At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?

Two party systems are binary. You can't pretend otherwise. A perfect example of how that works is how Roy Moore's most staunch supporters and defenders appear to be conservative evangelical type Christians in Alabama.

They are simply ignoring the sex scandal aspect of this because they prioritize their other positions on other issues.

No, it's more or less innocent until proven guilty.

There is no evidence that Moore did anything inappropriate other than hearsay. Hearsay is not even admissible in the court of law, nor should it be in the court of public opinion.

What little evidence shown so far has been challenged and proven false, and it's not really evidence in the sense of the word. The timing of all this is very suspicious to boot.

Show these right-wing Christians something concrete, most will change their minds about supporting Moore.
Two party systems are binary. You can't pretend otherwise. A perfect example of how that works is how Roy Moore's most staunch supporters and defenders appear to be conservative evangelical type Christians in Alabama.

They are simply ignoring the sex scandal aspect of this because they prioritize their other positions on other issues.

No, it's more or less innocent until proven guilty.

There is no evidence that Moore did anything inappropriate other than hearsay. Hearsay is not even admissible in the court of law, nor should it be in the court of public opinion.

What little evidence shown so far has been challenged and proven false, and it's not really evidence in the sense of the word. The timing of all this is very suspicious to boot.

Show these right-wing Christians something concrete, most will change their minds about supporting Moore.

You don't know what hearsay is.
Two party systems are binary. You can't pretend otherwise. A perfect example of how that works is how Roy Moore's most staunch supporters and defenders appear to be conservative evangelical type Christians in Alabama.

They are simply ignoring the sex scandal aspect of this because they prioritize their other positions on other issues.
If every accusation of impropriety happens, then all men are guilty.. But then this isn't a liberal inquisition it is innocent until proven guilty.. Bill Clinton, blue dress, Anthony Weiner photos, Harvey Weinstein FBI sting, George Bush Sr apologized for butt grab...Bill Cosby hush money pay out...Judge Moore innocent until PROVEN guilty.. Got it dumbass...The court of your opinion isn't worth shit...
The issue for me is, who do you believe? The politics is so nasty that each party throws crap up against a wall and they will see if it sticks, whether it is the truth or not, doesn’t matter.

I won’t defend Moore, because some of what he has said sounds suspicious, however if the story goes away after the election...I’m sure going to question any story like this in the future.

Fake news is really driving politics and I am very skeptical of most scandals.
Two party systems are binary. You can't pretend otherwise. A perfect example of how that works is how Roy Moore's most staunch supporters and defenders appear to be conservative evangelical type Christians in Alabama.

They are simply ignoring the sex scandal aspect of this because they prioritize their other positions on other issues.
If every accusation of impropriety happens, then all men are guilty.. But then this isn't a liberal inquisition it is innocent until proven guilty.. Bill Clinton, blue dress, Anthony Weiner photos, Harvey Weinstein FBI sting, George Bush Sr apologized for butt grab...Bill Cosby hush money pay out...Judge Moore innocent until PROVEN guilty.. Got it dumbass...The court of your opinion isn't worth shit...

Clinton was (and still is) relentlessly attacked for many unproven accusations. Why are you pretending otherwise?
It becomes a political issue when democrook sociopaths are found to have dead women in cars they drove into a lake the night before, and instead of going to prison like everyone else they maintain a seat in the senate. Or when a democrook sociopath evades accountability for numerous rape/harassment accusations through the media until his wad ends up on a 19 year old girl's dress after he gratified her with a cigar.

It's a political issue when the same media and mindless acolytes of these sociopaths scream bloody murder if a republicrat is even accused of any sort of wrong doing and instead of fighting, the republicrats resign.

At this point I give ZERO fucks what a republicrat does to a broad as long as it isn't criminal, and as far as I'm concerned until they produce a crusty wad of DNA evidence, they're full of shit.

While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
No!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is politics any means of mud slinging will forever be a part of the arena. It is not just parisian, people of the same party will sling mud in the primarys till the end of time or until we turn asexual through evolution. If that even ends it, we will likely be saying the bottom half wanted it but the top half did not even then!!!
Two party systems are binary. You can't pretend otherwise. A perfect example of how that works is how Roy Moore's most staunch supporters and defenders appear to be conservative evangelical type Christians in Alabama.

They are simply ignoring the sex scandal aspect of this because they prioritize their other positions on other issues.
If every accusation of impropriety happens, then all men are guilty.. But then this isn't a liberal inquisition it is innocent until proven guilty.. Bill Clinton, blue dress, Anthony Weiner photos, Harvey Weinstein FBI sting, George Bush Sr apologized for butt grab...Bill Cosby hush money pay out...Judge Moore innocent until PROVEN guilty.. Got it dumbass...The court of your opinion isn't worth shit...

Clinton was (and still is) relentlessly attacked for many unproven accusations. Why are you pretending otherwise?
WOW: Liberals Just Threw Bill Clinton Totally Under The Bus
Vox is right to finally denounce Clinton and admit that the Democratic Party failed to push for Clinton’s resignation.

But what a coincidence it is that liberals have finally gotten around to admitting this after it’s clear that Hillary Clinton won’t be the president.
Maybe if you got your head out of Uranus, you wouldn't be proven the fool that you are.

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

So how do you handle an accusation? Do you assume it’s true until proven false? I have watch men’s reputations destroyed with no proof, that is also alarming. I don’t think it should be swept under a rug, it needs to be in the open, however there is a responsibility to find the truth.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Once again, Mac tries to claim he is an honest broker, then in the very next post, he blames Democrats for starting it ~ "You're right that the Left set the Rule"

In fact republicans started it & weaponized it and used it against Bill Clinton when he ran for president.
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.
Who is it that teaches kids to be immoral and do whatever "FEELS" good? The Conservatives have been trying to bring the culture of EVIL to the forefront but the left would call us names in their attempt to shut us down. Be angry with yourselves every time you pulled the lever for a establishment liberal....
Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

No kidding, we certainly heard plenty during the Bill Clinton years.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Once again, Mac tries to claim he is an honest broker, then in the very next post, he blames Democrats for starting it ~ "You're right that the Left set the Rule"

In fact republicans started it & weaponized it and used it against Bill Clinton when he ran for president.

Hmm...might be because Bill pretty much created it.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Once again, Mac tries to claim he is an honest broker, then in the very next post, he blames Democrats for starting it ~ "You're right that the Left set the Rule"

In fact republicans started it & weaponized it and used it against Bill Clinton when he ran for president.
Geeezus didn't you read the statement I posted
WOW: Liberals Just Threw Bill Clinton Totally Under The Bus
Of course not, then you might see you have been lied to for a long time.

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

You people are the ones who claimed the right was waging a war on women, now we know different.

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