At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

I provide specifics, and all I get in response is platitudes.

Oh, and people bitching about me personally.

Specifics? You can't even find the right bathroom to use. There are no quotes, no analytics, nothing. Just your tears and mascara running down your face.
And yet you guys are all sobbing.

Lame. I am surprised they even let you post here. Don't they have a little kids table for you to sit at?
Thanks Mac for your analysis.

My problem with China stealing technology from our tech companies, is that why is this our gvts problem? The tech companies left the U.S. to manufacture there... if they don't like it and can't control it.... they can leave.

Isn't that their cost, of doing business there? They can pick up and leave...

While Lobstermen here and farmers here spent their own business' s money cultivating good business relationships for their own industry are the ones being hurt
Well, the tech-stealing problem is wider and deeper than the location of our businesses. When they steal our tech, they dilute its global value, and that's a direct financial assault on our businesses. I can see a President defending our businesses and trying to stop this, but (a) I don't know how the hell this can be fixed when they're just not going to play fair, and (b) the only way Trump knows to address a problem is to beat on it with a club.

So the tariff situation can be "fixed", but I don't know what to do about tech theft overall.
"I don't know" is the laudable response. You truly do speak for the majority. By discussing the ownership of "gvts" and "businesses" as though equivalent. It's all just "our" stuff, right? Exxon, Springfield Township, WalMart, etc. No wonder we appear so fucked.
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying there, but I do think there are times when the best interests of both government and business are intertwined.
Oh my, sure you wanna venture so far out on that limb! "When they steal our tech, they dilute its global value, and that's a direct financial assault on our businesses." Try this instead for a change: When these multinational corporations (ie stateless... not "ours" in any genuine sense) moved THEIR manufacturing (ie, our jobs) to a place with cheaper labor and purely for profit,.. what did you expect those new workers to do.. just sit around with their thumbs up their asses?

How do others steal "our tech" from within their own country? How did it get there? How was it ever really "ours" to begin with? How much in royalties have you personally lost as a result?

"a direct financial assault on our businesses" - Which are "ours"? How do you know?
Thanks Mac for your analysis.

My problem with China stealing technology from our tech companies, is that why is this our gvts problem? The tech companies left the U.S. to manufacture there... if they don't like it and can't control it.... they can leave.

Isn't that their cost, of doing business there? They can pick up and leave...

While Lobstermen here and farmers here spent their own business' s money cultivating good business relationships for their own industry are the ones being hurt
Well, the tech-stealing problem is wider and deeper than the location of our businesses. When they steal our tech, they dilute its global value, and that's a direct financial assault on our businesses. I can see a President defending our businesses and trying to stop this, but (a) I don't know how the hell this can be fixed when they're just not going to play fair, and (b) the only way Trump knows to address a problem is to beat on it with a club.

So the tariff situation can be "fixed", but I don't know what to do about tech theft overall.
"I don't know" is the laudable response. You truly do speak for the majority. By discussing the ownership of "gvts" and "businesses" as though equivalent. It's all just "our" stuff, right? Exxon, Springfield Township, WalMart, etc. No wonder we appear so fucked.
I'm not exactly sure what you're saying there, but I do think there are times when the best interests of both government and business are intertwined.
Oh my, sure you wanna venture so far out on that limb! "When they steal our tech, they dilute its global value, and that's a direct financial assault on our businesses." Try this instead for a change: When these multinational corporations (ie stateless... not "ours" in any genuine sense) moved THEIR manufacturing (ie, our jobs) to a place with cheaper labor and purely for profit,.. what did you expect those new workers to do.. just sit around with their thumbs up their asses?

How do others steal "our tech" from within their own country? How did it get there? How was it ever really "ours" to begin with? How much in royalties have you personally lost as a result?

"a direct financial assault on our businesses" - Which are "ours"? How do you know?
I still don't know what you're trying to say here.

Maybe just make a clear point.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Then there's the false assurances Pelosi has been giving to our trade partners and our allies that they will be getting rid of Trump any day now, so why should anyone negotiate with him in good faith to begin with???
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Then there's the false assurances Pelosi has been giving to our trade partners and our allies that they will be getting rid of Trump any day now, so why should anyone negotiate with him in good faith to begin with???

Holy crap. Okay, all of the points in the OP are the Democrats' fault.

Got it. And we move on.
Last edited:
No matter what you post, what Trump has done for America thus far is multitudes better than the destruction wrought by his predecessor Obama and categorically better than anything Hillary would have done.

He may not be "ideal", but the criticism is misplaced at best.

Finally, it's hard to blame Mr. Trump when your Leftist judges continually run the country from the bench. Seems we have a gallery of Presidents at this point thanks to Leftist obstructionism.

That said, "All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So blame is deserved on both sides.
What destruction did President Obama perpetrate? What is it you think Clinton would have done? Can you point to specifics or are you just spouting crap you've been told to repeat?
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
Show us on the doll where Putin touched you.

Are you replying to the wrong thread?
I'd say he is, but it is still funny
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Then there's the false assurances Pelosi has been giving to our trade partners and our allies that they will be getting rid of Trump any day now, so why should anyone negotiate with him in good faith to begin with???
Holy crap. Okay, all of the points are the Democrats' fault.

Got it. And we move on.
You really are getting quite boring.
I blew your OP out of the water so your response never changes.

All of your assumptions are based purely on media talking-points, not on facts.
Oh my, sure you wanna venture so far out on that limb! "When they steal our tech, they dilute its global value, and that's a direct financial assault on our businesses." Try this instead for a change: When these multinational corporations (ie stateless... not "ours" in any genuine sense) moved THEIR manufacturing (ie, our jobs) to a place with cheaper labor and purely for profit,.. what did you expect those new workers to do.. just sit around with their thumbs up their asses?

How do others steal "our tech" from within their own country? How did it get there? How was it ever really "ours" to begin with? How much in royalties have you personally lost as a result?

"a direct financial assault on our businesses" - Which are "ours"? How do you know?

Yeah, good points.

My reading suggests that the global vultures investing in China have, by Chinese law, to set up a joint venture in China, which then assumes ownership, including technology. It's part of China's aim to become the world's technology leader by 2050.

If the vultures think that's the way they best make a profit, that's their prerogative. No one forces them to go to China in the first place, and, also, the "technology theft" Trump howls about is way down on their list of complaints. That in turn suggests the howling about technology is just another of Trump's spectacles, pumping himself up as a fighter for Americans, while doing the bidding of international vultures.

It's ludicrous - but far from surprising, since Trump's brain processes nothing other than, "What's in it for ME?"

Also not surprising is the spectacle of Trump sycophants - "He is fighting for us!" Still, about the damage done to, say, American farmers, going bankrupt and every so often killing themselves ... crickets. There's a lesson in there, about the horrible damage done to brains by the combination of hatred and abject, mindless subservience.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Then there's the false assurances Pelosi has been giving to our trade partners and our allies that they will be getting rid of Trump any day now, so why should anyone negotiate with him in good faith to begin with???
Holy crap. Okay, all of the points are the Democrats' fault.

Got it. And we move on.
You really are getting quite boring.
I blew your OP out of the water so your response never changes.

All of your assumptions are based purely on media talking-points, not on facts.
My apologies, I hadn't noticed you had blown my OP out of the water.

I thought you were just deflecting with standard issue talk radio platitudes.

So the economy is not at 2.1% GDP? The deficit is dropping like a rock? China is our pet now? North Korea has thrown in the towel? The world thinks we're the coolest? People of all races are huddled around Trump singing and holding hands?

Holy shit, I was really off then.

I hope you'll forgive me.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
Then there's the false assurances Pelosi has been giving to our trade partners and our allies that they will be getting rid of Trump any day now, so why should anyone negotiate with him in good faith to begin with???
Holy crap. Okay, all of the points are the Democrats' fault.

Got it. And we move on.
You really are getting quite boring.
I blew your OP out of the water so your response never changes.

All of your assumptions are based purely on media talking-points, not on facts.

There is no new wall being built. Fact
Imports from China are down 8% since the tariff, exports to China are down 30%. Fact
No matter what you post, what Trump has done for America thus far is multitudes better than the destruction wrought by his predecessor Obama and categorically better than anything Hillary would have done.

He may not be "ideal", but the criticism is misplaced at best.

Finally, it's hard to blame Mr. Trump when your Leftist judges continually run the country from the bench. Seems we have a gallery of Presidents at this point thanks to Leftist obstructionism.

That said, "All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing"

So blame is deserved on both sides.
What destruction did President Obama perpetrate? What is it you think Clinton would have done? Can you point to specifics or are you just spouting crap you've been told to repeat?
Don't know about him, but Obama went from Yes we can to no you can't. Clinton would have allowed open borders-when she said that I changed my vote from her to Trump.
Except that she never said that. That was some of that fake news that the Russians didn't make and you didn't believe.
Sorry, I SAW and HEARD her-that's when I changed my vote!
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.

totally wrong, obama shut them out, refused to talk with them, remember "we won" and "republicans need to go to the back of the bus" ?

the refusal to negotiate and compromise was coming from the dictator wannabe obozo the great.

your grasp of recent history is amazingly lacking.
Not that it really matters to some, but we're not really in a good place at the moment. Things could turn, and most of us continue to hope for the best. But, as of early morning, August 24, here we are:

The Economy
While the unemployment figures look very good on their face, they are clearly not translating to growth, especially at the cost of the exploding deficit that temporarily goosed the economy. GDP is currently at 2.1%, but we can certainly remain hopeful that it will reverse course and increase. There have been spotty signs that growth-push inflation may be ticking up, but the trade war is clearly effecting sentiment (not to mention data) at a terribly delicate moment. Right now, this is a decent economy, at best, with consumers lacking the resources to push it and their household debt above 2008 levels.

Trade With China
Our President doesn't appear to understand that China is paying attention. They realize quite well that he's trying to bully them into a trade deal, like an eight-year old boy trying to bully another child out of their lunch at the playground. Meanwhile, Trump exhibits zero (0) understanding of the fact that China can theoretically out-wait us here, since they don't have those pesky elections to worry about all that much if the populace gets pissed off. While anything is certainly possible, it's tough to imagine China making any long term commitments until after they see who they're dealing with in January of 2021.

International Relations
Our President has not only isolated himself and his country from the rest of the world with his actions, but also with his petulant behaviors. Even for those of us who have done all we can to lower our standards and expectations of his child-like behavior, the thought of this goofy, pointless dust-up with Denmark (Denmark!) makes us wonder if this man can get along with anyone outside his base. Meanwhile, the crazy fat kid in North Korea is shooting off rockets like he's in charge of the Fourth of July celebration at the park. Like China, the world is clearly looking ahead, with hope, to November 2020.

The Wall
Trump's signature, paranoid, shallow, hyper-simplistic election issue piece isn't exactly flying up with checks to pay for it coming in from Mexico. Even with the White House, House and Senate, this President wasn't able to do much more than slap up a few new two by fours to fix some areas of our existing wall. Any completely "new" wall is spotty at best, and now he's ready to steal cash from one place to placate his base with a few miles of a much less Trumpish wall here and there. Gee, great, so much for that idea. I guess "Build! The! Wall!" could still serve as a standby rally chant when needed.

Well, examining this topic is most likely a waste of time here, since there are many on this board who are telling us that racism no longer exists, or it's fake news, or that if you don't show up to work wearing a white hood you can't be a racist. What a disaster. And minorities are supposed to ignore all of it, because the unemployment rate is down at the moment. While the sycophants continue to run interference for the President Who Doesn't Know Who David Duke is, the rest of the country and the rest of the world are simply not buying the bullshit. But it sure sounds good on talk radio.

The silver lining? By far the most "successful" component of the Trump years will probably turn out to be the courts. The SC is in good shape for them, and they now have the added bonus of hoping that Ruth is quickly ravaged by cancer and dies soon. Ditto (no pun intended) for the lower courts, the nominations of which don't make much news but sure look like Sean Hannity picked 'em.

Could the economy turn back up? Yes, definitely, hopefully, but some kind of GOOD trade deal with China is now pretty much mandatory for that to happen. The Courts are the Courts. They'll probably be able to gather enough Lego™ blocks to build enough of a wall somewhere to keep talk radio and the base happy. International Relations? Race Relations? Pffffft. Who cares. Fake news.
After 8 years of the Obama Administration taking businesses to court, harassing conservatives with the IRS, spying on private citizens by the White House, giving technology and paying billions in reparations to our enemies, along with throwing people in jail for being critics, you think the presidency is in a bad place now????
Yes. And I provided specific examples.

"But Obama" would be a weak retort.
Actually it's a strong retort. Comparing the two administrations tends to cancel out alot of complaints being made against the current one. Especially when you take into consideration that Congress refuses to cooperate in any shape or form with Trump. Most of the problems begin with this refusal to do what is best for the people of THIS country in favor of generating a new constituency thru human - trafficking.
And the GOP Congress refused to cooperate with Obama.

My examples are all Trump-specific, all of them. We can pretend they are not, we can try to change the subject, but that would be lying.
So you claim the GOP refused to cooperate with Obama, yet they made sure his Affordable health care bill wasn't repealed, they also put in place a chief justice that rewrote the damned thing making it constitutional. They also gave him the biggest tax increase in history and raised the debt ceiling numerous times to accommodate him. They also looked the other way when he gave our worst enemy billions. Obama traded 5 terrorist Generals for one homosexual traitor. Obama spied on everyone, and the GOP refused to impeach that Son Of A Bitch.

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