...at the expense of his friends, Obama wins on TPP

Since he took office, he has been all about enriching the oligarchy, just like his predecessor.

...glad to see you finally see the truth, too bad it took 7 years.

I'm objective and level-minded enough to be a critic of my own party; but, rest assured, I am also not one who "throws the baby out with the bath water".... There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
oh brother...you are blind.

Congress is in his back pocket, particularly the establishment Rs. The TPP is just another example of this. Stop watching the lib media...it makes you stupid.

BO has done great damage to the nation. Almost everything he has done has been harmful to all but the .01% who own him...again just like his predecessor.

Lets not forget it was mostly the Republican whores in the Senate that passed this TPA,

Now,.....Obama can still do the right thing and veto this piece of crap.... he probably wont ....but he still could

and ALL the Whores in the Senate could be redeemed if they vote against TPP, the actual trade deal.

I pledge to vote against any politician who voted for this thing, no matter how they stand on other issues..I will not vote in any race which only has these free trade deal supporting whores running.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
Now that is one funny and clearly uninformed post, but I suppose you have no clue why.

Cling to your D party and silly beliefs that Fox News lies, but the lib news you accept does not.

I have to laugh or otherwise I would cry.

Reality is in direct opposition to the conservative mind. There's is a world where lies are fact and fact lies.

Cry for me.
There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Besides allowing fags to serve in the military and homo marriage.......what else has he accomplished? ...... :cool:
Playing for time so Iran can get nuclear weapons? Millions of job losses soon thanks to 'trade deals'? Death of America's financial regulations? End to all food safety and health standards? No internet freedom? Obama is working hard to build 1984.

1984 is alive in full color in your head.
There are many, many other accomplishments that Obama has realized (not easy tasks with a congress who swore to oust him from day one).
Besides allowing fags to serve in the military and homo marriage.......what else has he accomplished? ...... :cool:
Playing for time so Iran can get nuclear weapons? Millions of job losses soon thanks to 'trade deals'? Death of America's financial regulations? End to all food safety and health standards? No internet freedom? Obama is working hard to build 1984.

1984 is alive in full color in your head.
The TPP is utopia in yours.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
Now that is one funny and clearly uninformed post, but I suppose you have no clue why.

Cling to your D party and silly beliefs that Fox News lies, but the lib news you accept does not.

I have to laugh or otherwise I would cry.

Reality is in direct opposition to the conservative mind. There's is a world where lies are fact and fact lies.

Cry for me.
You have me confused with someone else. I haven't been a con since the 80s.
I figured out the scam. You haven't and might never.
Dow Jones:
1-20-2009 7949.00 - Obama takes office
6-23-2015 18144.07 - Today
Socialist? Hardly.

U.S. yearly deficit:
2009 1.4 trillion - Obama takes office
2015 480 billion - Today

Not quite what Faux News reports eh.
Yup....and they reported that Obama got the National Debt to over $18 trillion on a pace to more than doubling it by the time he leaves office.....$24 trillion and we become Greece.
Amazing some people are only now realizing Obama is your typical politician.
Typical GOP politician - let them die.

Typical Obama - let's get health care for millions of uninsured.

See how that works. Different people define typical in different ways.
Question: If Obama is referred to as just another "typical politicians" by right wingers, then WHY so much hatred toward him by these zealots?
It will be hard to know if TPP is a good deal or not until it has been in effect for a good decade but there is really no doubt that the best strategy for the US is to reduce trade barriers in Asia, especially Japan, SK, and China. I think the long term goal for this deal is clearly to stay ahead of China in the region with regards to negotiating trade deals.

Right now Japan is relatively closed off to US goods and services so any deal should result in helping that particular deficit which is mostly due to protectionist measures, but is also fueled somewhat by more natural barriers to trade.

It is in the interest of the US for other nations to respect our IP and patent laws.

The gold standard for trade relationships in the world right now is the trade relationship between the US and Canada as established by NAFTA.
It will be hard to know if TPP is a good deal or not until it has been in effect for a good decade but there is really no doubt that the best strategy for the US is to reduce trade barriers in Asia, especially Japan, SK, and China. I think the long term goal for this deal is clearly to stay ahead of China in the region with regards to negotiating trade deals.

Right now Japan is relatively closed off to US goods and services so any deal should result in helping that particular deficit which is mostly due to protectionist measures, but is also fueled somewhat by more natural barriers to trade.

It is in the interest of the US for other nations to respect our IP and patent laws.

The gold standard for trade relationships in the world right now is the trade relationship between the US and Canada as established by NAFTA.

I'd agree only to the extent that what the US is doing is basically a "shot across the bow" of China's growing influence on trade within the Pacific rim.
It will be hard to know if TPP is a good deal or not until it has been in effect for a good decade but there is really no doubt that the best strategy for the US is to reduce trade barriers in Asia, especially Japan, SK, and China. I think the long term goal for this deal is clearly to stay ahead of China in the region with regards to negotiating trade deals.

Right now Japan is relatively closed off to US goods and services so any deal should result in helping that particular deficit which is mostly due to protectionist measures, but is also fueled somewhat by more natural barriers to trade.

It is in the interest of the US for other nations to respect our IP and patent laws.

The gold standard for trade relationships in the world right now is the trade relationship between the US and Canada as established by NAFTA.

I'd agree only to the extent that what the US is doing is basically a "shot across the bow" of China's growing influence on trade within the Pacific rim.

all the hand-wringing over China is fluff. It is what the whores come up with to make their selling out seem less crass. Public Citizens website has a good article on this......how it has been trotted out on almost all these trade deals........

These arrogant Senators like to think they are global thinkers, big minds...thinking big........big time......
Uhm,....no....just sell-outs.
It will be hard to know if TPP is a good deal or not until it has been in effect for a good decade but there is really no doubt that the best strategy for the US is to reduce trade barriers in Asia, especially Japan, SK, and China. I think the long term goal for this deal is clearly to stay ahead of China in the region with regards to negotiating trade deals.

Right now Japan is relatively closed off to US goods and services so any deal should result in helping that particular deficit which is mostly due to protectionist measures, but is also fueled somewhat by more natural barriers to trade.

It is in the interest of the US for other nations to respect our IP and patent laws.

The gold standard for trade relationships in the world right now is the trade relationship between the US and Canada as established by NAFTA.

I'd agree only to the extent that what the US is doing is basically a "shot across the bow" of China's growing influence on trade within the Pacific rim.

all the hand-wringing over China is fluff. It is what the whores come up with to make their selling out seem less crass. Public Citizens website has a good article on this......how it has been trotted out on almost all these trade deals........

These arrogant Senators like to think they are global thinkers, big minds...thinking big........big time......
Uhm,....no....just sell-outs.

The biggest problem facing the US economy these days is our trade deficit with China and the difficulties of addressing that problem effectively.

The idea that free trade deals are selling out is ignorant nonsense. Our trade relationship with Canada remains as one of the best trade relationships in the world.
It will be hard to know if TPP is a good deal or not until it has been in effect for a good decade but there is really no doubt that the best strategy for the US is to reduce trade barriers in Asia, especially Japan, SK, and China. I think the long term goal for this deal is clearly to stay ahead of China in the region with regards to negotiating trade deals.

Right now Japan is relatively closed off to US goods and services so any deal should result in helping that particular deficit which is mostly due to protectionist measures, but is also fueled somewhat by more natural barriers to trade.

It is in the interest of the US for other nations to respect our IP and patent laws.

The gold standard for trade relationships in the world right now is the trade relationship between the US and Canada as established by NAFTA.

I'd agree only to the extent that what the US is doing is basically a "shot across the bow" of China's growing influence on trade within the Pacific rim.

all the hand-wringing over China is fluff. It is what the whores come up with to make their selling out seem less crass. Public Citizens website has a good article on this......how it has been trotted out on almost all these trade deals........

These arrogant Senators like to think they are global thinkers, big minds...thinking big........big time......
Uhm,....no....just sell-outs.

The biggest problem facing the US economy these days is our trade deficit with China and the difficulties of addressing that problem effectively.

The idea that free trade deals are selling out is ignorant nonsense. Our trade relationship with Canada remains as one of the best trade relationships in the world.

I see you think your one of the big big strategic thinkers....~~oh China what will we do~~

no you're ignorant....history has proven these trade deals allow government bureaucrats and former bureaucrats, one of which you undoubtedly are, to sell out....... There may be some minor good here and there but on the whole they have a proven history.

Canada has similar wage rates, similar wage rules, similar environmental rules....so that one probably isnt so bad....although it provided the structure by which excuse was given to eliminate at least part of COOL.

But the motivation remains the same. Trade deals are sold just like stadium deals are sold, and as local TIF projects are also sold.....with deception and economic BS.
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no you're ignorant....history has proven these trade deals allow government bureaucrats and former bureaucrats, one of which you undoubtedly are, to sell out....... There may be some minor good here and there but on the whole they have a proven history.

Canada has similar wage rates, similar wage rules, similar environmental rules....so that one probably isnt so bad....

But the motivation remains the same. Trade deals are sold just like stadium deals are sold, and as local TIF projects are also sold.....with deception and economic BS.

The motivation is to take advantage of comparative advantages that increase economic efficiency and production. Economic gains like this come with winners and losers which upsets a lot of people but more often than not the real harmful impact comes from non free trade deals like the one we have with Japan and China.

The US trade policy has at times sold out the American worker but it wasn't the free trade deals. History proves that out.
no you're ignorant....history has proven these trade deals allow government bureaucrats and former bureaucrats, one of which you undoubtedly are, to sell out....... There may be some minor good here and there but on the whole they have a proven history.

Canada has similar wage rates, similar wage rules, similar environmental rules....so that one probably isnt so bad....

But the motivation remains the same. Trade deals are sold just like stadium deals are sold, and as local TIF projects are also sold.....with deception and economic BS.

The motivation is to take advantage of comparative advantages that increase economic efficiency and production. Economic gains like this come with winners and losers which upsets a lot of people but more often than not the real harmful impact comes from non free trade deals like the one we have with Japan and China.

The US trade policy has at times sold out the American worker but it wasn't the free trade deals. History proves that out.

oh God not only a big big strategic thinker...we have an ECONOMIST, "comparative advantage" .......FUCK OFF
A few regurgitated textbook terms?......no

So you are going to get back to actually talking about the current state of US trade and the impact free trade agreements like TPP have on it or are you going to just deflect and run away from the argument?
A few regurgitated textbook terms?......no

So you are going to get back to actually talking about the current state of US trade and the impact free trade agreements like TPP have on it or are you going to just deflect and run away from the argument?

I undoubtedly cant keep up with the bullshit as well as an economist, but the proof is in the pudding....IF the state of trade is as bad as you say it is...it got there under the same kind of trade deals being promoted as TPP. History has shown not only the inadequacy of past trade deals but the inadequacy of the Washington establishment that gives them to us....that Washington is broken...and under special interest influence at the expense of the average citizen and the nation as a whole is pretty much a given.

I am going to leave Economist, your "profession" has proven its uselessness.....

and Im not going to waste my time arguing with deceptive numbers and your pseudo-scientific BS.
A few regurgitated textbook terms?......no

So you are going to get back to actually talking about the current state of US trade and the impact free trade agreements like TPP have on it or are you going to just deflect and run away from the argument?

I undoubtedly cant keep up with the bullshit as well as an economist, but the proof is in the pudding....IF the state of trade is as bad as you say it is...it got there under the same kind of trade deals being promoted as TPP. History has shown not only the inadequacy of past trade deals but the inadequacy of the Washington establishment that gives them to us....that Washington is broken...and under special interest influence at the expense of the average citizen and the nation as a whole is pretty much a given.

I am going to leave Economist, your "profession" has proven its uselessness.....

and Im not going to waste my time arguing with deceptive numbers and your pseudo-scientific BS.

History has shown trade deals work and where trade breaks down and is the most disruptive to both peace and prosperity is when protectionist and mercantile practices are used. Trade deals like TPP are instrumental in improving trade relationships between nations so that they benefit everyone. Nations like China can get along for awhile by manipulating their currency but in the long run it leads to economic stagnation and often times armed conflict.

The science of economics is hard and a lot of people don't understand it. If you don't understand it then maybe the fault is with you and not the field of research.

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