Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

If he is part of the league management, then he is certainly a politician. Clergyman would be a subset of politician.

Then you make a tautology. What leader then is not a politician, or is that your true claim? All leaders are politicians?

Yes. All leaders are politicians. It is all human interaction, just different variations on the same theme.

Well, actually no, the word politician refers to people who engage in a specific type of activity. By your overly broad usage, the word essentially applies to every one and is therefore meaningless.

Religion is about people and people operate pretty much the same way.

Humans are not solitary animals. We operate in groups and we require structure. Some of those structures are very specific, like a corporation. Government and religion address the society as a whole, giving it both structure and identity.

IMO, government allows for the operation of the society. It fills in the potholes, if you will. Religion provides stability. Governments come and go, but God is always there. Even in chaos, it allows for a sense that tomorrow will be the same as today.

Agreed, but only with hesitance since you also have Jake the Fake Starkey agreeing with you, which proves you are deeply flawed somewhere in this matter.

Cant identify it at the moment yet though. :D
I take it that you don't want to answer my questions.

Wow, you were serious?

lol, it is hard to tell these days when liar atheists are being trolls, being rhetorical or being stupid.

Thanks for your input.

But I was actually having a discussion with someone who participates in a back and forth conversation.

There is no such thing as conversation with atheists since conversation require honesty to be legit, and atheists simply lie whenever they want, therefore there is no actual conversation with liars like you and other atheists.
We were talking numbers, not excuses. If the Catholic Church of the middle ages had air transport and machine guns, the Inquisition would have been a very interesting period indeed.

I will point out, once more, that the people who did the killings were almost certainly religious. Mao and Stalin gave orders, they did not pull triggers. Giving an order means nothing unless there is someone willing to follow the order.

And the people following those orders were also communists, in fact elites among the commies. Do you have any clue what a Chekist is?

Nonsense. It would have been physically impossible for that to be the case. The elites don't man the guard towers, lock the gates, or pull the triggers. The people doing the actual killing were the grunts.

So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.
I would not care. So long as he/she did their job in accordance with the Constitution, their religious affiliations are irrelevant to me.

So you would be OK with combining the office of the POTUS with that of the Pope?

The Pope is the head of a country. I don't think you could be the Pope and the President at the same time and more than you could be the PM of Canada and the US President at the same time. But that would be my only objection.

Lol, ridiculous and bookmarked
lol.....liberals tend to believe that crap.....until you accuse them of being religious....then its all denial.....

I'm not a liberal and I am religious. That doesn't change the fact that religion and politics are the same thing. I try to see my environment the way it is, not the way I would like it to be.

possibly you are not.....that doesn't change the fact that at least in this instance you share their idiocy....

I think Pratchetfan is just another poser. His declarations that he is OK with the POTUIS being a bishop simultaneously is just horse shit or incredibly stupid, take your pick.

I am guessing he is just another atheist liar, posing as an agnostic.

Lol, do these lying atheist s ever have a shred of integrity?
You think killing an innocent person is ok so long as you are afraid you might be killed yourself? That absolves the person of responsibility for their own actions?

I think it changes the evidence from "that which is caused by a religion" to "that which is caused by an individual who is afraid of dying".......

But I am not claiming it was caused by religion. Religion is an excuse, not a cause. It is caused because human beings are killers. Give a man a rifle and tell him to kill, he will almost certainly kill. Whether he is a Christian, an Atheist, a Buddhist or a Flying Spaghetti Monsterist, he will kill.

Actually no, most people will not kill. That is a problem the various military institutions have had for a long time involving conscripts, and even volunteers.

Only about 5% of soldiers on the battlefield actually try to kill anyone, and most just fire to suppress the enemy not kill them.

But then again, you are OK with a Bishop POTUS, so who knows what else you will claim to be true.
I'm not a liberal and I am religious. That doesn't change the fact that religion and politics are the same thing. I try to see my environment the way it is, not the way I would like it to be.

possibly you are not.....that doesn't change the fact that at least in this instance you share their idiocy....

Facts are never changed by belief, but they are often ignored.

like when you say you are OK with a POTUS that is also a bishop at the same time?

Wow, you were serious?

lol, it is hard to tell these days when liar atheists are being trolls, being rhetorical or being stupid.

Thanks for your input.

But I was actually having a discussion with someone who participates in a back and forth conversation.

There is no such thing as conversation with atheists since conversation require honesty to be legit, and atheists simply lie whenever they want, therefore there is no actual conversation with liars like you and other atheists.

Please point out a lie that I have told.
Thanks for your input.

But I was actually having a discussion with someone who participates in a back and forth conversation.

There is no such thing as conversation with atheists since conversation require honesty to be legit, and atheists simply lie whenever they want, therefore there is no actual conversation with liars like you and other atheists.

Please point out a lie that I have told.

"More and more people are abandoning religion. Thus, we ARE in a position where a religious society is competing with a non-religious society. At it's current progress, the non-religious could very well be the majority." - There is no serious estimate that makes nonreligious the majority in the USA, much less globally where religions of various kinds are growing by leaps and bounds.

"What is the objective evidence that religion is a beneficial behavior? How does believing in things that have no evidence, improve someones life?" - there is evidence for religions of various kinds and you ignoring it doesn't mean that it isn't there, which is a lie.

"The fact that most religions hold ancient writings as there basis for their teachings, is where I see the issue. Yes, this is all done by us. But we (people) are not going to move forward, towards more civilized ways of living by worshiping ancient writings." - no one worships ancient writings, another lie.

Three lies and I only went back to page 9, you stupid liar. You atheists lie so much you cant even remember when you have lied and when you are not lying. But of course that assumes that you ever do not lie, which there is scant evidence for.
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Then you make a tautology. What leader then is not a politician, or is that your true claim? All leaders are politicians?

Yes. All leaders are politicians. It is all human interaction, just different variations on the same theme.

Well, actually no, the word politician refers to people who engage in a specific type of activity. By your overly broad usage, the word essentially applies to every one and is therefore meaningless.

Religion is about people and people operate pretty much the same way.

Humans are not solitary animals. We operate in groups and we require structure. Some of those structures are very specific, like a corporation. Government and religion address the society as a whole, giving it both structure and identity.

IMO, government allows for the operation of the society. It fills in the potholes, if you will. Religion provides stability. Governments come and go, but God is always there. Even in chaos, it allows for a sense that tomorrow will be the same as today.

Agreed, but only with hesitance since you also have Jake the Fake Starkey agreeing with you, which proves you are deeply flawed somewhere in this matter.

Cant identify it at the moment yet though. :D

If you have a better word than politics I am certainly open to it. Let me know when you see the flaw.
Well, I think we are evolving in that direction. More and more people are abandoning religion. Thus, we ARE in a position where a religious society is competing with a non-religious society. At it's current progress, the non-religious could very well be the majority.

As for totalitarianism.........yes it is efficient. But for the good of the society? Society would have no freedoms, no voice, no ability to control their lives. Again, how is no freedom and living under complete control beneficial?

You think we are, but what you really mean is you believe we are. There is nothing I see to support that belief. I personally have no problem with you being right about that, but I see no evidence of it. The very fact that you, who want to see this come about, are being driven more by your belief in it than in a rational examination of the evidence does not portend well for it.

I think we are seeing a rapid environmental change which is shifting us away from totalitarian regimes. Again, not because of any change in religion but in technology. Technology requires a higher level of education of the members of the society and that is going to result in greater freedoms. Those societies which can balance that freedom with cooperation are going to compete better. But this has nothing at all to do with whether any given individual is happy or full filled. If you have a better gene stock than I you will be more able to procreate. Sucks for me, but it improves the species. Mama Nature doesn't give a squat about me - only the species as a whole.

I'm not sure why you had to change the language in my response by changing "think" to "believe" and tell ME what I MEANT. But this is not a "belief" that I hold. Nor do I care if it is happening or not. It has no bearing on my position.
But, why I THINK it is happening is:
Growth of the Nonreligious | Pew Research Center's Religion & Public Life Project
New study says Internet could be why Americans are losing their religion -
Americans and religion increasingly parting ways, new survey shows
Study: Young Americans Dumping Religion at Rapid Rate

So, you can see that my thinking that this is happening has nothing to do with my position. These studies are what I would point to as "evidence"

I do not care to discuss totalitarianism here. I brought it up to make a point, not to debate it's social "benefits". We can discuss that in another thread if you would like.

But we have tap danced away from what my original question is. And that is, how is having a society believe in ancient writings, that cannot be verified to be true & that contradict much of our known reality, be good for society?

Back to your original question then. I can't point to the exact benefit because there is nothing to compare it. All human societies have religion so there is no non-religious society we look at to see differences. If you accept the concept of evolution as valid, then I would say that is a pretty big clue that it is beneficial even if we don't know exactly why.

My own take on the why is that it is a counterpoint to government. It provides authority to the government and a level of stability government cannot provide. The top level of government is people and they tend to die on you. The top level of religion doesn't die.
Conspiracy Theory Poll Results - Public Policy Polling

On our national poll this week we took the opportunity to poll 20 widespread and/or infamous conspiracy theories. Many of these theories are well known to the public, others perhaps to just the darker corners of the internet. Here’s what we found:

- 37% of voters believe global warming is a hoax, 51% do not. Republicans say global warming is a hoax by a 58-25 margin, Democrats disagree 11-77, and Independents are more split at 41-51. 61% of Romney voters believe global warming is a hoax

- 6% of voters believe Osama bin Laden is still alive

- 21% of voters say a UFO crashed in Roswell, NM in 1947 and the US government covered it up. More Romney voters (27%) than Obama voters (16%) believe in a UFO coverup

- 28% of voters believe secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government, or New World Order. A plurality of Romney voters (38%) believe in the New World Order compared to 35% who don’t

- 28% of voters believe Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks. 36% of Romney voters believe Saddam Hussein was involved in 9/11, 41% do not

- 20% of voters believe there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism, 51% do not

- 7% of voters think the moon landing was faked

- 13% of voters think Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, including 22% of Romney voters

- Voters are split 44%-45% on whether Bush intentionally misled about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. 72% of Democrats think Bush lied about WMDs, Independents agree 48-45, just 13% of Republicans think so

- 29% of voters believe aliens exist

- 14% of voters say the CIA was instrumental in creating the crack cocaine epidemic in America’s inner cities in the 1980’s

- 9% of voters think the government adds fluoride to our water supply for sinister reasons (not just dental health)

- 4% of voters say they believe “lizard people” control our societies by gaining political power

- 51% of voters say a larger conspiracy was at work in the JFK assassination, just 25% say Oswald acted alone

- 14% of voters believe in Bigfoot

- 15% of voters say the government or the media adds mind-controlling technology to TV broadcast signals (the so-called Tinfoil Hat crowd)

- 5% believe exhaust seen in the sky behind airplanes is actually chemicals sprayed by the government for sinister reasons

- 15% of voters think the medical industry and the pharmaceutical industry “invent” new diseases to make money

- Just 5% of voters believe that Paul McCartney actually died in 1966

- 11% of voters believe the US government allowed 9/11 to happen, 78% do not agree

25% of Brits think the lunar landings were a hoax, though only 6 to 7%% of Americans do.
Could moon landings have been faked? Some still think so -

But LESS THAN 3% of Americans are atheist!
5 facts about atheists | Pew Research Center

That is right, more people believe that Elvis is still alive, that the world is ruled by lizard people, that Big Foot stalks our Rocky Mountains and that the US government caused 9-11 than believe that there is no God.

Atheists are simply kook-burgers like the 9-11 Truthers or the lunar landing denialists.

You present them with evidence like the Big Bang and you get things like 'Oh, I don't believe in the Big Bang.' You tell them how the infinite regression fallacy demonstrates that time had to have a starting point and they duh into silence. Show them alternative explanations that present Christianity in a better light than the Zinn bullshit people are fed these days and they simply repeat the propaganda and insist that it is all true no matter how Christians try to 'spin it'. Lol, now these morons cant distinguish between Russell and quackery or tell a good argument from a pile of nonsense.

Why do we theists give them the time of day?

They really cant be taken seriously any more. The Bertrand Russells are long gone, just the jack asses remain among atheism today; why bother?

The people who believe that 72 virgins are waiting for them in heaven are not atheists.
And the people following those orders were also communists, in fact elites among the commies. Do you have any clue what a Chekist is?

Nonsense. It would have been physically impossible for that to be the case. The elites don't man the guard towers, lock the gates, or pull the triggers. The people doing the actual killing were the grunts.

So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.
So you would be OK with combining the office of the POTUS with that of the Pope?

The Pope is the head of a country. I don't think you could be the Pope and the President at the same time and more than you could be the PM of Canada and the US President at the same time. But that would be my only objection.

Lol, ridiculous and bookmarked

Why? Do you have something against Catholics?
I'm not a liberal and I am religious. That doesn't change the fact that religion and politics are the same thing. I try to see my environment the way it is, not the way I would like it to be.

possibly you are not.....that doesn't change the fact that at least in this instance you share their idiocy....

I think Pratchetfan is just another poser. His declarations that he is OK with the POTUIS being a bishop simultaneously is just horse shit or incredibly stupid, take your pick.

I am guessing he is just another atheist liar, posing as an agnostic.

Lol, do these lying atheist s ever have a shred of integrity?

Oh, I'm far worse than that. I actually believe in freedom.
JimBowie et al simply redefine terms as they wish without any regard for reality.

PoliticalChick does that in almost every OP.

That makes it easy to out such goofballs.
Nonsense. It would have been physically impossible for that to be the case. The elites don't man the guard towers, lock the gates, or pull the triggers. The people doing the actual killing were the grunts.

So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.
Hitler made one HUGE mistake. He tried to take Russia. What an idiot.:eusa_doh:

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