At what point will partisans realize that sexual misconduct is not a political issue?

The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.

No. What most of us are saying is that there is absolutely no evidence to support any of the claims against Moore. Even some of the hearsay evidence has been proven faulty.

Hillary did do shit, but she was never charged because of the cabal she belonged to.

Take Franken for instance. I would say the same thing about him, but there is evidence he had some sore of weird fixation for that woman. That picture is something you might expect a 12 year old to create. Just plain weird.
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.

No. What most of us are saying is that there is absolutely no evidence to support any of the claims against Moore. Even some of the hearsay evidence has been proven faulty.

Hillary did do shit, but she was never charged because of the cabal she belonged to.

Take Franken for instance. I would say the same thing about him, but there is evidence he had some sore of weird fixation for that woman. That picture is something you might expect a 12 year old to create. Just plain weird.
. The media has got to be made to become responsible for it's actions, and this where as it became a political strong arm for political operatives doing bad things for political reasons, and not instead for justice and/or righteous reasons. Lawsuits will be the only thing to make them stop abusing their power. If run a story to ruin a politicians life, and it being done based upon the politicians political leanings, and not being based upon factual evidence that can be proven in a Court of law, where the person suffers severe damage because of the political assassination attempt, then the recourse should be huge against that media outlet.
The examples of my original point just keep piling up, on this thread and many others.

Selective outrage and selective forgiveness, based specifically and transparently on partisan politics.

Or actual facts of the case.

But you don't worry about facts. Al Franken goofing around is just as bad Moore fondling little girls, and don't let anyone tell you differently!!!
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.
. The Demon-crats circling the wagons around anything Clinton is just getting pay back for that idiocy now. The thing with Clinton is that she has been in dire straights with law enforcement for many years, but her followers ignored everything in hopes to have a voice in the highest office that would speak for them, even though it was all just mutual usery between them all it mattered not as long as they all got what they wanted..... The thing got so bad that the top cop Comey alledgedly was on the take for her. Corruption is a powerful thing, and corruption allowed to thrive in any institution is something very bad indeed. Years of this stuff has created feigned outrage to swell up over issues for political reasons, and not for righteous reasons. The nation has gotten sick, and not sure if it can be healed or not.
This is all total bullshit, totally self serving, total rightwing talking points. Turn off Fox News, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh and get a brain. She has been investigaed to the hilt for 30 years and nothing illegal has ever been found. Get a brain.
The media has got to be made to become responsible for it's actions, and this where as it became a political strong arm for political operatives doing bad things for political reasons, and not instead for justice and/or righteous reasons. Lawsuits will be the only thing to make them stop abusing their power. If run a story to ruin a politicians life, and it being done based upon the politicians political leanings, and not being based upon factual evidence that can be proven in a Court of law, where the person suffers severe damage because of the political assassination attempt, then the recourse should be huge against that media outlet.

Okay, buddy, I hate to break it to you, but the Media gets it right most of the time.

We have libel laws. They are rarely successful because the legitimate media is pretty good at it's job.
The examples of my original point just keep piling up, on this thread and many others.

Selective outrage and selective forgiveness, based specifically and transparently on partisan politics.
Maybe you need to recognize sarcasm.
The examples of my original point just keep piling up, on this thread and many others.

Selective outrage and selective forgiveness, based specifically and transparently on partisan politics.

Or actual facts of the case.

But you don't worry about facts. Al Franken goofing around is just as bad Moore fondling little girls, and don't let anyone tell you differently!!!
Wow, I said that? Where?

Ol' Joe, just makin' shit up as he goes. As usual.
The examples of my original point just keep piling up, on this thread and many others. Selective outrage and selective forgiveness, based specifically and transparently on partisan politics.
Maybe you need to recognize sarcasm.
I do.

Unless you're telling me that partisans are liars and can't be believed. Then we'd be in agreement.
Take Franken for instance. I would say the same thing about him, but there is evidence he had some sore of weird fixation for that woman. That picture is something you might expect a 12 year old to create. Just plain weird.

Or he just spent a lot of time with an unpleasant person and she got on his nerves. Just watching her Jake Tapper interview for 15 minutes, where she was getting ALL UPSET that Franken drew devil horns on her picture, I found her as annoying as fuck. I could imagine being locked up in an airplane with her for 20 hours.

Hillary did do shit, but she was never charged because of the cabal she belonged to.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating her. Comey spent just as much... and these two REPUBLICANS came up with nothing.

No. What most of us are saying is that there is absolutely no evidence to support any of the claims against Moore. Even some of the hearsay evidence has been proven faulty.

Sigh... there's more evidence against Moore than there was against Bill Clinton. Ken Starr had to threaten women with prison to get them to talk.
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.
. The Demon-crats circling the wagons around anything Clinton is just getting pay back for that idiocy now. The thing with Clinton is that she has been in dire straights with law enforcement for many years, but her followers ignored everything in hopes to have a voice in the highest office that would speak for them, even though it was all just mutual usery between them all it mattered not as long as they all got what they wanted..... The thing got so bad that the top cop Comey alledgedly was on the take for her. Corruption is a powerful thing, and corruption allowed to thrive in any institution is something very bad indeed. Years of this stuff has created feigned outrage to swell up over issues for political reasons, and not for righteous reasons. The nation has gotten sick, and not sure if it can be healed or not.
This is all total bullshit, totally self serving, total rightwing talking points. Turn off Fox News, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh and get a brain. She has been investigaed to the hilt for 30 years and nothing illegal has ever been found. Get a brain.
. Quite the contrary, but don't let your partisan self serving bullcrap get in the way. The fact that she has been investigated for 30 years doesn't bother you ? Keep your blinders on if it helps you cope then.
Wow, I said that? Where?

Ol' Joe, just makin' shit up as he goes. As usual.

No, you speak in generalities, and when someone pins you down, you get all defensive. It's a nice tactic, but you don't get away with that shit with me, pal.

So are you saying that the Franken Deflection isn't anywhere near as what Moore did or not?
The thing is, every time you conservatives make a big issue about Moore being innocent because he hasn't been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime, you show yourselves to be hypocrites and totally partisan because you have been screaming for years about what a crook Mrs. Clinton is, though she too has never been brought up on charges or convicted of a crime; even Sessions said the other day before the Senate that there was no evidence for a special investigation of the plutonium issue. There has never been any evidence for any prosecutor to take to court on anything she's been accused of, but you continue to scream about what a crook she is. Total partisanship, total hypocrisy.

Moore is a pervert and a child molester. LOCK HIM UP!!!!!

And throw away the key. Sex perverts never change.
. The Demon-crats circling the wagons around anything Clinton is just getting pay back for that idiocy now. The thing with Clinton is that she has been in dire straights with law enforcement for many years, but her followers ignored everything in hopes to have a voice in the highest office that would speak for them, even though it was all just mutual usery between them all it mattered not as long as they all got what they wanted..... The thing got so bad that the top cop Comey alledgedly was on the take for her. Corruption is a powerful thing, and corruption allowed to thrive in any institution is something very bad indeed. Years of this stuff has created feigned outrage to swell up over issues for political reasons, and not for righteous reasons. The nation has gotten sick, and not sure if it can be healed or not.
This is all total bullshit, totally self serving, total rightwing talking points. Turn off Fox News, Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh and get a brain. She has been investigaed to the hilt for 30 years and nothing illegal has ever been found. Get a brain.
. Quite the contrary, but don't let your partisan self serving bullcrap get in the way. The fact that she has been investigated for 30 years doesn't bother you ? Keep your blinders on if it helps you cope then.
Wow, I said that? Where?

Ol' Joe, just makin' shit up as he goes. As usual.

No, you speak in generalities, and when someone pins you down, you get all defensive. It's a nice tactic, but you don't get away with that shit with me, pal.

So are you saying that the Franken Deflection isn't anywhere near as what Moore did or not?
You speak in pure lies, so I'm fine with what I say.

I think that what Franken did wasn't nearly as bad, and that he should not resign. If I lived in Alabama, I would have voted for the D anyway.

See? All you have to do is ask. But no, you choose instead to lie and attack and make things personal, because that's who you are.
You speak in pure lies, so I'm fine with what I say.

I think that what Franken did wasn't nearly as bad, and that he should not resign. If I lived in Alabama, I would have voted for the D anyway.

See? All you have to do is ask. But no, you choose instead to lie and attack and make things personal, because that's who you are.

so you are as guilty as the rest of us in being politically selective in your outrage?


I work on facts and facts only. Moore shouldn't be elected because he is a creep, but he'll probably win anyway, because the inbreds down there done think 14 is a marrying age!

ON the other hand, I thought that what was done to Clarance Thomas was disgraceful. there were so many holes in Anita Hill's story that she should have been dismissed out of hand, but a lot of people on the left still treat her like a hero.
Take Franken for instance. I would say the same thing about him, but there is evidence he had some sore of weird fixation for that woman. That picture is something you might expect a 12 year old to create. Just plain weird.

Or he just spent a lot of time with an unpleasant person and she got on his nerves. Just watching her Jake Tapper interview for 15 minutes, where she was getting ALL UPSET that Franken drew devil horns on her picture, I found her as annoying as fuck. I could imagine being locked up in an airplane with her for 20 hours.

Hillary did do shit, but she was never charged because of the cabal she belonged to.

Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars investigating her. Comey spent just as much... and these two REPUBLICANS came up with nothing.

No. What most of us are saying is that there is absolutely no evidence to support any of the claims against Moore. Even some of the hearsay evidence has been proven faulty.

Sigh... there's more evidence against Moore than there was against Bill Clinton. Ken Starr had to threaten women with prison to get them to talk.
. Classic blame the victim here. The rest is just partisan bullcrap. Wonder when Comey will figure it ok to finally tell about how the huge influence of those who had control over him, had clouded his judgement in thinking that he had best not challenge the status quo or go against the power or the constituents of the party that was set to remain in power for years to come or until Trump upset that apple cart ??
You speak in pure lies, so I'm fine with what I say.

I think that what Franken did wasn't nearly as bad, and that he should not resign. If I lived in Alabama, I would have voted for the D anyway.

See? All you have to do is ask. But no, you choose instead to lie and attack and make things personal, because that's who you are.

so you are as guilty as the rest of us in being politically selective in your outrage?


I work on facts and facts only. Moore shouldn't be elected because he is a creep, but he'll probably win anyway, because the inbreds down there done think 14 is a marrying age!

ON the other hand, I thought that what was done to Clarance Thomas was disgraceful. there were so many holes in Anita Hill's story that she should have been dismissed out of hand, but a lot of people on the left still treat her like a hero.
Wow, thanks for your opinion, it's very important to me.
The media has got to be made to become responsible for it's actions, and this where as it became a political strong arm for political operatives doing bad things for political reasons, and not instead for justice and/or righteous reasons. Lawsuits will be the only thing to make them stop abusing their power. If run a story to ruin a politicians life, and it being done based upon the politicians political leanings, and not being based upon factual evidence that can be proven in a Court of law, where the person suffers severe damage because of the political assassination attempt, then the recourse should be huge against that media outlet.

Okay, buddy, I hate to break it to you, but the Media gets it right most of the time.

We have libel laws. They are rarely successful because the legitimate media is pretty good at it's job.
. The best part of your statement is that it gets it right ((((((MOST)))))) of the time, but when it is wrong it is wrong big time. Then it tries to hide out behind it's power to cover up it's blunders.
I work on facts and facts only.


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