Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.
It was Caesar who burnt down the Library of Alexandria and I don't think he was a Christian because Jesus wasn't even born yet. Anymore historical revisionism you want to gift us with. Oh yes the Greek and the Romans would at times persecute people they felt were practicing sorcery. The Romans were particularly nasty when it came to persecuting the Druids for practicing sorcery.
You fundie Christians took a cue from the Romans in terms of persecuting people. Given the history of Christianity, why would you think that anyone would take you seriously as you try to lecture anyone regarding morality of ethics?

You may wish to investigate the actions of Pope Theophilus of Alexandria as the wonderful christian who instigated a christian mob burning down the library at Alexandria. Revisionist history on your part is not uncommon for fundies.
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This thread proves beyond all doubt that Atheists depend on mockery, ridicule and adolescent quips more often than not to rebut the opposition. How silly can one get?
Actually, this thread proves that fundie zealots must rely on deflection, mis-representation and obfuscation regarding questions to their dogma that are irresolvable.
Atheists seem to draw no distinction between natural and supernatural things. They do not accept that supernatural things exist because they cannot understand them...therefore they do not exist. To say that they do is 'laughable' and subject to ridicule.
This thread proves beyond all doubt that Atheists depend on mockery, ridicule and adolescent quips more often than not to rebut the opposition. How silly can one get?
Just further evidence of their bigotry and intolerance and hypocrisy. They love to call out theist for being intolerant and bigoted but time and time again they just keep proven that they themselves are just as bigoted and intolerant as anyone else.
Think about the concept of decaffeinated coffee. The substance is removed that made the drink popular in the first place.

That’s analogous to the 5,000 year evolution of western thought as it relates to humanism. Scripture and debate over scripture has been the primary driver which has brought us to contemporary thought. The atheist removes the original driving force and retains the leftover values and ideals.

What is the fallout of modern atheism, or secular humanism? You only live once, so the importance of this life is paramount. Humanism tends to feed the ego, while traditional religious practices foster an extra-personal identity. It would be a natural progression for the secular humanist to move toward transhumanism. Transhumanism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Without a concept of having faith/trust in a cosmic plan, or a sense of Providence, our future is entirely based on blind random chance. Therefore, it’s entirely up to us to shape the future. Salvation through technology could include dicking with human DNA, geo-engineering, medical fountains of youth, pharmaceutical solutions, bio-machinery, etc..

Transhumanism is the child of secular humanism. That’s one of many consequences of the common themes we find in atheist religions.
The above may find an audience at your local chapter of the Jerry Falwell madrassah, but why would you think anyone else would take it seriously?

Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
You may have 'read' Nietzsche but clearly you didn't understand what you read.

All manifestations of morality, values, and ethical conduct were created by man – whether in the context of religious dogma or not is irrelevant, where those free from faith are perfectly capable of morality, values, and ethical conduct absent any religion at all.
The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.
It was Caesar who burnt down the Library of Alexandria and I don't think he was a Christian because Jesus wasn't even born yet. Anymore historical revisionism you want to gift us with. Oh yes the Greek and the Romans would at times persecute people they felt were practicing sorcery. The Romans were particularly nasty when it came to persecuting the Druids for practicing sorcery.
You fundie Christians took a cue from the Romans in terms of persecuting people. Given the history of Christianity, why would you think that anyone would take you seriously as you try to lecture anyone regarding morality of ethics?

You may wish to investigate the actions of Pope Theophilus of Alexandria as the wonderful christian who instigated a christian mob burning down the library at Alexandria. Revisionist history on your part is not uncommon for fundies.
I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.
This thread proves beyond all doubt that Atheists depend on mockery, ridicule and adolescent quips more often than not to rebut the opposition. How silly can one get?
Actually, this thread proves that fundie zealots must rely on deflection, mis-representation and obfuscation regarding questions to their dogma that are irresolvable.
Atheists seem to draw no distinction between natural and supernatural things. They do not accept that supernatural things exist because they cannot understand them...therefore they do not exist. To say that they do is 'laughable' and subject to ridicule.
Please provide testable evidence that any “supernatural” occurrence has ever, in fact happened. What you may not realize is that the assertion of “supernatural” suggests a different realm, that cannot be tested, cannot be accessed and cannot be quantified or qualified and is therefore no different from describing irrationality.
The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.
It was Caesar who burnt down the Library of Alexandria and I don't think he was a Christian because Jesus wasn't even born yet. Anymore historical revisionism you want to gift us with. Oh yes the Greek and the Romans would at times persecute people they felt were practicing sorcery. The Romans were particularly nasty when it came to persecuting the Druids for practicing sorcery.
You fundie Christians took a cue from the Romans in terms of persecuting people. Given the history of Christianity, why would you think that anyone would take you seriously as you try to lecture anyone regarding morality of ethics?

You may wish to investigate the actions of Pope Theophilus of Alexandria as the wonderful christian who instigated a christian mob burning down the library at Alexandria. Revisionist history on your part is not uncommon for fundies.
I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.
You embrace all those wonderful attributes of the christian fundie. You would be a credit to Jimmy Swaggert Madrassahs everywhere.
Think about the concept of decaffeinated coffee. The substance is removed that made the drink popular in the first place.

That’s analogous to the 5,000 year evolution of western thought as it relates to humanism. Scripture and debate over scripture has been the primary driver which has brought us to contemporary thought. The atheist removes the original driving force and retains the leftover values and ideals.

What is the fallout of modern atheism, or secular humanism? You only live once, so the importance of this life is paramount. Humanism tends to feed the ego, while traditional religious practices foster an extra-personal identity. It would be a natural progression for the secular humanist to move toward transhumanism. Transhumanism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Without a concept of having faith/trust in a cosmic plan, or a sense of Providence, our future is entirely based on blind random chance. Therefore, it’s entirely up to us to shape the future. Salvation through technology could include dicking with human DNA, geo-engineering, medical fountains of youth, pharmaceutical solutions, bio-machinery, etc..

Transhumanism is the child of secular humanism. That’s one of many consequences of the common themes we find in atheist religions.
The above may find an audience at your local chapter of the Jerry Falwell madrassah, but why would you think anyone else would take it seriously?

Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
You may have 'read' Nietzsche but clearly you didn't understand what you read.

All manifestations of morality, values, and ethical conduct were created by man – whether in the context of religious dogma or not is irrelevant, where those free from faith are perfectly capable of morality, values, and ethical conduct absent any religion at all.

And what does that have to do with my post. I notice you like to give out random pieces of information that barely have anything to do with the discussion in an attempt to make yourself look smart. I was talking about nihilism what the hell does your little diatribe have to do with nihilism? Absolutely nothing. Do have any concept of what a discussion is and how a discussion is framed or do you just go off and say whatever random thing loosely connected to the subject that pops in your head?
Not believing in religion is not a religion. How dumb are you folks?
Atheism is without theism. It really isn't without religion, that would be areligious. I am an areligious theist.

And there are two religions that don't believe in God. One was Anton LeVay's church which you stupidly claimed worships Satan. Proving how dumb you are. A quick Google search will reveal the truth. And scientology which has no deity.

Atheism is completely without religion. I know this because as soon as I became an atheist, I lost my religion. That's the great thing about being an requires so little of your time. :p

That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.
Anton LeVay's church of Satan doesn't believe in any God or supernatural competitor. My claim is accurate.

KSW is the church of scientology. They don't believe in a god or gods thus they are by definition atheist.

I'm not saying all atheists are scientologists or members of the church of Satan. I'm just saying that there are religions that are atheists.

I listed two.
Think about the concept of decaffeinated coffee. The substance is removed that made the drink popular in the first place.

That’s analogous to the 5,000 year evolution of western thought as it relates to humanism. Scripture and debate over scripture has been the primary driver which has brought us to contemporary thought. The atheist removes the original driving force and retains the leftover values and ideals.

What is the fallout of modern atheism, or secular humanism? You only live once, so the importance of this life is paramount. Humanism tends to feed the ego, while traditional religious practices foster an extra-personal identity. It would be a natural progression for the secular humanist to move toward transhumanism. Transhumanism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Without a concept of having faith/trust in a cosmic plan, or a sense of Providence, our future is entirely based on blind random chance. Therefore, it’s entirely up to us to shape the future. Salvation through technology could include dicking with human DNA, geo-engineering, medical fountains of youth, pharmaceutical solutions, bio-machinery, etc..

Transhumanism is the child of secular humanism. That’s one of many consequences of the common themes we find in atheist religions.
The above may find an audience at your local chapter of the Jerry Falwell madrassah, but why would you think anyone else would take it seriously?

Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
You may have 'read' Nietzsche but clearly you didn't understand what you read.

All manifestations of morality, values, and ethical conduct were created by man – whether in the context of religious dogma or not is irrelevant, where those free from faith are perfectly capable of morality, values, and ethical conduct absent any religion at all.

And what does that have to do with my post. I notice you like to give out random pieces of information that barely have anything to do with the discussion in an attempt to make yourself look smart. I was talking about nihilism what the hell does your little diatribe have to do with nihilism? Absolutely nothing. Do have any concept of what a discussion is and how a discussion is framed or do you just go off and say whatever random thing loosely connected to the subject that pops in your head?
Your post was a confused, ignorant rant wherein you hoped to Invoke Nietzsche as supportive of some point you hoped to make. It's clear you don't understand the writings of Nietzsche and never made the effort to actually read his works.
The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.
It was Caesar who burnt down the Library of Alexandria and I don't think he was a Christian because Jesus wasn't even born yet. Anymore historical revisionism you want to gift us with. Oh yes the Greek and the Romans would at times persecute people they felt were practicing sorcery. The Romans were particularly nasty when it came to persecuting the Druids for practicing sorcery.
You fundie Christians took a cue from the Romans in terms of persecuting people. Given the history of Christianity, why would you think that anyone would take you seriously as you try to lecture anyone regarding morality of ethics?

You may wish to investigate the actions of Pope Theophilus of Alexandria as the wonderful christian who instigated a christian mob burning down the library at Alexandria. Revisionist history on your part is not uncommon for fundies.
I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.
You embrace all those wonderful attributes of the christian fundie. You would be a credit to Jimmy Swaggert Madrassahs everywhere.
And what attributes would those be? And by the way Theophilus did not burn down the library, Julius Caesar did that. Theophilus closed down the temples in Alexandria and it just so happened that both Christians and Non-Christians together got it in their minds to loot those temples. If you are going to talk about history at least have some understanding of the subject.
Not believing in religion is not a religion. How dumb are you folks?
Atheism is without theism. It really isn't without religion, that would be areligious. I am an areligious theist.

And there are two religions that don't believe in God. One was Anton LeVay's church which you stupidly claimed worships Satan. Proving how dumb you are. A quick Google search will reveal the truth. And scientology which has no deity.

Atheism is completely without religion. I know this because as soon as I became an atheist, I lost my religion. That's the great thing about being an requires so little of your time. :p

That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.

It depends on what you consider a religion. Satanism LeVey style is really more philosophy than religion to me, but it does also have trappings of magic involved which might make it fit into a definition of religion. From what I remember the use of anti-Christian, demonic style names is symbolic rather than from a belief those beings are real.
I would consider religion a practice ritual. It doesn't matter if people are doing it "ironically" or not.

Religion often has nothing to do with theism, it has more to do with socializing.

As I pointed out before, I'm a theist but I'm areligious.
The greatest library of all time-- the Library at Alexandria --was created by the Greek Ionians-- men who believed in Zeus. It took a Christian to destroy their works and literally set us back 2,000 years.
It was Caesar who burnt down the Library of Alexandria and I don't think he was a Christian because Jesus wasn't even born yet. Anymore historical revisionism you want to gift us with. Oh yes the Greek and the Romans would at times persecute people they felt were practicing sorcery. The Romans were particularly nasty when it came to persecuting the Druids for practicing sorcery.
You fundie Christians took a cue from the Romans in terms of persecuting people. Given the history of Christianity, why would you think that anyone would take you seriously as you try to lecture anyone regarding morality of ethics?

You may wish to investigate the actions of Pope Theophilus of Alexandria as the wonderful christian who instigated a christian mob burning down the library at Alexandria. Revisionist history on your part is not uncommon for fundies.
I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.
You embrace all those wonderful attributes of the christian fundie. You would be a credit to Jimmy Swaggert Madrassahs everywhere.
And what attributes would those be? And by the way Theophilus did not burn down the library, Julius Caesar did that. Theophilus closed down the temples in Alexandria and it just so happened that both Christians and Non-Christians together got it in their minds to loot those temples. If you are going to talk about history at least have some understanding of the subject.
I would suggest you actually research the material you're stumbling over. You seem too quick to stutter and mumble some irrelevant and confused piece of history you have less than a middling understanding of and then backtrack as your claims are dismantled.
Atheism is without theism. It really isn't without religion, that would be areligious. I am an areligious theist.

And there are two religions that don't believe in God. One was Anton LeVay's church which you stupidly claimed worships Satan. Proving how dumb you are. A quick Google search will reveal the truth. And scientology which has no deity.

Atheism is completely without religion. I know this because as soon as I became an atheist, I lost my religion. That's the great thing about being an requires so little of your time. :p

That is not exactly true. There are two religions that I know of that are atheist. Anton LeVey's church of Satan, and KSW.

Atheists who don't believe in a god also aren't going to believe in this god's supernatural competitor, and I have no idea what KSW is.

So no, I think that claim is false.

It depends on what you consider a religion. Satanism LeVey style is really more philosophy than religion to me, but it does also have trappings of magic involved which might make it fit into a definition of religion. From what I remember the use of anti-Christian, demonic style names is symbolic rather than from a belief those beings are real.
I would consider religion a practice ritual. It doesn't matter if people are doing it "ironically" or not.

Religion often has nothing to do with theism, it has more to do with socializing.

As I pointed out before, I'm a theist but I'm areligious.
I'd agree that rituals are a defining attribute of religions to include belief in one or more supernatural beings/entities, practices common to the religions' doctrines, a hierarchy of leadership, etc.

It seems to me that tagging the cult's of LeVay and Scientology is stretching the definition of religion. Remember, for example that Hubbard started Scientology on a bet and had few takers until he found a way to appeal those who had personalities / psychologies that were a "fit" for Dianetics.
This thread proves beyond all doubt that Atheists depend on mockery, ridicule and adolescent quips more often than not to rebut the opposition. How silly can one get?
Actually, this thread proves that fundie zealots must rely on deflection, mis-representation and obfuscation regarding questions to their dogma that are irresolvable.
Atheists seem to draw no distinction between natural and supernatural things. They do not accept that supernatural things exist because they cannot understand them...therefore they do not exist. To say that they do is 'laughable' and subject to ridicule.
Please provide testable evidence that any “supernatural” occurrence has ever, in fact happened. What you may not realize is that the assertion of “supernatural” suggests a different realm, that cannot be tested, cannot be accessed and cannot be quantified or qualified and is therefore no different from describing irrationality.
You know full well that tangible evidence of the supernatural does not exist. The fact that something is supernatural puts it out of the realm of human reason.
Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
I have read many excerpts of Nietszche, though not a whole book at once. Leading up through 50 years of peace until the world wars of the 20th century, the optimism of Hegel was in vogue (the inevitable positive progress of science). After the wars, people re-discovered Nietszche and Kierkegaard, men who uttered the uncomfortable truths that nobody else dared to. Nazi Germany, after all, was the most scientifically advanced and educated country of its time.
Today in America, that Hegelian optimism has crept back. Atheists and non-atheists alike tend to have a favorable view of the inevitability of progress. And in addition, the use of digital technology is completely changing the way our brains function. So, what I find most interesting about your Nietszche quote is not the God is Dead part. It's the next part of that sentence which says, "and we have killed him".

I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.

I'm not a Christian either. I'm a pagan. But, I do like to study the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.
Think about the concept of decaffeinated coffee. The substance is removed that made the drink popular in the first place.

That’s analogous to the 5,000 year evolution of western thought as it relates to humanism. Scripture and debate over scripture has been the primary driver which has brought us to contemporary thought. The atheist removes the original driving force and retains the leftover values and ideals.

What is the fallout of modern atheism, or secular humanism? You only live once, so the importance of this life is paramount. Humanism tends to feed the ego, while traditional religious practices foster an extra-personal identity. It would be a natural progression for the secular humanist to move toward transhumanism. Transhumanism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Without a concept of having faith/trust in a cosmic plan, or a sense of Providence, our future is entirely based on blind random chance. Therefore, it’s entirely up to us to shape the future. Salvation through technology could include dicking with human DNA, geo-engineering, medical fountains of youth, pharmaceutical solutions, bio-machinery, etc..

Transhumanism is the child of secular humanism. That’s one of many consequences of the common themes we find in atheist religions.
The above may find an audience at your local chapter of the Jerry Falwell madrassah, but why would you think anyone else would take it seriously?

Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
You may have 'read' Nietzsche but clearly you didn't understand what you read.

All manifestations of morality, values, and ethical conduct were created by man – whether in the context of religious dogma or not is irrelevant, where those free from faith are perfectly capable of morality, values, and ethical conduct absent any religion at all.

And what does that have to do with my post. I notice you like to give out random pieces of information that barely have anything to do with the discussion in an attempt to make yourself look smart. I was talking about nihilism what the hell does your little diatribe have to do with nihilism? Absolutely nothing. Do have any concept of what a discussion is and how a discussion is framed or do you just go off and say whatever random thing loosely connected to the subject that pops in your head?
Your post was a confused, ignorant rant wherein you hoped to Invoke Nietzsche as supportive of some point you hoped to make. It's clear you don't understand the writings of Nietzsche and never made the effort to actually read his works.
What the heck are you talking about? Nietzsche wrote volumes about how the waning influence and dissolution of Christianity would be problematic for European civilization. Christianity gave Europe meaning and purpose and with it's diminished influence Nietzsche believe that European civilization could be endangered by embracing meaninglessness and purposelessness i.e nihilism. It very obvious that it is you who never read Nietzsche because if you did you would know that he spoke of Christianity and what its dissolution would mean extensively in his works even though he was an atheist.
In my personal experience, fundamentalist Christians are among the last people on the plane who should be lecturing anyone regarding ethics or morality.

Additionally, I find your attitudes about morality and it's derivation to be stereotypical in that you seem to believe your religion is somehow an arbiter of morality and ethics when in a historical sense, Christianity has been a wellspring of hate, derision and the source of divisions.


When have I ever said anything that could be considered fundamentalist?

I call it like I see it. You're free to disagree. But my post about atheism and the reasons why an increasingly atheist world would embrace transhumanism are my own thoughts and words. Nothing was copied and pasted. Nothing about it was stereotypical.

You, on the other hand, don't seem to have any original religion-bashing points. You randomly threw in something about Christians burning the library of Alexandria straight out of the atheist bag of memes. That's not creative.
This thread proves beyond all doubt that Atheists depend on mockery, ridicule and adolescent quips more often than not to rebut the opposition. How silly can one get?
Actually, this thread proves that fundie zealots must rely on deflection, mis-representation and obfuscation regarding questions to their dogma that are irresolvable.
Atheists seem to draw no distinction between natural and supernatural things. They do not accept that supernatural things exist because they cannot understand them...therefore they do not exist. To say that they do is 'laughable' and subject to ridicule.
Please provide testable evidence that any “supernatural” occurrence has ever, in fact happened. What you may not realize is that the assertion of “supernatural” suggests a different realm, that cannot be tested, cannot be accessed and cannot be quantified or qualified and is therefore no different from describing irrationality.
You know full well that tangible evidence of the supernatural does not exist. The fact that something is supernatural puts it out of the realm of human reason.
Why should I accept your claims to the supernatural when you admit your claims are untestable, unverifiable and that I must therefore accept them by way of your "because I say so", admonition.

Every discovery in the history of humanity has had a natural cause. Not a single, verifiable event in human history can be described by conceding "well, this event has no explanation by natural processes therefore, we can say with certainty, the gawds did it"

Feel free to share with us what “supernatural events” we should accept as indicative of a gawdly intervention. That’s actually a rhetorical comment because in my experience religionists are never able provide a meaningful context wherein their particular gawds can be described as the cause of some alleged supernatural event. It can be time consuming to address the confusions and errors inherent in religionist rhetoric and their actual content simply doesn't include anything at all of genuine interest.

So thrill us.
Have you ever read Nietzsche? I doubt you have but what Nietzsche told us is that if God is indeed dead then that has some very serious consequences on society that could ultimately lead us into nihilism.
I have read many excerpts of Nietszche, though not a whole book at once. Leading up through 50 years of peace until the world wars of the 20th century, the optimism of Hegel was in vogue (the inevitable positive progress of science). After the wars, people re-discovered Nietszche and Kierkegaard, men who uttered the uncomfortable truths that nobody else dared to. Nazi Germany, after all, was the most scientifically advanced and educated country of its time.
Today in America, that Hegelian optimism has crept back. Atheists and non-atheists alike tend to have a favorable view of the inevitability of progress. And in addition, the use of digital technology is completely changing the way our brains function. So, what I find most interesting about your Nietszche quote is not the God is Dead part. It's the next part of that sentence which says, "and we have killed him".

I am not a fundie and neither am I a Christian. Do you make assumptions about thing you have no information on? Because it really seems to be a trend with you.

I'm not a Christian either. I'm a pagan. But, I do like to study the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita.

It amazes me how some people actually think that scientific and technological gadgets are going to resolve all the problems that humanity faces. There are some who actually believe that if you throw enough technology at a problem it will magically disappear. I am also amazed how these supposedly rational and logical "freethinkers" actually believe that they can create some sort of utopia based on science and reason. It is utterly laughable how naive these people actually are. Their comedy never stops.

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