At this moment, this Presidency is not going well

Much to your dismay right comrade?

Go fuck yourself you leftist bigot. Trump is doing a good job, and if that sociopath hag you supported had won, we'd be in the 11th year of the longest recession ever.

What a load of crap you have no idea what's going on in the world just a load of GOP garbage propaganda. Obama averted another corrupt GOP World depression and gave us seven and a half years of straight growth the same thing as we have now just without two trillion dollars in tax cuts on the rich. Hillary would probably be a great president, maybe she could even relax LOL.

Trump is going to wreck this with his chaos and stupid tariffs and trade Wars...
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Trump has struggled throughout his presidency
He can’t maintain a Cabinet, is constantly creating new enemies, moves from one crisis to another, is becoming more paranoid and isolated

Of course, in the bizarre universe of the Trump sycophant, the revolving door that is his ‘cabinet’ demonstrates Trump to be the ‘strong leader,’ the ‘decisive CEO of the country’ dispatching the incompetent and disloyal with authority.

The endless creation of enemies is Trump ‘standing up’ to foreign and domestic opponents and putting ‘America first.’

Moving from one crisis to another is always someone else’s fault – the nefarious machinations of the ‘deep state,’ the ‘liberal’ media, and ‘disloyal’ Democrats.

The Trump Cult has become just as paranoid and isolated as its leader – skilled in the art of the delusional rationalization of Trump’s many faults and incessant failures.

The country will have to make a decision on whether we should return to stable leadership in 2020

The problem is that for Trump supporters returning to stable leadership is to return to ‘business as usual’ and the ‘Washington establishment.’

The whole purpose of ‘Trump’ was to raze the hated Washington political edifice.

The same is true for a strong political middle, perceived by Trump supporters to mean only compromise and ultimately capitulation – more immigration, more diversity, and no one to defend ‘white culture’ from ‘attack.’
We need a strong middle like we used to have

Absolutely. Nothing's more needed than folks of sound judgment voicing full-throated support for the ACA who also think Obamacare is a shitty piece of legislation that should be abolished.

Really, there is very little more ludicrous than the notion that an apathetic, ignorant "middle" that doesn't show up, can't decide whether the Supreme Court or Congress makes the law, couldn't find Pakistan on a map but is in favor of bombing Agrabah, would right things and needs to be stronger.
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.
You're sick. You don't even believe a fetus is a human being. Children are nothing but useful pawns for you twits.
And you are the nauseating religious nutball who values fetuses more than 5 yr olds. And the truly sick thing about it is that you only force yourself to do it for selfish reasons, because you believe in magical, iron aged myths about the afterlife. Really, uou dont value either fetuses or 5 yr olds, but rather only value yourself. You would stomp either of them out to get through the pearly gates.

That's truly gross, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Nothing religious about basic biology. A fetus is human. Idiot.

don't you get it, its not a human until the mother and her doctor declare it to be a human and decide to let it live. before birth, at birth, after birth---doesn't matter. What I wonder is why not extend that up to the age of two, if the kid becomes a problem or cramps your lifestyle just do away with it.

remember, liberalism is a mental disease, not a political party.

Any links proving liberalism is a mental disease? Valid links I mean, not links to right wing crackpots like michael savage.
And who determines which links are valid? Lol. Of course liberals are mentally ill. They deny that a fetus is a human being. They believe there are numerous genders. They believe man is making the climate change. They believe we used to be monkeys.....well um...I might agree with them there about liberals coming from monkeys.
who decides- law enforcement and journalists around the world who all think you are nuts ...
Trump has struggled throughout his presidency
He can’t maintain a Cabinet, is constantly creating new enemies, moves from one crisis to another, is becoming more paranoid and isolated

Of course, in the bizarre universe of the Trump sycophant, the revolving door that is his ‘cabinet’ demonstrates Trump to be the ‘strong leader,’ the ‘decisive CEO of the country’ dispatching the incompetent and disloyal with authority.

The endless creation of enemies is Trump ‘standing up’ to foreign and domestic opponents and putting ‘America first.’

Moving from one crisis to another is always someone else’s fault – the nefarious machinations of the ‘deep state,’ the ‘liberal’ media, and ‘disloyal’ Democrats.

The Trump Cult has become just as paranoid and isolated as its leader – skilled in the art of the delusional rationalization of Trump’s many faults and incessant failures.

The country will have to make a decision on whether we should return to stable leadership in 2020

The problem is that for Trump supporters returning to stable leadership is to return to ‘business as usual’ and the ‘Washington establishment.’

The whole purpose of ‘Trump’ was to raze the hated Washington political edifice.

The same is true for a strong political middle, perceived by Trump supporters to mean only compromise and ultimately capitulation – more immigration, more diversity, and no one to defend ‘white culture’ from ‘attack.’
And who determines which links are valid? Lol. Of course liberals are mentally ill.
You sound like a moron.
Of course I do. You're a leftist.
That makes you sound like a moron.
Of course. Are you aware that you sound mentally ill to me?
Trump has struggled throughout his presidency
He can’t maintain a Cabinet, is constantly creating new enemies, moves from one crisis to another, is becoming more paranoid and isolated

Of course, in the bizarre universe of the Trump sycophant, the revolving door that is his ‘cabinet’ demonstrates Trump to be the ‘strong leader,’ the ‘decisive CEO of the country’ dispatching the incompetent and disloyal with authority.

The endless creation of enemies is Trump ‘standing up’ to foreign and domestic opponents and putting ‘America first.’

Moving from one crisis to another is always someone else’s fault – the nefarious machinations of the ‘deep state,’ the ‘liberal’ media, and ‘disloyal’ Democrats.

The Trump Cult has become just as paranoid and isolated as its leader – skilled in the art of the delusional rationalization of Trump’s many faults and incessant failures.

The country will have to make a decision on whether we should return to stable leadership in 2020

The problem is that for Trump supporters returning to stable leadership is to return to ‘business as usual’ and the ‘Washington establishment.’

The whole purpose of ‘Trump’ was to raze the hated Washington political edifice.

The same is true for a strong political middle, perceived by Trump supporters to mean only compromise and ultimately capitulation – more immigration, more diversity, and no one to defend ‘white culture’ from ‘attack.’
And who determines which links are valid? Lol. Of course liberals are mentally ill.
You sound like a moron.
Of course I do. You're a leftist.
That makes you sound like a moron.
Of course. Are you aware that you sound mentally ill to me?
Who cares? You're a moron.
We need a strong middle like we used to have

Absolutely. Nothing's more needed than folks of sound judgment voicing full-throated support for the ACA who also think Obamacare is a shitty piece of legislation that should be abolished.

Really, there is very little more ludicrous than the notion that an apathetic, ignorant "middle" that doesn't show up, can't decide whether the Supreme Court or Congress makes the law, couldn't find Pakistan on a map but is in favor of bombing Agrabah, would right things and needs to be stronger.
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.
First everyone has to get the facts right. The GOP is proof if you believe a lot of crap you will vote for a lot of crap....
Trump has struggled throughout his presidency
He can’t maintain a Cabinet, is constantly creating new enemies, moves from one crisis to another, is becoming more paranoid and isolated

Of course, in the bizarre universe of the Trump sycophant, the revolving door that is his ‘cabinet’ demonstrates Trump to be the ‘strong leader,’ the ‘decisive CEO of the country’ dispatching the incompetent and disloyal with authority.

The endless creation of enemies is Trump ‘standing up’ to foreign and domestic opponents and putting ‘America first.’

Moving from one crisis to another is always someone else’s fault – the nefarious machinations of the ‘deep state,’ the ‘liberal’ media, and ‘disloyal’ Democrats.

The Trump Cult has become just as paranoid and isolated as its leader – skilled in the art of the delusional rationalization of Trump’s many faults and incessant failures.

The country will have to make a decision on whether we should return to stable leadership in 2020

The problem is that for Trump supporters returning to stable leadership is to return to ‘business as usual’ and the ‘Washington establishment.’

The whole purpose of ‘Trump’ was to raze the hated Washington political edifice.

The same is true for a strong political middle, perceived by Trump supporters to mean only compromise and ultimately capitulation – more immigration, more diversity, and no one to defend ‘white culture’ from ‘attack.’
The GOP has been the swamp and a disaster for regular people at least since Reagan -only propaganda makes this mess possible.... This is more of the same with Nuremberg rallies and total garbage propaganda.....

the country is dying for a Democrat who can pass policies. Either a landslide or the nuclear option. Then the GOP can repeal health care for all, a living wage, help for daycare, cheap college and training, good infrastructure and vacations, and mainly higher taxes on the bloated rich. This is ridiculous, we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes and are not brainwashed with bulshit....
Trump has struggled throughout his presidency
He can’t maintain a Cabinet, is constantly creating new enemies, moves from one crisis to another, is becoming more paranoid and isolated

Of course, in the bizarre universe of the Trump sycophant, the revolving door that is his ‘cabinet’ demonstrates Trump to be the ‘strong leader,’ the ‘decisive CEO of the country’ dispatching the incompetent and disloyal with authority.

The endless creation of enemies is Trump ‘standing up’ to foreign and domestic opponents and putting ‘America first.’

Moving from one crisis to another is always someone else’s fault – the nefarious machinations of the ‘deep state,’ the ‘liberal’ media, and ‘disloyal’ Democrats.

The Trump Cult has become just as paranoid and isolated as its leader – skilled in the art of the delusional rationalization of Trump’s many faults and incessant failures.

The country will have to make a decision on whether we should return to stable leadership in 2020

The problem is that for Trump supporters returning to stable leadership is to return to ‘business as usual’ and the ‘Washington establishment.’

The whole purpose of ‘Trump’ was to raze the hated Washington political edifice.

The same is true for a strong political middle, perceived by Trump supporters to mean only compromise and ultimately capitulation – more immigration, more diversity, and no one to defend ‘white culture’ from ‘attack.’
And who determines which links are valid? Lol. Of course liberals are mentally ill.
You sound like a moron.
Of course I do. You're a leftist.
That makes you sound like a moron.
Of course. Are you aware that you sound mentally ill to me?
Who cares? You're a moron.
Who cares?
This bitch is an example of the problem in America.

God what a liar Trump is. He's very popular with blacks? What is he up to 8%? He lied about cutting taxes on the middle class oh, he lied about everything. You are a moron and a brainwashed functional unreality....
This bitch is an example of the problem in America.

Yes you're right the biggest problem in America is that half the country believe a mountain of crap, misinformation character assassination and phony scandals that nobody gives a damn about except dupes like you.
We need a strong middle like we used to have

Absolutely. Nothing's more needed than folks of sound judgment voicing full-throated support for the ACA who also think Obamacare is a shitty piece of legislation that should be abolished.

Really, there is very little more ludicrous than the notion that an apathetic, ignorant "middle" that doesn't show up, can't decide whether the Supreme Court or Congress makes the law, couldn't find Pakistan on a map but is in favor of bombing Agrabah, would right things and needs to be stronger.
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.
First everyone has to get the facts right. The GOP is proof if you believe a lot of crap you will vote for a lot of crap....
The Dems keep proving themselves little better. I'd agree "the country is dying for a Democrat who can govt to pass policies. Moscow Mitch is allowing nothing. Meanwhile the Dems kept Bernie in the weeds last time and are doing their damnedest to stifle him now along with AOC & co. Won't work, thank goodness, but that's because the masses are waking up. I'm far more confident this time. The haters are dying off. The young and colorful are coming into their own.
We need a strong middle like we used to have

Absolutely. Nothing's more needed than folks of sound judgment voicing full-throated support for the ACA who also think Obamacare is a shitty piece of legislation that should be abolished.

Really, there is very little more ludicrous than the notion that an apathetic, ignorant "middle" that doesn't show up, can't decide whether the Supreme Court or Congress makes the law, couldn't find Pakistan on a map but is in favor of bombing Agrabah, would right things and needs to be stronger.
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.
First everyone has to get the facts right. The GOP is proof if you believe a lot of crap you will vote for a lot of crap....
The Dems keep proving themselves little better. I'd agree "the country is dying for a Democrat who can govt to pass policies. Moscow Mitch is allowing nothing. Meanwhile the Dems kept Bernie in the weeds last time and are doing their damnedest to stifle him now along with AOC & co. Won't work, thank goodness, but that's because the masses are waking up. I'm far more confident this time. The haters are dying off. The young and colorful are coming into their own.
Do you think AOC is a smart woman?
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.

There's quite a bit above with which I can agree - with some gripes in the details. Much more interesting than what the billionaires have been doing would be with what the population and the political class went along, and why. "Reeducating the masses" sounds nice, but just look at the performance of BS Hose on this thread to get a notion as to the magnitude of that task. There is no "getting together" with folks who live on conservative supremacy fantasy island, who would avoid contact for fear that would poison their precious bodily fluids with the "liberal disease" - again, look to BS Hose for clues. Also, for citizens there is no "getting out of the way", just "in it together".

Taken together, that was President Obama's conundrum: Going out of his way in his hope to meet both the loyal opposition and the disparate population on a sold ground of knowable facts, he failed, not for lack of effort, but for lack of interest in facts on the other side, and on the side of large parts of the population. The latter then resolved to elect a celebrity buffoon who wouldn't require from them the hard work of gathering information and thinking things through.

The biggest problem, second only to money in politics, is pervasive intellectual laziness, and that is most pervasive in the disinterested, apathetic, bumper-sticker attention span, celebrity-obsessed, apolitical "middle" - the ones some on here hail as the nation's savior. That in and of itself is toxic, as folks without an ideological background are most easily led and manipulated, the very sheep fascists, Trump, and Boris Johnson, lately, have chosen as their main marks with scathing attacks on anything and anyone "political". Countering that, most admirably, would be professor candidate Warren, solidly factual and resolutely, unapologetically political. Of course, the "middle!" bleaters and the (extreme) right are all united decrying her as "left fringe".
Billionaires have been either destroying or weakening our hard won New Deal gains decade after decade. We're kept just smart enough to keep the trains running on time and too busy fighting one another to really care about much else. We need to both neuter the wealth class and reeducate the masses. "We" being all that know what's really been going on regardless of Party affiliation. Manufacturing Consent and the Shock Doctrine have been all too real. Both being "liberal" and "conservative" are excellent human traits. Neither is intrinsically bad or wrong. Pointing and whining is all Trump and trolls accomplish. We can do better by either getting together to help fix the problems or getting out of the way.

There's quite a bit above with which I can agree - with some gripes in the details. Much more interesting than what the billionaires have been doing would be with what the population and the political class went along, and why. "Reeducating the masses" sounds nice, but just look at the performance of BS Hose on this thread to get a notion as to the magnitude of that task. There is no "getting together" with folks who live on conservative supremacy fantasy island, who would avoid contact for fear that would poison their precious bodily fluids with the "liberal disease" - again, look to BS Hose for clues. Also, for citizens there is no "getting out of the way", just "in it together".

Taken together, that was President Obama's conundrum: Going out of his way in his hope to meet both the loyal opposition and the disparate population on a sold ground of knowable facts, he failed, not for lack of effort, but for lack of interest in facts on the other side, and on the side of large parts of the population. The latter then resolved to elect a celebrity buffoon who wouldn't require from them the hard work of gathering information and thinking things through.

The biggest problem, second only to money in politics, is pervasive intellectual laziness, and that is most pervasive in the disinterested, apathetic, bumper-sticker attention span, celebrity-obsessed, apolitical "middle" - the ones some on here hail as the nation's savior. That in and of itself is toxic, as folks without an ideological background are most easily led and manipulated, the very sheep fascists, Trump, and Boris Johnson, lately, have chosen as their main marks with scathing attacks on anything and anyone "political". Countering that, most admirably, would be professor candidate Warren, solidly factual and resolutely, unapologetically political. Of course, the "middle!" bleaters and the (extreme) right are all united decrying her as "left fringe".
It's the left that shuts down free speech, refuses to serve conservatives in public restaurants, spews hate at Christians for their beliefs, doxing citizens as intimidation. People have the RIGHT in this country to believe marriage is a Male and female. You aren't going to change that belief by trying to intimidate us. Call us homophobic or bigots all day long. We will stand up for our Constitutional right to believe what our faith teaches. Fuck you.

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