but it has no place in this particular thread.

Your grasp of history and the facts is distorted either through simply not know what the facts are or how to interpret them. Maybe both.
economics is a pseudo-science, as proven to the world in 2008.......it is useful I suppose to offer arguments in chat rooms in support of mercantile practices.....while pretending to be against them...( or perhaps convinced itself )

once read part of an economics textbook by two Asians....refuting Ricardo......Seems we have lost out in negotiations with the Japanese before........I think they got our number.

history has shown the opposite of what you say.....your worries about China show that to be true. Now run along and study some supply and demand graphs.

2008 was a fair example of economic theory coming to fruition. It is hilarious to think that you are under the impression that economics was proven wrong when the exact opposite was true. This is just a demonstration of ignorance, but it has no place in this particular thread.

Your grasp of history and the facts is distorted either through simply not know what the facts are or how to interpret them. Maybe both.
This is a terrible deal for American workers. I emailed the White House more than once and told them the president should oppose this.

Unfortunately it appears both parties are complicit in passing this.


The next president and Congress, which won't be run by the Republicans, should repeal or anull this agreement.

This is why the never-ending 'us vs them' that is pushed by talk-radio and Faux News has to be ignored.

I think its time ALL people in Congress should be kicked out and new people elected. The moneyed interests are now so entrenched that only a clean sweep MIGHT let us start over.
You too???

You think the Rs who are solely responsible....apparently you aren't paying attention or are just another partisan D. Big Ears and many Ds are for TPP. Do you really believe the next Congress, even if controlled by Ds will overturn TPP? If so, you are either a dreamer or crazy.

What will it take for Americans realize both parties are owned by the oligarchy?

No I know both parties are to blame, but the Republicans have been Obama's mortal enemy on EVERYTHING for six years, so I know that for them to all of a sudden be united as his best buddy this deal HAS to be bad for American workers. Even worse than was first thought.

Yes both parties need to be voted en masse out of Congress and we vote in all new people. I'm tired of these very few people ignoring what the other 300 million of us actually want to happen!! Just so they can hand billions more over to the already wealthy.

I'm tired of it.
More left media brainwashing.

The Rs have NOT BEEN BO'S MORTAL ENEMY for six years...that is a talking point straight from the DNC and clearly WRONG.

BO has gotten his agenda through Congress with much R support. But you keep believing the lies because it fits your lib/D viewpoint.

Only someone who is married to the GOP would post such a fantasy, but then we also have Dems who do the same thing.
This is why I have such a problem with blind partisans.
Good Lord!

I have posted here for years and anyone paying attention knows I can't stand the GOP...unlike your undying love for the D Party, I can see the shame being perpetrated on the American people. You are blind to reality because you get all your information from left wing propaganda sources. Only you don't know they are left wing.

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