At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?


Show these right-wing Christians something concrete, most will change their minds about supporting Moore.

Trump got 80% of the evangelical Christian vote.
They didn’t have another choice even if they wanted to have one.

They could have helped get someone else nominated.
So you pieces of shit can attack them for being “extremists”?

Trump is largely the result of the Republican Party “moderating” on social issues. It is Trump that threw Christians a bone, and his largely non-religious base were ok with that.
You people are the ones who claimed the right was waging a war on women, now we know different.

The War on Women has nothing to do with sexual assault and everything to do with stripping women of their rights and equality.

You are unhinged lib. Liberals forced women to perform sex acts to get/keep their job which has EVERYTHING to do with stripping women of their rights and equality, oh that's gonna leave a mark go lick your wounds.

So did conservatives: Hermann Cain, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Clarence Thomas, among others. This is a bi-partisan issue.
Yep. And judging from this thread, there are no mirrors on either side of this.

As usual.
Again you lie. We Democrats hold up big mirrors. We have some calling for Franken's resignation. We came down hard on Weinstein & charlie rose. We have some who have come out that Bill Clinton should have resigned.

Any of that on your republican side?

That is what you republican suckups always do. Claim everyone does it to excuse your side.

Several Republicans have asked Moore to step a side, not sure what your point is. I don’t think Franken should resign.
Very rare if at all. Most all violent crime leaves a trail that can be detected and brought to court as evidence. A woman can't have a legitimate claim of rape unless there is such evidence. They don't arrest guys just because a woman says she was raped. Or if somebody claims they were violently attacked. If there are no visible injuries, nobody goes to jail.

Guy, we just had to let a bunch of guys out here in Chicago because cops beat confessions out of them, and the system railroaded them anyway, and someone finally got around to testing the DNA and it wasn't them.

So not only were these guys convicted on someone's sayso, but those people were LYING!
Very rare if at all. Most all violent crime leaves a trail that can be detected and brought to court as evidence. A woman can't have a legitimate claim of rape unless there is such evidence. They don't arrest guys just because a woman says she was raped. Or if somebody claims they were violently attacked. If there are no visible injuries, nobody goes to jail.

Guy, we just had to let a bunch of guys out here in Chicago because cops beat confessions out of them, and the system railroaded them anyway, and someone finally got around to testing the DNA and it wasn't them.

So not only were these guys convicted on someone's sayso, but those people were LYING!

Trying to make a case by saying "a bunch of guys" or they were convicted by "someone's say-so" is a generalization. Show me what cases you're talking about. So far, the only thing I found was a liberal judge who commuted sentences based on a bad cop, but no other evidence to support they did nothing wrong. This is liberalism at work for ya. Now those guys are going back into the streets and will be back in prison in less than a year.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,
With Menendez, I realized that for the democrats this business of underage prostitutes is just a slapfest. They have no interest in cleaning house.

With Roy Moore, the Republcans should have dumped him long ago, not because of democrat no standard, but to maintain republican standards.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
Let's get this down on paper. Moore wins, then gets taken to court, charged with sexual molestation and convicted. Now what? He goes to prison or Trump pardons him to keep his vote?
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
Let's get this down on paper. Moore wins, then gets taken to court, charged with sexual molestation and convicted. Now what? He goes to prison or Trump pardons him to keep his vote?

You can't charge or convict somebody with no evidence. No evidence has been the sticking point all along. I can't ask the court to lock you up in prison for assaulting me 35 years ago with no evidence to support my claim. The first question would be why didn't I report it then?

Liberals have this perverted concept of our justice system. They think you can jail somebody for something they don't like the sound of. It doesn't work that way in a civilized society. We no longer burn people to death because we suspect they were a witch.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
Let's get this down on paper. Moore wins, then gets taken to court, charged with sexual molestation and convicted. Now what? He goes to prison or Trump pardons him to keep his vote?

You can't charge or convict somebody with no evidence. No evidence has been the sticking point all along. I can't ask the court to lock you up in prison for assaulting me 35 years ago with no evidence to support my claim. The first question would be why didn't I report it then?

Liberals have this perverted concept of our justice system. They think you can jail somebody for something they don't like the sound of. It doesn't work that way in a civilized society. We no longer burn people to death because we suspect they were a witch.
Next time just answer the damn question.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?

Your answer will arrive on December 12th. Its scary to think that Republicans in Alabama hold the FATE of
the entire party in their hands, but they do.

Since this state is predominately Republican.
If they decide to sit this one out or vote a 3rd party, they will insure that Moore is elected. The only way they can insure he doesn't win is to vote for Doug Jones.

If Moore wins every Republican in this country will have a target on their backs going into the midterm election cycle. There will not be a safe seat in this country. After a few election cycles there won't be any Republicans seated. IOW they might as well put the entire party on an endangered species list.

That's why many Democrats are hoping Roy Moore wins.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
Let's get this down on paper. Moore wins, then gets taken to court, charged with sexual molestation and convicted. Now what? He goes to prison or Trump pardons him to keep his vote?

You can't charge or convict somebody with no evidence. No evidence has been the sticking point all along. I can't ask the court to lock you up in prison for assaulting me 35 years ago with no evidence to support my claim. The first question would be why didn't I report it then?

Liberals have this perverted concept of our justice system. They think you can jail somebody for something they don't like the sound of. It doesn't work that way in a civilized society. We no longer burn people to death because we suspect they were a witch.
Next time just answer the damn question.

I did. You can figure it out yourself.
Houston "We Have a Problem"....NASA...... Not Another Sex Aggression
Trying to make a case by saying "a bunch of guys" or they were convicted by "someone's say-so" is a generalization. Show me what cases you're talking about. So far, the only thing I found was a liberal judge who commuted sentences based on a bad cop, but no other evidence to support they did nothing wrong. This is liberalism at work for ya. Now those guys are going back into the streets and will be back in prison in less than a year.

15 convictions linked to corrupt Chicago cop are thrown out

A Cook County judge on Thursday threw out the felony drug convictions of 15 black men who all say they were locked up for no other reason except that they refused to pay Ronald Watts.

It was the largest mass exoneration in memory in Chicago. And even in a city where it has become almost routine for police misconduct to lead to overturned convictions, the courthouse had never seen anything like the order issued in front of more than a dozen men whose lives were changed forever by the former sergeant.

"Watts always told me, 'If you're not going to pay me, I'm going to get you.' And every time I ran into him, he put drugs on me," he said. "I went to prison and did 24 months for Watts, and I came back home and he put another case on me."
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?

Your answer will arrive on December 12th. Its scary to think that Republicans in Alabama hold the FATE of
the entire party in their hands, but they do.

Since this state is predominately Republican.
If they decide to sit this one out or vote a 3rd party, they will insure that Moore is elected. The only way they can insure he doesn't win is to vote for Doug Jones.

If Moore wins every Republican in this country will have a target on their backs going into the midterm election cycle. There will not be a safe seat in this country. After a few election cycles there won't be any Republicans seated. IOW they might as well put the entire party on an endangered species list.

That's why many Democrats are hoping Roy Moore wins.
. With as many Demon-crats that are falling, you actually ignored that fact and wrote this ?? Partisan hack much ?? LOL.
While I do realize that many people view pretty much everything through a partisan political lens, watching the ends of the spectrum trade gotchas with each other on all these stories coming out is getting funny.

Do you think we are capable of separating the topic of sexual misconduct from partisan politics?

Are there any other topics that we're capable of separating from partisan politics?

Or is everything going to remain a simplistic Left vs. Right slap fight?
When, you ask?
At the point when media fed simpletons are conditioned to believe something else is grounds for immediate ruin.
"At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?"

Yes it is a political issue. Sexual harassment is against the law. Sexual assault is against the law. People who have committed these crimes should not hold public office. As well, people who represent us in pubic office should reflect the morals and values of the people they represent. It’s a slippery slope: the more we allow such people in public office, the worse it will get so that far too many social deviants and anti-social people will be holding public office. It’s not okay,

No, it's not okay provided there is evidence of wrongdoing. However making accusations with no evidence and prohibiting people to run (or maintain) political positions is even more wrong.
Let's get this down on paper. Moore wins, then gets taken to court, charged with sexual molestation and convicted. Now what? He goes to prison or Trump pardons him to keep his vote?

You can't charge or convict somebody with no evidence. No evidence has been the sticking point all along. I can't ask the court to lock you up in prison for assaulting me 35 years ago with no evidence to support my claim. The first question would be why didn't I report it then?

Liberals have this perverted concept of our justice system. They think you can jail somebody for something they don't like the sound of. It doesn't work that way in a civilized society. We no longer burn people to death because we suspect they were a witch.
Next time just answer the damn question.

I did. You can figure it out yourself.
Good point on the Salem Witch (hunt) burnings. Seems that there is alot of that going on today in politics. Alot of trying to take over powerful positions in government in hopes to change the direction of the country just as Obama was doing for his gang of separatist.
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.
The examples of my original point just keep piling up, on this thread and many others.

Selective outrage and selective forgiveness, based specifically and transparently on partisan politics.
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.
. The Demon-crats circling the wagons around anything Clinton is just getting pay back for that idiocy now. The thing with Clinton is that she has been in dire straights with law enforcement for many years, but her followers ignored everything in hopes to have a voice in the highest office that would speak for them, even though it was all just mutual usery between them all it mattered not as long as they all got what they wanted..... The thing got so bad that the top cop Comey alledgedly was on the take for her. Corruption is a powerful thing, and corruption allowed to thrive in any institution is something very bad indeed. Years of this stuff has created feigned outrage to swell up over issues for political reasons, and not for righteous reasons. The nation has gotten sick, and not sure if it can be healed or not.

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