At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

The sad part is also that many women have lied about these assaults as well. Duke and UVA are two such cases that made national news and ruined many life's.

The reality is that we have law. We have courts. And the court of public opinion seems to trump justice?

Sad for everyone involved

Not “many women” but a few. Nothing like the thousands of men who lie about the assaults. The Duke co-ed was mentally ill and seeking attention. But look at how many other women came forward at Duke to say the same thing happened to them. Hundreds. You think all of them were lying?

Don't know actually. But the action of the one throws doubt on the many. And THAT was my point.
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Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

You people are the ones who claimed the right was waging a war on women, now we know different.

The War on Women has nothing to do with sexual assault and everything to do with stripping women of their rights and equality.

You are unhinged lib. Liberals forced women to perform sex acts to get/keep their job which has EVERYTHING to do with stripping women of their rights and equality, oh that's gonna leave a mark go lick your wounds.

So did conservatives: Hermann Cain, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Clarence Thomas, among others. This is a bi-partisan issue.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
The left has set the Rule, by declaring that there is a "War on Women". Any transgressions against a female, is considered inappropriate even if she instigates it. Now the liberals are being punished by their own rules, and I am having a hoot watching the self destruction of the Democrat Party and their constituents...Must have more popcorn...

You're right that the Left set the Rule, but on the other side we have the Right, which loves to claim the Moral High Ground.

As always, both ends have their mitts in this, but can only see the mitts of the other.

Sexual misconduct has nothing to do with partisan politics.
no he's not right about the 'war on women.' While the phrase may be trite, it's pretty clear the gop is against easy access to birth control if it effects a zygot or a woman wants even a first trimester abortion. And they've been against family leave, equal pay, financial aid, women being recruited for Stem programs .......

but you are right sexual harassment and even pedophilia are not political.
Uh-huh, get used to it Mac; simple minded games appeal to simple minded people, not to mention sex sells, combine the two and you have the perfect pastime for partisan proles.

Look on the bright side, while all the partisan droids are busy squawking about who is touching whose naughty parts it'll keep them somewhat distracted from actively seeking to make life for the rest of us more difficult. ;)

"What I may call the messages of Brave New World, but it is possible to make people contented with their servitude. I think this can be done. I think it has been done in the past. I think it could be done even more effectively now because you can provide them with bread and circuses and you can provide them with endless amounts of distractions and propaganda." -- Aldous Huxley, A Brave New World
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

The sad part is also that many women have lied about these assaults as well. Duke and UVA are two such cases that made national news and ruined many life's.

The reality is that we have law. We have courts. And the court of public opinion seems to trump justice?

Sad for everyone involved

Not “many women” but a few. Nothing like the thousands of men who lie about the assaults. The Duke co-ed was mentally ill and seeking attention. But look at how many other women came forward at Duke to say the same thing happened to them. Hundreds. You think all of them were lying?

Don't know actually. But the action of the one throws doubt on the many. And THAT was mt point.

Yes I realized that when you posted and I agree that this is an issue, but the incidents of false reporting are about 1% of all reported rapes, and 2/3 of all rapes are unreported. This means that false allegations are approximately 0.3% of all rapes. Are you going did disbelieve 99.7% of the women and put them through further hell because of that 0.3%?

The reason why so many women don’t report is because they fear they won’t be believed and there is seldom any evidence of rape or any witnesses.

There was a case of a woman who was sleeping in her bed at home and a man came in through a window, attacked and raped her. She reported it, had a rape kit done, and police arrested her attacker. Open and shut case, one would think.

At trial, the rapist told a completely different story. He said they had met at a busy local bar, struck up a conversation. She invited him to go home with her and they had consensual sex. Because the woman had been at home alone, there were no witnesses to say she had been sleeping peacefully in her bed when attacked. By the time the trial was finished, even her boyfriend was starting to doubt her story. The judge did not believe her attacker and the rapist was ultimately convicted.
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Narcissistic, dishonest wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?

You use the everyone does it excuse when they are not equal

You even use the if not proved, then innocent argument at least five times now in this thread. republicans never admit
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?
I don't know. Never that I know of. Partisans are liars and have zero credibility.

Now, I've answered you twice.

I remain amazed at how far up your heads I exist.
Here's a question I know full well you will ignore, Mac

We have the mainstream media aka to republicans like you known as the liberal media outting Democrats

When has the RW media ever outted one of their own?

Did the Fox pervert channel out or even admit they were the pervert channel?

Who outted Fox? RW media?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?
I don't know. Never that I know of. Partisans are liars and have zero credibility.

Now, I've answered you twice.

I remain amazed at how far up your heads I exist.
Good, we are making progress in your education.

How many times have Democrats admitted and apologized?
The RW media supports and runs interference for right wingers while attacking left wingers, often for the same stuff.

That's what partisans do, and it's one of many behaviors wingers on both ends share.

Did you think you "had" me there?

And I notice you didn't have the nerve to tag me when you asked me a question. No surprise there.

Thanks, yet again, for illustrating my point for me. Wingers like you are the problem. Side irrelevant.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?
I don't know. Never that I know of. Partisans are liars and have zero credibility.

Now, I've answered you twice.

I remain amazed at how far up your heads I exist.
Good, we are making progress in you education.

How many times have Democrats admitted and apologized?
Holy crap. I don't know. Pick a number. I'll sign off on it. This conversation is of no importance to me.

I know how you people hate being compared to those you loathe. Clearly that's what has you so triggered.

Too bad. If you don't like my opinion, tough. You're just another winger to me.
This is twice now you have denied & ignored my posts

You are a republican suckup, Mac. Everyone knows it.

Truth is on my side
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?
I don't know. Never that I know of. Partisans are liars and have zero credibility.

Now, I've answered you twice.

I remain amazed at how far up your heads I exist.
Good, we are making progress in you education.

How many times have Democrats admitted and apologized?
Holy crap. I don't know. Pick a number. I'll sign off on it. This conversation is of no importance to me.

I know how you people hate being compared to those you loathe. Clearly that's what has you so triggered.

Too bad. If you don't like my opinion, tough. You're just another winger to me.
I accept your surrender

It IS a partisan issue. republicans are not honest about it
Yeah, and there are other issues that SHOULD be the same way. As long as important issues are politicized, they can't be fixed. What I don't understand is how the hell we don't see that.

Except that you are mistaking the political issue for the policy issue.

Political Issue- getting dirt on the other guy's side to discredit them.

Policy Issue- How to make sure this thing happens a lot less.

Now, on the POLICY issue, the Democrats have been pretty consistently on the side of women, and the GOP has been pretty consistently on the side of... well, maybe not the harassers, but the people who employ them and want to keep making money.

On the political issue, some of these charges are truly bullshit, like the "Arkansas Project", which dragged a lot of $100 bills though trailer parks and found people to badmouth Bill Clinton. But the Republicans are a little worse on this one as well, because they are the ones who haven't quite gotten their heads around the little woman being out of the kitchen to start with.
I just gave you a direct answer to your question.

You're a blind, obedient ideologue. "Everyone knows it".

Thanks again.
You ignored them

When, Mac? When has RW media EVER outted one of their own?
I don't know. Never that I know of. Partisans are liars and have zero credibility.

Now, I've answered you twice.

I remain amazed at how far up your heads I exist.
Good, we are making progress in you education.

How many times have Democrats admitted and apologized?
Holy crap. I don't know. Pick a number. I'll sign off on it. This conversation is of no importance to me.

I know how you people hate being compared to those you loathe. Clearly that's what has you so triggered.

Too bad. If you don't like my opinion, tough. You're just another winger to me.
I accept your surrender

It IS a partisan issue. republicans are not honest about it
Got it, thanks.
There is no evidence that Moore did anything inappropriate other than hearsay. Hearsay is not even admissible in the court of law, nor should it be in the court of public opinion.

Again, we've thrown people in jail for less evidence than they have on Moore right now.

Show these right-wing Christians something concrete, most will change their minds about supporting Moore.

Bullshit. these Right wing "Christians" (Not really) are all about imposing hteir Bronze Age beliefs on the rest of us. They don't care what Moore did, as long as he does their bidding.
Once again, Mac tries to claim he is an honest broker, then in the very next post, he blames Democrats for starting it ~ "You're right that the Left set the Rule"

In fact republicans started it & weaponized it and used it against Bill Clinton when he ran for president.

I agree with you mostly on this post, with the exception of one thing.

If anyone weaponized sex, it was the Democrats with Anita Hill.

But what the Republicans did with Clinton was a lot worse, given we the tax payers ended up footing the bill for a 70 Million Dollar panty sniffing investigation.
Of course the Left claims the high ground when it comes to feminism and sexism. Much like the right claims the high ground on morality and religion. So, when they are caught breaking bad on their sacred cows, they deserve condemnation.

Bullshit. Men behaving badly towards women is not a partisan issue. women have been getting groped, grabbed and harassed for centuries. Women are just getting fed up with it and social media is accelerating the process.

In the aftermath of the Weinstein allegations when the #metoo came into widespread usage, it was shocking to me how many of my family and friends were using it. I’m no longer shocked. I’m saddened and angry.

So many women who have been assaulted, molested, harassed or raped have never told anyone about it, myself included. That’s done. This has to stop.

You people are the ones who claimed the right was waging a war on women, now we know different.

The War on Women has nothing to do with sexual assault and everything to do with stripping women of their rights and equality.

You are unhinged lib. Liberals forced women to perform sex acts to get/keep their job which has EVERYTHING to do with stripping women of their rights and equality, oh that's gonna leave a mark go lick your wounds.

So did conservatives: Hermann Cain, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Clarence Thomas, among others. This is a bi-partisan issue.
Yep. And judging from this thread, there are no mirrors on either side of this.

As usual.
Yeah, and that's where this can really spin out of control.

We want to eliminate this, we want to believe the accusations, but the reality is that we can't believe them out of hand.

Or we can just put them in perspective.

For instance, since the Franken accusations, a whole bunch of photos have emerged of his accuser playing grabass not only with the rest of the crew, but some unsuspecting soldiers in the Audience. kind of puts the whole thing in a different context.

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