Atheism is a Fringe Kook Theory Cult

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

I'm unconvinced about the existence of any supernatural entity owing to a lack of data. However I treat the existence of Jehovah and Jesus as no different than Odin and Thor or Ra and Thoth. I that dogmatic? Is it dogma to say that the story of Zeus and Perseus are good stories, but just stories?

No it is just ignorance.

Polytheistic deities are created within time and space, the various concepts relating to the Creator who created time and space are qualitatively different.

If you cant see that maybe you should amuse yourself with another topic rather than look like an idiot.
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

that's they're suffering because a hill in California has a cross on it.....

And *some* Christians flip out when Satanists want to put up a monument in front of a courthouse.

lol.....please document the flipping out.....I remember folks laughing at the Satanists because they thought someone was going to pay attention to them.....personally the only thing I saw as problematic was that some drunk was bound to impale himself on the horns of the statue if they didn't modify the plans......
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

That is not what I "believe". I clarified my position in an earlier post.

I am a spiritual atheist who has examined the "evidence" for a "creator" and found that it lacks all credibility. An omnipotent creator is a logical paradox.

The Laws of Physics account for the existence of an eternal universe. So there is no evidence and no logical reason for there to even be a need for any deity.

So I don't "believe that God does not exist". I know that there is no evidence that God exists and that is reality. I am comfortable living with reality in all respects. I have no need for any "dogma" or "creed" or anything else.

I know that I am loved by nearest and dearest and in turn I love them. That is reality and I am comfortable with that knowledge. I have no fear of death or concern about an "afterlife" either. What comprises my physical body will be recycled by the universe. What comprised my "spirit" will live on in the memories of my loved ones and be passed down to their descendants for as long as mankind survives as a species.

Beyond that the universe will continue to exist for all eternity and the part of it that came together to form me as an individual will end up in plants, rivers, fish, birds, insects and ultimately in some other parts of the universe. I am comfortable with that knowledge too.

None of the above fits the definition of "dogma" or "belief".
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

If you believe that God does not exist without doubt or question, then yes you are a dogmatist.

Most people who call themselves atheists are actually agnostic atheists because we don't claim to know anything when it comes to god(s). Could there be a god on the other side of a black hole? There could be. We just don't see any evidence of it and we are skeptical.

And what uneducated/unevolved/unscientific/ancient man use to think was god turned out not to be god.

Its funny how many theists admit the bible and koran and old testament books are all just man made books but they still believe in god(s). And yes I know/understand the argument that just because none of the religions are real that doesn't mean god isn't real but that's pretty pathetic to ignore the fact that every story about god ever written are all lies.

To dismiss that and to still believe says something about theists. And the funny thing is they use this fact as a reason why they believe. Just the fact that ancient/prehistoric man made up god because they were afraid of the unknown should be enough proof that we just made it up.

But theists can't believe there isn't a god. That's not a good enough reason to believe. Just because you can't believe there is no god doesn't mean there must be a god.
Nonsense. It would have been physically impossible for that to be the case. The elites don't man the guard towers, lock the gates, or pull the triggers. The people doing the actual killing were the grunts.

So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.

You shouldn't give the triggerman a pass either, but then you use the triggerman to cover for the man who gives the orders.

FACT; had Stalin, Lenin, and Moa not given the orders to kill, hundreds of millions of people would not have been slaughtered.

FACT2: there is no example of a Christian ordering so many deaths.

FACT3: the atheism of lenin, Stalin and Mao enabled them to give such orders because they had no moral restraint, due to their atheistic beliefs within the ideology of leftwing fascism or communism.
Is there a place where us atheists get together in hooded robes and we hold candles and have ceremonies and sing hymns? lol

hard to say what the KKK does behind closed doors.....

That's funny because I bet you if you ask every mother fucking red neck KKK'er they'll tell you they are god fearing christians.

which goes to show why you shouldn't ask mother fucking red necks questions......let me give you a clue.....Christians don't burn crosses, we respect should have figured that one out on your own......
possibly you are not.....that doesn't change the fact that at least in this instance you share their idiocy....

I think Pratchetfan is just another poser. His declarations that he is OK with the POTUIS being a bishop simultaneously is just horse shit or incredibly stupid, take your pick.

I am guessing he is just another atheist liar, posing as an agnostic.

Lol, do these lying atheist s ever have a shred of integrity?

Oh, I'm far worse than that. I actually believe in freedom.

Which apparently includes the freedom to lie and engage in fraudulent claims in discussions. You lie to simply amuse yourself, it appears to me.
So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.

And have you ever met a German? I don't think anyone had to twist their arms to get them to go along with killing the jews, gays and non arians.

So we can add racism to your list of negative qualities like liar, ignoramus and shit-for-brains
What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

that's they're suffering because a hill in California has a cross on it.....

And *some* Christians flip out when Satanists want to put up a monument in front of a courthouse. Seems kind of pointless to protest if the Christians *know* for a fact that the Satanists are wrong, but there you go.

Or it could just be that some people are assholes and take a perverse joy in ruining stuff for others.

Some Christians think Santa Clause is Satan, that doesn't mean anything about what MOST Christians think, but you liars will use it anyway.....
Religion is Mental Illness
"A delusion is defined as a false personal belief based on incorrect inference about external reality and firmly sustained despite of what everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary (DSM-IV, p. 765)."

ExChristian.Net - Articles: Religion is Mental Illness

The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

Yes its a very severe mental illness , hopefully the OP gets some help!!

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What is an "atheist dogma." That God doesn't exist?

dog·ma noun \ˈdȯg-mə, ˈdäg-\

: a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted

: a belief or set of beliefs that is taught by a religious organization

There is no "set of beliefs" that atheists accept, teach or adhere to without question or doubt.

Therefore there is no "atheist dogma."

There is atheist dogma. 'Do what thou would do.'

No worries about lying, stealing, oath-breaking, slander or murder.

Just do whatever you want to do because you only live once and after that is Oblivion so nothing matters unless you want it to.

That is atheist dogma and they practice it to the hilt.
hard to say what the KKK does behind closed doors.....

That's funny because I bet you if you ask every mother fucking red neck KKK'er they'll tell you they are god fearing christians.

which goes to show why you shouldn't ask mother fucking red necks questions......let me give you a clue.....Christians don't burn crosses, we respect should have figured that one out on your own......

Ever see the movie Mississippi Burning? The Klan lynches on Saturday's and goes to church on Sundays. I know you'll say that's just a movie but that's art imitating life and you know it.

Those are christians my friend. I know its hard to believe but a lot of christians are racist pricks. True story.
Religion is Mental Illness
"A delusion is defined as a false personal belief based on incorrect inference about external reality and firmly sustained despite of what everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary (DSM-IV, p. 765)."

ExChristian.Net - Articles: Religion is Mental Illness

The only way primitive religion exists today is through the child abuse of forcing it into very, very young children but thanks to better education and growing intellects so many teens are able to discover the truth, throw off the indoctrination and step into the real world!

Yes its a very severe mental illness , hopefully the OP gets some help!!

More antichristian hate from BatShit.

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That's funny because I bet you if you ask every mother fucking red neck KKK'er they'll tell you they are god fearing christians.

which goes to show why you shouldn't ask mother fucking red necks questions......let me give you a clue.....Christians don't burn crosses, we respect should have figured that one out on your own......

Ever see the movie Mississippi Burning? The Klan lynches on Saturday's and goes to church on Sundays. I know you'll say that's just a movie but that's art imitating life and you know it.

Those are christians my friend. I know its hard to believe but a lot of christians are racist pricks. True story.

Those are not typical Christians, in fact, the KKK was against the vast majority of Christianity as they opposed 80% of Christians that are not Protestant.

Again your lies and ignorance show more about you than about the target of your lies.
So you would give Hitler a pass since he never actually killed anyone personally?

You are being stupidly obtuse here.

Of course I wouldn't. I just don't give the guy who pulled the trigger a pass just because he was only following orders.

You shouldn't give the triggerman a pass either, but then you use the triggerman to cover for the man who gives the orders.

FACT; had Stalin, Lenin, and Moa not given the orders to kill, hundreds of millions of people would not have been slaughtered.

FACT2: there is no example of a Christian ordering so many deaths.

FACT3: the atheism of lenin, Stalin and Mao enabled them to give such orders because they had no moral restraint, due to their atheistic beliefs within the ideology of leftwing fascism or communism.

Oh, stop the nonsense; you are wrong, bub.

One example alone is the Thirty Years War in Germany when 1/3rd to 1/2th of the population died because of religion, in the first half of the 17th century.

History is rife with religious authorities who have ordered the killing and even the extinction of their "enemies." Another example can be found at Pope made Hitlers vice-chancellor Knight of Malta | News that matters
Pope made Hitlers vice-chancellor Knight of Malta | News that matters
Feb 13, 2010 ... Here, Hitler awarded Papen the Knight's Cross of the Military Merit Order. ... Photo Caption Correction — The photo above with Von Papen in ...

Simple illustrations showing how masses are manipulated religious imagery:


  • $Hitler as Teutonic knight.jpg
    $Hitler as Teutonic knight.jpg
    19.7 KB · Views: 101
  • $hitler-and-church-2.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 103
  • $KKK using religious imagery.jpg
    $KKK using religious imagery.jpg
    23 KB · Views: 102
that's they're suffering because a hill in California has a cross on it.....

And *some* Christians flip out when Satanists want to put up a monument in front of a courthouse. Seems kind of pointless to protest if the Christians *know* for a fact that the Satanists are wrong, but there you go.

Or it could just be that some people are assholes and take a perverse joy in ruining stuff for others.

Some Christians think Santa Clause is Satan, that doesn't mean anything about what MOST Christians think, but you liars will use it anyway.....

You're missing the point. You and yours will tar all atheists and anti-theists and agnostics and doubters with the same brush, as though everyone that doesn't believe in Jesus is some kind of uniform vocal asshole. There are *some* atheists like that, but not every atheist is like that. Just the same way that *some* Christian are vocal assholes, but not every Christian is like that.

So which is it? Do we continue to assume every atheist is like Dawkins and the kids on fedoras on 4chan because *some* atheists suck, or do we treat all Christians like snakehandlers or Fred Phelps because all Christians act alike?

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