At what point does the President admit that he is a fail?

You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

He's a lawyer. He will never admit to failure or fault...:eusa_whistle:

Obama hasn't failed, the republicans failed. :eusa_whistle:
"Un-American no compromise Republicans"- Time Magazine

Guess what this makes you....Being brainwashed and ignorant is no excuse. The world is aghast. Bills 38, Raiders 35:eusa_angel:
PLEASE continue digging your hole and show us ANYTHING that justifies the DEATHS of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq. :dig:


I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

That's how I would answer if I couldn't justify the DEATHS of American soldiers FOR NO GOOD REASON and call any attempts to question the wisdom of sending those boys to their deaths "propaganda".


Take up your dishonest gripe with Congress, dipshit. THEY authorized the military action for a whole array of reasons.

And it is scum like you and your filthy ilk who say that the deaths cannot be "justified" and were for no good reason.

You guys do make me ill.

"Un-American no compromise Republicans"- Time Magazine

Guess what this makes you....Being brainwashed and ignorant is no excuse. The world is aghast. Bills 38, Raiders 35:eusa_angel:

OH NO!! Not from Time magazine.............................

Say it isnt so!
and everyone else who thinks about it. Ever heard of the loyal opposition? I think you have lost the concept, like moral dilemma, etc.
I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

That's how I would answer if I couldn't justify the DEATHS of American soldiers FOR NO GOOD REASON and call any attempts to question the wisdom of sending those boys to their deaths "propaganda".


Take up your dishonest gripe with Congress, dipshit. THEY authorized the military action for a whole array of reasons.

And it is scum like you and your filthy ilk who say that the deaths cannot be "justified" and were for no good reason.

You guys do make me ill.


You say that and yet you cannot come up with any good reason to "justify their deaths"? :confused:

And the fact that you cannot only means that you support sending our kids off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

Now THAT makes ME sick. :puke3:

Do me a favor. Don't ever pretend that you support the troops. That kind of support they don't need.

Just because assholes like you buy your own dishonest propaganda doesn't mean anybody else buys it, moron.

There were LOTS of reasons articulated BY Congress for the war; not just the possibly mistaken belief that Saddam still had WMDS, you dicklick.

The President (W) didn't claim that Saddam's Iraq bore responsibility for 9/11, stupid; and neither did Congress.

Yes. You remain a completely unpersuasive dishonest asshole. :thup:

PLEASE continue digging your hole and show us ANYTHING that justifies the DEATHS of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq. :dig:


I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

It takes a hardcore asshole to say Iraq was not a mistake. By the way, was Iraq a mistake?
That's how I would answer if I couldn't justify the DEATHS of American soldiers FOR NO GOOD REASON and call any attempts to question the wisdom of sending those boys to their deaths "propaganda".


Take up your dishonest gripe with Congress, dipshit. THEY authorized the military action for a whole array of reasons.

And it is scum like you and your filthy ilk who say that the deaths cannot be "justified" and were for no good reason.

You guys do make me ill.


You say that and yet you cannot come up with any good reason to "justify their deaths"? :confused:

And the fact that you cannot only means that you support sending our kids off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

Now THAT makes ME sick. :puke3:

Do me a favor. Don't ever pretend that you support the troops. That kind of support they don't need.


Imagine the families of the fallen. Dear sir/ma'am, your child died for WMD's and crappy intel cherry picked by Bush. We know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 but we sent them to Iraq as retaliation.

That is sickening. Who can possibly say Iraq was the right thing to do now? Who? Its fucking maddening.
PLEASE continue digging your hole and show us ANYTHING that justifies the DEATHS of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq. :dig:


I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

It takes a hardcore asshole to say Iraq was not a mistake. By the way, was Iraq a mistake?

Actually it would take a hard core asshole to say it was a mistake. After all, Congress voted to authorize the measure, as did the UN.
BTW, did you know we achieved EVERY objective set forth at the beginning? Mission Accomplished!
I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

It takes a hardcore asshole to say Iraq was not a mistake. By the way, was Iraq a mistake?

Actually it would take a hard core asshole to say it was a mistake. After all, Congress voted to authorize the measure, as did the UN.
BTW, did you know we achieved EVERY objective set forth at the beginning? Mission Accomplished!

The last I knew Congress and the UN does not have the authority to order our troops into battle. That decision belongs to one person and one person only. The POTUS. Congress may authorize and declare war but only the POTUS has the responsibility to give the order. So don't try and pawn off a bad decision.

Saying that every objective was achieved and that the mission was accomplished still does NOT justify the mission. And to try and make that point was disingenous at best. The biggest reason Bush gave to "invade and occupy" Iraq, WMD, never materialized.

So I guess I have to ask. What objective(s) was/were reached that made it/them worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers? Don't just give me objectives and accomplishments. Give me ones that made it worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers.

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You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

At what point do you admit you fuck sheep?
It takes a hardcore asshole to say Iraq was not a mistake. By the way, was Iraq a mistake?

Actually it would take a hard core asshole to say it was a mistake. After all, Congress voted to authorize the measure, as did the UN.
BTW, did you know we achieved EVERY objective set forth at the beginning? Mission Accomplished!

The last I knew Congress and the UN does not have the authority to order our troops into battle. That decision belongs to one person and one person only. The POTUS. Congress may authorize and declare war but only the POTUS has the responsibility to give the order. So don't try and pawn off a bad decision.

Saying that every objective was achieved and that the mission was accomplished still does NOT justify the mission. And to try and make that point was disingenous at best. The biggest reason Bush gave to "invade and occupy" Iraq, WMD, never materialized.

So I guess I have to ask. What objective(s) was/were reached that made it/them worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers? Don't just give me objectives and accomplishments. Give me ones that made it worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers.


You obviously don't know shit. Not like that's any surprise. Go review the Constitution and see who has power of appropriations and power to declare war.
Actually it would take a hard core asshole to say it was a mistake. After all, Congress voted to authorize the measure, as did the UN.
BTW, did you know we achieved EVERY objective set forth at the beginning? Mission Accomplished!

The last I knew Congress and the UN does not have the authority to order our troops into battle. That decision belongs to one person and one person only. The POTUS. Congress may authorize and declare war but only the POTUS has the responsibility to give the order. So don't try and pawn off a bad decision.

Saying that every objective was achieved and that the mission was accomplished still does NOT justify the mission. And to try and make that point was disingenous at best. The biggest reason Bush gave to "invade and occupy" Iraq, WMD, never materialized.

So I guess I have to ask. What objective(s) was/were reached that made it/them worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers? Don't just give me objectives and accomplishments. Give me ones that made it worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers.


You obviously don't know shit. Not like that's any surprise. Go review the Constitution and see who has power of appropriations and power to declare war.

You fuckwad. Didn't you read this sentence in my post?

Congress may authorize and declare war but only the POTUS has the responsibility to give the order.

YOU must think that it's OK to send soldiers off to die for NO GOOD REASON.

Unless, of course, you can still answer my question...What objective(s) was/were reached that made it/them worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers? Don't just give me objectives and accomplishments. Give me ones that made it worth the lives of thousands of our soldiers.

But your failure to come up with even ONE good reason leaves no alternative, does it? We must be in agreement that there was none.

PLEASE continue digging your hole and show us ANYTHING that justifies the DEATHS of thousands of American soldiers in Iraq. :dig:


I cannot "continue" something I haven't started. You confuse your inability to formulate an honest or coherent argument with my digging of a hole.

This does qualify you as tragically stupid and delusional.

It takes a hardcore asshole to say Iraq was not a mistake. By the way, was Iraq a mistake?

It takes a classless idiot scumbag to insist that it was a mistake.

By the way, if there are (pick a number) 10 reasons to do a certain deed, but one of those 10 reasons later is found not to have been as well supported as was earlier believed, does that mean that the other reasons are of no consequence?

You really can't help being a pious scumbag mutant.
That's how I would answer if I couldn't justify the DEATHS of American soldiers FOR NO GOOD REASON and call any attempts to question the wisdom of sending those boys to their deaths "propaganda".


Take up your dishonest gripe with Congress, dipshit. THEY authorized the military action for a whole array of reasons.

And it is scum like you and your filthy ilk who say that the deaths cannot be "justified" and were for no good reason.

You guys do make me ill.


You say that and yet you cannot come up with any good reason to "justify their deaths"? :confused:

And the fact that you cannot only means that you support sending our kids off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

Now THAT makes ME sick. :puke3:

Do me a favor. Don't ever pretend that you support the troops. That kind of support they don't need.


One doesn't "justify" the tragic deaths, idiot.

One mourns the deaths.

That said, only a lowlife scumbag like you would label their deaths as having been wasteful.

There were lots of reasons to go into Iraq.

If many of the Iraqi conflict vets don't consider their actions to have been wasteful, then who the fuck is some piece of shit like you to say otherwise?

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You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

At what point do you admit you fuck sheep?

I have never violated the sanctity of the relationships you have with farm animals. Your perversions remain entirely yours, shit muncher.
You don't hear much about this, but the chance still exists.

Sooner or later even this delusional President is going to have to come to grips with his own ineptitude.

If and when he finally admits (first to himself) that he is a massive fail as President, is there any chance that he will do the right thing and decide NOT to seek re-election?

I mean, sure. He's a narcissist. But even so: who thinks that he might pull an LBJ and someday announce that he will not seek a second term?

At what point prior to 2012 will you admit he will be president again. He will win again and there is nothing you can do about it. It has to eat at you...daily. Everytime you see his pic, it has to eat at you!


Seek treatment.
Take up your dishonest gripe with Congress, dipshit. THEY authorized the military action for a whole array of reasons.

And it is scum like you and your filthy ilk who say that the deaths cannot be "justified" and were for no good reason.

You guys do make me ill.


You say that and yet you cannot come up with any good reason to "justify their deaths"? :confused:

And the fact that you cannot only means that you support sending our kids off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

Now THAT makes ME sick. :puke3:

Do me a favor. Don't ever pretend that you support the troops. That kind of support they don't need.

If many of the Iraqi conflict vets don't consider their actions to have been wasteful, then who the fuck is some piece of shit like you to say otherwise?

I side with the THOUSANDS that do. Here's a website you need to look at.

Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone

Go forth and learn, asshole.

You say that and yet you cannot come up with any good reason to "justify their deaths"? :confused:

And the fact that you cannot only means that you support sending our kids off to fight and die for NO GOOD REASON.

Now THAT makes ME sick. :puke3:

Do me a favor. Don't ever pretend that you support the troops. That kind of support they don't need.

If many of the Iraqi conflict vets don't consider their actions to have been wasteful, then who the fuck is some piece of shit like you to say otherwise?

I side with the THOUSANDS that do. Here's a website you need to look at.

Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone

Go forth and learn, asshole.

None of them say it was wasteful.
You are an ignorant fuckstick of the very lowest intelligence.

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