Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Constructive Douchebag is too smart for us, he must be a theist. Him and dingbat, two peas in a pod. :lol:
As if the fact of your incredible dull stupidity needed further emphasis.
At least mudda isn't falling for your con. You know he's right don't you? I don't know there's no God and you don't know either. No one knows. Christians are believing the story told in their neck of the woods, Muslims in the middle East do the same, Mormons story seems to be popular in Utah and Hindu and Budda are popular in other parts of the world. Besides your cult do you buy the other cult stories?

I'm curious to see if you are capable of intelligently responding to this or will you do what theists do and change the subject
You are an amazingly stupid little person. When will dummies like you understand that whatever I believe has no relevance to the argument? When will people like you stop being so fucking dim witted?
Constructive Douchebag is too afraid to say that he believes in invisible superheroes.
And at least I am open and honest enough to admit technically you are right. No one has ever met God so no one knows. And no one knows if anyone has ever met God. Maybe con douche has met God. But if you ask me if I believe con douche met God the answer is no. I'm not agnostic about that. Are you?

You better say yes because you can't know for sure, right?

Anything you can't falsify or disprove you are agnostic about. Like my invisible dragon. You are on the fence on her right?
Yes, God is taken on faith, but so is not believing in God. Not believing in God is taken on faith too. Having faith in something means to have complete trust in it. I don't put complete trust into something unless I have a good reason for doing so.
Here's a question for pop culture atheist scholars: Many people claim to have experienced God in a spiritual sense, while other claim to have experienced God through real physical manifestations. How do atheists know whether or not these people are experiencing something that atheists are simply incapable of perceiving?
That would indeed be the $64 thousand dollar question.
Many people claim to have experienced God

How do atheists know whether or not these people are experiencing something that atheists are simply incapable of perceiving?

what a juvenile combination of selfdefacing contradictions ... since the 4th century.
I was afraid that you wen't going to be able to sneak in a 4th century reference, but bam, you did it. You got it right in at the wire.
Here's a question for pop culture atheist scholars: Many people claim to have experienced God in a spiritual sense, while other claim to have experienced God through real physical manifestations. How do atheists know whether or not these people are experiencing something that atheists are simply incapable of perceiving?
Do you believe people have been abducted by aliens?

No I don't consider any god sightings credible.
Too fucking stupid to get the concept.....aren't you dummy. It doesn't matter what I believe. And if any part of your argument was based on what I believe, then you never had much of an argument. You are amazingly dull.
Um...I believe the "Do you believe in alien abductions? " was a rhetorical question, that was not actually looking for an answer, because it is already known that the vast majority of rational people will answer, "No, " to that question.

But, I'm sure that being so much more brilliant than us poor stupid atheists, you already knew that.

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I love having this conversation. Can't help it. It's just like politics and race the other two things you can't really talk about publicly, or shouldn't.

Im glad to see there are other like minded people who confirm my feelings.

I love exposing the nonsense. I think religion is holding us back and the evidence is UGE that the masses aren't that bright. They are bigly stupid hombre.

No real believer would be here for any more than 1 or 3 posts then they would move on. We see them pop in every once in awhile, make their point then move on the moment we challenge them. What do they care if we believe, right? So why does it bother the ones who've been around for 100 pages and not even have a fair discussion? What kind of mentality is that? They must know they are believing based on faith alone and if their going to buy into nonsense they don't want to be teased.

Ultimately they don't want their delusion challenged. Sorry, when you say we are a Christian nation you crossed the line. Should have said secular because that's what we are. Make no mistake about that. I don't care how nice and good you say your cult is I don't want it to be the official cult of my nation. I agree its the best of all the other cults but I don't like any cults even the friendly ones.
I love having these kind of conversations too. What nonsense have you exposed?
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
Go back 100 years and ask how many people take the stories in the bible literally. Let's say 75% said yes. Today that number is 25% take the bible stories literally. People are waking up that all religions are man made stories.

Paul went into Greece and made up a new religion. He had a few other accomplices who went to other parts of the world and told the same story. Bfd. Not impressed or convinced your story is real

Do you know who else doesn't buy your story? The Jews! And they were there!!! They say be was just a guy. Are they lying?
You don't know that. The reality is that the farther people are away from an event the less knowledgeable they are on almost all aspects of that event. We would be less likely to understand it than they would. You don't know what they believed. You must be agnostic on what they actually believed.
I...don't even know what that word salad is supposed to mean...

is English your native language ....

In humans, a copy of the entire genome—more than 3 billion DNA base pairs—is contained in all cells that have a nucleus.

are you personally responsible for your genome. your oriinal post you didn't say genome; you said gnome: "The presumption would be you would rather the gnome..."

Understandably I didn't understand what you were trying to say. I'm also not sure what you meant by this bit of doggeral: "...not be manipulated by Adolf Hitler as the reason for the religion of who's Spirits are set free in the Everlasting."
Here's a question for pop culture atheist scholars: Many people claim to have experienced God in a spiritual sense, while other claim to have experienced God through real physical manifestations. How do atheists know whether or not these people are experiencing something that atheists are simply incapable of perceiving?

When I was religious, I would have sworn I was getting warm fuzzy God feelings, "experiencing God in a spiritual sense".

And now, being that I'm more mature, I can reproduce such warm fuzzy feelings at will, with a bit of reflection, no God required. If I focus on my altruistic love of Mickey Mouse, I can feel the spiritual power of Mickey flowing back at me. It's just an interesting mental phenomenon.

So, I know from personal experience.that the God-feelings are self-generated, and require no actual god, and that it's a form of self-delusion and narcissism to assign them to your supposed personal hotline to the ruler of the universe.

And I hope nobody tries a "Then those weren't really god-feelings!" defense, as that's a sort of "no true scotsman" fallacy.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

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They think their history is factual. They used to take Noah and David and Goliath and talking snakes literally but most of them now understand all those to be allegories.

But they don't take the logical leap that so too are the Jesus stories. No no those are real.
Again, you don't know that. You must be agnostic about that. The reality is that nearly every culture has a tradition of a global flood. There's probably something to it. As for Biblical implications, read the allegorical books allegorically, read the poetic books poetically, read the wisdom books wisely, read the prophetic books prophetically, read the apocalyptic books apocalyptically, read the books of law legally and read the historical books historically, but in the proper context of that day.
Too fucking stupid to get the concept.....aren't you dummy. It doesn't matter what I believe. And if any part of your argument was based on what I believe, then you never had much of an argument. You are amazingly dull.
Um...I believe the "Do you believe in alien abductions? " was a rhetorical question, that was not actually looking for an answer, because it is already known that the vast majority of rational people will answer, "No, " to that question.

But, I'm sure that being so much more brilliant than us poor stupid atheists, you already knew that.

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You don't think that aliens are real?
I do. They're just too far for us to find or detect. Science says the probability is very high we are not alone. For years religion insisted we were it. Are you agnostic about this too? Science isn't. They say 99.9999% chance we aren't alone.

It's OK to lean one way or the other. Let's see if you are agnostic about this too.
I believe we descend from aliens. We were dumb ape-like creatures for millions of years, then about 50,000 years ago or so, we became intelligent. It wasn't by chance or evolution. And we are still being abducted... have encounters... with aliens today.
This still wouldn't disprove God but it sure would poke holes in religion.

That would explain the voices guiding moses and Noah. They gave us LSD and fucked with us? They could have easily drugged then knocked up Mary but how did they convince her husband it was God who knocked her up? We're middle Eastern men stupid?

And Joseph Smith and Mohammad were clearly visited by these aliens but that doesn't explain how people bought their stories
You worry about too many things. They are all expressions of faith. Before you can criticize any one faith, you would have had to first had faith in something and then test it out. You have done neither and are in no position to criticizes one's practice of their faith.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
Go back 100 years and ask how many people take the stories in the bible literally. Let's say 75% said yes. Today that number is 25% take the bible stories literally. People are waking up that all religions are man made stories.

Paul went into Greece and made up a new religion. He had a few other accomplices who went to other parts of the world and told the same story. Bfd. Not impressed or convinced your story is real

Do you know who else doesn't buy your story? The Jews! And they were there!!! They say be was just a guy. Are they lying?
Jews are fucking liars, they lie about being god's chosen people... to wear coke bottle glasses maybe. :D
You like to limit your associations to white people, don't you?
Yes, God is taken on faith, but so is not believing in God. Not believing in God is taken on faith too.

By that standard, not believing in Santa Claus is an act of faith. And as that's senseless, it shows why your "not believing in God requires faith" statement is just as senseless.

Having faith in something means to have complete trust in it. I don't put complete trust into something unless I have a good reason for doing so.

You're equating two different meanings of the word "faith:

"Faith" -- belief without evidence. Religious faith. Theists have that type.

"Faith" -- belief with evidence. Faith that the sun with rise tomorrow. Atheists have that type.

Those two types of faith rely on completely different definitions, so declaring them to be the same is an equivocation fallacy, and thus invalid.
But both Atheists and Theists are deluded, as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

So Con Douche, you have no valid arguments either, maybe try taking your own advice. :lmao:
as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

by inference what would be the purity of either Good or Evil as a being, lower case ...
Your most eloquent response. By far.
What would be the purity of either good or evil as a being? Please answer the guys question and you better do it eloquently
Evil is the absence of good.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

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Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
It doesn't. I don't think I am. I don't think you are either. The only question will be whether we are separated from God. It appears from the laws of nature that He does not destroy what He has created. How can He? It was good.
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Oh it's a dead end for sure. So what? I'm not waiting for an afterlife, wasting 10% of my income, sleep in on Sundays and I don't worry when I masterbate. I'm appreciating now because I know a dead end is coming.

Funny it doesn't make me want to commit evil.
Right. It just makes you more apt to have relative morals.
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists
He is saying that... arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. It has nothing to do with theism or any other belief system.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
I find this interesting maybe you can explain. They say the bible was written around 1600 years ago. The old testament was written supposedly 7000 years ago. Now we know the ancients found fossels and told stories of dragons monsters and other mythical beasts but it wasn't until 1824 that we knew dinosaurs once roamed and how they got here and disappeared. None of that is in the old testament. God left that part out of the 7 day creation story.

I call bullshit!
Before you can understand any particular faith you would first have had to had faith in God and then have faith in a faith. You have done neither. You shouldn't be expected to understand.
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists
I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to understand how arguments are constructed.
It's because I'm not a God like you. People who die and go to heaven and live forever in paradise understand what you are saying.

So there must be a connection. You have to be a God to understand you.
No. You have to read what he wrote to understand him. Arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. What part of that did you not understand?
I'd like to thank all the participants for proving what I said all along, atheism is nothing but an anti-Christian reactionary faith.

Well, if christians continue to insist that God became a man, rational people are bound to respond with disbelief.
So what's your particular brand of delusion. You a ki-ke?

I am keystone in the Yahad of God, the habitation of light.

....or you can look at it as if I am just an ordinary guy, not much different than you, who got fed up with all of the sanctimonious religious bullshit streaming from priests and politicians alike and picked up the bible one day to see for myself if they were all as full of shit as I suspected they were when I was in the second grade...,.
You sound confused, very unlike me.

Well yes, maybe then you can clear something up for me....

How the hell does a grown adult in this day and age have the audacity to profess the belief that God diddled a virgin to become a man?

How can they possibly live with themselves and keep a straight face without going mad?
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
There is scientific proof that there is no such thing as a god made man made matzo made by human hands.

If you don't believe me we can dissect the eucharist in a laboratory next high holy day and see once and for all if there is any life in it at all...
Science only backs up agnosticism, not atheism. You fail. Again.

Science backs up disbelief in any image of a God created by a stupid literal interpretation of fantastical stories written by primitive men to teach their children about the harsh realities of life surrounded by superstitious and irrational barbarians who acted more like wild beasts or farm animals than human beings.....
I can hardly wait for science to prove the theory of the non existence of nothing.
I can hardly wait for science to prove the theory of your invisible superhero.

When science begins to examine what causes otherwise intelligent people to profess irrational beliefs and then degenerate into irrational creatures after reading a bronze age fairy tale many will have no choice but to believe...
It is called faith and it exists for good reason.
Uh huh, sounds so much different from : God can explain everything, eventually.

And, by all means, please demonstrate any monotheistic religion that says that. Not "will", when we "stand before him", but can and does now".
It's embarrassing to watch you go through these semantic contortions to no effect. I'm sure it's very difficult for you to hear that your primitive form of thought is based on the same kind of blind faith that has driven men for many centuries.
It would be, if that were true. Since you cannot provide the examples that I asked for, one can only assume it is because you kinow you can't. That is the difference between faith, and observation. You have faith that your mythical God will answer all of your questions in your mythical afterlife, whereas I observe that actual science answers quetions we have about the universe here and now, given time, and resources.
I look forward to the day when science can answer this question: What happened on the Tuesday before the big bang?
I look forward to the day when science can answer this question: What happened on the Tuesday before the big bang?

how would that change your perception, is it necessary that religion exist where answers are perceived to not exist ...

and which religion would be known to answer the unanswered.
There are enough core similarities between them it doesn't matter which one is practiced. The benefits of believing in a higher power than man will be the same.

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