Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Christians, Jews, Muslims, they all need to realize that they are not original in their holy books. They were copied from and changed from more ancient texts that spoke about totally different things. Each one of those religions claim that they are superior, and 100% right. Yet, their factual basis is a book(s).

A book that was plagiarized from far more ancient Mesopotamian texts, and each of these religions claim that their version was an original writing straight from the mouth of God!

And they all want to kill each other over it, because each one thinks they're better than everyone else, and people who think differently should not be allowed...

OMG, what a farce!!!

What lunacy!!!

You would think that after so much time that rational thinking would take over and we could all live peacefully. But apparently, we can't. Because you all want to kill each other over your imaginary gods and made-up books.

And the reason that you think so, is that you were brainwashed from birth. None of you has studied the world and its history and science, and then came to the conclusion that Judaism or Christianity or Islam was the only way to go, and then chose to believe in that religion as the superior one. You just believe it because you were born into it, brainwashed from birth, and that is all you will ever accept or consider!!!

You're all a big part of the problem in this world, due to your ignorance and fanatical beliefs.

You religious fanatics are honestly... disgusting... to me in your words and actions.

Open your minds, and realize that you can have your faith that makes you feel good, while still accepting the reality that you should work with others to reach a mutual benefit for humanity and the world. Not hate and/or kill each other based on a possible lie you were born into...

There's still hope for you. Read things, and try stepping outside the box. While keeping your faiths, explore what's important for this world.
Do you write all of your paragraphs in sentence form?

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago

Do you also have a problem with the way I write? :)

So you don't like the way I think, or write? Wow...

Again, you provided a reflex link that was not properly thought out or researched, that contradicts what you say about your religion. Just stuff you link from a random list when provided with an argument you cannot respond to... This is what, 4 or 5 times so far, just with me??

The Old Testament was written approximately 3500 years ago. So your Babylonian date of 4500 years ago (and they took it from the Sumerians, so it is older still) is still 1000 years older than the biblical texts. And the Enuma Elish 4500 years ago, tells a vastly different story about our "gods" than the OT 3500 years ago, and was changed to suit the monotheist Jewish religion that started 1000 years later.

The OT was a copy of older texts. Including the Enuma Elish, and others such as Atrahasis and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Written long before the OT.

The NT is also plagiarism of many older stories:

Your writing is Ok. Look this is pretty simple, if you don't want to believe in God don't. I don't have a horse in the game. I don't get commissions. If you don't want to accept the reality that the account of Genesis was written as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago or that they describe the great migration of people or that they worshiped the God of Abraham, I'm cool with that too. It doesn't change the fact that the Bible correctly tells the account of the great migration. Even if you didn't understand that was what it was doing.

Migration of what?

Domination and slavery?

It's also cool if you refuse the origin of your religion, and just accept what you were taught when you were born.

Until you're 10 years old at the latest...

And then you have to start questioning stuff... And at your advanced age, you haven't started questioning yet. Why? Are you that deep in the shit?

Migration of mankind from a central location.

They were black and they did not believe in your god. Far from it.

Why are you using this example? Is it another random click? How can you claim that you are superior, when your knowledge is equivalent to kindergarten folklore about Santa Claus?
How each person chooses to interpret that data is up to them.

what is then the role of an Almighty when there is self determination (I've done that for myself already) that is then used to suit their 4th century political agenda ...

they are not theists, they are simply equivocal "religionists".

- the misinterpretation of God would preclude their discovery not their existence and is the real reason verification has not been accomplished by humanity.
You mean you don't believe in free will?
Ya know, Breezewood isn't interested in pursuing your question, but I am curious.

You have claimed, on this very thread, that the entirety of the universe - up to, and including the very evolution of our species, and, one must assume, the development of the individuals within that species, yourself, and myself included - I'm curious how you reconcile that predestination with the concept of free will?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Yes, he does have a one track mind. I never claimed specific individuals were predestined, just merely beings that know and create. There is no conflict that I am aware of.
Why are we predestined? Nothing at the BB shows that.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
And then along come people, including those who have posted on all these threads, with rational minds, that say it is NOT ok for religious fanatics to pursue their make-believe fantasies, and kill or otherwise detriment others that don't believe likewise.

Should I break that up into separate thoughts, ding? So it's easier to understand?

The people who fight the evils your religions represent, are the people you should be listening to.

Follow your own faith that gives you meaning, but realize the truth about the institutionalization of your religion. And don't follow the bad boys anymore...
I proclaim it because that's what the evidence shows. The universe has become self aware. What greater thing is there?
No, there isn't evidence of that. Just because man became self aware is, in no way, evidence that the universe is self aware. In fact, you are trying to ascribe to the universe something that science does not support - that the universe is a living organism, let alone a self aware living organism.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Are stars and planets alive? I think they are. If they have a hot core
Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
That's not how it works.

The 7 Characteristics of Life
I know but at least you and cz are in agreement on something.
I proclaim it because that's what the evidence shows. The universe has become self aware. What greater thing is there?
No, there isn't evidence of that. Just because man became self aware is, in no way, evidence that the universe is self aware. In fact, you are trying to ascribe to the universe something that science does not support - that the universe is a living organism, let alone a self aware living organism.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Are stars and planets alive? I think they are. If they have a hot core
Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
Okay. Now we have moved solidly from the scientific, into the metaphysical. As a rationalist, while that is fun, it has no practical purpose.

We might as we'll talk about the giant space teapot orbiting the opposite side of the sun, or the Great Invisible Spaghetti Monster. There is just as much objective evidence to support those "hypothesis".

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Why? Suns do have a pulse, do give birth and do die.

What other things are not alive and do these things?

Do you also have a problem with the way I write? :)

So you don't like the way I think, or write? Wow...

Again, you provided a reflex link that was not properly thought out or researched, that contradicts what you say about your religion. Just stuff you link from a random list when provided with an argument you cannot respond to... This is what, 4 or 5 times so far, just with me??

The Old Testament was written approximately 3500 years ago. So your Babylonian date of 4500 years ago (and they took it from the Sumerians, so it is older still) is still 1000 years older than the biblical texts. And the Enuma Elish 4500 years ago, tells a vastly different story about our "gods" than the OT 3500 years ago, and was changed to suit the monotheist Jewish religion that started 1000 years later.

The OT was a copy of older texts. Including the Enuma Elish, and others such as Atrahasis and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Written long before the OT.

The NT is also plagiarism of many older stories:

Your writing is Ok. Look this is pretty simple, if you don't want to believe in God don't. I don't have a horse in the game. I don't get commissions. If you don't want to accept the reality that the account of Genesis was written as symbols in the Chinese language 4500 years ago or that they describe the great migration of people or that they worshiped the God of Abraham, I'm cool with that too. It doesn't change the fact that the Bible correctly tells the account of the great migration. Even if you didn't understand that was what it was doing.

Migration of what?

Domination and slavery?

It's also cool if you refuse the origin of your religion, and just accept what you were taught when you were born.

Until you're 10 years old at the latest...

And then you have to start questioning stuff... And at your advanced age, you haven't started questioning yet. Why? Are you that deep in the shit?

Migration of mankind from a central location.

They were black and they did not believe in your god. Far from it.

Why are you using this example? Is it another random click? How can you claim that you are superior, when your knowledge is equivalent to kindergarten folklore about Santa Claus?

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
You mean you don't believe in free will?
Ya know, Breezewood isn't interested in pursuing your question, but I am curious.

You have claimed, on this very thread, that the entirety of the universe - up to, and including the very evolution of our species, and, one must assume, the development of the individuals within that species, yourself, and myself included - I'm curious how you reconcile that predestination with the concept of free will?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Yes, he does have a one track mind. I never claimed specific individuals were predestined, just merely beings that know and create. There is no conflict that I am aware of.
Why are we predestined? Nothing at the BB shows that.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
You mean other than the laws of nature and time?
No, there isn't evidence of that. Just because man became self aware is, in no way, evidence that the universe is self aware. In fact, you are trying to ascribe to the universe something that science does not support - that the universe is a living organism, let alone a self aware living organism.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Are stars and planets alive? I think they are. If they have a hot core
Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
That's not how it works.

The 7 Characteristics of Life
I know but at least you and cz are in agreement on something.
And I am reconsidering my position because of it.
Are stars and planets alive? I think they are. If they have a hot core
Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
That's not how it works.

The 7 Characteristics of Life
I know but at least you and cz are in agreement on something.
And I am reconsidering my position because of it.
I'm going to church today. 40 days after someone dies we get together. Let's see if I'm moved. Maybe the holy ghost will visit me. Maybe they'll have a healer there today. Or will they talk about a charity or that the churches operating costs are $375k a year?
And then along come people, including those who have posted on all these threads, with rational minds, that say it is NOT ok for religious fanatics to pursue their make-believe fantasies, and kill or otherwise detriment others that don't believe likewise.

Should I break that up into separate thoughts, ding? So it's easier to understand?

The people who fight the evils your religions represent, are the people you should be listening to.

Follow your own faith that gives you meaning, but realize the truth about the institutionalization of your religion. And don't follow the bad boys anymore...
And Christian morals change with the times too. There once was one Baptist Church but then the church said you can't own black humans and thus was born the southern pabtist
Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
That's not how it works.

The 7 Characteristics of Life
I know but at least you and cz are in agreement on something.
And I am reconsidering my position because of it.
I'm going to church today. 40 days after someone dies we get together. Let's see if I'm moved. Maybe the holy ghost will visit me. Maybe they'll have a healer there today. Or will they talk about a charity or that the churches operating costs are $375k a year?
Or maybe you will at least become objective.
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Really? So, you think that stars are animate beings? Because I'm pretty sure that science has determined, for instance, that the sun is an inanimate object. I could be mistaken. Can you direct me to any studies, or research that has determined otherwise?
Seems pretty animated to me. Has a pulse and one day will die.

And if life comes from stars they also give birth
That's not how it works.

The 7 Characteristics of Life
I know but at least you and cz are in agreement on something.
And I am reconsidering my position because of it.
I'm going to church today. 40 days after someone dies we get together. Let's see if I'm moved. Maybe the holy ghost will visit me. Maybe they'll have a healer there today. Or will they talk about a charity or that the churches operating costs are $375k a year?
Maybe you could find someone like Fr. Cedric.

Last edited:
Ya know, Breezewood isn't interested in pursuing your question, but I am curious.

You have claimed, on this very thread, that the entirety of the universe - up to, and including the very evolution of our species, and, one must assume, the development of the individuals within that species, yourself, and myself included - I'm curious how you reconcile that predestination with the concept of free will?

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Yes, he does have a one track mind. I never claimed specific individuals were predestined, just merely beings that know and create. There is no conflict that I am aware of.
Why are we predestined? Nothing at the BB shows that.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
You mean other than the laws of nature and time?
You couldn't tell what's going to happen by the first moments of the BB. You're looking at the end of the movie and saying that it's obvious by the first few frames what the end is. Nope. You fail.
Yes, he does have a one track mind. I never claimed specific individuals were predestined, just merely beings that know and create. There is no conflict that I am aware of.
Why are we predestined? Nothing at the BB shows that.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
You mean other than the laws of nature and time?
You couldn't tell what's going to happen by the first moments of the BB. You're looking at the end of the movie and saying that it's obvious by the first few frames what the end is. Nope. You fail.
But we can. You fail.
Why are we predestined? Nothing at the BB shows that.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
You mean other than the laws of nature and time?
You couldn't tell what's going to happen by the first moments of the BB. You're looking at the end of the movie and saying that it's obvious by the first few frames what the end is. Nope. You fail.
But we can. You fail.
So you can tell what kind of beings they'll be in 13 billion more years? Um... not a chance.
The Laws of Nature which came into existence when space and time were created.
But if you were at the BB, nothing would point to us coming out 13 billion years later.
You mean other than the laws of nature and time?
You couldn't tell what's going to happen by the first moments of the BB. You're looking at the end of the movie and saying that it's obvious by the first few frames what the end is. Nope. You fail.
But we can. You fail.
So you can tell what kind of beings they'll be in 13 billion more years? Um... not a chance.
Yes, their consciousness will have evolved.

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