Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

I'm not sure why you had to change the language in my response by changing "think" to "believe" and tell ME what I MEANT. But this is not a "belief" that I hold. Nor do I care if it is happening or not. It has no bearing on my position.

I have thought about this and I think you are right. My response to you was arrogant and uncalled for. As JB said, sometimes we play the moron. I guess it was my turn. I sincerely apologize to you for it.
Onus is on you to define this imaginary "atheist dogma" that you are obsessed with. The rest of world will stick with accepted definitions for common terminology and leave you to your own "Fringe Kook Theory Cult". :badgrin:

“To say that atheism requires faith is as dim-witted as saying that disbelief in pixies or leprechauns takes faith. Even if Einstein himself told me there was an elf on my shoulder, I would still ask for proof and I wouldn’t be wrong to ask.” – Geoff Mather

Calling atheism a religion is like calling bald a hair color, or not collecting stamps a hobby.

Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a god or gods, nothing more. If we deconstruct the term ‘atheism’ we find ‘a – theism’ which means ‘without – theism’ which, in turn, means ‘without – belief in god(s)’. It is, therefore, not a positive belief or a claim to knowledge. Instead, it is the default position of doubt, uncertainty and skepticism one may have regarding claims made by theists. Just as it takes no faith to lack belief or remain uncertain concerning any other imaginable claim, it takes none to doubt the existence of a god or gods. See also: Atheism is based on faith, Russell’s Teapot.

Every human-being ever born begins life as an implicit atheist and must be taught the concept of theism or, more commonly, indoctrinated with it.

Atheism has no sacred texts, objects, places or times, no rituals or creation stories, no positive beliefs, central tenants, modes of worship or supernatural claims, no implicit or derived moral codes, philosophies or world views and no central organisation or church. It fulfills none of the criteria that define a religion. See also: Atheism is a religion.

Atheists may subscribe to any additional ideologies, philosophies and belief systems they choose, eg. Buddhism, Jainism, Universalism, Environmentalism, Pragmatism, Liberalism, Socialism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, etc. They may even appreciate components of traditional religion and spiritualism, including any supernatural elements unrelated to a god. Common among many atheists, however, is an appreciation for secularism, rationalism, humanism, skepticism, naturalism, materialism and freethinking – none of which are implicit or derived from atheism, nor necessary in order to lack belief.
Nonsense. It would have been physically impossible for that to be the case. The elites don't man the guard towers, lock the gates, or pull the triggers. The people doing the actual killing were the grunts.

So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.

And have you ever met a German? I don't think anyone had to twist their arms to get them to go along with killing the jews, gays and non arians.
Is there a place where us atheists get together in hooded robes and we hold candles and have ceremonies and sing hymns? lol
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

that's they're suffering because a hill in California has a cross on it.....

And *some* Christians flip out when Satanists want to put up a monument in front of a courthouse. Seems kind of pointless to protest if the Christians *know* for a fact that the Satanists are wrong, but there you go.

Or it could just be that some people are assholes and take a perverse joy in ruining stuff for others.
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

Here is the Atheist bible Why there is no god
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

Religion and mental health: what should psychiatrists do? :eusa_whistle:

Leading neuroscientist: Religious fundamentalism may be a ?mental illness? that can be ?cured?
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

I'm unconvinced about the existence of any supernatural entity owing to a lack of data. However I treat the existence of Jehovah and Jesus as no different than Odin and Thor or Ra and Thoth. I that dogmatic? Is it dogma to say that the story of Zeus and Perseus are good stories, but just stories?
There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

I'm unconvinced about the existence of any supernatural entity owing to a lack of data. However I treat the existence of Jehovah and Jesus as no different than Odin and Thor or Ra and Thoth. I that dogmatic? Is it dogma to say that the story of Zeus and Perseus are good stories, but just stories?

Yup, because you can't demonstrate empirically that they are only fables.\

Yes, atheism is dogmatic.
If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

I'm unconvinced about the existence of any supernatural entity owing to a lack of data. However I treat the existence of Jehovah and Jesus as no different than Odin and Thor or Ra and Thoth. I that dogmatic? Is it dogma to say that the story of Zeus and Perseus are good stories, but just stories?

Yup, because you can't demonstrate empirically that they are only fables.\

Yes, atheism is dogmatic.

Flying horses don't spring out of the blood of snake ladies who have a petrifying gaze in large part because snake ladies with petrifying gazes don't exist an there is no evidence to suggest they ever did exist.
Yes. All leaders are politicians. It is all human interaction, just different variations on the same theme.

Well, actually no, the word politician refers to people who engage in a specific type of activity. By your overly broad usage, the word essentially applies to every one and is therefore meaningless.

Religion is about people and people operate pretty much the same way.

Humans are not solitary animals. We operate in groups and we require structure. Some of those structures are very specific, like a corporation. Government and religion address the society as a whole, giving it both structure and identity.

IMO, government allows for the operation of the society. It fills in the potholes, if you will. Religion provides stability. Governments come and go, but God is always there. Even in chaos, it allows for a sense that tomorrow will be the same as today.

Agreed, but only with hesitance since you also have Jake the Fake Starkey agreeing with you, which proves you are deeply flawed somewhere in this matter.

Cant identify it at the moment yet though. :D

If you have a better word than politics I am certainly open to it. Let me know when you see the flaw.

A better word; cadremen, leader, managers, point man, etc.

Deep flaw; defining a word to be so broad that it doesn't really add much meaning that other words already do provide.

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