Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

Can I have your address, so I can bring you by some literature? LOL!

Can you spare the time away from using the implied violence of the state to keep little girls from praying at school?

You must be vigilant, if you don't crush religious liberty, pretty soon you'll have people singing in public and bringing church bulletins to pizza parlors.

Gaia depends on you to crush religious expression!
"minority of atheists, agnostics and the religiously unaffiliated "
I agreed with you there. A growing minority of religious atheists have established Atheism as a religion that you are free to join.

Just another comedy show by the pseudo-intellectual Bill Maher.

...means nothing. He says nothing that hasn't already been said. He depends on jokes and ridicule to gain favor with his audience of willing idiots.

He happens to be correct on this issue.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

And you'll cut the head off of anyone who says it is on Al Jazeera!

Gaia be praised.

Saying that atheism is a religion is pretty much like saying that Anarchists conspire to take over and run the government....

It would be like being "blinded by shadows"...

It was an open secret that the company had used a paid volunteer to test the plastic glasses. Although they were made using liquid gas technology and were an original copy that looked almost exactly like a more expensive brand, the volunteer thought that they were pretty ugly and that it would be simply impossible for the general public to accept them. On hearing this feedback, the company board was clearly confused and there was a deafening silence. This was a minor crisis and the only choice was to drop the product line.
(Much Ado About English. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2006)
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It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

And you'll cut the head off of anyone who says it is on Al Jazeera!

Gaia be praised.


Two things -- Pothead is a :cuckoo: and (I think) an atheist who prolly can't "come out" here.

It's kind of ironic when a poster on one's ignore list (i.e. someone one doesn't believe in) shows up in a thread about atheism. Irony is ironical.
I think you're a Pisces, probably working for scale. :eusa_shifty:
I bet you drive a Barracuda. With a blown seal.

I think you're a feces - and have blown a, well the rest is obvious, but you hit that report button in the blink of an eye now that you can't neg, so we'll leave it at that.

Would you like some cheese with that whine?
You mentioned impultuous convanescence. Until you told me you made it up I was neutral on the subject. I considered whether it existed or not existed to be equally possible. That is what an Atheist would hold, if your definition were accurate. The possibility of the existence or non-existence of God would be equally possible. Neutral. I have never met an Atheist who was neutral. Of course, it is possible I have but I doubt such a person would care enough about the subject to engage in a conversation on it.

Of course there are negative beliefs. If you believe something is not, that is a negative belief. I believe Jesus is not a god. That's a negative belief. What there is not is a non-belief. So if by non-belief you mean something other than a lack of belief, please clarify it for me.

Your comparisons are meaningless babble. They have absolutely no weight in the discussion.

I'm afraid they do. You considered "impultuous convanescence" and determined that it had no basis for belief. So you don't believe in it -- which is fine, but it doesn't make that disbelief, in itself, a "religion". It would be silly to do so. Same thing. You're not about to found a church for the purpose of knocking on doors to convince people that impultuous convanesence does not exist. It would be pointless.

And that in a nutshell is the point of this thread.

>> I have never met an Atheist who was neutral. Of course, it is possible I have but I doubt such a person would care enough about the subject to engage in a conversation on it. <<

-- which perfectly illustrates the nonexistence of a religion called "Atheism" and explains why they walk among us unnoticed. And puts the lie to the mythology of "proselytizing atheists". Because, again, it's by definition a personal conclusion, not a communal one.

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

Believe it or not, atheism a belief, atheists believe there are no gods. That is not a lack of belief, a lack of belief would be saying "I don't know if there are any gods or not." Intelligent people recognize a difference between not knowing and saying something does not exist, which is why we have words for people who fit into both categories. I realize things like this confuse idiots, but I keep hoping you will rise above your limitations and learn something new.
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asaratis said:

...means nothing. He says nothing that hasn't already been said. He depends on jokes and ridicule to gain favor with his audience of willing idiots.

This post means Maher was on target.
I actively try to convince people to tell the truth and only share knowledge they can prove to be true.

I don't mind people using their imagination as long as they lable it so.

Many people are gulible or or living in fear and willing to grasp at straws. It is immoral to offer them false hope. They tend to give up on improving their situations and just resign themselves to having a better life after they are dead. That is called fraud.

Do you promote truth or fraud?

By defining belief as imagination you promote fraud.
Why are the religists so desperate to label atheism a religion?

We don't share ANY of the definitions of that type of an organization that they live by and enjoy all of the priviledges allowed by law.

We don't have anything like a bible.

We think and speak for ourselves as individuals.

We have no myths to defend.

we don't threaten anyone that there will be eternal punnishement for not adhereing to some made up tenents.

If I as an idividual that does not believe in the possibility of a sky fairy am a religion of one I want the same government subsidies accorded any other religion.

You can call me a religion of one if it pleases you as soon as all I have to do is apply to the government for religious status and start enjoying the tax free life. I would love to get donations of real estate and other real property without having to pay anything in gift taxes.
I actively try to convince people to tell the truth and only share knowledge they can prove to be true.

I don't mind people using their imagination as long as they lable it so.

Many people are gulible or or living in fear and willing to grasp at straws. It is immoral to offer them false hope. They tend to give up on improving their situations and just resign themselves to having a better life after they are dead. That is called fraud.

Do you promote truth or fraud?

By defining belief as imagination you promote fraud.

In what crazy alternate reality is that anything like a valid comparison?

Has religion eaten a big hole in your ability to think clearly and rationally?

That is a sad situation. Maybe if you reject all that religious nonsense your brain will heal.

Good luck!
You mentioned impultuous convanescence. Until you told me you made it up I was neutral on the subject. I considered whether it existed or not existed to be equally possible. That is what an Atheist would hold, if your definition were accurate. The possibility of the existence or non-existence of God would be equally possible. Neutral. I have never met an Atheist who was neutral. Of course, it is possible I have but I doubt such a person would care enough about the subject to engage in a conversation on it.

Of course there are negative beliefs. If you believe something is not, that is a negative belief. I believe Jesus is not a god. That's a negative belief. What there is not is a non-belief. So if by non-belief you mean something other than a lack of belief, please clarify it for me.

Your comparisons are meaningless babble. They have absolutely no weight in the discussion.

I'm afraid they do. You considered "impultuous convanescence" and determined that it had no basis for belief. So you don't believe in it -- which is fine, but it doesn't make that disbelief, in itself, a "religion". It would be silly to do so. Same thing. You're not about to found a church for the purpose of knocking on doors to convince people that impultuous convanesence does not exist. It would be pointless.

And that in a nutshell is the point of this thread.

>> I have never met an Atheist who was neutral. Of course, it is possible I have but I doubt such a person would care enough about the subject to engage in a conversation on it. <<

-- which perfectly illustrates the nonexistence of a religion called "Atheism" and explains why they walk among us unnoticed. And puts the lie to the mythology of "proselytizing atheists". Because, again, it's by definition a personal conclusion, not a communal one.

You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.

Believe it or not, atheism a belief, atheists believe there are no gods. That is not a lack of belief, a lack of believe would be saying "I don't know if there are any gods or not." Intelligent people recognize a difference between not knowing and saying something does not exist, which is why we have words for people who fit into both categories. I realize things like this confuse idiots, but I keep hoping you will rise above your limitations and learn something new.

As soon as you show me solid evidence that there's a God, I'll believe it.
No I do not.
I believe I know what the word "atheism" means, and that you do not. That's what I believe.

What, exactly, do you believe atheism means?

FYI, Merriam Webster defines it this way.

: a person who believes that God does not exist​

In other words, atheism is a belief, not a lack of belief. That makes you belief that you know it means a lack of belief wrong.

Sucks to be you, doesn't it?

Couple of y'all seem to have a strange predilection for telling other people what they believe.

I actually have a strange predilection for not letting other people redefine words at whim.

Why is that exactly?

Because I understand that the only way people can communicate is if words have meanings.

Sucks to be you yet again.

No it has not. Come up with something that is not a Composition Fallacy. Which is what the rest of this post is.

Because the idiot who doesn't know what atheism means has decided that every attempt to prove how stupid he is is a fallacy, none of which changes the fact that, legally, atheism is a religion. If that bothers you I suggest you convert to assholism.

Wait, you already have.

And/or please to answer the several-daze-old question, "what would be the point"?

Why does there have to be a point?
Two things -- Pothead is a :cuckoo: and (I think) an atheist who prolly can't "come out" here.

It's kind of ironic when a poster on one's ignore list (i.e. someone one doesn't believe in) shows up in a thread about atheism. Irony is ironical.

Actually Huffer, I am one of the more sane characters around here. That case of oven cleaner each week keeps you well out of "sane territory."

I have stated on every occasion that I am agnostic. Unlike you, I have no faith.

But do continue with your proselytizing....
Why are the religists so desperate to label atheism a religion?

We don't share ANY of the definitions of that type of an organization that they live by and enjoy all of the priviledges allowed by law.

We don't have anything like a bible.

We think and speak for ourselves as individuals.

We have no myths to defend.

we don't threaten anyone that there will be eternal punnishement for not adhereing to some made up tenents.

If I as an idividual that does not believe in the possibility of a sky fairy am a religion of one I want the same government subsidies accorded any other religion.

You can call me a religion of one if it pleases you as soon as all I have to do is apply to the government for religious status and start enjoying the tax free life. I would love to get donations of real estate and other real property without having to pay anything in gift taxes.

For a bunch of wags who claim "atheists are preaching", some of 'em sure put a lot of time and effort into starting atheist-bashing threads last night, which kinda begs the question of who's preaching who....

How would you "preach atheism" anyway? Knock on the door and then just stand there and say nothing?
Sounds like an easy gig.

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